Interested users The following users are interested in msi. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches: - 1337_monkey - Corey
- 2eyez - *-*GoDdEsS oF dEvIoUs ThOuGhTs*-*
- 2inchpenis - taste my rainbow pony princess
- 77starchaos82 - i'm rotting, and i'm not yet dead
- _absinth - absolute zero
- _cocaine - cooler than batman
- _fallon - Fallon Bowman
- _fuckxme - its sharpening beneath me.
- _jax_ - Vocal
- _jessness - | jessness |
- _loveless_ - +dreamer+
- _misfit - Randy
- _nebula - i'll count my lucky stars;
- _perfectfrown - It's Fun to Fall Apart.
- _roy_ - roygier befriender of the vagi <-- back by request
- _scooter_ - Jean
- _stik_ - *Stacie*
- _you_vandal_ - The Softest Lips Tell The Most Precious Secrets
- a_kitsch_object - Neil
- abjectmisery - Adam
- abouttime - Rather be hated than ignored
- absinthetic - Cap'n Crunch
- acidtripsatan - CuLLeN
- adam_strauss - ............
- aedammair - Spooky
- aerojad - aerojad: Reporting Live From The Wrong Location
- afireinside33 - Didi
- afoolonthehill - Kiki starr
- aftertheflesh - alchemy
- aguyandhisdeck - Do you know who you are?
- ahoyhoynectar - JokeR in the PacK
- ailesdufeu - Ducky
- ajrotsh - black star
- alexandria_k - alexandria
- alicewonderland - alicewonderland
- aliminx - Miss Understood
- almost_innocent - Almost Innocent
- almostperfect4e - Tinkerbell
- alternatelife - Dave
- alunmillard - \An`a*mor"pho*sis\
- alwaysurbaybee - Hannah
- alyssapanties - | | | | | | | | |
- amanda143 - Breaking hearts has never looked so cool
- amarantha - Amarantha
- americannytmare - The Space-Time Cuntinuum
- amor_perdido - ¬-» Drewsy`!*
- analog_boy04 - Rob
- angelashlie - ~*Ashley*~
- angelkizzez4u - *~*BabyGirl*~*
- angiepanda - Angela
- anhedonic_ennui - Ambient filth
- anobodygirl - Dorian Gray
- anti_username - I stuck a mint in my ear
- anxiety_beauty - anxiety minus beauty
- apatheticwhore - just a tragedy
- apathys_secret - I HATE JIMMY PAGE
- aphe - Phoenix Absintoni
- archdruid - Classified
- arizingdeftone - anti-workaholic
- aroundthemx - Chez
- arzele - Vince
- asaidaddiction - Addiction Queen
- ascendo_tuum - jack
- ash_o_lee - Sweet Catastrophes
- ashiedawg02 - Ashley
- ashm0o142 - shut up and fucking kiss me
- askmeques - Krispy Kreme
- assumedmartyr - beautiful stranger
- atasteofink - Belinda
- ateyourdog - Stephanie
- atthedrivenin - Cosmopolitan Blood Loss
- auroraluna - Albus Percival Wulfric BRIAN Dumbledore
- avendettasangel - Angel
- ayanami_hime - Squee
- azroth - azroth
- babblingbrook - Brooke
- badcheshire - The Rock And Roll Show
- badlittlemonkie - monkie
- badmemorygirl - just a dream
- barkomarco - marco aldo-marino francis pedini
- bass_bitch - ~*candy*~
- battybat - Almost Human
- beautifieddecay - ::you built me up and you broke me down::
- beautiful_alone - Mary-Leigh
- beautiful_sins - Rachel
- beefpepsi - Maciej
- bekkie - Bekkie
- bellaluna221 - Cathy
- bellalunaariana - Hel is a Kitten, named Mari
- biggere - eric
- bitternessxx - Bow down Daisy Duke
- bittrcoffeegirl - cait
- biueroses - Keyco
- black_skittles - ???Rk??w???
- blacksafetypins - Skittle
- blacksheep6713 - no sympathy for the devil
- blame01 - LENORE
- blankxpression - bLANKxPressi0n
- bleedingdarknes - Cleosphryte
- bleedingouthope - Nothing
- bleedingruin - Mona
- blessedangel - Never again
- blink182mest41 - dont touch me
- blo0diedup - danger danger, high voltage!
- blondejackie - Jackie
- bloodycrow - *Forever Dying*
- bloolube - i adore you
- blue_dreamer - Baron Von Bubble
- bluebewy - amu
- bluefaery - bluefaery
- blueflames19 - Leeat
- blueicepixie - = Ichigo Mew =
- blueincense27 - And I Fade Away
- bohemianwhore - alexis
- boinkdaclown - Karl
- boistar - Richie
- boltedandjolted - an experiment gone terribly wrong
- bondageboi - Bondage Boi
- bongwater69 - Chris
- bonnet - Just Bonnet
- boomboomholly - Noj
- brettv - Brett
- brgbud2001 - Jewy Jewman
- brittanyfarrah - Brittany Farrah Bruce
- broken_by_love - Ich bin der Reiter...du bist das Ross.
