Michael Cockrum's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Michael Cockrum's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003
    6:24 am
    I just did an interview, and let me just say I've been getting quite a response to it. Lemme just quote Wil here: "I would have loved t. probe you on what you meant by you can count on hate and that's good for some people". I guess my thinking is quite weird...hate...what a shame...
    Sunday, March 9th, 2003
    5:44 am
    A large black dragon is DEAD!!
    You are awarded 409231 experience points for the battle.

    Beat that!
    Saturday, March 8th, 2003
    6:04 am
    Lol, who would've thought I was fishfood? :D
    Hey, I'm Fishfood! I co-founded Z2, the current archive for ZZT games for the whole community. I enjoy yelling at idiots like MadTom and not caring about #misanthropy ops.
    Which ZZTer are you?
    Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
    5:25 am
    atroonline.com has come back!
    Friday, February 21st, 2003
    1:52 am
    Current Dark Realm Status (My MUD)...
    Hello! Welcome to the Dark Realm X MUD! This MUD will provide

    with hours of enjoyment! First, please login. If this is your first time

    using the MUD, please type new for your username!

    Enter your characters name:

    Enter your characters password:

    Latest News



    Welcome to Dark Realm X! Please not that we aren't

    responsible for any and all damage you or your computer

    might incur as a result of using this software or any

    of the services. Also, please not that this computer

    and all access to it is a , not a right.

    Any unlawful acts WILL get you banned. You've been

    warned. Enjoy!










    <35hp 20mp>









    * roastBoof is here.

    <35hp 20mp>









    <35hp 20mp>

    * You leave north.

    Gateway to the City of Dritan

    A large gateway is here. It seems to be roughened-up by the long eons it has

    stood, but it seems to be in excellent condition. You also notice on it that

    there are many cryptic words that you cannot make out.



    A Sign sits here.

    <35hp 20mp>

    You telepath roastBoof 'hi!'

    <35hp 20mp>

    Of course this is all in color, and this stupid thing doesn't use a fixed width font,
    but still, the telepath command works!
    Wednesday, February 19th, 2003
    3:04 am
    Dreams and what they mean (part 2)
    Guess what, I had another dream last night. This one so great. First, lemme just say it's short, but fucked up. There was a BIG storm outside. That's nice, who cares... Anyway, me and my friend saw the news and they said something about a nuclear bomb going off on the east coast somewhere. We laugh about it then begin playing some PSX video game (GT2?). Anyway, we see a big bright light for a second and then hear the thunder. All of a sudden, we see another bright light, this time just staying on, and we hop to the floor screaming "It's the nuke!". A few seconds later, I wake up (apparently I died).

    I know this sounds funny and all, but I'm seriously worried. All, and I mean all of my dreams come true. :(

    I told my neighbor this and she got mad at me saying I shouldn't say stuff like I'm gonna die. Oh, well.
    Saturday, February 15th, 2003
    5:04 am
    Med...is like sticking your penis in 2 chinese sluts....
    Heh, what a silly game Medievia is. I'm like slutting it down with all the other cool nerds that play.

    The haxor handle of Michael Cockrum is "C@ble Sn@k3".

    What's yours? Enter your name:

    I like that lesbian music video. >:D

    Current Mood: nerdy
    Current Music: t.A.t.U. - All The Things She Said
    Thursday, February 13th, 2003
    4:09 pm
    Dreams and what they mean
    As we all know (or may not know), my dreams come true 100% of the time. You might find this fascinating, I personally find this annoying. I don't care what's gonna happen in the future. Anway, I start school in July. I'm going for Computer and Network Systems Technology, you know, that silly subject that pretty much teaches you everything about computers (not that I already didn't know ;D ). Anyway, in my dream, the girl that sat next to me was Britany Spears. And what's even worse was I didn't get messed up around her like I do most other girls. Then I left the classroom and was in my room.

    So I sit on the edge of my bed to watch a movie (it looked like The Fifth Element). All of a sudden, a girl I like likr 4 years ago in 9th grade sits beside me and we start making out. My brother walks in, so she goes downstairs to sleep (it's like 4am). I wake her up around 6:30 to go to school.

    I think the worse part about this though is the fact that:
    a) I haven't really thought about her in the last 3 years.
    b) I don't ever see us together.
    c) What the fuck was BS doing in my dream at school for networking talking to me?
    d) Why the hell did I wake up feeling like my heart is empty?

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: Billy Joel - Piano Man
    Monday, February 3rd, 2003
    2:32 am
    Some fun stuff...
    Well, I got some new speakers. They go up to 103dB. Quite loud I might add. Comes with a 1337 sub also. Now, for some fun.

    Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin

    I'm Fig Newton.
    What drug are you?
    quiz by midgetfarm.com

    which song describes you the best?

    which musicgenre fits to you?

    Take the test, by Emily.

