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i don't got much [Oct. 15th, 2003|07:31 pm]
[mood | bored]

but i must say that turkey day did me in...almost 4 pounds in!

i've only got 5 pounds to go until i've lost 50. i am well over due...but i guess that i cannot complain. if it wasn't so hard to stay motivated it would be gone in 2 weeks. but i cannot. the weekends are not my friend.

a friend, userinfosabine_strohem posted this in her journal. i read up on it, and my conclusion is that it's a totally awesome cause. i love buying little things for kids, and if i can make a child's day that doesn't have much...than that would make me feel super good on christmas because they aren't materialistic, they don't care how big and pricey their toys are...they'd be happy with anything.
too bad more people weren't like that in this world. i mean there are tonnes of people out there that aren't...but there are soo many that are.
definitely check it out...it's worth the click!

Operation Christmas Child

anyhoo...i am not much in the mood for posting or being on the computer for much longer.

have a good night


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happy t-turkey lurkey day canadian pals [Oct. 13th, 2003|05:41 pm]
[mood | hungry]

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE (in Canada)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notice...the turkey is smiling? and isn't dead, and is serving fish lol:P...we had VEAT breasts yesterday. too bad little ol medicine hat doesn't have tofurkey's.

hope everyone had a wonderful day with your families and friends.
we had a pretty decent turkey day with the family, when i didn't want to kill anyone. it was a bit of a nightmare this year...but i guess it happens.

i am in snacky mode...i think that the c.ponies are coming outta the corral soon, so that might explain why i have a never ending pit in my tummy, and an ache in my back?

back to work tommorrow. at least it's a short week:D
i cannot wait, for me and jeff's anniversary, not a big one, in november we're going to go to calgary for a few days. i cannot wait, we seldomly ever do anything like that.

anyhoodles...hope everyone is good today:D
i am good, a little tired...but good.

btw: jeff bought us some really cool chuck paliniuk books that we didn't have. and me the jeffrey cassie cd. he's a sweetie:D
and i love him to death, even though i was a poo to him yesterday.


l8er gators

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yawn [Oct. 11th, 2003|04:08 pm]
[mood | accomplished]

the house is almost clean for everyone to come over for turkey day festivities.

i hate cleaning sometimes, but i put some rocking tunes on...and cleaned away. boy! does that ever make a difference.

today jeff's ma and i went to value village to case out the halloween schtuff. got a majority of what i needed to get for my costume, plus 2 very cool sweaters.

jeff should be on his was back from calgary. they went up to get their shirts fixed.
instead of one shot left, they were printed one sho left.

he called me this morning...he bought me something. but it wasn't from the disney store:(
that's like one of my very favourite stores.
oh well, i will letcha know what he got me.

anyhoo have an awesome night. i am off to feed my tum tum


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that was AWESOME!!!! [Oct. 9th, 2003|10:59 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |oakley's sqeeky toy]

jeff's ma and i went to see the rocky horror picture show at the college theatre. the acting was just awesome.
it was the best $15 bux i have spent in a long time.

the place was packed, there might have been like, 3 people that were mildly dressed up in the audience. but still, everyone seemed to have the same comments. we were all in agreeance, it was well done.

today was a good day:D
my cd burned was broken, so they ordered me a new one. it's pretty...i really like it. it burns really fast too. it was like christmas. i ripped right into the darn thing.
i think that my flyer is pretty much done. i've given it to my supervisor and another guy to look over so i can make corrections and such.

i also got my first real paycheque. it was just about 650. that means about 13-1400 a month. that could be scary...i will have more money to buy things for xmas, myself etc...what to do???? i defintely need more clothes. i am shrinking out of most of mine.
i am going to look at this place called phase 2, it's a second hand store...but she carries newer clothes for cheap. i will also hit up my normals. zellers, walmart and maybe even warehouse one.
and very possibly without a doubt a shoe store. and in my travels i have to check out the fabric store and value village for stuff to put together my halloween costume. i am excited that halloweeen falls on a friday.
i really want to dress up for work, but i doubt that anyone else would.
well, they might...but who knows?

anyhoo...i best get my keester off to bed. last day till a 4 day weekend.

nite nite


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i need to update more... [Oct. 8th, 2003|10:21 pm]
[mood | busy]

this is just going to be a quick one to say that i am sorry to all of you...i haven't been on here much lately. i am super busy this week.

tonight i went to my first tigers game of the season...it was pretty good for the most part.

tommorrow night there's a theatre group that's putting on the rocky horror picture show...me and jeff's mom are going.

