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A lovely evening last night! [27 Aug 2002|08:38am]
[ mood | calm ]

Last night I went out with Jennifer P. We went to Bennigans and had a few drinks. It was nice, we stayed there for about 2 hours. We had a blast. Kaitlyn actually kept us entertained the whole time, she is some thing. I love that little girl. Anyways, Jennifer is having a hard time at work right now because of rumors. I hate rumors. People just need to stay out of other people's personal lives. Jennifer if you are reading this, don't let them get to you and bring you down girl!

Well just found out my friend Desiree is going to help me pick out decorations for Kaitlyns b-day on Friday. I am so excited, I feel like a little kid when it comes to b-day parties for my little one.

Better get back to work, thought I'd post a little some thing.

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My own Card! [26 Aug 2002|12:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Trading Cards
Paid Account Edition
User Number: 903496
Date Created:11/28/01
Number of Posts: 285

I am the nicest person you can meet, unless your on my bad side. But that never happens. I love to party with my friends. I spend a lot of my time working out and shopping.
Strengths: I am easy going, I like to meet new people.
Weaknesses: None, that I know
Special Skills: Every thing, J/K
Weapons: No weapons for me!
Favorites: Big Brother Survior Sex and the City

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_
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Working! [23 Aug 2002|03:52pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Well I am answering Phones at work right now. It's not too bad, pretty quite right now. Which is good, so I can take a break and write on my journal for a bit. How is every one doing?

I am having company over tomorrow night, so I need to stock up on food and clean house tonight. I think I will order some pizza for every one. Who knows we will see. I think we will be drinking and playing some card games. We may even take a dip in the pool! I love my new apartment, it has so much to it. I know my friends like coming over, cause it's nice and big. Oh and of course because they love me!!! :-)

Just wanted to write some thing, talk later my LJ friends!

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Lovely! [20 Aug 2002|08:39am]
[ mood | awake ]

Well I had a wonderful weekend. Spent most of my time with Keith which was nice since we never see each other. I love him so much. He is the best! We went to Tyler and stayed in a Hotel, saw Signs and went out to Eat. It was nice. We had a babysitter so we had the night to ourselves. I wish we didn't have to stay in Tyler, but since thats the only place we had a babysitter it was very convenient for us to stay close.

Today I am going to start dieting again. I have been eating too much crap lately, and not enough exercise. So I am going to buy some Slim fast and have that for Breakfast and Lunch like I was doing 2 months ago. I am going to start walking at night with Kaitlyn. Since I can not jog any more walking will do for now. So lets see how long this will last. Maybe I will see if Jennifer P. wants to start working out on the weekends. Maybe we can take turns and use each others work our facility. "Jennifer P. if you are reading this let me know"!

Well I better get back to work, I just wanted to post a little some thing.

Talk later my LJ friends!

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Disappointed [15 Aug 2002|01:35pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

Every one I gave codes to from Live Journal, never use their journal. That sucks, I really wanted them to! Oh well, maybe soon they will start using it.

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Good morning! [15 Aug 2002|08:44am]
[ mood | busy ]

Keith bought me a really nice necklace for our Anniversary. He is a sweet heart! I love him so much!

Last night I was stuck in traffic, went and picked Kaitlyn up from daycare, went grocery shopping and spent 120.00. Came home unloaded, cleaned house, did laundry and cleaned dishes. I finally sat down about 8:00 to watch Big Brother 3. What a night and it was my Anniversary, does that seem right? LOL, oh well. At least I know that I am loved, thats all that matters right now. Tomorrow my friend Kelly is coming over. We are probably just going to watch some movies and play card games. It should be fun. Kelly and I haven't yet hanged out by ourselves. So we should have fun.

Anyways, I hope every one is having a good day! Talk later!

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AUGUST 14TH, 2002 [14 Aug 2002|11:08am]
[ mood | good ]

TODAY IS MY 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Ya, and I get to spend it alone. Oh well at least we are going out this Saturday to Celebrate.

I sure hope Keith gets a new job here with good hours. I hate that he is never around. Well better get back to work!

Happy Anniversary Keith, I love you babe!

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Puzzles [12 Aug 2002|07:28pm]
[ mood | content ]

I am playing puzzles with Kaitlyn right now, she is a very smart girl.

Today went pretty smooth. I messed around at work a lot today. I am getting excited, I was planning out Kaitlyn b-day party in Sept. I called my apartments today to see how much our club house would cost to rent, and they are letting me rent it for free. They are too cool! They saved me $75.00. So now I have more money to spend for her b-day. I am still thinking about what theme I want to use, but I may not have one. Kaitlyn isn't really into any thing right now, so I don't think it would bother her.

Keith had a wonderful trip to VA, they should call him this week to let him know what kind of offer. I will let you all know what happens.

Better go, Kaitlyn is making a mess of the house.

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Cool! [12 Aug 2002|08:49am]
[ mood | blank ]

I'm The Soul Bearer!

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Number 3! WOOHOO! [08 Aug 2002|05:13pm]
What number are you?

Take the quiz here!
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Welcome! [08 Aug 2002|10:59am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Welcome user dreamy thoughts to my journal!

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[07 Aug 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

Well last night was not all too good. I got into a fight with Keith about every thing of course. He never puts the blame on himself. I am so sick of it. I wish he would understand that he does make mistakes to. It's all better now I think, but I guess we will see.

