What to say?   
04:36am 17/09/2003
mood: loved
Well, today at 1:30pm, I will have been married for one month. What more can you say, than that I am happily married? I guess Happy One Month Anniversary, Love!! Hmm, does that sounds strange? I never used to think I would get married, but look how things have changed, eh? I love Lee Anne and I am glad she is my wife. I love you, babe.
Use A Feather: 3 Tickles - Tickle Me..
Wow, how young I am!   
11:51am 09/09/2003
mood: curious
My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Oh, this is too funny!!!   
11:57pm 04/09/2003
mood: amused
Thanks to Kubbylass, for this one!!!

Bugs Bunny
You should have sex with BUGS BUNNY!
classic cartoon character, Bugs could please
you with his wit and suave personality he seems
to take on when dealing with females he's
interested in.
Who better to have sex with
than a rabbit? (as the rabbit vibrator will
Only way it would be better was if
he was a jackrabbit.

(completed ) Which cartoon character should you have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Not another quiz?!   
05:39am 31/08/2003
mood: amused
you are tears

Blood, Sweat, and Tears
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Use A Feather: 1 Tickle - Tickle Me..
Grokked another quiz.   
05:15am 30/08/2003
mood: amused
The Sixth Doctor
You are the Sixth Doctor: Quite unstable and
aggressive from time to time, most certainly
stubborn and conceited all the time. You have a
bit of the First Doctor's piss and vinegar,
though you'd hate to hear what he would have to
say about your clothes. Despite your
shortcomings, you are a cunning, forceful, and
resolute do-gooder, constantly upstaging
adversaries that are openly disdainful of your
taste and abilities. The poor fools.

Which Incarnation of the Doctor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Best Year of Our Lives   
04:57am 30/08/2003
mood: amused
I get such a thrill
When you look in my eyes
My heart skips a beat, girl
I feel so alive
Please tell me baby
If all this is true
'Cause deep down inside
All I wanted was you

Ohhhh...Makes me wanna dance
Ohhhh...It's a new romance
Ohhhh...I look into your eyes
Ohhhh...Best years of our lives

When we first met
I could hardly believe
The things that would happen
That we could achieve
So let's be together
For all of our time
We'll go out so thankful
That you are still mine

Ohhhh...Makes me wanna dance
Ohhhh...It's a new romance
Ohhhh...I look into your eyes
Ohhhh...Best years of our lives

My world's a better place
'Cause I know you're mine
This love is so real
And it's no surprise

Come on and say, "Yeah"
I got a song
'Cause through the years
I'll be right by your side

Ohhhh...Makes me wanna dance
Ohhhh...It's a new romance
Ohhhh...I look into your eyes
Ohhhh...Best years of our lives

See, you always consider me
Like a ogre, nothing
And treat me
Like a Notre Dame
I says why
I helped you keep my shine on
A perky little something
To keep my mind on
'Cause you had my mind gone

Aa-aa, aa-aa, aa-aa
Turn the lights on Come on baby
Let’s just rewind the song
'Cause all I wanna do is make
The rest years the best years
All night long

Ohhhh...Makes me wanna dance
Ohhhh...It's a new romance
Ohhhh...I look into your eyes
Ohhhh...Best years of our lives

Ohhhh...Makes me wanna dance
Ohhhh...It's a new romance
Ohhhh...I look into your eyes
Ohhhh...Best years of our lives

By Baja Men
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Yo Dude!!!!   
04:55pm 28/08/2003
mood: cynical
Well, it's going on like two weeks now that I have been married, and you know what? Other than the fact that I love Lee even more, not much has changed, other than trying to get used to a ring on my left hand, third finger. Hmm, so when does your life change after you get married? Oh well, I don't care if it does or not, cuz I love Lee, like there is no tomorrow. Ain't love grand? I hope to post a pic or two sometime, but I gotta find a way to scan one, and upload it somewhere. I wish I had a scanner, wouldn't that be a wonderful wedding present? If anyone feels like sending me a wedding present, a scanner would be good!! Hehe, just kidding, unless anyone really wants to send Lee and I a present.

Life has been good, but work kinda sucks. I have been sick the last two days, and can I get one of them off, to heal? Hell, no!! My boss can't cover a day, cuz her hubby is in another state, and the guy who works my days off is too busy to help out. What a wonderful situation, eh? I loke my job, it is kinda fun, but they need to do something about helping to cover for when people get sick, cuz they do, ya know!!

