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[19 Apr 2003|09:51pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | strung out - paperwalls ]

incase i forget tomorrow...

HAPPY EASTER.. and 4/20! national WEED DAY.. & hitler's birthday. no wonder that foo' was a crackhead bahaha. no, i don't smoke weed.. but that's alright. i still think it's hilarious that weed day is on easter hahah.

wendy's can seriously cure anything.. though i've eaten chicken salad & fries all day. it's somewhat a 24-hour lasting unhealthy obsession.. minus the green veggies.

living under this roof has been swinging up and down. it's basically now because of my brother & his attitude.. him yelling at me and my mom for absolute no reason. him blaming us and himself for nothing. everyone outside this house thinks he's such a sweet little boy.. he's such an "angel". yeah.. angel my ASS. i don't think i've ever met anyone more sensitive than he is. i bet if told him to go jump off a roof and die, he would. sometimes it scares me to think that he will hurt himself one day when he's older. sure he's only 11.. but you never know what can happen. my aunt even made a bet that he will go insane when his first serious girlfriend dumps him.

wow.. two updates in one day. i'm on a roll here kids.

>*bullet or the chapstick?*<

[19 Apr 2003|04:01pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Poison the Well - Pieces of You In Me ]

i definately just deleted all my previous entries on this livejournal. hmm. i dunno.. just reading them made me feel retarded. not that i'm not retarded to begin with.

i feel so-incredibly-sick :/ first day of "spring break".. i get sick. how effed up is that? i was sick last spring break too. pshaw. there's no medicane left in this house. ginger ale and cough drops aren't helping either. i feel like someone just sliced open my throat and i want to dieeeee.

list of what i have done so far during the break:
-{ mall with clara & her friend rachel. it was basically them shopping.. and me silently laughing in my head. though there was a pretty hott kid that worked @ journey's. we talked to him and annoyed people while going through all the merchandise for amusement for half an hour. he reminded me of shawn lmfao.
-{ NFG show with clara & her friend rachel & bailey. i find that her friend rachel is friends with these freshmen on my bus and one of them goes to my school. eh. the whole show was a joke. it sucked. i mean.. NFG was great live and everything.. but i wasn't feeling the crowd there. the people that sat around me.. with me. i've felt so alone and i felt like shit.. not just because i was sick to begin with. but i met up with rachel (not clara's friend) at one point after all the confusion & chris. that kind of made me happy. i misssss chris. we don't really talk that much anymore lol. i think i've gotten caught twice for standing in the wrong row haha. but i guess going to that show taught me not to attend a show with people that you hardly relate to.. when it comes to music.
-{ the rest of break so far consisted of me sitting on my ass doing nothing. hm.. fun.

there's about 37-38 days of school left. yayyyy. i don't really have many plans for the summer.. but compared to last year i'll have things to do. so far i know there's couple shows, warped, volunteering once or twice a week, possibly a summer job, possibly going out to philly/boston/dc/ny by myself for a week, erie for a weekend with ppl & the church trip for alter servers. lmfao.. :/ yes.. please don't envy me too much. cough.

tonight's easter mass. should be about 3-4 hours long.. eh :/ mom decided not to go though, for some reason. i bet it's a sin not to attend easter mass.. oh well. god probably already hates me by now already.

2 >*bullet or the chapstick?*<

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