Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002
6:43 pm
3:56 pm
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002
3:03 pm - same as ever
Monday, April 1st, 2002
7:53 pm
I need to go to a hardcore show and let out some negative energy GRAH
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8:14 am
Name:Anna Birthday:march 10th Home Town:westwood MA
Color:meh. grey, hey im not depressed i like it TV Show: Grim and Evil, or the simpsons Movie: one crazy summer * i heart john cuzack* Drink: um, cherry coke maybe? no.. um raspbery fresh samantha Season: Summer. hands down Gum flavor: cherry soda BUbbleishous *oh yum* Band:at the moment... um the slackers. Music video:Um... I love No doubts over of Oi to the world. It has a cute video. Name 5 people you admire and why: Gah um...
Ayaan Agane- for being brave Jeff Hall- For being incredibly usefull Peter Roux- ( my figure drawing prof.) For being whitty and smart and artsy. Kathleen Hanna- for Being my hero. Scott Seider- ( my old enlgish teacher) for being genuis and stil teaching freshman english.
Have you ever...?
Smoked cigarettes: yes
Smoked weed: yes... oh i had a dream last night that i smoked up and my dad came in and he was all cool about it and he was like * wink wink* it was wierd. Dyed your hair: yes
Had a cavity: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?:yes
Been drunk: yes
Hit one of your best friends? um...?
Kissed someone to make someone else jealous: no no one likes me enough for that to happen im not cool enough to be that big of a bitch
Ran away from home: yes
WHO... Do you trust? now? um no one? Do you miss today?: All of my ex boyfriends exclucing spiggs and steve renzulli. Was your first love?: steve renzulli.. bastard cheated on me Do you ask for advice from?:Ayaan maybe. Max maybe. Was hard to say goodbye to?: conor Do you love to talk to? Ben Gives you butterflies? No one. Are the last three boys/girls you've kissed? rhett, and girls from rhetts school. Do you laugh the most with? no one :(
Cried? yes Called someone? yes Bought something? T token Laughed? maybe Cut your hair? no Gotten dressed up? no Been sarcastic? no Seen an old friend? yes Danced? yes Gone for a run or a walk? no Gone to the movies? no Been kissed? yes Felt stupid? yes Said "I love you"? yes Written a real letter? no Taken a test? no Talked to an ex? yes Missed an ex? yes Written in a journal? yes Watched your favorite movie? no Read a book? no Talked to someone you have a crush on?yes Given someone a present? lotsa presents Hugged someone? yes Had a nightmare? maybe
~Important Questions~
Who was your first kiss? HAH derek Peterson 5th grade! * now hes like this jock kid* hahahaha What was your first kiss like? stupid we were just tortureing eachother
When was the hardest you've ever laughed? camp... when i was with Leah and Lee and the Big just kept walking around the light and didnt stop all night and then the mouse came.
What are the three top qualities you look for in a guy/girl: confident, whitty, reliable
What are three things you are deathly afraid of? the dentist, Medication and summer school
Have you ever been in love? yes
Wha tis your biggest turn on? stars,
....Finish Later
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7:54 am - GAH
Hey so... last night sucked kinda yeah.
um i needa do some empowerie stuff.
a few weeks ago i cut and i went to my school psycologist the next day but she wasnt there. I wanted to be like " just lock me up for a little shile away from everything" I went back to her in a few days but i didnt do that... the main reason was that i had way to much to do that weekend to be locked up, too many obligations to friends and whatnot. Also of course if that happened id be shoved into counciling and other such things i do not enjoy.
I feel like that now. I want to not be in school. I feel let down by my friends. I dont want to deal with much. I really want someone to just come and chill, talk take care of me.
I feel i have lost connections with any persons who would have ever done that for me. no one cares like they used to so i feel like i need to make new friends. People have changed, maybe so have I. Max is right people fucking suck.
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Sunday, March 31st, 2002
8:43 pm
Fuck You for making up reasons why its okay that you dont care. Its great how you just wait for me to say somthing; let you down. I dont want that i just want you to fix it all. TOO BAD YOU DONT FUCKING CARE. too bad you admitted it too.