- brokenangelette - brokenangelette
- brokensownd - bus driver
- brokenyodatoy - Snoozkitten
- bronx - come and rock the sure shot
- bryandagimp - Dorko The Magnificent
- brycetlandry - Bryce
- btchi_kitten - btchi kitten
- bumbles - Joe
- bunglemeplenty - No Women, No Kids
- buzzyman - Andy
- c0rrosion - a cat named Lola, with a violent past
- cacazulu - Cacazulu
- callmeacunt - C*u*n*t
- candiedpunk - *candy*
- carbon_ - carbon
- cartoonautopsy - your favorite attention whore
- caspergrunge - Wrath of Empathy
- casualtie - Jessica
- catchnblink2218 - ---->> Samantha <<----
- cateye_starlet - charlene
- cemeterygrrrrl - A psychopathic clown
- chailuna - AaRon
- chandra_thorn - Chandra
- chaosgrrrl - .r.i.o.t.
- chaosrulesme - Spin Spin Sugar
- charcoalstares - Rachel
- charming_attack - Miss Bristle
- cheekymonkey03 - Alli
- cheerupemokid05 - Brandon
- cheetomonster - The JennAnAnAnA
- cherry_b0mb - RoXy
- cherryacidbitch - Skitsofrantic
- chillissorad - Danielle
- chinadoll012287 - tyfenie
- chloesevigny - Chloe
- chris_mage - chrisMage
- cinnamonjezabel - Jezabel
- cloud696 - f.o.r.t.u.n.a.t.e fool
- coloroftv - Little Broccoli Trees
- comadrugs - Pointless Veronica
- concubine06 - concubine
- conorizlikewhoa - Conor
- coolkidchester - tasha stahh wunnnuhhh
- cornness - &;'[k][a][s][e][t]';&
- corruptedpurity - Brandy
- crack_monkey - Lauren Utter
- crazisurferchic - sUrFeR cHic
- crazychick666 - BadAssCrazyChick666
- crazyelephant - Mo Fo The Funky Ass Elephant
- crazyrican - chanin
- crazystazy - . . . infectious staci . . .
- crazyvickay - icky vicky
- createmysoul - Fidget
- crimsonkisses83 - Bloodstained Kisses
- crispers - Marissa
- critterkllr - Along came aspire
- crossmeoutt - MEG AFAG
- crossoutanother - CrossOutAnother
- crumblingdeath - The Mumblings Of An Empty Being
- cryingshadow - Jon Dark
- crymsonflayme - Alive Or Just Breathing
- crystal13 - . I m L o s t I n T h e F i l m .
- crzyxbeautiful - Jessica
- cubedfire - Fusing Flame
- cum_stain - The Wank Master
- cursedsoul - Cursed Soul
- cutcupidhartout - Cheaper than a HooKeR...A $2 Dolla hooker
- cutsandbruises - RoseyLips
- cutsodeep - van
- cyan1de - Adam Weitz
- cyanidelikelove - JeNni-Fur
- d_e_l_e_r_i_u_m - exploding girl
- daeriekween - Lo *RAWR*
- dairymart - xtine
- dalanur - Jesus Built My Journal
- dana_dbz_palace - Dana
- dancingfetus - Dancing Fetus
- dannie143 - dannie
- darkdaisy - karissa
- darkis420 - Ashley
- darkjeremy - Jeremy the Great
- darknessforever - Victoria
- darktiger83 - Richard
- darkvincent - Restless
- dasalteleid - Jen Jesus
- davidtrenton - David Trenton
- dead_red - broken but inspired
- deadd0ll - x___ny-QUiL
- deadfallenstar - [An Empty Canvas]
- deadgrrl - "The Book About the Basic Flaw"
- deadromance - .screaming.the.tears.out.
- deadrosa - Broken Wings
- deadsecrets - I Am A Robot.
- deathawaitsgirl - Fearful Death
- deathshand - Nathan
- dee11884 - Danielle
- defiledpeace - Šýñ†hê†ïç Åñgê£
- defknot - Roger the Master
- deftonethriller - DeftoneThriller
- dejectedpharaoh - BoA La BoA
- dejekt - Miko
- deletexme - ...
- deliriumdoll - Delirium Doll
- dementedcraving - Vicious Circle
- dementedkittie - mariel
- demonickittie69 - UnSweetened
- demonsthenes - Dante's Cat
- destroyreality - nuke 'em
- deucemcmanus - Rocco the Devil
- dezzi - D.e.z.z.i.
- diabolicaldirt - JessHO!!
