Friday, April 9th, 2004
4:46 pm - Hi bitches!
ok ok ok - so I AM IN SAN FRANCISCO! And I have a HOUUUUUUUUUUUUSE! Yes, a house! Of course I share it with two other peeps, but dey coo. Im still fighting to be fully settled though. Starbucks is FUCKED up! Annoying the hell out of me, But the one I am going to work at pays 8.25 an hour plus avg 2.80 in tips. Alas it IS in Daly City (which is like 25 minutes on the bus) but it's worth it for that pay. Now, i hvent started yet, as it is being remodelled - so i am waiting patiently for Ian to call me and give me the go ahead. i know I already got the job though, as I was told by him and Elva (manager from old store). So woopie! Going back to San Diego on thursday for the weekend. I am going to gether the rest of my things and truck em on up here. Which reminds me - Saturday night at my place, folks!!! Mike is outta town and I am hoping many people show up to see me (perhaps for the last time?!) and party and have a gay ol time! Speaking of gay, this city is something else! I mean - i can honeslty say San Diego wins as a GAY city. but SF has these pockets of gayness. It's WEIRD! Like you can get off the muni (muni is the little subway thingy, it's not as cute as BART, but it gets the job done) at one stop and you go up to the ground, and it looks normal. But another stop you could get out, and you go above the ground and it looks like Cher and Mardi Gras threw up. It's incredible. im loving it though. I wanted a big, rugged, dirty city and I got it! Of course it is no NYC - bu twill DEFINITELY suffice for now. I have a few auditions lined up. They do so much theatre and dance here - it's incredible. Theres like 60000495 different ballet companies, jazz, modern...tons of em. Im auditioning for Cuckoos Nest next week, i missed Streetcar and Sweet Charity - oh well. Guys and Dolls, Godspell, Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Les Mis, and West Side Story are all this month as well. Oh and Private lives. Most of it is REP too!!!!!!!! WOO! I thought i would get stuck doing shows in giant garages again! but noooo im talking big, spacious lovely theatres. True, the competition might be formidable - haha theres PLENTY of opportunities to try and try again. And I figure it wouldnt be as embarassing as failing at a Broadway audition. ok im rambling....What news...not much left to say. If anyone wants to write or visit or what have you, email me and I will send you my contact info!
I love what I have doen - whats next!!!! :-D Bye peeps
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4:36 pm
| Friday, February 27th, 2004
6:13 pm - RIP Fred Rogers...
It's a not-so-beautiful day in the neighborhood. My envy goes out to thos emother f-ers getting buried by fred...as they will eternally be his neighbor. *sigh* So what happens now in the kingdom of make-beleive?! Lady Elaine has all the answers.
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| Thursday, February 5th, 2004
9:21 pm - :-(
Un - inspired......Uninspired.....Unin-Spired....Sad....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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| Friday, November 7th, 2003
9:59 am - No wonder!
No wonder im such a mess these days! It's cause i haven't gotten my dick wet for a long time. You may be thinking "uhm Aaron, what the hell does that have to do with anything?!" Well let me share some interesting facts about sex that even I didn't know:
Good Sex......Did you know that you can tell from the skin whether a person is sexually active or not.
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when woman make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which make hair shiny and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis,skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases the chemical endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.
8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
My god it all makes perfect sense. No wonder nikki looks so fabulous nowadays! Yeeeeesh. I need some good hardcore loud sex. NOW! Someone call me! Hahha kidding...
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| Saturday, October 25th, 2003
4:06 pm - Watch me eat a cunt!
My paycheck was a measley 127.75.... I work for peanuts. BUT i DO get tips on Monday! Sweeeet....
