Date: | 2003-09-24 13:29 |
Security: | Public |
Oh noes Ralph and i are going to get pwned on teh Chan test
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Date: | 2003-09-22 17:30 |
Subject: | this week SUCKS |
Security: | Public |
that is what i have pretty much heard from everyone too tests galore etc Crap
It breaks down like this for me: Tomorrow: Geology test (easy peasy) Wednesday: Compiler Construction Test with Chan (opposite of easy peasy) Thursday: PRESENTATION for Comp. Architecture (HEART ATTACK) also an OS homework due, and the professor for that class is like.. scary :/
yeah so
no fun. ;(
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Date: | 2003-09-19 01:52 |
Subject: | Waiting for Isabel |
Security: | Public |
Well i thought it would make it here by now, but that tropical storm is taking its sweet time, if it can even be called a tropical storm now. Maybe its just a tropical occurrence, or an inland crapfest, either way my rain gauge is practically empty.
(rant) Zubairi did not call on me Tuesday, but he didn’t call on anyone. He did call on me today.. So every single class we've had since the beginning of the semester that people have been called, me and the other girl in class have been called on. It's crappy, i hate it. I hate knowing that this guy is my advisor and that i am going to have to talk to him midway through the semester about how things are going. :/ I have to give a presentation next Thursday in that class, i hope i die before than, for real.. because if not i will have a very embarrassing death in front of all those people when i do have to give a presentation (/rant)
My mom is freaking out about the pictures from my sister's wedding, because there are so many shots of people's asses and not of faces :/ There are a few of my ass and Ralph’s ass
Bean is getting me a watch from a bizarre in Kuwait, i am so happy, i need a watch.. Mine broke in march, and though it's still under warranty I’ve not had the time to send it back in to Timex.. (haha.. don't have the time :/)
... looking at my weather alerts (ah <3 being a nerd) Isabel won't be here till the morning, and at this time i will be asleep
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Date: | 2003-09-16 15:42 |
Subject: | amazing :/ |
Security: | Public |
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Date: | 2003-09-14 02:37 |
Subject: | very accurate :/ |
Security: | Public |
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Date: | 2003-09-11 19:51 |
Subject: | meme cuz i care |
Security: | Public |
( basically they all say i'm a slut.. )
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Date: | 2003-09-11 08:19 |
Subject: | i'ma gonna puke |
Security: | Public |
so like Zubairi tuesday (i forgot to mention) handed out something that looked very similar to a quiz, but he said (heavy indian accent) "Do not worry, this will not be graded" (/heavy indian accent) It was to split us into groups, so that all groups had at least 1 "smart" member. I remember the last time we were segregated due to knowledge, that was like.. 4th grade. ;\
But actually, going to gifted class lasted till 9th grade i think wow i loved gifted class and bean bag chairs and never doing anything.. that was what gifted class was all about :/
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Date: | 2003-09-11 00:45 |
Subject: | where’s my mookapoo :[ |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | sad |
Mookie was missing for like 20 minutes we couldn't find her anywhere. checked under the couch, under the bed under the everything, in the bathroom... no mook no mook anywhere :[
Bert came down and he was looking all sly and then he bit my calf! >:[ i thought this was a sign of "I ate the mook, so stop looking for her and pay attention to me"
But she was under the couch, i don't know how i didn't see her, i looked with a flash light and everything, but under the couch is secondary foot wear storage, so.. bleh
(rant) So last Tuesday of course i was called on in the Zubairi class (computer architecture), like i am every day 20 students, he picks maybe 5-7 a day, and 2 of them are always me and the other girl in class. SO frustrating. And in my Intro to OS class I was the ONLY person to be called on. I hate having to talk in class. :( And like we have to give presentations and every time i think about it my stomach gets all in knots, and like the closer the presentations get the more sick i feel about it, and the longer the sick feeling lasts. Two of my classes i have to give presentations in, because just this semester they decided to make them both speaking intensive. Guess what, i already have my speaking intensive courses out of the way, i took them as non-cs courses because so it wouldn't be as bad, so i wouldn't have to look at the people every day of every class for every semester and have to remember how horrible my presentation went. And i'm sure everyone who is at senior level has already taken their speaking intensive courses, so they should have decided to do this like, not now.. some other time.. bastards. (/rant)
the weeks go by fast when you don't have school on friday
tomorrow i think i might wear my "i still hate george bush shirt" to school, even though i wanted to wear it the day after he said he wanted 87 billion dollars, and keep my friend Bean in kuwait till next april :( but it was suggested i wear it tomorrow instead hmmm i dunno...
