Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "john frusciante".
25 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in john frusciante. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- _all_neon_like_ - A L L N E O N L I K E
- _eunuch_ - _eunuch_
- _fluorescent - //you're no romeo.
- _idesofmarch_ - a street helicopter named desire
- _shutupbitch - Jessica, Fuck you
- _spamrobot_ - _spamrobot_
- _thinwhiteduke_ - Herbert and His Ghost of a Chance
- a_little_pea - a_little_pea
- absent_minded - stressed but fabulous
- acidic_ - angstacular suburban teenage burnout
- aidich - M.
- allupinyagrill - Jordy B. Good
- amegative - Joshua
- amidori - Ami
- amnesiac26 - girlfriend in a coma
- amoree - Erica
- andshedrowns - snapshot.
- angel550 - angel.the.bee.princess
- angryjan - Janaina Veneziani
- antiscout - Captain Yossarian
- aprayerposition - Matt
- ascii_70_85 - Name
- asphaltdase - Claire
- aurallyfixated - Jane Lane
- avenueb - AvenueB
- avocado_rolls - katie
- awesomlytwisted - charley
- b36400 - b36400
- b3rock - Nick Fuck
- babybaby - BabyBaby
- barred_reality - Danny
- beast_xi - lifeindeadtime
- beavischik - Michelle
- becca_ca_ca - becca
- been_insane - amy black and white
- benjy_c - Benjy
- beowulf360 - Racing towards a Red Light
- bhakta - Crimal
- bitchinbabe - Sandy
- black_illusion - Meg White
- blackeyedblonde - chrissy
- blinkypalermo - Niandra LaDes
- bluemoonxtc - strange little girl
- boatsc - Spiderman's Horse
- bobby_fermango - Numerically Weighted Body
- boiledbeans - been insane
- bollybollycorgn - Bolly, Bolly Corgin
- bonecracker - Jack's wasted life
- bonospoptart - Jenna
- boonl - Reinout
- boyisabird - dave
- brianberge - Brian Berge
- brokenemofaerie - moved to --> _submissionhold
- bronco - Brittany
- bunnyblue - Dianasaurus Rex
- cabron - GeOrgy
- cakeandsodomy - phil
- chadkiedis9 - Eric
- chaoticgoddess - The Psychotic Faerie
- chapoche - Cal
- charleskane - charles kane
- chasingtoday - a girl
- chikenmc3j - ChiKenMc3J
- chikkenvoices - Piss off you Capitalist bastard!
- chistila - Christina
- chordbreaker - Danny
- christina143429 - Christina Stegner
- christinanaomi - Christina Stegner
- cky_fan336 - Jimmy
- clayven - Laslow Q Panaflex
- clearlyvague - president of antarctica
- cloudhurler - Cloudhurler
- cocolulugirl - akina
- coda_leia - Coda
- coffeeinmyveins - Revelation
- coma__ - tired, kind of
- comfortablyfey - running screaming through the snow
- crackpotkanga - V u h - n e s s - u h h h
- crestfallenstar - Jill
- crucifiedcherry - HatchetFace
- cryabluemoon - Others only dream of the love, that I love
- cutmyselfout - she's always been a dreamer
- d_i_e_s_e_l - d-i-e-s-e-l
- dadaina - dadaina
- daftwerk - Rich Kid Blues
- danerckrocks - Broken Hearts and Bloody Knuckles
- dark_driving - ~**hairspray queen
- daryuf - Darya
- davexnavarro - Starfucker
- davimuzak - Dãvi
- dearjoanwallace - dearjoan
- dervish7 - Steven
- diaryoftomer - tomer
- diminutive - three tears i've saved for you
- disgorgedfetus - Giant pink fleshly worm
- dizzydancing - Lizzie
- dosed_ - Jay Pritchard
- dr_ellipso - Christ On Crutches
- dragondream - goddess of tears
- drearyflame - Elliot
- drryanphd - Katie, Katie Beth, Kathleen
- drumzspace - drumzspace
- ducklips - the queen bitch
- eb3player - Fender, Epiphone, and Gibson only!