i will post more soon...not to mention try to catch up on journals. if there's anything that i might have missed...please let me know, give me heck whatever.

gotta run, have to shower so that i can sleep in tommorrow a little longer.

nite nite

miss ya's


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a big warm... [Oct. 1st, 2003|06:31 pm]
[mood | calm]

happy birthday!!!!!

goes out to userinfocelticdragon tommorrow. have a wonderful day.

i would post something...but i don't feel much like looking at a computer screen right now because i have been staring at one the last 2 days for 8 hours.

have a good night:D


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anyone read guitar world???? [Sep. 27th, 2003|09:10 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |tigers hockey]

or even watch conan o'brian???

jeff pointed out to me last night...featured in his new issue of guitar world.

triumph the comic insult dog is coming out with an album
60 minutes of music for him to poop on...

it's called COME POOP WITH ME!


i cannot wait

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soo... [Sep. 27th, 2003|05:11 pm]
[mood | happy]

i have worked 2 days at my new job. and i think that i will really like it.
it's a little overwhelming right now, but i am sure thankful for the girl that i am replacing still being around.

everyone is very nice and very friendly.
and i have had sooo much chocolate thrown in my face...it's tough! but, so far so good.
though, it's the when i get home thing that's tough.

well, for those of you who live in western canada...and have a nutters in your city the forst of the xmas flyers is going to be mine. so if you think it's ugly be nice...it's my first one.

have an awesome weekend.

go tigers go!

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drum roll please... [Sep. 23rd, 2003|10:09 am]
[mood | ecstatic]
[music |and nervous, scared, excited etc...]

the moment you've all been waiting for....

Read more... )

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lady luck... [Sep. 22nd, 2003|10:59 am]
[mood | nervous]

must be in my corner????

when it rains it pours, but i think that the sun might be shining my way today.
i got a call from that design job guy today asking if i would have time to meet with him today.

now i am sure that that's a good thing...but i don't want to assume anything. but this could mean that i am going to be working in my field, or it could mean that i am getting the thanks for applying but...in person?

anyhoo, wish me luck...my appointments at 11:30. i am nervous...and am really hoping to put all my eggs in one basket if ya know what i mean?

hope everyone else has some sort of good thing happen to them on a monday...because i am hoping for all of you



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~*brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*~ [Sep. 16th, 2003|06:22 pm]
[mood | hungry]

heavy snowfall warning huh???
i do not get the weather somedays. we're under heavy snowfall warning and midway across the country it's warm. we live in the prairies...shouldn't we be having hot weather?

oh well, it's supposed to warm up this weekend, or at least later this week. i cannot wait! don't get me wrong, i love hoodie weather. but i would like to encounter fall first.

haven't heard back about that job yet...if i haven't by thursday, i guess i will call them. i do not like this call back thing, but what can you do??

nothing much is new with me.
jeff and i hung out after work. had lunch at quiznos, they have some tastey salads. ok, i just went for the peppers at the end...but it was still yummy!!! then we went to value village after work to check out the costumes that they had there.
i think that i might be marg simpson? i want to be something cool...but i don't have many cool ideas.
we also stopped at safeway, on our way in some guys car was having issues so we pushed him out of traffic...they have new money's veggie burgers. they're made with soy, so they have more protein in them. i am going to have to track down the bocas again...i love them so! also bought some so soya stuff, and yogurt. i love yoplait's source, drewls.
anyhoo...this is kinda a boring post. but i am going to try and post more often.

l8er gators

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ooops [Sep. 14th, 2003|02:43 pm]
i forgot to mention the other day, maybe because i was mad?
anyhooo...the other day wednesday marked the official day that i became an albertan. :(

i liked my pretty blue plates better...
though my alberta plates are kinda funny.
it's my sheep mobile...the letters are BAA then 3 numbers. hee hee:P
made me giggle that's for sure.

the weekend's over, it wasn't really eventful or anything. hope everyone else had a good one.

i will post a pic of the new licence i have...it sucks!

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*brrrrrrr* [Sep. 12th, 2003|04:59 pm]
[mood | cranky]

it's a chilly one today...it's a high of like 10.
don't get me wrong, i am not complaining...it's just a different change. i mean it's been going to the 20's, and cooling off at night. though today i am just really chilled.
fall can't come yet...i have no idea even what i want to be for hallowe'en. i think that i will go to value village and case it out maybe even tommorrow. i hope to find a cool costume:D

so, not that you are all dying to know...but the computer shite yesterday was no fun. i had to make a mock ad, though i haven't touched the computer in a while, especially a mac. the basic layout was ok, but the bg i made wasn't so hot.
if they do the hiring based on that, i am not all that sure that they would even look twice at me.
oh well, if i get it...awesome:D if not, it was a good experience and i shouldn't complain. maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
it was nice knowing that i was in the final few anyway:D

enter if you dare...venting in here )

well, the weekend is upon me...and the house is a stye. i'm gunna get off my arse and get on top of that.

have a great weekend...think of me when you're sleeping in tommorrow, because i am working again.