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Date: | 2003-09-04 18:56 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | tired |
(rant) Gosh dang Zubairi, called on me first again in class. Of course my brain lag made it so I was unable to tell him what would cause a software interrupt, but after today I’ll never forget considering we covered it in two of my classes. overflow.. dividing by 0.. yeah.. stuff.. Come on, first class of the day, 9:30am.. and I’m used to afternoon classes, like I can actually think in the am hours.. I think not (/rant)
Here's a happy little website for you actually quite fun to read
and I picked up this great link from gwferguson
I won't tell you what either are about, I’ll just assume that not explaining what they are will make you even more interested in what they could be
My obsession with brown polyester shirts (especially long sleeved ones) will be my death today when leaving the house it was quite chilly, but when I left class my last class this afternoon I realized how much of a fat sweaty mule I was wearing it.
And there was some sort of horrible fire drill in Fenton (pre-sweatfest) and I think they installed new noise maker thingies for the alarms, because I don't remember them resonating and shattering my inner ear to the point where I fell on the floor from lack of balance like they did this time.
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Date: | 2003-09-03 00:00 |
Subject: | That bug |
Security: | Public |
you know that bug i was talking about in some previous post ( this is it )
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Date: | 2003-09-02 19:35 |
Subject: | and stuff |
Security: | Public |
one time a girl got mad at me because I said Mormon’s wear funny underpants. she yelled at me because she said I know nothing about Mormons because I’m not one and her mom was one, making her supreme authority then she went on to bash Catholics
what do you think?
Noono.. not funny... nipple protection anyone?
EDIT: Spade (AKA homobopper) helped me verbally abuse this girl too, it was quite fun she was mean
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Date: | 2003-09-02 14:35 |
Subject: | hrm |
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Well i responded to some people's posts on my friend's page until i realized that if i responded to all the posts alot of them would be made to the same person and i would feel weird, and probably make them feel weird too. I'm not saying that the person posts too much, just that the rest of you don't post nearly enough, damn it. Everyone must keep me abreast with all their issues!
Today in Zubairi class he called on 5 people total with questions, the first two were girls. the class is composed of 20 people, 18 male and 2 female
I feel so singled out, i almost feel like doing something about this, considering we've only had 4 days of this class and the other girl and i have been called upon in every class. ofcourse i won't do anything. Zubairi is my advisor, meaning i will still have to be put in a one on one situation with him which i do not enjoy. I hate it. eye contact.. he has such googley eyes, but he as atleast pleasant. I don't think he is intentionally singling us out, maybe we are the only people who's names he remembers. Both the other girl and i have him as an advisor so even though this is my first class with him, he is already familiar with me.
I'm glad no OS class though, it would have put me to sleep.
This morning, Ziggy let himself out of cage and i thought he was so clever that i didnt make him go back in immediatly even though i did have to get ready for school. (read this even if you didn't read the rest of this crap) And then just as we were leaving for school i saw the same scary house centipede (they look like a centipede on steroids with super long legs and scary factor x10000) that i saw near the ceiling at the beginning of summer. It was crawling across the floor and crawled right into Mookie's cage! I told Mook to run and hide but she was already on the 4th story of the cage so she was quite safe from the nasty bug. When i get home maybe i will post the pictures of the centipede that i took when it was on the ceiling, before i tryed to kill/capture it. I was not successful though, he was way up there and he was also above the entertainment unit so it wasn't like i could get on a chair and take care of him, so i took a pool stick, knowing i may not be able to give a fatal blow i attached some duct tape to the end in order to snare the beast, but when i attacked it fell to the floor behind the entertainment thingy and escaped.
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Date: | 2003-09-02 14:12 |
Subject: | Fun at teh lab |
Security: | Public |
Siddiqui class was canceled today! :O I was in my computer graphics class and i heard some paper rustling out side and when professor let us out for our 5 minute break (Because she can't talk over the noon bell) i saw the cancelation paper that had freshly been installed next to the class door
so now i have to do something for an hour and a half i already tried printing some of my lecture notes but i failed horribly because power point makes these computers go boom and i just didn't feel like mussing with it anymore, so now i must entertain myself with livejournal :[
it is very hard to type on this keyboard it feels like my hands are too big i need a collapsable ergo keyboard to take with me for typings in strange places. The space bar is SOOO thin! :(
Also: You now have to log into the lab computers and i forgot my password, til i remembered it was my birthday or something by default, it has signs about changing your default password, but dang i too lazy Also: there is some crazy girl sitting next to me spinning around in her chair, but now she has wheeled herself else where i'm scared. The sound of the cappichino dealy outside is scary too i think i may have drank too much tea and i have to pee, but too scarededed
hrm only like an hour til ralph gets out of human bio class he'll probably read this and think i'm teh h0mo :\
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Date: | 2003-08-30 20:49 |
Subject: | |
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( Wanna see my pie? )
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Date: | 2003-08-27 19:26 |
Subject: | it smells funny in here :/ |
Security: | Public |
