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Below is user information for cute, but insane. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:elfgirl (268875) Paid User elfgirl
or, the nature of elfgirl's life.
Name:cute, but insane
Location:Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status elfgirl1138 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:I'm not interesting enough to comment on.

Two notes about my icons:

-- I make most of mine. If they're not mine, the creator is in the description. Most of them are shareable, but please ask before you snatch any.

-- Many of the bases for my icons come from screencaps by [info]wisteria_, images from Bag End Inn, or premade bases by [info]bleedskint.

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Memories:25 entries
Interests:149: 2.13.61, age of innocence, aine, amano, anaïs nin, angst, ani difranco, anime, annie sewell-jennings, annwynn, anthropology, aquinas, archivist, arianrhod, atropos, audrey hepburn, autumn, b5, baby bats, badtz maru, beta reading, bettie page, bipolar disorder, bisexual, black, black and white photography, blade runner, bloody awful poet, body art, books, breakfast club, brute force leather, buffy, caspar david freidrich, cemeteries, christine feehan, cliffs of moher, clotho, corsets, costume dramas, crimson, daydreaming, dead can dance, docs, dragoncon, drew goddard's minions, drumming, eeyore, emily, erotica, fanfic, femme, femslash, fried bananas, galway, geeks, ginger dressing, girls, glbt, grad school, graphic design, graveyards, hard cider, hardcore, imajica, indie, industrial, infj, irish breakfast tea, iyengar, janine garafalo, japanese food, la femme nikita, lachesis, lapsed vegetarian, lenore, librarians, library school, linguistic anthropology, linguistics, lotr, margaret atwood, meditation, merchant & ivory, monaboyd, moonstone, movies, museum studies, music, my fair lady, needlework, neil gaiman, nine inch nails, noah grey, pantheism, parenting, patrick o'hearn, pervy hobbit fancier, philosophy, poetry, pop culture whore, procrastination, pvc, rain, reading, rhea's obsession, rings, room with a view, sanrio, sartre, science fiction, sidhe, silver, sitting in the window, slash, spike, spirals, t. s. eliot, tank girl, tattoos, techno, thalia, the crow, the moon, the ocean, the rainy season, the thing what squeeks, theism, theology, thrifting, tight lacing, trent reznor, tribal, triscuts, uga, unnatural hair color, vampire hunter d, vanilla latte, wales, weaving, white roses, wind off the ocean, writing, xander, yin yang, yoga, Æ, ܍, . [Modify yours]
Friends:227: 10zlaine, _flaming_june_, _green_, _jems_, _nepthys_, abbylee, akam1, alphabet_soup, anamchara, annakovsky, annerose, anniesj, anr, artemis_child, ascian3, astinwood, asylumangel, automatedalice_, babystepsverse, bailunrui, begiled, beizy, biftec, billydom, bloodypoetry, boyd_daily, bronzearchives, brynnmck, bsid, buffyx, byrne, cavalaxis, chaobell, chase820, chelona, chrisjournal, christine9600, circe_tigana, cissyh, ck594us, claudia_yvr, claudialioncour, collinwood, cousinjean, cretak, deadsoul820, debxena, dettiot, digitaldevil, diva_stardust, dominic_daily, dragolyn, dragon_divas, dragoncon, drcoulter, drinkthepoisonx, drkparentsscty, dtissagirl, dwivian, ehann, eliade, ella_minnow, elorie, elz, emergentmusic, enigmaticself, entweekly, esorlehcar, estepheia, eurydice72, evemac, fellow_shippers, fic_slayer, fitofpique, flaming_muse, flowery_twat, foo_faedra, ginmar, girlwithjournal, greenabina, grifyn, gwyn_r, gwynnega, harmonyfb, herself_nyc, hils, image_direct, ipomoea, irfikos, janedavitt, janus_74, jidabug