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updates... [Sep. 8th, 2003|08:23 pm]
[mood | calm]

thank you again for all your confidence in me:D

the 2nd interview went ok, i think?
they said my work was creative...and asked me all sorts of questions. i do not feel qualified in a lot of aspects of the job.
they said it was down to me and about 3 other people.

i am supposed to go back thursday to go over computer stuff with the girl that's leaving. though, i am not sure what that means.
they're probably asking the remainder of people to come back for that same reason.
will update you on that later in the week.

we hired someone new at work today...though i sorta wish we didn't have to. i am quite content working 9-7 every day. it poops me out, but it's hours. the girl seems nice, she comes in tommorrow and i will be helping train her.
so, that's all the work related schtuff that's going down.

friday night jeff's band played.
i missed the first band...but that's fine by me. when i was on my way to the cafe, i guess jeff's friend noticed me walking.
he was like "is that tiff??", then proceeded to houl. jeff replied, "yah she's lost a lot of weight". his friend i guess said that i look really good...
how shallow are guys???? this is my proof! yea it's nice being noticed...but what was so wrong with me 45lbs ago? so anyhooo
they were playing with a bass player so it sounded way better. it was his first show ever so he was pretty nervous. i love watching them play, they are one of my very favourite bands.
i even bought myself 2 new shirts...oooops! their new merch rocks as usual! jeff's sooo good at that! he's the bestest all around:D
after the show we went to lizards for some kareoke. we got there kinda late...so it went by fast.
i had to work in the morning so i didn't drink...not to mention i was driving.

saturday night we went to bp's. i haven't been there forever! we spilt a team pitcher between 4 of us...i had 2 glasses.
then it was off to a hot tub party...which i didn't take part.
i drank a lot that night...and had a grand old time:D

sunday was mission: family guy dvd!
jeff and i went everywhere looking for volume 1. no such luck:(
we did however find volume 2 at walmart. its release date wasn't until tommorrow...why walfart had it early is beyond me?
on the way home we stopped and bought some taber corn...and came home to watch family guy.
i don't find it as funny all the time as the simpsons...but it's still pretty decent.

i had tooo many starches yesterday, not to mention salty/ fatty foods. ooops! i had KD, and side kick potatos. oh well, c'est la vie! i have been getting closer to my goal of 149...but every time i get close i cheat! it will come, i know it will. though, i am getting very impatient.

anyhoo...i just wanted to appologize for not commenting. i haven't been near the computer much lately. i will try to get caught up soon.

hope all is well with all of you...

tommorrow i go broke! i get my insurance. woo hoo:(

have a gooder


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you guys are the best... [Sep. 4th, 2003|11:15 pm]
[mood | nervous]
[music |and worrying as usual]

it must have been all the faith that you had in me...and i appreciate it more than i can ever describe.

today marked the one week mark of my interview. my boss told me that i have to do a follow up call because sometimes that will help ya out.
so i did. i got up the balls...which i have never done before, and called. the guy that interviewed me was on lunch. i figured that i wouldn't hear back from him. sure enough, he proved me wrong.
he phones, i said i was in last week for an interview and i was wondering if the position had been filled. he said no! i was surprised. he had mentioned that he planned to call me right away, apparently they've had a lot of 2nd interviews.
he asked if i could come tommorrow, i said that i was stuck at work all day tommorrow, but have a break from 10:30 t0 11:30. she said, oh well if you can come in at 11...so it's on.
i have a chance to save my ass tommorrow.
he mentioned if i have any work that i want to bring, i said yes. and told him i had it in the car the last time, but got nervous and forgot it. he kinda chuckled. i will duct tape it to my arm if i have to...

i am a little concerned because i only have a select few pieces. maybe 10. i am sure there are ppl with a tonne there. but i feel that i have a decent enough variety, and they can get a glimpse of what i am capable of(i love jeff...he's the best motivation tool i have...he told me that. he's the BEST!).

well, i guess that i should get me ass to bed seeing as i have an extremely long day tommorrow.

thank you all again for the encouragement. i don't know what i would do without it.