yeah so I got an email from Amazon saying that the person with the one book could not receive payment so I should buy it from some one else, and after I did that I saw that G Golly, it does say I have bought it.. so now I have 2 of the same book. So now Amazon is giving me teh shaft >[ Well I can always sell it back on Amazon, or sell it to some one in my class, though I did email the person and asked them if it was possible to cancel the order *sigh*
View my BuddyZoo popularity
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Date: | 2003-08-27 17:44 |
Subject: | The Shaft: Getting and Giving |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | tired |
So today I went to pick up my books and they told me I didn't have them prepacked and so I went to buy them and they told me I had no money on my book store account this was after going through the book store and dealing with many many newb idiots standing in front of the books but not looking at the books (looking at the ceiling where the signs were) and so I grabbed the wrong book like a dumb ass but like.. I knew the book was called computer organization, and that it was taught by zubairi.. so when I saw the book and the tag that said zubairi I grabbed it and got the hell out of there turns out zubairi teaches another class that has another book called computer organization :/ and they didn't even have the geology books, even though they should have had a lot of them because there's a few sections and each section has like 90 ppl in it
So like after I found out there was no money on my card (though I swear there was a piece of mail that came this summer that said "if you don't want any changes to teh amounts of monies in your account, you don't have to do nothing and I don't remember ever having to send them in again in the past, but I guess I’m just dumbz :/ ) I had to go to Gregory and wait in line and make them do stuff >[ so when I found out I gotz the wrong book I was so mad I was like FUX0R TEH BOOKSTORE >O and I bought all my books online, and I’m taking these ones back Here's a break down of the price difference (first price is book store price)
Operating System Concepts: $96 -> $76.44 Compiler Construction: $97.25 -> $82.68 Computer Graphics using Open GL: $78 -> $68.54 Computer Organization and Architecture: $105 -> $65.57
so you can see in the case of the comp. organization book that is very good that I did not buy it at the book store, because my butt would have hurt from them bending me over the counter and giving me the royal screw job. And I think that’s what the book store is all about, cuz if I were to sell these books back to them, I’d probably get $25 hence:
Boycott your college bookstore, buy online :P
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Date: | 2003-08-27 11:33 |
Subject: | some sort of horrible disease infucted lj user spreading memes |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | tired |
only one class today, and it's a Chan class ! :D <3 Chan
2 of my comp sci classes are speaking intensive so like.. poop. :( they should know better than making senior level computer science classes speaking intensive, because a stereotypical comp sci major doesn't really like getting up in front of a room and giving a presentation. Mayhap I’ll have to do some form of power point thing so people aren't looking at my face. and Zubairi was like "So what words come into mind when I say it is speaking intensive" and I said (out loud, believe it or not) "Heart attack." Then at the end of that class he was like "Does anyone have any questions.. Sandy?" and I shook my head no cuz I was scared, and then he kept singling me out and it sucked. Some one asked me after class while standing out in the hall waiting for the next why he did that and I said I didn't know, this is my first class with him, though he is my advisor. And then some one else said it was cuz I am a girl. Now I wonder if it's because I’m a "stupid" girl and need to have my questions answered, or if he is a perverted professor he likes to bother girls. There are only 2 girls in that class so it won't be too fun if it's the latter situation.
When I went to pick up my books at Dod's yesterday they were putting them all in a big truck, even though the time said open till 5, and it was only 3:30 poop on them, the line at the bookstore is always 3 miles long, and the people working the lines are so slow. >[
have to get bun food before class today though because the stink-pots have pooped up all their stuff, so probably going to get 3 fifty pound bags in order to keep up with their demand, 2 adult foods and 1 baby (food sacks), I’m switching kiwi to adult food cuz she seems to be getting very very big, and if she keeps getting big I’m going to have to limit her pellets by no longer filling her litter box with them, so I’ll have to find a source to buy wood stove pellets :O
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Date: | 2003-08-26 06:32 |
Subject: | HOLY MOFO! D: !@#!@!!!! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | tired |
So like woke up to the butt pounding of a century weather wise, hopefully the creek isn't overflowing and there's logs all over the bridge again that need to be cleared out before we can leave for school. There was water dripping all over Ralph's keyboard, the tenants must have left their door open or something. There is also water dripping in the bathroom where there was previously a mysterious water mark that the tenants didn't know the origin when shown.
Yes.. but school sucks, and i really don't want to go. Missing that hour of sleep is just going to make things worse. I made us Cuban Sammiches for lunch (in geology class) though, so a beef injection midway through the day should be good.
anoither, for good measure.....
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Date: | 2003-08-25 19:46 |
Subject: | major suckitude |
Security: | Public |
School tomorrow. :(
And theres so many half full bottles and almost completely full kegs of beer left from the wedding.. the beer is going back soon me thinks, mostly full.. beer is ick I did my part by adopting an almost empty box of wine. :O
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Date: | 2003-08-22 23:57 |
Subject: | things are looking better |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | jubilant |
well when i just went to the bathroom, there was a stink bug on the floor
( so i took a piece of TP.. )
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