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| Thursday, October 23rd, 2003
11:01 pm - Hey Beches
Ok....so I havent posted in ages, Which always seems to be the case when i DO post. I am tired. Like worn THIN tired. Im losing massive amounts of weight waaaaaay to fast for my own liking....kind of weird. Sleep all the time. TRYING desperately to save my money but it seems like one expense after the fucking other. Cell phone, car, clothes, home, flights, school, car, car, car....I hate my car. I HATE that I didnt get to see Ani Difranco on Tuesday. GODFUCKINGSHITFUCKER. I sat through a fucking run through....shit buckets! i am still pretty miffed about that. And ONT TOP of all that fucking Leslie cals me ADS i am finally going to sleep and say6s "Oooooh, it was soooo gooooooood, I LOVED it etc...." And im like....."great....night...." Fuckin shit. Well Rocky is coming along very well. Except the director keeps changing shit. Dude.....dont fuck wit it. it be goood. It is a good show. Vocally awesome, sets are....so-so, but the hsow togethe ris great. I am enjoying it alot. GET THIS! The fucking tickets are 25.00!!!!!!! TWENTY-fucking-FIVE!?!?!? I think thta is OUTRAGEOUS for a starting price. No one is going to pay that so see this show. I iwll desperately try to talk him down. Did this show even COST twenty five dollars? hahaha Sheeeeot. I cant beleive. You know what? I can EASILY sneak people in. The theatre adjoins to the street behind it, I can let people in from that door and you can walk in and take a seat like you were just in the bathroom, which is in the same vicinity in which you would be coming. Puhleeze. i demand none of you pay for this show, i WILL sneak you in. SHHHHHH I got you my babies, i gotchoo. LOVE I need rest.
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| Sunday, October 5th, 2003
7:48 pm - Sick sick sick....
I have pneumonia in my left lung, and severe sinusitis. Im hopped up on 500 mil. of a fun yellow pill, i take it three times a day, i think i hallucinate. THIS is why Ive been so shitty...Ive had this for about a month (little did I know) but i notice it now cause my lung is "consumed" - it's full of shit....yes, good thing i found this out now before it spread. I cant do a thing for 10 days, and i JUST got a job. Fuck....well health is a big priority i suppose. Write back and call me and bring me get well cards and stuff. That'd be neat. Im delirious....like a clown on a hay day. yeehaw. loveing the party and smash trespassers. Nighty night *kiss kiss*
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| Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
10:31 pm - Insanity, illness, depression....i dunno but something is wrong.
I don't feel lik eme right now. i don't feel comfortable in my own skin. I cant talk to anyone, I can't go out anymore....it's weird, I just don't wan tit around me. I dont know why i feel this way. Im not angry, Im not bored, I dont hate anyone.....im just......blah. I work early mornings and usually have rehearsal til late night and school all day tuesday and thursday so im not ENTIRELY busy...but my days are cut out for me. WHats wrong with me htough?! I need to talk to someone and vent...I just dont know who. I can't explain....Im not comfortable with my station in life right now. Thats all...Im upset.
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| Monday, September 16th, 2002
9:59 pm - I LOVE!
The Rocky Horror Show - Live! Open October 24th (thursda) and play until November 9th (saturday) UNLESS it gets rave reviews themn it will be on for an open-ended run so keep your fingers crossed! No plans for Halloween? Come to The Rocky Horror Halloween blowout! Hosted by our cast at the Culy theatre (where we perform) costume contest, food, entertainment, drinks etc...and after lal the festivities we will perform live, for you! Hhaha did I seel that well? Im SOOOOO excited. I cant beleiv ei have this opportunity...it's gonna be excellent. The director has so many great ideas, and the guy funding the show is LOADED. Muy muy bueno! Share my happiness....and my hot penis. Go see ROcky or die. Ill get tickets for 10 bucks to sell at my own volition but only for a short period of time before we open, so keep in touch if you want some cheap - good seats. I also get a few comp....we'll see. OOOOOH Im so stoked. Love!
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| Saturday, September 14th, 2002
5:53 pm - Welll welll wel
So I havent update din a thousand years. Whats new. School , love it. It's a breeze, so much fun. Gina is awesome, had some cool hangout time with her last night. Missing Leslie we're hangin out today in a few. Nikki is......well she's occupied. I GOT IN ROCKY HORROR! I got the call today, im a Phantom - downtown san diego - Rocky Horror Show - Live. So stoked for that. Im on contract which means steady pay and commitment. PLUS i got like a thousand aps for restaraunts all over San Diego. HOPEFULLY ONE will want me. I Do have serving experience, and I took orders.....sort of. We'll see. I need to type up my resume' still. I like that things are happening for me again. Its a releif. Bryan Swarberg is supposed ot call me tonight....haha we'll see how that goes. I need food in my belly. Quick update is better than no update. Eat my pumpkin penis -
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| Thursday, August 29th, 2002
9:07 pm - the first real day....