, jodyorjen, jost, juliaabra, jypzrose, kallysten, karlita, katen, katfireblade, kazulrw, kellawytch, kellinator, kellyhk, kimera, kita0610, kungfoogirl, ladycat777, lexanlet, librariandotnet, lilyann56, lipstick_lib, lonners, lordshiva, lotrips_recs, lovebytez, lovesbitca, luna_k, madmexican, melonaise, merkuria_lyn, mery_fr, miggy, mintwitch, missatralissa, mmm_smut, mogigraphia, momentsintime, mommanerd, monaboyd, monaghan_daily, mpoetess, mrmonkeybottoms, muffle1969, mustangsally78, myriad69, mys1985, nautibitz, nevermindless, newz4nerdz, nyc2la, octopedingenue, officialgaiman, olliesmama, onetwomany, ophelia31107, pallidamors, peasant_, photognome, piedmargaret, pileofashes, porch_talk, pscinema, psubrat, pukajen, qotdrss, rahirah, rhicat, riddering, right_as_rain, rockgoddes, roger_ebert, ros_fod, rubywisp, sabershadowkat, sabinablue, sadbhyl, saloncom, sassangel, satchmo13, seleris, shaddyr, shipperfey, sicarii, skylar_, snidgemma, soulmate815, soulvamp, soundthepibroch, spiffarific, spikedluv, spikespeigel, spikewriter, spiralled, stateless82, sumerianwotd, sumobabe, surfal666, swmbo, sxandviolence, t_hyde, tamarabass, teardrop69, technomom, telaryn, the_larch, the_victorians, theauthoress, thefangirl, thegreyman, thenyxie, threehourslater, turbov21, tygerlilly, uga_bug_girl, ugageeks, undwivian, valereix, vampgaia, vanillacokehead, vernard, vero_72, villagechick, voltbang, voodoo_in_tx, wesleysgirl, whedonesque, whimsicalnotion, wickedprincess3, wilwheaton2, wiseacress, wisemack, wisteria_, xionin, yindagger, zalary, zarrah04
Friend of:184: 10zlaine, _flaming_june_, _green_, _jems_, abbylee, akam1, akasha9, anamchara, annakovsky, annerose, anniesj, anr, artemis_child, ascian3, asylumangel, automatedalice_, bailunrui, begiled, beizy, biftec, bloodypoetry, brynnmck, bsid, cashewdani, cavalaxis, chaobell, chase820, chelona, chip_dip, chrisjournal, christine9600, circe_tigana, cissyh, ck594us, claudia_yvr, claudialioncour, collinwood, cretak, deadsoul820, debxena, dementia42, dettiot, diva_stardust, dragolyn, drcoulter, drinkthepoisonx, dtissagirl, dwivian, ehann, elorie, elz, enigmaticself, evemac, fic_slayer, fitofpique, flaming_muse, flowery_twat, foo_faedra, frogzilla, gamiila, gigglestheblood, girlwithjournal, greenabina, gwyn_r, gwynnega, harmonyfb, herself_nyc, hils, ipomoea, irfikos, isabeau, janedavitt, janus_74, jaybitvees, jidabug, jodyorjen, jost, juliaabra, juno501, karlita, katen, katfireblade, kazulrw, kellawytch, kellinator, kellyhk, kita0610, kungfoogirl, ladycat777, lexanlet, lilyann56, lonners, loraineee79, lovebytez, luna_k, luvplatinumbaby, madmexican, margali999, melonaise, merkuria_lyn, mery_fr, miggy, milkmaidmolly, mintwitch, missatralissa, mogigraphia, momentsintime, mommanerd, mr_prezimident, mrmonkeybottoms, muffle1969, mustangsally78, myriad69, nautibitz, nevermindless, nikilu, nyc2la, octopedingenue, oileanach, olliesmama, onetwomany, ophelia31107, pallidamors, piedmargaret, pileofashes, poisonapple73, pscinema, psubrat, pukajen, rahirah, rhicat, riddering, right_as_rain, rockgoddes, sabinablue, sassangel, satchmo13, seleris, sequin_tears, shaddyr, shipperfey, skylar_, snidgemma, soulmate815, soundthepibroch, spiffarific, spikespeigel, spikewriter, spiralled, stateless82, ...
Member of:22: alphabet_soup, banged_bitches, bibliophilia, buffy_finale, corsetry, dominic_daily, dragoncon, dragonconbuffy, drkparentsscty, fandom_socks, image_direct, library_grrls, lotrips_recs, metablog, mmm_smut, paidmembers, porch_talk, the_victorians, thereadingroom, ugageeks, undwivian, unquiet
Account type:Paid Account

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