- el_uste - r.c.h.
- electric__star - electric__star
- elevea - Nick
- elpicador - E
- elvenriver - John
- elziggo - elziggo
- emitremmus - Tragedy Gray
- emma1985 - Emma
- emptyjohn - John - where dullness is pointed.
- endehorsdumur - <3
- endvra - Nil
- epic94 - epic94
- epitomei - epitomei
- eros_fly - eros fly
- erotica87 - Stoner
- esprit_ - Esprit
- estidog - Esti
- etcetera_inc - etcetera
- even_though - even_though
- ewanfan - Lauren
- eyehue - i, hugh
- faeriebatwings - Faeriebatwings
- faeryqueenie - melisa
- failuretype - failuretype
- farmersdaughter - Hammer time
- fckuall - Elena
- fieldy1snuts - "FATTY FATTY TOAD BOY"
- fishingmule - jimbo
- flamingbalero - Flaming Balero
- floydian_010 - JT + the playground of the Idiot Savant
- forallthecows - secretly falling apart
- frozendryfly - The Frozen Dry Fly
- fru_lover - fru_lover
- frusciante - I'M BRIAN FELLOW!!
- frusciante482 - lauren
- funk_metal - Nat
- funxtafusion - fusion
- fyreangel - FyreAngel
- gacybondage - nemo
- gavindark - manic queen
- geometry___ - adrienne
- germanbeatbox - some kinda robot
- girlapproaching - careless ramblings of the amused and indifferent
- girlxskull - Zombie Fuck
- given_to_fly - Jonothan
- glasslily - Joyu
- glitterbutton - //***Strawberry Gashes***\\
- god_am - courageous
- graeone - ..I love therefore I am a sad bastard..
- guerilla - TD
- halfdeadeyes -
- happypsyco - Crazy Guitar Chick
- harriet_s_bp - Harriet
- hauntedeyez - star in a jar
- heatherooo - Star Struck
- hidemyfist - Hide My Fist
- hisnameisend - the flightless silhouette
- honestlyok - justbetheSTARialwaysknewyoucouldbe
- i_know_u_r_i_am - Bonquisha... or Nadya
- iain_n - Iain
- iainnicholl - iain nicholl
- iamthehumanbody - INVISIBLE MAN
- idiotkid - Jcue
- idodreamyou - Niandra LaDes
- ifyoudont - hit it & quit.
- immimaloo - did u just puke on my shoes?
- implicate - implicate
- in_lego_land - Captain Obvious
- indii_rock19 - indii_rock19
- inextesie - caLVin
- iney - I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
- inhauntedattics - A Junkyard Full Of False Starts
- inkyoctopus - Jo(h)anna
- insane_mascara - i'd be your anything
- irieginal - Fräulein Glittershine
- irongirl - Jenni
- itay - Itay Auerbach
- itzybitzyditz - ditz
- jabula - jean
- jace_stuff - jace
- jdpirate - Jesse
- jeanstrong - Jean_Strong
- jeremyflavored - Jeremy
- jetblackbivouac - ben good
- jeveuxetre - jen-jen
- joeymcjoejoe - Denis
- josephgrossberg - Joe Grossberg
- jukeboxalien - fake plastic
- kcobainaddict45 - Weird Woman
- kidney314 - ¤Jackie¤
- killahbeeee - Bedunk a Dunk
- kiss_thesky - colin
- kissmeimirish09 - Lets Go
- kissmeincyanide - untitled
- kleptomaniacal - Dionysus
- koanodan - DANIELLE!!!!!!!
- kolleenx - I had sex with your mom
- kosmonautrepubl - Ben Schurr
- lafemmeandita - La Femme Andita
- laidoutlow - laidoutlow
- largactyl - tu madre
- lastutopian - Rachel
- lavandar - Lavandar
- laveuvenoire - communist pants
- lazyspark - Sarah
- libtech - **~~**~~**
- lil_blonde_spy - lil_blonde_spy
- lilmissthing - LiL eRiN
- lilmonkey214 - Adam Berrones
- lipstickkleenex - lipstickkleenex
- lonelytoothache - i heard you scream
- lost_earth_lock - aaron
- lourdespreznor - the jagged times
- lovelyjubeley - .lovelyjubeley.