- dick - velvet rainbows & opalescence
- diet_faygo - Dee
- digitalsilver - Jo
- dilacerated - Dilacerated
- diminia - Princess Diminia
- distortedtears - distorted protokol
- distortia - Klohiq
- disturbedangel - the one and only ali-ithhhh
- dizz - Dizz
- dj_eyeless - bROKEN
- dj_zero - zero
- djuryne - DjUryne
- dlpeezy - dlp the worm king
- downforlife - Gadn
- dracsdaughter - Kaija-not-so-cool
- dragongrrl469 - FireFey~ Aramina~Mina
- dramatica83 - Kimmee
- dreamland04 - Nameless
- droogzay - Im like a shot gun to ur head, i will blow ur mind
- drull - Drull
- duckskill - Diamond Mutation
- durlock - Standing Alone
- dvlf - viva
- dynamite_deka - So Stupid
- dysfunctioned - sarah
- dyslexicchild - [Jon Pretzel]
- earthcrisis - Shawn
- ecccentricangel - Angel
- edenzwill - Riise
- ekka - ekka
- electricstarz - brandi
- emo_jay - jay
- engel242 - Das Blunt
- enigmati_ka - Samantha
- esraehkcalb - Jill
- eternal_feuding - Mac
- evil_in_a_box - evil....in a box
- evilbluecat - Anna
- evilchick666 - illest disease
- evilcuzimagurl - X__XdeadX__X
- eviltkat - Holland
- exoticfreak - mental custody
- exstayc - exstayc*
- eyeliner_love - .
- eyezofatragedyy - Nina
- ezekielsgirl13 - mari-chan
- faeriesparkles - Briana
- faery82 - †~::*Krista×meth*::~†
- fairyboy0 - oth
- fakexplastic - science vs. romance
- fallentoofar - Allie...tie me to the bedpost
- fallingtear - Jenn
- fallingxapart - cJay
- fatrec38 - Da' Bisz
- fearchange - FearChange
- fearlessfreak - Julia
- feefeex311 - Linsy
- feiticeiro - dan
- ferrit - The Cheese Master
- fetusofjesus - Hot Asian Noodle
- filleaigre - sour girl
- fingerpaints - c a r l y
- firefaerie83 - Bad boy, don't you fuck my dolly
- flatlineloki - FlatLine
- flatliner_00 - Flatliner_00
- flexbusterman - timothy
- flurescntjunkie - the precious whore
- forcedsuicide - O.o BroKeN SusPEnsiOns o.O
- forgedveracity - One Winged Demon
- formerastronaut - Bryan
- fragilemachine - Little Wonder
- fragilespiral - Wes
- freak23839 - Chris
- freakypyro - Kitty
- freddy4fingers - Im Harold's Heart
- frkallout - Mystic Dragon
- frozenteardrops - -unwanted-
- fuckin_tornado - Was A Good Girl
- fuckingsarah - fucking sarah
- g_a_f - Beauty_Fiend
- gakkun - ☆ manda ☆
- gapingmaw - Gaping Maw
- gargamellon - Smilin' Joe
- geekygrrl - Rachel
- genno - Less than dust.
- geusie - just another little faggot
- gingerfish31 - ginger
- gingertears - Lily Bunn
- girl_amplified - It's Fun to Fall Apart
- girlsliarmouth - PeachGlow
- glass_jaw - Chris
- glassjaw28 - Kirchart
- glassjawband - Llama Jose
- glazedxover - Celie
- glitterfeet - Hilary
- glittermission - sally bowles
- glitterrayne - RaynE
- go_gurt_raver - Skinny McNotfat
- gobbie1987 - ASHLEY
- goblenprincess - Mindy
- goddess420_666 - faded.meows.bring.new.frustration
- godophilia - Näive
- godsmackskittie - *Raena-Eva*
- gotenks - oXx ICPGotenks xXo
- gothicdreamer - Gothic Dreamer
- grannie_undys - never safe then sorry
- greenmaggot - Holly
- gregstevens - Greg Stevens
- gummiez - distance
- gurliegirl610 - amber
- h2osxeh2o - i forgot to breath for the 6th time this week
- halo_whore - .diavolina.
- hang_nail - × eileen ×
- happyrainbow - Amy =)
- hardcorehedbtch - Liz
- hark - lexasaur
- harmful_vapors - Jigga What, Jigga Who?
- hatetolove - that one girl.....
- haydenfan4life - ImAHaYdEnFaN
- hazyeyes - Jake
- hellokittykills - HK_Victim#666
- hidden_sin - Stitch Face
- hinorosh - Rosh
- hit_them_faderz - [r.cky]
- hold_me_under - _/\_/\_/\_____________flatline
- holywater - nodding, quivering, spasming, tripping
- homicidalfreak - raY
- hreohsauvage - Deoplic Feohseoc
- huzzahuzzah - Willow
- hypnoticalbee - CeLiCa PiMp
- i_am_so_dirty - Toby
- i_e4t_paste - People smile and tell me I'm the lucky one
- i_sold_out - For Your Convenience We Accept Visa and Mastercard
- iamg0d - chasen
- iateangelina - kelly skankner
- ibsen - Karl Magnus Blindheim
- icewyn - Icewyn
- iconeternal - 3d gangsta max
- icravepain - I want to have your abortion
- idiotsynchratic - Giddy Jinglestix
- ieatlipgloss - Evol
- ihatenaziscum - Maybe when he gets back...