    Friday, January 24th, 2003
    3:13 pm
    Okay, what the fuck..
    So I've been having these weird dreams lately. Today, I was in Great Britian, in school. Me and my friend (Steve) were desk partners. ANYWAY, the teacher was like "Okay, now tell use about somebody you like or used to like" and I was thinking about a girl i used to love. Then I was like "I don't know how to convert pounds to kilograms" and she's like "you know how much a mole is?" So I'm like "isn't it like 6.45 or 2.67 x10^23 or something" and she's like "erm, i meant the animal". I'm like "OOOHHHH!" Then she goes "that's how much a kilogram weighs" and I'm like "what the fuck?" So I end up saying I was friends with this friend of mine Evan and that he weighed 5KG. I never talked about the girl, then I work up.

    Current Mood: curious
    1:31 am
    Sunday, January 19th, 2003
    2:09 am
    Work is okay I guess. Some silly girls there. ;)

    Anyway, I have like 30 tv show episodes to watch that I downloaded.. At least I have Monday off to watch them.

    Enjoy life!

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Lee Greenwood - My country tis of thee
    Friday, January 17th, 2003
    1:17 am
    Work was boring, but I almost killed myself on the way home. :D

    Micro was a real-time operator and dedicated multi-user. His
    broad-band protocol made it easy for him to interface with numerous
    input/output devices, even if it meant time-sharing.

    One evening he arrived home just as the sun was crashing, and
    had parked his Motorola 68000 in the main drive (he had missed the
    5100 bus that morning), when he noticed an elegant piece of
    liveware admiring the daisy wheels in his garden. He thought to
    himself, "She looks user-friendly. I'll see if she'd like an
    update tonight."

    Mini was her name, and she was delightfully engineered with
    eyes like COBOL (**** Miranda ***) and a PR1ME mainframe architecture
    that set Micro's peripherals networking all over the place.

    He browsed over to her casually, admiring the power of her
    twin, 32-bit floating point processors and enquired "How are you,
    Honeywell?" "Yes, I am well", she responded, batting her optical
    fibers engagingly and smoothing her console over her curvilinear

    Micro settled for a straight line approximation. "I'm
    stand-alone tonight," he said, "How about computing a vector to my
    base address? I'll output a byte to eat, and maybe we could get
    offset later on."

    Mini ran a priority process for 2.6 milliseconds then
    transmitted 8k, "I've been dumped myself recently, and a new page
    is just what I need to refresh my disks. I'll park my machine
    cycle in your background and meet you inside." She walked off,
    leaving Micro admiring her solenoids and thinking, "Wow, what a
    global variable, I wonder if she'd like my firmware?"

    They sat down at the process table to a top of form feed of
    fiche and chips and a bucket of baudot. Mini was in conversational
    mode and expanded on ambiguous arguments while Micro gave
    occasional acknowledgments although, in reality, he was analyzing
    the shortest and least critical path to her entry point. He
    finally settled on the old would_you_like_to_see_my_benchmark
    routine, but Mini was again one step ahead.

    Suddenly she was up and stripping off her parity bits to reveal
    the full functionality of her operating system software. "Let's
    get BASIC, you RAM," she said. Micro was loaded by this stage, but
    his hardware policing module had a processor of it's own and was in
    danger of overflowing its output buffer, a hang-up that Micro had
    consulted his analyst about. "Core," was all he could say, as she
    prepared to log him off.

    Micro soon recovered, however, when Mini went down on the DEC
    and opened her divide files to reveal her data set ready. He
    accessed his fully packed root device and was just about to start
    pushing into her CPU stack, when she attempted an escape sequence.

    "No, No!" she cried, "You're not shielded."

    "Reset, baby", he replied, "I've been debugged."

    "But I haven't got my current loop enabled, and I can't support
    child processes," she protested.

    "Don't run away", he said, "I'll generate an interrupt."

    "No that's too error prone, and I can't abort because of my
    design philosophy."

    Micro was locked in by this stage though, and could not be
    turned off. But Mini soon stopped his thrashing by introducing a
    voltage spike into his main supply, whereupon he fell over with a
    head crash and went to sleep.

    "Computers!" she thought as she compiled herself, "All they ever
    think of is hex."

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Laziest Men On Mars - All Your Base Are Belong To U
    Wednesday, January 15th, 2003
    5:51 am
    2:41 am
    Lol, wtf:
    what's YOUR deepest secret?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: Petey Pablo - Raise Up (All Cities Remix Dirty)
    1:13 am
    My birthday was good, well...almost. My dad and sister were in a wreck and had to go to the hospital. Apparently their fine, but still...
    Tuesday, January 14th, 2003
    5:47 am

    Take the Which Drug are you? Test
    5:30 am
    Happy Birthday!
    To me! I'm 19 now! My parents brought me home this desk.. It must weigh like 600 pounds...I just spent the last 5.5 hours putting it together, but it is super huge. I could fit probably 5 monitors across it!

    Current Mood: hot
    Monday, January 13th, 2003
    4:01 pm
    Lol, wtf?
    I now have a beta for The Sims Online. I'm still wondering how it came into my possession...

    I found it on my desk yesterday. Heh.
    7:28 am
    I love venting onto girls. Thanks Debz!

    Current Mood: chipper
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