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[Sep. 3rd, 2003|10:02 pm]
and because i am a complete blonde....

i don't want to neglect wishing userinfomandelion a very happy bday ...

hope it was a terrific day sweetie
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do dooo dooo dooo [Sep. 3rd, 2003|08:33 pm]
[mood | blah]

first off...

even though it's not until tommorrow. happy bday userinfomajesticlady911

anyhoo...i haven't heard back from that job. i'm gunna do a follow up call tommorrow. it must have been the portfolio thing etc...i am soo disappointed. maybe i am not cut out for this????
i know some of you are thinking that it's one interview...but every interview i've had for this type of job i haven't gotten:(

i've been working 9hrs everyday this week...so that's good. i take the car for the out of town inspection tommorrow.
i don't know why, but all of a sudden i am feeling a little down.

one shot left got new merch...there's 2 shirts that i want. they're all pretty cool! i got paid...not that i get to see any of it.

sorry, i am just feeling a little blah. i am just remembering all the expenses that i have coming up. it bums me out because i thought that i was ahead!

hope all of you had an awesome day

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labour day??? try labour weekend.... [Sep. 1st, 2003|08:05 pm]
[mood | exhausted]

wow, i've barely been on here much.
we've been busy all weekend trying to clean up the basement/laundry room.

we're getting a new washed and dryer so we wanted to clean up the room and finish it. i've been a jack of all trades this weekend. i was a painter, a dry waller, a carpenter, a cleaner, a carpet tearer upper, and a trash carrier.
the gross carpet is FINALLY outta there...the basement looks a thousand times better.
i'm just waiting for the floor to dry in the laundry room so that i can sweep it, and get it finished so we can paint it. i've got the second coat on the last wall...
*phew* i am exausted...i will be glad to have this completely all DONE!

i'm a little worried that i won't hear from that guy that interviewed me. i work every day this week all day probably, so that means i am limited in what i can do.
i've got that out of town inspection on my car, which is going to run me $130 that i don't have at the moment. than i have got to get insurance...which is just under $400. YIPES!!!! no fun for me for a long time.

i think that as soon as i have a spare moment i will go run my resume over to the hospital. i am sure that they are still looking for casual workers in house keeping. and $13 an hour a few hours a week, i can totally suck it up.

well, back to the "labour" day festivities.
hope you all ahd a good day:D


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do not rush... [Aug. 28th, 2003|08:05 pm]
[mood | confused]
[music |and disappointed in myself]

or else you end up forgetting valuable things in the car!!!


i was nervous, and rushed. i ended up forgetting my portfolio in the car.
i was sooo worried come the hour before the interview. my guts were turning...i was shakey.

2:25 i arrived, or at least that's what the clock in my car said. i went in, asked for the gentleman that i needed to see. she took me as far as she could, and i just was tooo nervous.

it dawned on me when i sat down in the office that i had forgotten my portfolio in the car. i crossed my fingers and hoped and prayed...but sure enough they asked.
the guy brought the girl that was leaving to sit in on the interview. he had a quick phone call to make, so i tried to strike up a conversation with her. tried to smile a lot. make responses, smart ones, to her comments.
the guy was finally done his call. asked me a few things about me, my experiences, etc...
i felt like an ASS when the girl asked me for some samples. i explained that i had forgotten them in the car, and that i could run and grab them if need be. they both said no, this is more or less like a get to meet you interview...and that they would be having 2nd interviews with select candidates.

i think that i may have blown it by not having any of my work with me. near the end they asked if they could give me a call at my job next week, i also offered my cell phone number. and also said that they would be for surely calling me next week. who hasn't heard that before????

this job seems pretty decent. i wouldn't mind working on the computer and stuff again. *crosses fingers* i really hope that i get the call...they asked if they could call my references, is that a good sign???

oh me, oh my...

*big sigh*

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interviews... [Aug. 27th, 2003|08:00 pm]
[mood | nervous]
[music |and scared too]

does anyone ever get used to them???
i still get the jitters, i am very jittery.

i am going, tommorrow, for my 2nd or 3rd graphicky type interview.
there was a posting a week or so ago for a graphic designer. i emailed my resume thinking that i wasn't going to hear back. well, i was pretty pumped last night when jeff called and gave me the message that the dood called.

so i returned the call, sure enough tommorrow at 2:30 i have an interview.
do i bring the portfolio??? i am sure that i should. but i am not sure that i need it. i just don't know. i mean it was for a graphic artist. so, maybe i don't need one.

*grabs hair* i am just sooo confused!!!!!!!!!! (not to mention SCARED!)

cross your fingers, this is a full time position in my field!!!!!!

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