- iheartpenguins - --> *LyNne-A
- iheartsuperman - what.you.see.is.what.you.get
- ilasli - ilasli
- ilikeboogerz - *Bonnie*
- ill_kiss_you - alice
- illegalmission - Bunny
- illu57ri0u5 - april the illustrious
- iloveyoucookie - Katie
- iluvposers - Andrea
- imacloud - Napkins
- impossibilium - fucknut
- imthesnuggle - Offroad Juggla
- incoherentwords - Memory
- inconceivable - Your Highness
- incubi99 - Pucker uP
- incubusisgood - RX Queen
- indulgedurchin - InDuLgEdUrChIn
- inflictedspoon - Coulrophobia Whore
- inn0cencel0st - Jengar
- innocentkiss685 - Lauren
- inpoortaste - speak no evil
- insecuritytape - Bleeding Rose
- insomni_a_ddict - (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->PeppeR<-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
- iou_1_galaxy - andrea
- isavedtheday16 - Emily
- isk8likewhat - Paul
- isolatedsoul420 - Reece
- istillmatter - intravenously polite
- itsmyfault - anTi
- ivdogg - Remy LeBeau
- iwantzach - Natalie
- iwillbiteu - Not Attractive
- ixheartxgc - . jaime .
- ixpunkgemxi - Karee
- j00b - Death + ♥ = ?
- j0hnd0e - kevi tessi (bob)
- jamilicious8 - Melissa
- janeywaney - Samantha
- january_cries - Liz
- jaucxnel2 - Cockslut Superstar
- javanut04 - Stocks.
- jayjaydaninja - And these would be Jay Jay's
- jeager - James
- jennalicous - Jen.
- jibunnotameni - Katsran
- jilliansjournal - Jill
- jimeeeh - Shimbo Bimbo
- jinx_remover - once or twice removed
- joeytucciarone - .+:+:Joey:+:+.
- johnnysantos - Johnny, you fuck.
- jose_the_taco - Franco
- josh13666 - this journal is strickly for the hardcore niggazz
- jpinky - JESSICA WESSICA!!!
- jpsavestheday - jessxcore
- jrock_mouse - Writings of the Film Noir
- juanfkennedy - Juan F Kennedy
- juliabagulia - i'd rather die than fade away.
- jumpinjiminy4 - ¿**?dana¿**?
- justin_steph - Justin and Steph
- jynxie - jynxie
- k_alika - Razamatazz
- k_squeeks - Katie
- kariz - the_guy
- kastro_ - Kastro
- kayloosh - Typical Girl
- kazee - Radioactive Pooch
- kazthemage - --.xPunch and pahx. ☆
- keebler1228 - Heather
- keeblerjesus - EugEnE
- keiko56 - Keiko
- kelleydoodle - her ex thinks it's sexy
- kellykicksass - Kelly
- kev0817 - Kevin
- keyann - Key
- killedaprincess - Angels fuck and devils kiss
- killerkalikokat - to konfused to care
- killurtv - SpOoKy CoRe
- killxavril - + deziree +
- king_homer - The Abortion That Got Away
- kinkykandy - <~*`PrYnCeSs DaViS`*~>
- kirkis - Kirkis
- kissmyguitar - I am the LIZAGE!
- kissmytearsaway - ::just another nobody::
- kitten390 - ~*Narcadia*~
- kittykill - -x♥x-ŜђǻċЌ₤٤đ PяΐиςєśŞ-x♥x-
- kmbino - *::*:Kelly:*::*
- koopa_fett - Koopa
- kornkween - Little Mindless Teresa U2IN3
- kornnutz - "beam me up"
- kornstar119 - C H R I S T I N A
- kornut - Kaycee BonBon
- krazikate - .
- krn - Mike
- kweerkid - Mike, Do you care?
- ladybathory - ♥_gretcheÑ_♥
- latex_love_void - Inked In Blood
- laurasuxbigcox - Laura Cox(ie)
- leadcr0w - LeadCr0w
- lee_0082 - Josh
- legomyemo - morning dove
- lessthanally - Ally
- lessthanjake26 - AmAnDa
- lexzev - lexzev
- lgnrd - the rich
- liamisgod - Liam
- likeisaid - Chloe*
- lil_woot - So what if I squeak?
- lilhottie019 - *JuST aNoTHeR STaR iN THe SKy*
- liljadeyurine - Faggot Princess Moon Cricket
- liljules - » V · O · I · D «
- lilkelliurine - [i'm just the girl that loves you]
- linkinparklady - Manda Rae
- lipsxlikexsugar - ------
- liquidblueslife - Dezmond Castner
- liquidpig - words are very unnecessary: they can only do harm
- littleemoashley - ¤·.¸¸.·*×» <3 mrs. alex lewis <3 «×*·.¸¸.·¤
- littlefaggot - chasen
- littlegreycat - creamy chunks of SATAN!
