Its never enough's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Its never enough's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, August 20th, 2001
    6:02 pm
    Just an update to say I have a new lj! its villified. add me to your friends list if ya want. or theres also my dj name switchbladekiss

    I want to take pics of pretty people soon. i want a huge portfolio, so if you willing to let me take pics of you leave a message here or on villified.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Thursday, June 28th, 2001
    10:39 pm
    the size of my headache from crying is unmeasureable. i dont even know anymore...</font size-9>
    Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
    6:10 pm
    Im such a busy busy grrl, ok not really.
    Just a reminder to some LJ people, Shannon, Sarah, Brooklyn, Squeaky, Jen, Gen, Meg, My partys on saturday.

    Holly and I saved a bird today. Hes blue, sooo cute.

    Amun is shedding and menuvera just shed. I miss my baby snakes :(

    My rabbit is gettting faaaaaaat.

    I bought the prettiest angelina poster at meijer last night.

    Im getting my hair braided next week i believe.

    Oh and the big party on friday:
    If i invited you, dont forget its 5 bucks.

    Only band members, me, dawn pyle, wade and that one friend of joes get in free.

    ITs gonna be a rockin time.

    Oh, jon ( dedmachine) chris said he would go if you or shawn did, so talk to em, i want you all there ;)

    and is the band still playing saturday amanda, let me know! ok.

    Ahh! i have to find Georgeann!

    Im making a huge poster thing of pics for the party.

    Ok, well im gonna go shower, and get holly and go to joes and start cleaning.

    I miss everyone! :( everyone stop being so damn busy.

    hmm i had something else to say but i cant remember what.

    Someones looking over my shoulder, but i look, and no ones there. Creeeeeeepy.

    Ive been thinking about Helena alot, I miss her so much. I hope shannon finds her somewhere in hawaii and drags her back here
    Monday, June 25th, 2001
    5:22 pm
    Yesterday we went to megans and brooklyns partys. Megan is a very pretty and a very nice person. Joe said shes like a sister to him, i thought that was sweet.

    Megan you can come to my grad party if you wish, talk to gen about when and where

    and AMANDA tell steph she can come if she wants to too.
    5:21 pm
    you updated under joes name, i rread it and it says he has i love amanda carved in his arm and im like ummmm no, so fix it dingy.
    Sunday, June 24th, 2001
    1:31 pm
    I just got in an incredibly pissy mood so im gonna rant and rave
    SOMETHINGS BOTHERING ME but im not gonna talk about it, oh but wait, ill tell everyone but my gf, great IDEA RIGHT>>>>>>>>why cant anyone make pants that fit grrls with huge asses. everything i wear i look like shit in. she said her name and now im ready to kill. maybe i shouldnt go to megans party cause if somehow that one bitch is there im gonna kill her...i think id be better off sittng at home. i think i'll call about that building today. im sick of pretty girls, im sick of skinny girls, im sick of lying people, im sick of backstabbing people. i wanna go to colorado and never come back.
    Saturday, June 23rd, 2001
    4:48 pm
    ugg, i hate work
    i hate people.
    went to the wired frog. god i hate that place.
    stitch talked to jens boobs. alot.
    the pants dont fit me.
    im selling ALL of my clothes on e bay starting next week.
    i hate shopping.
    im gonna go take a shower and hope i slip and crack my head. blood.
    4:45 pm
    i found this website the other day.
    the people make me sad cause their so happy.
    somethings wrong with joe and he wont tell me what.
    that upsets me.
    Friday, June 22nd, 2001
    12:23 am
    Some angels dont have wings
    things that piss me off

    gaining weight when you quit smoking
    forgiving too easily
    roller coasters
    memories and/or the inability to have them
    feeling ugly
    my hair
    my fingers
    my makeup
    getting screamed at
    containing myself
    caring about what other people think
    material people
    lack of energy
    lack of sleep
    when i get dog hair on my clothes
    when i sneeze cause of cats
    when people say things about me and dont know me
    lady luck
    small talk
    wasted time
    the sound my alarm makes
    when i lose myself
    close minded people
    *rock star* syndrome
    people who are always drunk
    my car eats gas
    people who dont realize
    being unphotogenic

    things that make me happy:

