Death-Marked Journal

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Sunday, September 28th, 2003
9:12 pm - Cheat? Me?
Eliza Dushku plays Hils, who is brokenhearted after being stood up at her wedding. She teams up with Sandra (Sarah Michelle Gellar) to seek vengeance against her common enemies. She proposes to Jordan (James Marsters), who accepts her proposal. They then team up to double-cross their evil boss, Jeffrey (David Boreanaz), and walk away with $100 million.

What's your journal's Hollywood blockbuster?
Created by chickenbarbecue

Enter your LJ username or your first name:

Male Female

(Bite me)

2:51 pm
Underworld sucked! That's all I have to say on the matter. Let us never speak of it again

(3 Bites | Bite me)

Saturday, September 27th, 2003
12:24 pm
The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer
Community Attachment34.41%
There's something special about you. Every once in awhile, one of your topics gets everyone chatting.
I am but one quiz among millions. My brethren surround me on the page.
Original Content50%
Using LiveJournal to express a few strong opinions
Psychodrama Quotient19.28%
Your dark side's safe with us
Attention Whoring38.64%
This quiz is part of a grand scheme to keep people reading

(2 Bites | Bite me)

12:04 pm
Meme nicked from userinfoevilaimes

meme )

(Bite me)

11:56 am
your music never gets that widely known, but you
have a cult following. Though all your songs
tend to sound alike, those that like it will
stick with you.

Which Goth band are you??
brought to you by Quizilla

(Bite me)

11:52 am
Nicked from userinfojheller

Pre-vamp Spike
Which Spike do you have a hankering for?

brought to you by Quizilla

(Bite me)

Friday, September 26th, 2003
8:06 pm - Sleep time
God, I'm exhausted. Had to go to the Post Office to pick up my birthday present from userinfomrthursday (thank you by the way). Then I had to go to the Supermarket to buy food as I'm poisoning cooking for Dave tomorrow night. He really wanted to be the one to cook dinner (hehe, I love a man who enjoys cooking) but I insisted that he try sample my culinary skills (or lack thereof) before deciding if he still wants to go out with me.

Must make sure I do the cooking BEFORE we start drinking the Absinth or it could all go horribly wrong

(11 Bites | Bite me)

5:55 pm - Help
I want to make some s'mores tomorrow but the instructions I got were kind of vague. I just wanna check I've got it right

You melt the chocolate and spread it onto a graham cracker. Then you heat a marshamllow and put it on top of the chocolate. Then you put another graham cracker on top. Is that right?

(3 Bites | Bite me)

8:06 am - Hehe
userinfoflickums took one of my birthday pics and made this

Why? )

Most amusing!

(1 Bite | Bite me)

Thursday, September 25th, 2003
8:35 am - Stuff
Chickened out of saying anything to Dee. It just didn't seem appropriate while we were sat around watching a video and having a laugh. Bugger.

And Tom is definitely a pod person. He APPOLOGISED for winding me up about Dave. It's all very strange.

Got my dinner party thing tonight with a bunch of Dave's friends. Wish me luck

(3 Bites | Bite me)

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003
7:46 pm - Ideas?
userinfojacqui_hw and I are writing a fic where Buffy has to do some trials to get Spike back (similar to the trials Angel had to do for Darla). Only problem is we're having trouble thinking of any trials. We want them to be things that work on an emotional, rather than a phsical level. We know Buffy is strong, so physical challenges aren't really a big deal

Any suggestions??

(10 Bites | Bite me)

8:05 am
Bloody hell it's cold. Winter is drawing in and soon it will be dark when I go to work and dark when I come home. Very gothic, but deeply depressing at the same time. Why don't humans hibernate? My bed is looking real inviting right now

(7 Bites | Bite me)

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
7:41 pm
Greg brought me back a bottle of Absinth from Prague. Dave and I are going to drink it this weekend. Yum!

Dave has also invited me to a dinner party on Thursday to meet some of his friends. Kind of scary but only fair since he's met mine I suppose *bites nails*

(1 Bite | Bite me)

7:39 am - Guh
Last night Dave came over to watch Near Dark with us. Felt a bit weird at first but as soon as the film started we got down with the snuggling and all was good. However, in the grand tradition of Hils I managed to fall asleep. Thankfully, this time I made it through the film and fell asleep during the extras on the DVD. I was well and truly out of it. Normally I just doze and am at least half aware of what is going on around me. This time I was totally unconscious and didn't wake up until Tom was yelling at me to wake up (he says this is for my own good because sleeping on the sofa will wreck my back). Dave was gone and I hadn't even heard him leave.

Won't be spending any proper time with him until the weekend now. Bugger.

(4 Bites | Bite me)

Monday, September 22nd, 2003
8:00 pm - For your viewing pleasure
Birthday Pics

Wedding Pics

(2 Bites | Bite me)

Sunday, September 21st, 2003
5:15 pm - My Best Friends Wedding
Yesterday my beloved userinfonam_melon became a married man. Now, those of you who know me well will know that I'm not an overly emotional person. I do NOT cry easily. Yesterday, however, was the exception where I blubbed all over userinfopadfoot_uk during the ceremony and all over both the bride and the groom at the reception. The slightest little thing set me off. I even cried during the speeches.

Then Fin and I had a little chat towards the end of the evening. You could just *see* how happy he was and that set me off again. Then he told me how much he liked Dave and how happy he was for me and that just made me cry harder. I MUST have done my quota for tears now.

So all that remains is for me to wish Mr and Mrs Zilla all the best and now I'm going to go before I start sniffling again

(2 Bites | Bite me)

Friday, September 19th, 2003
9:51 pm
Daddy bought me a webcam for my birthday and I've been playing. The pics are kind of grainy so I'll have to figure out how to sort that but here we go

Pics )

(4 Bites | Bite me)

6:02 pm
Just to report that userinfoflickums got to uni safely and seems to be liking it. WHEE!

(15 Bites | Bite me)

4:54 pm
Happy Birthday to us
Happy Birthday to us
Happy Bithday me and userinfojacqui_hw
Happy Birthday to us

(14 Bites | Bite me)

Thursday, September 18th, 2003
6:52 pm - *bites nails*
Ok, why am I nervous? This is silly! Get a grip Hils!

Damn, I need a drink

(4 Bites | Bite me)

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