I got a laptop, that I take to work now. I can d/l all the shit I want to now, and not have to worry about it anymore. I can chat, play my games, or do whatever the hell I feel like, now. Ain't having a laptop grand?

Congrats to Mike and Steph, they have been married for two whole months now!! Though I am still waiting to see pics of Stephie being pregnant, or is that Mike that's pregnant? I forgot which it is, hehe. I bet Steph looks awesome, just something about a woman being pregnant makes them look even more beautiful, right Mike?

Hehe, ok, my lovely lady is home now, and I am gonna go. See ya later.
Use A Feather: 5 Tickles - Tickle Me..
Me, logical??   
04:53pm 28/08/2003
mood: amused
Since when did I become logical? Hehe, thanks Steph, this was cute, and maybe I am logical, and just don't think about it.

You see the would in Red, Green, and Blue
To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.

Made by

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Dragons, hmm, very interesting.   
04:47pm 28/08/2003
mood: amused
Thanks to Daydream, I thought I would see what kind of Dragon I was, since I love Dragons.

Crystal Dragon

The Dragon Personality
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Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Just what the hell have you been smoking?   
05:13am 27/08/2003
mood: amused
And wnere's mine at?

Livejournal Mood Ring

is happy.

You're a rosy-cheeked ray of f'ing sunshine 24/7. I bet you smile a lot and little things don't get you down. Must be nice. Fuchsia's definitely your color.

brought to you by userinfointerim32. wanna know your livejournal's mood ring
color? enter your username and hit the button.

Thanks again, oh Kubby one!!
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Quiz Night   
04:18am 27/08/2003
mood: amused
Thanks Shadowrose.
Opals are thought to possess the virtues of all the
stones whose colors appear there. Green-giving
fertility; Blue-beauty; White-Strength; Red-
preventing danger. Basically, you are an
"all-around" person. You find it
easy to adapt to your surroundings.

Which BIRTHSTONE Is, and Benefits Your PERSONALITY?
brought to you by Quizilla
Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
Come get you some!!   
04:06am 27/08/2003
mood: amused
music: Printer printing a hundred reports!
Thanks Kubbylass, I think?

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Hark! Who is that, stalking over the plains! It is Stryder, hands clutching a studded crowbar! And with a mighty grunt, his voice cometh:

"I'm going to pummel you like it's a new extreme sport, and hijack your momma's airplane!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

Use A Feather: Tickle Me..
A Good News, Bad News kinda thing   
06:20am 17/08/2003
mood: nervous
music: Tears on my cheek.
Well, the bad news is, the wedding ceremony has been cancelled. Due to various things happening, we won't be able to have our ceremony in October as we had planned. We are sorry it had to happen, but it was neccessary, for our peace of mind.

However, the good news is, is that by 2:00PM this afternoon, we will be Mr. and Mrs Michael William ........(Name deleted) Yes, we are eloping, today. We are gonna have a couple of good friends stand up for us, and than in september, we are turning Lee's Bridal Shower into a wedding reception. And it gets better yet. We have decided, for our first anniversary present to ourselves, we are gonna have our ceremony on October 16, 2004. This way, we can actually get all the things we want for our ceremony, and no taking shortcuts, to get them either. I hope everyone has a good day, cuz I know I am gonna have a good day.
Use A Feather: 10 Tickles - Tickle Me..
Tempis Fugit   
05:53am 10/08/2003
mood: curious
I just looked at my we4bsite, and there are only 69 days, and some hours and minutes till my wedding. August is almost half over already. Just where the heck is the time going? It seems like it's going by way too fast now. I am starting to get just a wee bit nervous about the wedding. And excited. I still would like to know what happened to the 180 days I used to have.
Use A Feather: 1 Tickle - Tickle Me..
Why, oh why?   
02:18am 06/08/2003
mood: grateful
Why did I come to work? I had a beautiful naked woman in my bed, and I left her to come to work. Ahh well, gotta make some money. I did have a great chat with Amy, so that was cool. I always love chatting with her, she is one hell of a terrific person, intelligent, and she's got the looks to go with. And no, she wasn't the naked woman, that was my fiancee, Lee. Hmm, life is good, specially when you have good friends to share it with. I can't wait to get back to WI, and see Kubbylass, and finally meet Amy in person. I need to get to Canada, and see my Canadian friends again. I have made some good friends online, and now they are good friends in person as well. Ain't life grand sometimes?
Use A Feather: 1 Tickle - Tickle Me..