- littlejimmybshy - Little Jimmy Urine
- livelifeapart - dani
- livingdeadgirl - Living Dead Girl
- lizna - Angry*Snatch
- lizzygurl - Perfectly lost
- lnknprkgrl - Colleen
- lonelyfuck - pretty girl with a gun
- lookbeyond - Lookbeyond
- loserbritt - i°never°said°that°everything°would°be°okay
- losergirl - дΨĦξ≈۸ ħδ∟Ŀσψ
- loserishekka - Ekka
- loserpunk430 - .as she cries her voice dies out.
- lostinsilence4l - Some one
- loudmouth - Heather
- lounge_akt - specious of the species
- loveislaced - GuTtEr QuEeN
- lovestruckpoet - .britt.
- lowell_ninjette - erin
- lshaunnal - NotHere
- lucid_obsession - Sarah
- luke84 - Don't Walk Away
- luverlindsey - *anal*
- lynzhatesyou - lynz
- lynzisagoddess - BettyzTrash
- lyxzenfever - ExtravaJennsa!
- mad24rox - youre never gonna find it, if youre looking for it
- madcowdzyze - Sock Puppet Boy
- maddie_jo - Dead Ohio Sky
- magus2k2 - magus2k2
- maharishi - Tighty Maroony
- makinacake - Keena
- malevolentfairy - Fantastic J
- mamachooga - ashee
- manda1013 - Manda
- mandykandy - Mandy Kandy
- mansonlover - Dori
- markieboy - dublin core
- marlonbrando666 - Corey
- mastertherion - PhyrexianOverlord
- materialchrist - Chrissy
- mattfergusson - fergy
- maximumtortoise - Maximum Tortoise
- mdknight - Shattered Reality
- me_face_down - ▪+▪ °Hopeless° ▪+▪
- mechanicalbeex - Kris
- mediantomb - Uallas
- meemee - gatita mala
- megal0maniac - kelly
- meloli - Melissa
- mendacity - lin-lin
- merely_a_walrus - a hookah smoking caterpillar
- mestupchels - a-deleted-memory
- metalbunny - Ali
- mikitymike - die mother fuckers die mother fuckers die
- mikosuave - Leighann Mikaka Mike-o Miko
- min0r - Chris
- mindless_ash - ash♥
- mindlessposer - Delirious Instinct
- mineke - The Naked Katie Show
- mirushka - Mirka
- miss_ra - ~*About a girl*~
- missdisaster - biLL
- misstink - Ms. Tinkerbell
- missus_ambiss - Yuckii Ambiss Wretched
- missxmalicious - [..EuRo*TrasH..]
- mistress_bastet - Mistress Bastet
- mithrril - Cayt
- molson - [prettyXsin]
- monkeyfromhell3 - I'm sceaming to get out...
- monzi - monica
- morbidkitty - Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreow
- morexthanxscary - +v8.4 ++drug me beautiful
- mosaicscene - In times of pain and joy
- mouthfulofglass - mouthfulofglass
- msbunnyfoofoo - Ludmila
- msikisser - Machinum Deorum
- mssardonicsmile - Marla Singer
- munk - Munk
- myke_minstar - Schism m00ky
- myowntheory - Cherry to The Maxx
- mysuicideangel - -♥+SINthetic Dollie of DOOM+♥- (beautiful liar)
- nailbunnyjthm - xXkaraXx
- ne0c0re - Cors light
- necropheeliak - NeCro
- needforspeed - Nick
- neontink - xX miss rasberry Xx
- neovampyre - Melancholia God
- netsubo - Netsubo
- neuralgia - passenger
- neuromancer81 - Neuromancer81
- neuros - Greg
- neurotonic - cece
- nevaehrain - Sophia
- newpunkglory - $hady
- nicoleness - Nicole
- nietenmaedchen - Princess of Porn aka All-Knowing Noodle Unbaker
- nieth666 - Asuka
- nny777 - Daniel
- no_refunds - no alarms * no surprises
- nochristy4u - Indy
- not_dave - Sam an tha
- not_dpk - Orthodox Chrissian
- notaiithere04 - far stucker
- notalltalk - ~*~Tracy~*~
- notdeadyet - yetdeadnot
- nothinqness - Becky
- nuclearbear - Nukes
- nuclearxviolets - Wench
- nullproductions - evan
- nursemuffy - agoraphobic muff bleed
- nvasnofmylsthop - Enchanted Dreamers Venimous Lies. . . . . . .
- o0christina0o - dipsomaniac
- oakee - The book of Lists
- obragbye - ~*PixiE*~
- ofishal_midjet - official midget
- oh_oneninety - G-Monkey
- ohbutitsshiny - lavadre
- ohsoverysublime - the original poser
- omnipotentpixie - code red, agent homewrecker
- onbolts - Bam
- ong - Kit
- opivygurl - One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
- opmjunkie - fire is cool!
- orgykd - ~*~The Amazing Genetic Orgy Dork~*~
- orgylover69er - bLue AvOcaDo
- overdoseee - *KRiStiN*
- overlooksadness - quit whining
- overmyumbrella - Dorothy Jane Torkelson
- oxxxx1xxxxo - Seeping your cries through the slit in your neck
- paindstortssoul - failures seek closure im a world such as this. . .