- ls - spaz-o-rama
- machoslut - Nena Berlin
- macmiwi - macmiwi
- maddie45 - Amanda
- madhuri - Madhuri
- maikkhen - maikkhen
- malloryknox - ~.f.o.o.t.s.t.e.p.s.~
- mambomugato - shitass
- mango_green - mango
- meeglen - Sir Meg de Moose-Moose
- megancow - Bean
- melancholyone - Ray Christopher
- metalfatigue - Tim
- metalprep6969 - ...::...In Flames is better than you...::...
- metropolitan_13 - xconsumexmex
- midnight_drives - eclectic/train rides./ in the morning
- miggins - nobody
- mightypea - Michael Knubben
- miko59 - Chris
- misshardt - Iva
- mk3 - mk
- mol0tovcocktail - MaRY
- moldedmonkeys - Tara
- montybear - Monty Bear
- moodragon - Lou
- morgyn - morgyn anselmo
- mossygreen - to the shore
- mr_blehhhh - Liam
- mrzephyr - the hero that's still unsung
- msmccready - I'm not living, I'm just killing time
- musical_madam - Ash
- mysmileisarifle - secretly falling a p a r t
- nadster - your last friend in this town
- nakedmaggy - Alfred
- natelyswhore - Jilliann, with two n's
- nicko14 - niiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIiiiick
- nigel_r - Nigel Willis Rothmeyer
- ninepoppy - eggie
- nir - Nir Graham
- northrnskeyz - Michael
- not_awake_today - another window licker on the short yellow bus.
- notquitenormal - linsey
- nouchoo - nouchoo
- nvrmnd - What Would Scooby Doo?
- oblonging - Brian
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- ohadieleven - Eleven
- ophelia55 - alana
- paperparasol - paperparasol
- paradigmofpain - Anchoretish Trish
- paranoya2003 - Leif Andersen
- pellebee - latrice (phil)
- perenthasis - ashes, ashes, ashes.
- perfectfumes - maggie mae
- periaquaductal - Adam
- piezo - don't fail to recognize
- pineapple_straw - never doubt..*
- pink_flamingo - Kimchi Jiggy
- pinkmosquito - Chandini
- pinocchiotheory - Thom
- pirata_ - a# is funkalicious!
- platinumlizz - your favorite bryan adams song
- politiciandiva - ...i'm the focus of the bring down...
- poncyfruit - Niandra
- poopsmith03 - fuera de alcanze
- popper - Kikoh Lova
- porcelinajune - Medellia of The Grey Skies
- prudukt - Prud
- psychosana - sana
- psychosishigh - flaviames
- punafas - punafas
- purplekelly - Purple Kelly
- pyrettablaze - Lil*Blondie
- quelletholwen - Myra
- quiztress - Toby Tyler
- raech - more saints, less musicians
- rainbow_smurf - ~RANDI~
- raineing_eyes - elizabeth
- rampartboy - howard the pawl
- raspberrylover - Corina
- rathanylakan - RathanyLakan
- reallyxaxfriar - Jamie
- redbackwards - John
- returnofscott - scott
- revolver_ - whatever
- rhcfuckinp - Lana
- rhcp_fanatic - Mrs Kiedis
- rhcprat - \m/ Kim \m/
- richie5 - Rich
- riddlestook - Mistrustful and Wonky Poetess
- riflesmile - Beware!Criminal
- riiaa - little miss ria
- rockaby - rockaby
- rocnsoc - The walking slomo mofo
- rondorray - Ron Dore
- rosey27 - Ali
- roseyposey71 - Rosey Posey
- rosygemini - Ally
- salvationarmy - a grain of sand in buddha's eye
- sampreeni - sampreeni
- sara_tonin - Christina
- saysomething - Imogen
- schizoperson - enahs trawets
- selfishfish -
- septicshock - septicemia
- seraphim_ - marielle
- serenatskn - marielle
- serio - d.