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: i realize i am probably up cause of those damn caffiene mint
    12:14 am
    Forgive me for all you have done
    I guess i do it to myself

    What i wouldnt give for a real best friend. I havent had one in a long time. people need to be more open minded.

    im tempted to take half the people off my friends lists, not because i dont like them ,but because it upsets me read about their lives that i am no part of. "friends" lists? its depressing for me to read it. but i cant deciede which is worse, not talking to them , or losing the last piece of contact i have with them at all.

    its sad to think of all the people i have met, and all the people i have lost.

    im am not a mean person. i am not a back stabber. seems like since i quit doing drugs, everyones quit me. well you know what, fuck everyone then.

    i hate living here.

    i hate "the scene".

    i hate the need to need people.

    sometimes your the only thing that makes sense.

    Current Mood: pissed off, and lonely
    Thursday, June 21st, 2001
    10:31 pm
    Its been awhile since i could say i wasnt addicted
    Its not all you have to fear</font size=+5 font color=black>
    So quitting smoking is hard, but so far im doing great. havent had a ciggarette in quite awhile, i think im actually gonna quit for real this time. but now im eating those damn caffiene mints that jaimie had at APC all the time haha.

    Losing it All</font size=+5 font color=black>
    Memory: I have little recollection of past relationships, concerts, people, days,times,places.

    Spirituality: My life used to revolve around it. I dont use it anymore. It used to play an oart in my everyday life, now the most thinking i do about is , me going hey, i dont do that anymore.

    Intellegiance: I used to be a top speller. not anymore. Im just dumb.

    Sleep: Whatever i have, is never enough.

    At least my depression is no longer a constant. it only shows up every once and awhile. Which is pretty normal. everyone has ups, everyone has downs.

    i dunno. im not sad. im not jumping with happiness. im upset ive lost alot, but ive also gained alot.

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
    9:42 pm
    Lately im just blah. Like nothing is good enough for myself. Usually i can ignore myself, but for some reason i cant. **shrug** I'll bitch and bitch and i wont do anything about it</font size=-5>
    8:52 pm
    I used to be smart
    I used to be spiritual
    I used to have a memory

    what happened?
    8:51 pm
    p.s. I need a best friend
    too bad i hate everyone :)
    8:41 pm
    What a lazy lazy day. Woke up around 4 30, and picked joey up about 5 30, drove to the parking lot, only to discover TOMMOROW is the cedar point trip. and tommorows supposed to be rainy? Im not sure if i like cedar point or not.

    So joe and i fall asleep on my living room floor, and then we wake up and go to eat at the banquet hall where my sister works. Then we got my oil changed and came home and registered for college. And that was my lazy day. But it was good to just sit around with joe.

    I cant wait for the party! i get to announce bands! yeah for me!

    Ugg, i have a headache and my grandma just showed up with my two little cousins, yeah fun.

    More free time means more time to work on the club.

    Me and holly both have bunnies, aint that cute? :)

    i want someone to go take pics with me soon.
    Saturday, June 16th, 2001
    6:33 pm
    Friday, June 15th, 2001
    10:23 am
    I dont know what i want to do with my hair, but its hot and its driving me nutz.

    skinny dreads?
    long layers?
    black thread thingys underneath and layers?
    AHHAH. amber, do ya wanna do those things in my hair soon?
    Thursday, June 14th, 2001
    11:49 pm
    magic bad tommorow night.

    im having a severe allergy attack. im going to bed. goodnight
    12:42 am
    We are going to the majestic this friday. Fun stuff.

    Too much to do, so little time.
    Wednesday, June 13th, 2001
    6:52 pm
    Yay4bunnies: :-) call me to hang out whenever youre not busy
    VelvetGoddess11: hon, if it aint sex or metal, i aint there
    Yay4bunnies: haha.
    Yay4bunnies: thought that um
    Yay4bunnies: it was always both with us
    VelvetGoddess11: oh yeah
    VelvetGoddess11: duh
    VelvetGoddess11: call me, we'll fuck
    VelvetGoddess11: BYe
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