- panthien84 - Amanda C.
- pantie_scout - Adolf Hitler
- paper__soda - cold beverage
- parad0x_kat - Parad()x_Kat
- parallelvoid - pyro-
- peanutkeeper - alexis
- pegasus98 - Pegasus98
- penetratephae - ~*Phaedra*~
- perciplex - apophenia
- perfectdrug4u - Amber
- perfectsilver - Fantastica
- peroxidepug - Puggers for the Lovers.
- perpetua_187 -
- phantomruby - ^v^ Ruby ^v^
- phodigrapher - jo d
- phoenix3 - badlittlemonkie
- phoenixflare - Dissonance
- phuqtheworld - THE EASTER BUNNY
- phuxeaoudelsol - Tsukamoto Kuriiso
- pigflipper - Richard Walls
- pigsticker - Foolish mortal. Muhahahaha!
- pink_majik_8 - Euphoric Elegy
- pinkcilicone - Mary Jane
- pinkpunk3 - wearing a smile that is never quite sure of itself
- pinnheadlarry - Mandah; 愛
- pixieglow - ~¤*Katie¤*~
- pixiescars - Kelly
- pixykatt - It's your sickness, my sweetness
- plaidfangedkat - Cupcake
- plaidlipstick - Ashley Mc.
- plasticfantasy - Brandi
- platinumdizzy - +(chemical)+(smile)+
- playskool18 - ☆☆×»Š†µþ¡ð¤G¡®£«×☆☆
- po - Ritch Goodyear
- poison - julia
- poisonpictures - p o i s o n | p i c t u r e s
- pokadotpickle - Samanfa
- poopeyhead13 - Ashly
- porcelain_angel - Navy Girlfriend
- powerpuffmybag - Sarie Barie pants
- precurser - precurser
- prettyflower68 - elly
- prettyinpink42 - StephaniE
- prettypaintedup - Ashley
- prettystitch - Stevie
- prevailedloss - brandon
- primalscream - Alison, the Offical LiveJournal Update-Whore
- princess_roxi - ♥絵本
- progressingfool - Allied Assualt
- propertyofgster - Dorkish furBs
- prototypecheese - Christine
- pseudomessiah - Ms. Anthropic
- psychodude - Brett/Honky/Master BoB
- psycochrist - Atreju
- psycopathicseth - Seth
- psykosis69 - ª(1|) }{3|2º
- punkchick666 - lor-uh
- punkcrackrabbit - Genesis
- punkengoth - Tyler Brown
- punkie_rocker - ♥1/2 loser 1/2 hero♥
- punkiishmob - killing the right
- punksquirlles - N/A
- purplepixiegrl - *grey would be the color if i had a heart*
- purpleturkey - Lin
- pynksugerpyxie - *Meagan*
- queenaless - MiNkey
- queenc1884 - Dream on silly Dreamer
- r3p3ntiv3 - Justin Cochrane
- rabbid - rabbid
- rabidpunk - Rabidpunk
- radiant_decay - Erin
- ragman - Henry The Chicken, The Second, The Third!
- rancidpunk24 - Ezkahbahr
- rasputinette - lauren
- ratmguitarist - Xel'Naga
- ratto - mustang sally
- ravenfang - cut.the.kitten
- razor_zedge - Brad
- recordoffailure - Ophelia
- redlyne - nondescript
- reluctantly - liquid in her hands
- remorseful - Robin
- rendereduseless - X e r o Tolerance
- renegadeangel - Koreenu
- retardhaha - ...just a pitiful anonymous...
- reticentsoul - forever vain
- retro083 - Are you there god? It's me, Retro
- revmannix138 - Sir Mannix of Riboflavin
- rivetbitch - The Most Wonderful Girl
- robabob - RoB-A-BoB
- rock_hamster - Suicide has it's Grace
- rockangel312 - Kristin
- rocktheryhme - Slow Emcee
- rocktheuk - and then he appeared
- rok_kandie - C a n d a c e
- rollergirlie526 - possibly maybe probably love
- rosedcarebear - Don't like me? Well watch me say "FUCK OFF!"
- rottenriot - Amorette the Great
- rowzie - i only smile in the dark
- roxycharmichael - roxy charmichael
- rozeeb - Sin The DemiGod
- ruby7 - almost_legal
- run49inchnails - Tiffany Howell
- rvg99 - Randy
- ryanschicka - SelfInflicted Pain
- ryyan - Ryyan
- s0lana - lAin
- sacreddove - Queen Paloma
- sacrificedhuman - sAcRiFiCeDhUmAn
- sad_eyed_angel - ^v^ ChristinA ^v^
- saddened_eyez - s0ftc*re bean
- sadistic_dreamz - <3 Krystal <3
- sadistic_gold - Ottergirl
- saidthejoker - hookah smoking caterpillar
- sakopoo2002 - Denise
- sanguinare - PishPin
- sansfoi - ¡Chingada!