- sextonfurnival - God Antifornicator
- sharoo - swirling clouds of violet haze
- sheela_nagig - neda
- shortsleevesman - Christoffer M. Splain
- shot_the_moon - hattie
- showboney - Melancholy Mechanics of my mind....
- shy_ghost28 - Migraine boy
- sikamikanico - she shoots speed to fall properly
- silencemonkey - Jules
- silver_slash - Daniel Bellah
- simple_inlove - dame un beso..*
- sistagirlfriend - Dana
- skinnyjimmy - non-skinny jimmication
- skippypeppersam - samisawatermelon
- sleepiesaturn - The Cosmic Bandito
- smazur - Steve Mazur
- smilingeye - maus
- soccrmom13 - Laura Love
- solace - Kyle Matteson
- songliverbird - Danielle
- sooooosan - Soooz
- soulrehab - Soul Rehab
- spurioussaz - spurious saz
- stagelight311 - Pobrecita
- stardork - anz
- starskin - starskin
- starvingnerd - //starvingnerd
- staticsaba - homicidal.
- steellocomotive - dyana
- stellar_spirit - Azwethinkweiz
- stellarlain - just make sure that you love the life you live...
- straaawb - straaawb
- strange_dreams - Jake
- streetcarp - matt
- stu_b_69 - Stu
- subliminal_love - ...subliminal love...
- sugartorch - alycia
- t0xicwaste - Natasha
- taciturnvegan - numb
- tamdawg - _________
- taysqueak - every thug needs a lady
- tear_away - That one inhuman, illegal, single woman
- teencraft - I am no man, I am dynamite.
- teknopenguine - chel
- texancutee - Jill
- the_moo_cow - jesse
- thechildrephon - Jana Elthro
- thedevilsjello - not a concept
- thedude462 - Matt
- thefelixappeal - Felix Danbold
- thepatriot91101 - Sir Psycho Sexy
- theseismesucka - Tiffany Twisted
- thisgirlsweird - Molly
- todaje - Tom
- tofurkey - אריאל
- toolhead365 - Tiffany
- tragedija - Ineta
- triadnine - sanctum
- trinitybass - J3R3MY L1GHT
- trixi400 - none of your damn business
- troubledmagik - *aLeX*
- trowrico - trowrico
- tvdaydreamer - rick the 3rd
- uberjanis453 - Frances
- unclejoel - Joel
- upliftmofo - Keith
- verucapepper - Christine
- vinzclortho - Tom
- virgin_politics - Culture Vulture
- warmlife - ...
- wastelandpoet - Craig Shay
- watchingmedrown - felix
- waterorbreeze - Chris
- watsonovsky - jessica elaine
- waughy - Chris
- wickedginger - a flash of light but no smoking pistol
- wikked_princess - .*:.+..angela marie..+.:*.
- william_benton - Red Light Runner
- windowtap - slam shut at one a.m. on a summer morning
- winky - Luke
- with_no_one - with_no_one
- woodsandhills - Woods and Hills PLC
- x_ladollyvita_x - modern romance
- xburningburdenx - ...and you told me that you cared...
- xerikxecksx - Johnny Death
- xfairyx - Juice by Ashley
- xhilikusx - Lucy..
- xlovingyoux - baberaham lincoln
- xlucyfur - Xlucyfur
- xmenikmatix - Dave
- xpunchdrunkx - Not all martyrs see divinity, but at least I tried
- xratedtabbu - Tabbi
- youngacidia - When I Feel Down I Want You Above Me
- yurmother - edward
- zero_lily - .alicia.
- zoella - zoella
- zombieblood - george w myers!
- zorngalas - Nate
- zuckerguss - zuckerguss
- zuhlar - Cut Myself Out