Had my first REAL day of school today. not like the first first day where all you do is the syllabus shit etc... NO! Got some writing assignments, auditioned for musical theatre and danced in hip-hop. The musical theatre audition was HORRIBLY nerve wracking. Only becaus ei had to sing, yes, SING in front of my peers...and most of them were so fucking arrogant i could vomit, but i htink i did alright. We will see tomorrow morning when the class announcement list goes up. I had some awesome competition though. Hip-Hop was SOOOO fuckigbn awesome. AND IM GOOD AT IT! The teacher, Christa - she's so damn awesome and she kept saying "Awesome Aaron! - Good use of the upper body! Great shoulders!" Im all "uhhh...thanks." but it was aweosme that I did well enough to have the teacher learn my name the first day. Leslie had her too I think....very attractive, i'd certainly consider fantasizing about her. Auditions were yesterday, I did well I beleive. it was cool seeing my competition this time. At the other auditions you didnt really know who was coming or going or what. Not to say this one was fairly organized, the lights were still just bright enough to see (hehe). Saw Bryan Swarberg consecutively. His car as broken into today so he was all crappy. Saw Rya too! Have class with her Tuesday and thursday, that is if I make the class. Bryan looks like Jesus Christ - its pretty awesome. I miss Anna Lynn and Ginia - I hope i see them tonight! Im going to coffee with Le and she said she was gonna call them. Fngers crossed. Outlook: positive... things are happening again and i love it!
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| Thursday, August 15th, 2002
6:30 pm - ICk
So I have been blessed with the influenza that has plagued seemingly everyone i know this summer, and now my time has come. *COUGH HACK WHEEZE* My voice is virtually gone, dizzy spells, chest congestion, stuffy nose etc.. wonderful! BU I get money from the Mike for San Fran on MONDAY! and I am so freakin excited. I love that city. I want to devote a day strictly to walking around the city...Caus ei love it. Naj will have Clarence which will help for ong distances, im so stoked. And HOPEFULLY (icing on the cake) i will get to see matty next weekend. Go to Great America and all tha jazz. Im cited! A perfect end to an.....interesting summersummer. I enjoyed it. I think I will mae a ful summer post...this one deserves it.
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| Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
12:55 pm
I would reall ylike it if school started NOW! On a better note, I go to frisco in 6 days, but the shitty part is that my wallet and all its belongings (like my money) have been lifted to I am SOL on transportation, food, lodging.......Maybe something miraculous will happen. I want to go back to schooooooool!
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| Saturday, August 10th, 2002
1:31 pm
I refuse to beleive that NONE of my firends have posted since July 29th.....Unless you are all blocking it from me, in which case you are all pigs from hell. I really want Chipotle!!!!!!
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| Monday, August 5th, 2002
9:41 pm - Hello old man
ts been a long while and I still dotn have much anything of substance to poat. Whats new Aaron? hmmm I dunno.... Not going to AMDA! Which is a good thing I find because it would keep me out of debt for 20 years and I dont have to jeopordize my social and any other academic life for a miniscule chance at a very popular and hard to attain career, so what is Aaron doing? Going for the degree, baby. Planning on my bachelors in theatre at SFSU (moving up there in January) And perhaps ACT or something of the sort for the masters. Sensible, yes! Plus I have a chance to build a PHENOMENAL resume' in the bay area, I just KNOW I wont go long in betweem shows....HOT! What else? nikki is off doing her own thing with Benny - whatever. she's young and horny, c'est la vie as long as she is safe and has some fun. Anna and I have been hangin out a bit more, still not seeing Leslie quite enough. She came over last night and had a bit to drink but it didnt really get lebu time, Matty was there and all. OOOOH Matty... Love interest? Maybe...who knows. Im not gonna let my mind wander about this one, I like him he likes me, I got laid, we had SOOOO much fun together....yes thats where that stands, maybe progression will happen, maybe not but we will see (fingers crossed). School starts sooon. I am excited for that, NOT excited for Naj to leave, but I will join her, but she will be madly missed. What else? i dunno if I think of somethign Ill get my ass back on here and let you (the reader) know. Yeayeayeaaaa
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| Sunday, July 14th, 2002
9:58 pm - stress factors lemme vent...