- sarendipty - Hav
- satanic_bunnie - the little maggot
- savesthesucka - she sings
- scionofmadness - Bryan
- scornfulxtrash - ;mindless tragic
- screamrape - ♥
- screwedupangel - Jay Jay
- secret_cracka - Yan
- sedated_chick - Freaky
- seeing_red - another one
- seperated - Jessye
- sephiroth_84 - Eternal Damnation
- serendragonfae - Emily
- sexxx_kitten - Eleanor
- sha_quiet - I dunno
- shadowofeden - Töd
- share_with_me - _noiseandkisses
- sharkims - Sharkims
- shatteredstarz - mr. matty poo
- shes_advanced - [+Brandy+]
- shootsnladders - KaREy
- shroomy120 - I have nothing productive to say
- shytearz - wOrd...o.O
- sic_kitty - Verbal Vomit
- sick_fuck - Gaz
- sickbeauty - Anna
- sillie_lizzie - Silly little liz
- sillyjon - Jon
- silversrevenge - Silver's Revenge
- simplybasil - Basil Rabbit
- singerperson - LaLaLaLaLainey!
- sinnam0n - Rachel V
- siobunny - .·* Bunni *·.
- siockpunk - Jaci
- sizeofakiss - she broke like glass
- skarlit - fucking rock star
- skasugar - swizzle stick rum cake
- skirl - Tina
- skortbulb - NAITbare
- slackerqueen - Distorted my words
- slave2gravity - Erika
- slave_in_chainz - Jenn
- slinksteralicat - Kristy
- slippyknot - BuDdAhBaBiE
- smashing_blue - Miyuki: One Strange Girl
- soadpsychobytch - ^v^ANTIfemale^v^
- sola - goblins. what else could it be?
- solinlogan - a kid who traded hopes for stars
- sooperdork - Cereal
- sorrowsend - Misery's Disciple
- sorryinadvance - In Your Arms I Am Defined
- soybik - invisible girl
- spacebunni - Unlucky
- spacedoutpeach - LynZ Gertrude
- spacer - The Saddest Little Robot
- spankyisme - Spanky
- spankymc2teats - Arthur A. Nopants, Esq.
- sparkler999 - Gizmo!
- spasm_katz - ~*~DeniaL QueeN~*~
- spazdout69 - Jen
- spider_and_fly - when day chokes the night
- spiderchick - spiderchick
- spiders4whit - =Anime Eyes=
- splinteredglass - Jaimie
- spruceg0ose - fo shizzy my nizzy
- spunkeebabe421 - huh?...ohh,... K-Hole.....
- spycofreak - Muff
- stabbity - Stabbitys are for children
- stabyerself - Shannon
- staniam - BABY SHAKERS INC.
- star0nastring - worthless attempt
- star_bubbles - Cat
- staratari - Staratari
- starlineskeptic - Layton
- starliteyes4 - Kelso
- starslave - Kelli
- starsnscarz - Lets Play Some Tetris Motherfucker!
- starwh0re - ; - pillow kissing session - ;
- stasotheduck - jason
- steal_the_show - Bryan
- steelenigma - Russ
- steelshadow - Maxie
- stevej630 - .:~Sunshine~:.
- stewface - Look In My Eyes
- stichthestars - *~*StiTcHtHeStArS*~*
- stickcarver - ...why are you running away?
- strangenotes - Miggle
- strider0663 - Angel
- stripeymittens - soap.box.girl
- stuperstephy - Stuper Stephy
- stupidchild - Beautifully Wrong
- stupidlifeforce - ^v^Ruby^v^
- sueside - dark
- sugardaddy25 - ouch stop it burns
- suicidalbarbie - Suicidal Barbie Doll
- sunnysre04 - Sasha
- sunsmoon - Butterfly Child
- suqar_punk - 'shlee - blee
- sushibubba - Sushi
- sweet_calamity - Explain This Clarissa
- sweetaddiction2 - DEEEEEE
- sxeminority - Amanda
- syko_neko - 01001011
- synistry - synistry
- synthetichuman - Absynthetic Human
- systemofadrew - The Arch Bishop Don Magic Juan
- tabriscoonz - Dr.Sarcastabitch
- taintedpixie - Brand0lyn
- taintedsmile - sarah
- taintyman27 - Andrew Padimson
- tamiuana - tamiuana
- tart13f - MoonIsDown
- tassi242 - What it's like to be Tassi...
- taterduck - k-STA
- taylorshox - ..:+ She's Always Buzzin Just Like Neon ...:+
- teenagepolitics - Kaitlin
- tekno_plaid - Mercury
- terminaldefect - Invader Tiff Mother Fuckers
- terrysgurl - gaby
- thatempest - Melly
- thatgirlallie - -=[Allie]=-
- the_cats_meow - Lisamajay
- the_roxi - roxanne ♥ kirigoe
- the_shellster - ×
- the_vines - mugsy
- thee_mea_culpa - Mea D Catterren
- theidioteque - idio
- theincrowder - just walk away
- thep3rfectdrug - F*u*c*k Revolution
- thereisnomonkey - Joey
- thinkingcap - Queen of All Dorks
- thintheherd - .heXXxy.