Keith leaves for VA tomorrow. I am getting nervous now. I just started thinking about it today that I may not be here in 2 months. That is something. I just hope all goes well, I guess I am a little scared again. I just hope it is nothing like Tyler, TX. I wish I never moved there in the first place, the only thing I can say that I am happy about was meeting my friend Jennifer. Right now it seems as we do not talk at all any more, but I know we are still friends. I just need to give it time I guess. Hopefully VA, will be a new journey if we move there, and I hope it's some what like Dallas, I have really enjoyed it here. I really hate to leave. I have made so many friends here and I just love the area. I don't want to leave my wonderful friends here in Dallas, but I may have to. I will promise to keep in touch. I will hear for sure about the VA info. by Friday night. I will keep you all posted.

I will stop talking about all this depressing stuff. I better get back to work. Take care my LJ friends.

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Last weekend and so on! [06 Aug 2002|08:52am]
[ mood | working ]

This weekend was a blast. Went out with a couple of friends and got drunk. We had so much fun. I went to Jennifer's and we had a little pool party. I woke up Sunday and man I felt it. I hate feeling like that. I need to cut down on the drinking a little.

Last night I had nothing but a stomach ache all night. I feel better now, but I don't know what the heck it was that made my stomach upset. The good thing now is I feel much better.

My sister in-law is coming down in September I can not wait. She is bring one of her friends with her, so that should be cool. I will need to plan some things to do. We will have fun any ways. Does any one know of any Rodeo's going on in the Dallas area? They want to see one, so hopefully there will be one going on when she is here. |

Better get to work all ready, talk later!

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[30 Jul 2002|09:02pm]
[ mood | good ]

I want to thank all my friends here in Dallas for being great people! You guys are so wonderful! You guys keep in touch it's just great to know you have friends that care. Love you guys!
Anyways, I just got done watching Driven, thats a pretty good movie. I didn't think I'd like it. Now I do. I will have to tell my hubby about it. That's one thing I want to do is go to a Nascar race. I think I would enjoy it.

This weekend I am going to my friend Jennifer's house. She is having a little party going on. swimming pool and card games. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. Jen and I always have fun though. Drink, Drink and Drink but thats not all we have a lot in common. Well better go, I need to get Kaitlyn to bed so I can watch my Sex and the city tonight since I missed it on Sunday.

Talk later my LJ friends!

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Friends Only [18 Jul 2002|09:47am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

You guys I am making my LJ account friends only. I have been having some problems with a friend, and I would rather not have my information open to be read. So you guys are the only ones who can read this journal.

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Busy Schedule [16 Jul 2002|10:37am]
[ mood | busy ]

Here is my average daily schedule:

Wake up
take shower
get ready
get Kaitlyn ready for school
drop Kaitlyn off at school
drive to work (20 min)
Work from 8:00-5:00
pick Kaitlyn up from school
feed Kaitlyn
play with Kaitlyn
give Kaitlyn a bath
put Kaitlyn asleep
and then maybe I will have some time to myself.

That's my normal schedule, does that seem busy or what?

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[16 Jul 2002|10:25am]
[ mood | busy ]

Today is good so far. Raining outside, which is kind of nice cause it's not too hot out.

Still waiting for the call about the offer from VA. Keith is getting excited. He just hopes it's a good one. Once we move if the offer is good enough, I will be able to go to school full time if I wanted. Keith would be making enough for me to go. So that is a plus. I am going to start looking at schools in VA and see which one's I would like to go to. Any body have any suggestions?

Kaitlyn is growing so fast. She doesn't feel to good today. Poor thing has a little cold going on. I hate it when she is sick. You can only do so much. Well better get back to work, I am pretty busy today.

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LIFE!!!! [15 Jul 2002|07:47pm]
[ mood | excited ]



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Life is great with or with out! [15 Jul 2002|07:36pm]
[ mood | curious ]

You know what's funny, when you move you can really tell who your real friends are. It's those who keep in touch and even if it's a phone call just to say hi.

How fucking pathetic I am to even let this crap bother me. I don't know maybe they are pissed at me for some stupid reason. But how would I know when I don't talk to them. Oh well life goes on.

My life is great that's all I can say. With or with out!!!!

Anyways, I am going out with the girls this Saturday! Jennifer P. you need to tell me where we are going girl, I am really going to miss you out of all my friends here. You are the best!

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Saturday [13 Jul 2002|08:03pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Well you guys you will not believe the news I heard on Friday. Do you remember awhile back Keith went to VA for a job interview? Well guess what, they offered him the job on Friday. So we may be moving to VA after all. They will fully relocate us and get me a job at the same place Keith works. He will be making enough money that I would be able to stay home if I wanted. He is very excited. I am very excited for him, he really wanted this job 3 months ago and look they are calling for him! So to all my friends that I just met here in Dallas, TX I am sorry to say that I will be probably moving soon, but we will keep in touch. I will let you know more once we hear something.

Anyways, the new job is wonderful. I like it a lot and it keeps me busy! I miss my friends at Fleming though!

Today went shopping and then laid out by the pool again. It was a refreshing day here. I enjoy when Keith is home. I love company! Talk later.

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