Cory R. King's World

The web page of some crazy bastard you've never heard of.

About The Author

Name Cory Ryan King
Gender & D.O.B. Male, May 30, 1979
Major Technical Communications & Usability Engineering
Marital Status Single, But Taken
CD Collection I have a quite a few good CD's
Political Compass Economic Left/Right: 7.25   Authoritarian/Libertarian: -2.51 - right there with Milton Friedman, perhaps one of the worlds most influential economists, I'm proud :-)

Short Stories & Fun.

These are stories that I have either wrote for an English class, or wrote for my own personal enjoyment.

All my pictures & photographs - such as the one on the left.

The Rug Guy
A short story about an encounter in Pioneer Square, Seattle

The Visit
An interesting time in my life

Number 7: Adventures in Public Transportation
My adventures on Seattle's Metro Transit System

The Outdoor Case
The goal - to put a computer outside

Educational Material & Essays.

Hopefully you will find at least one of these interesting enough to read.  Not all are by myself, and those that are not have been noted

Do it yourself diffraction plate
This is for all the cool people who have scientific lasers at home.

How to configure your home network
A document on how to purchase the right hardware, connect, and configure your home LAN.

Freedom of the will
An essay I needed to do for philosophy class

My thoughts on the world of propaganda and combating it

The Story of the GM 2.8 Liter Engine
Or how I rebuilt my Chevy S-10 Blazer (well, it's actually present tense, I'm still rebuilding it)

Notable Honors

Sites owned an operated by either myself, or people close to me -
My pride and joy - A really cool weblog that allows you to upload, share, and review images /w a community of very good photographers. Doncha love the layout (not to mention the ability to upload & share pictures via scoop)? Wonder who wrote all that *cough*?

Digital-Gangsters - 
This was once just a cool domain (and still, IMHO, is).  It's mostly operated by my brother Nathan, and his friend Jeremy Fletcher

Yager-Hayes Family Website - 
Don'tcha wish that your boyfriend would register & host a domain name just for you!

Xlan.Org -
Weblog hosting, database hosting - we do it!

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Questions, Comments, Suggestions? - Cory R. King
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003-  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Updated Last - August 15, 2003