- thirty2_frames - chris
- thisdisgrace - You spin me around like the inside of a microwave
- thisisnteasy - Jake
- thriftynifty - Pull My Hair
- tiff_ay - the spork flinging grunge girl
- tikachu - notorious T.I.K.A.
- timeguy - pop(sic)le
- tinkerfoo - Madfoo
- tinydancer2050 - Ashley
- tinyearthgodess - A cHiLd
- tor - bruised
- tragicpunk - lisa
- transposer - jimmy
- traumatrash - u n s p u n
- trentisgod - Legolas's Bitch
- tubbymexican - tubby
- twinklet - Exploding Fireworks Heart
- twistedkitten - Smooth Like Asphalt
- twiztidpink - For You It's A Trend. For Me It's a Lifestyle
- twiztidtheclown - Visual Assassin
- twobrokenwings - oh baby, don't overreact
- tybris - Tybris
- tydel - Tyler Delane
- uncensoredlips - * ..just a paperbag *
- uncreative_name - Seancore, The Holyest of Shits
- undesiredone - sunshine beyond the clouds
- undrthenightsky - Tristessa
- unpleasantries - antiquehighheelreddollshoes
- unshown - danielle
- urapemyeyez - TaintedxXandXxGrey
- urbancowgurl85 - Crystal
- urmybutterstick - Incestuous Faerie
- utopiaevenstar - the mystical magical tywyn
- vampire_fi - Hatsuharu Souma
- vampirem00se - Jordy
- vapid_iniquity - tiff
- vel0uria13 - the deconstruction of color
- velvetdecay - [][] i'm screaming for you now [][]
- ventrue101 - David
- venusburn - bah-humbug
- venuscherry - pia
- viciouschic - Listen The Mighty Ear Is Here
- violentdreamz - Kelsey
- virginfairy - sing me a sweet song
- vixenestic - =^.^= heather
- vizionz - vizionz
- vjolt - JAKE
- vmpyrechck - Lizardo
- voluptousdildo - +Jessica+
- vomitbluestars - .breaking up the girl.
- voodoopc - Voodoo @ Fragapalooza
- vyxii - Vyxin
- waitingeverlong - Gypsy
- walklikeakiller - try to hide the heart that you've been eating
- wdytoab - I Want To Be Your Debaser
- weezerschnitzel - the hardest button to button
- whenthesunsleep - Danielle
- whipstikagostop - loser
- whitejester - whitejester
- whitey_p - Laura
- whitneybsux - Rip my heart out slowly
- wickedclown69 - Bryce Landry
- wickedfayth - Catherine
- wickit - wickit
- windowpane - nothing
- witchyfallon - "maria rodriguez"
- with_pains - Nance Potter.
- witheredlove - kimmy
- wornandtorn - Cari
- wrena_wild - Wrena Salvaje
- wyzrdsmage - Just Plain Dhari and No One Else
- x_saveme_x - morningdove
- xassfacex - xennazusx
- xbehindblueeyes - .megan
- xcx - Bill
- xdanix - .kasey.
- xdarkmuffinsx - ] ] ;j e rry_
- xdistillersx - LinDseY
- xdronedx - lenas always on my mind
- xfelonxdollx - //a girl named chair
- xfrost - Frosty
- xghettoangelx - Stephanie
- xglittersores - It's Fun to Fall Apart.
- xgodstopperx - xgodstopperx
- xgwenx - gwen♥suicide
- xjustagirlx - Sara
- xklutzyfreakx - k8isgr8Xcore
- xofijixo - Unfinished Dream
- xparisinflames - jordan
- xpinkvomit - KAL!N
- xrainbowboix - .:.I Am Known By Many Names.:.
- xrandomthoughtx - X__DEAD__X
- xrawkxstarx - Erin
- xshatterstarx - Dana
- xsuicidecorex - M[an_i]
- xunforgiven_one - build me up. before i fall.
- xunforgivenx - Giacomo Girolamo Casanova
- xwhitney - Whitney
- xxacidcuntxx - some natures catch no plague
- xxbearbearxx - MaNDa RoX
- xxdemonicelfxx - Demonic Elf
- xxkornfreakxx - Dan
- xxnothingfacexx - Beth
- xxprettyhatexx - Distorted Bitch
- xxseedxx - Dave
- xxshanninxx - shannin
- xxspewbunnyxx - myers
- xxvegasxx - Rosalita
- xxxfalsehopexxx - Kim[bo]
- xxxkellyxxx - xXx Kelly the Virgin Porn Star xXx
- xxxmikehuntxxx - Matt
- xxxsatan666xxx - Eric
- yackiejax122 - Jax
- yanna - FEEL MY WRATH!
- your_michelle - axl's rocket queen
- yourinefficacy - aS i WaNdEr..
- yoursxalways - fatally yours
- zero0911 - I am Ragamuffin, the eternal vampire scourge
- zero_ariel - steph
- zerocool69 - David
- zeroghost - Andrea
- zerotone - Matthew G
- zhilat - Danielle Huelsbeck