You don't have to read this blurb, but im ghonna vent like a motherfuck so you have been warned. Ok so im working now painting rooms and sanding a bunch of stuff and prepping for this big paint job. It will pay well, it's just tedious bitch-work, all the more reasons to appreciate "hard earned" money. Its just vey tiring, alot of physical stuff but it taxes me. *deep brath moneymoneymoney Deep breath* Oh man, thats a rant all in itself - MONEY! I hate it...I HATE IT! I never desire to work a job to MAKE money, I never want to have a career based on a large salary, but this day in age you have to get by with that green stinky shit. I need 700 bucks by August first for AMDA - thats to secure a place for me to live. THEN I need and additional 42,000 to pay tuition. Im planning on pulling out a 25K loan, then the rest I iwll have to come up with by a gift from god or some help on the side. Granted I am saving up from now and far on, but i need to live day to day as well. I want my car badly....I want Blaise to call me back. the fucker is driving me mad. STRESS. I need a long massage, a good tan, and a margarita. Any takers? i think Im free for about an hour in 6 months...
Current music: the humming of an electric sander
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| Friday, July 12th, 2002
1:29 am - reading
I got my tarot read by my hippie, Erin. She has and always will read my tarot. i wont have anyone else do it. It was so awesome. "your focusses are really on love right now, and everything seems so positive on your furture. Its like you have a plan, and if everything went through the way you hoped it'd be perfect. theres someone in your past that just turned into a really weird asshole and totally dicked you over, but youre over that. Everything looks so positive for you in love right now, stick with whatever youre doing. Also you are going to find yourself to be very successful - being able to share somethign with alot of people. Things iwll work out for you. This is a time of big progression and change and its all going to be great" FUCK YEAH! I hope i didnt just jinx it....
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| Monday, June 24th, 2002
11:49 am
Its my time for a revolution - a new breakthrough! I actually had a pretty good night last night. Sober...oddly enough. my cousin Erin came over to my grammas house (it was her 81st birthday) - and she and I are one in the same (Erin, not gramma). It was so awesome to be able to talk to her and shit. My Aunt Margie (Erins mom) got tragically drunk and went around yelling how muchshe loved me and I was her favorite, it was really fucking funny, I must say. ANYWAY! Ive been approached with a very interesting offer: move to West Seattle, get a free car, free rent, a job right away as a bell hop in this PRIMO downtown hotel, tuition for a semester at Seattle Central City College - and then LOTS of financial help for AMDA in February. Now one ignorant person may say that this is a selfish opportunity and Im doing it for the money - What one must realize, though - is if I DO move the HUGE sacrifices I would be making. A person who preaches about how I need to accept the fact that i gotta work hard to get what i want, i got to make sacrifices, not hangout so much. Well hello Seattle - thats exactly how things would work here. I would have an AWESOME job, I would still pay insurance for the car and gas, i have to buy my own food, clothes, still need to get some loans for school. i think this is a very amazing opportunity. granted I HATE Washington state, but if it means al that security and a higher potential for New York city...one has to do what one has to do. I think there would be less social distraction. I HATE Washington though...if Im downtown all the time though - Seattle (its AMAZING there) I think i would be content. So the only times I would really be in the crappy places is when i eat (potentially) and sleep. Im seriously weighing this one, guys - any thoughts? Oh and Anna, the house I would stay in DOES have an extra room.................
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| Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
12:01 am - you can bunmp and grind for all i care....
.....Cause I am retireing my post. The knot in my shoulder hurts like its going to explode. I hopwe it does, and I hope I bleed to death as a result. i hate washington and everyone in it. i want to leave. now. RIGHT now. I see the moon out the window, glaring at me, scorning me and mocking me - "you CANT" it says "you cant just go with the flow like me!" Always difficult. Too much wine for me, ooooh boy lemme tell ya - had a crappy as polish family dinner - got bitched and scraped at for not beleiving in god FUUUUUUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to take my butter knife and dig out eyes. this places evokes so much anger and animosity in me....I cant stand it. I HATE it here. i HATE my past here, I HATE people in my past from here, and I want to leave NOW! Two days two days two days....I TOLD you guys I wasnt looking forward to this and it turne dout worst than I had imagined. TAKE ME AWAY. I have a bottle of wine - she and I are going to retire for the night. Fuck you and goodbye -
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