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2:55 pm
Opening game is today! i cant wait untill i get to go see the red socks play. I heart baseball
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12:56 pm - and were all so happy its spring
i had a birthdya party last night i guess it was a sucess lotsa people came and there was lots of food and i got a lot of really wonderufll presents!
ayaan gave em atsunami bomb cd ( which i ahve been looking for forever) umm joe ketner got me a giat plastic penguin and some records ( very cool of him) i was really happy he came i totally wanst expecting him to.
some poeple who i wish were there coudlnt come i guess among them max, leah and lee ( so sad) No worries though, i dont mind and im so happy its spring were all so happy its spring its so beautifull out. Ive been laying in my room with the windows open a lot. * i love my room* todya ia easter i alreayd had my family meal and the rest of today im gonna lay around and relax. evan came home and we got along everything is pretty cool.
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Thursday, March 28th, 2002
10:25 pm
9:59 pm
Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
2:59 pm
Monday, March 25th, 2002
7:46 am
last night i had a super enjoyable conversation with ben and ate cake. it was really a good sunday night. so rhett comes home in two days. If hes not compleatly jet lagged i plan to go play with him on the 28th.
school this week- only four days of it though and saturday is my party. Im excpecting a pretty good week then.
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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
10:06 pm - long long survey
1.What is your name? Anna, banana, pez, bubbles
2.What color pants are you wearing right now? dirty blue jeans
3.What is your favorite music? trad ska
4.What are the last four digits of your phone number? 4253
5.What is your favorite food? pez, anna's food, starburts
6.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue
7.Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? um... the park!
8. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? ayaan
9.Do you like snow, sun, or rain? warm rain and sun
10.How is the weather right now? its sunny, but i think its cold
11.Last person you talked to on the phone? chloe... no erika **boring questions** delete delete**
15.How are you today? dreamy
16.Your fave cold drink? umm cherry soda.
19.Favorite sport? frizbee!
20. What's on your mouse pad? Cherry Semicconductor logos
21.Favorite board game? menopoly 22.Hair color? dark brown/black, w/fading red highlights, i need to re-dye it ::yells for ayaan and anna!::
23.Favorite magazine? hmmm
24.Favorite smell? lemon! umm boy, sunshine ( makes me sneeze)
25.Do you wear contacts? no
26.Siblings and their age? brother 18 27.Favorite sound? wisteling the zelda theme
29.Have you ever won any special awards? sum art stuffz 30.What are your future goals? apartment, art school *oooh*
31.What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? shit im late
33.Favorite day of the year? july 17th ( jordan knights birthday)
34.Future child's name? shildren ummm sodapop and johnny 35.Do you like to dance? yes but no hip hop please. 36. Are you shy to ask someone out? sometimes
37.Worst sickness you've ever had? chicken pox!
39.Do you like scary, sad, or happy movies? umm happy. 41.Summer or winter? summer oh god yes summer
42. Hugs or kisses? both please.
43.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? many! 44.Storms--cool or scary? erotic
45.If you could meet one person, who would it be? one? tom papas
46.Ever been in love? yes
47.Favorite numbers? 103
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9:17 pm
I like ben.
a nice man and i drew eachother in the park, i didnt speak spanish but he did he didnt speak english but i did. it was all very nice.
chloe is adorable, chloe is a tease, chloe held my hand.
meggie choie and i got photobooth pictures.
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Saturday, March 23rd, 2002
8:34 pm
beantown zinetown was great tomorrow will be too. i have so many wonderfull zines i dont even want to start reading them I plan on writing lots of letters to the zinesters. i will be empower flyering tomorrow as well as trading my zines more.
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Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
6:14 pm - mreow
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
5:37 pm - Father Dowd
On the way to Class Staurday i met a catholic priest and lawyer on the orange line. He was telling me about how eh really doesnt like the catholic church and how he thought it was so wonderfull that i was baptized in a episcopalian protesant church. He told me that the catholic church is a money grubbing institution. HAH it made my day.
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8:13 am - Oh- yeah Also-
I fucking miss rhett im really pathetic. I need to find somthing to do other than laying in bed. I'll forget fora minute that he's not here and ill pick up the phone and start to dial hios number... *ahhhh* 8 more days.... Oh i am so going to go over when he gets i dont care how jet lagged he is. i want my postcard! gee i wonder if he met any cute japanese rudegirls at te show he went to.
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8:12 am
Oooh Ooh! sooo ayaan and i have a zine for ebantown zinetown we acually did it a while ago its really great. * i heart ayaan* Its called project dirty underwhere. I need to go photo copy it this week so i can bring it to beantown zinetown! im so excited im acually going this year. Maybe no one will screw me over and ditch me on the train this year hmmmm...
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