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On the North Shore of Lake Superior

north1 This weekend my wife and I took a trip to the North Shore of Lake Superior in Northern Minnesota. We spent some beautiful days in small towns anywhere from Duluth, MN to Grand Marais, MN. Here are a few of the sites that we saw:

North Shore of Lake Superior

slug box razor clutter night

slug A Popup Linkvisitor.
Pandora's Popup Linkbox.
I shouldn't Popup Linkshave in the shower.
I'm Popup Linkmessy.
Very Popup Linklittle in this picture.

chuch near the sea on Tenerife

building Popup Link

Royal Victoria Marathon Gallery

2003-10-13_09 The gallery of Royal Victoria Marathon 2003.

Royal Victoria Marathon

2003-10-12_02 Today is the 24th anniversary of Royal Victoria Marathon. The race started like Popup Linkthis, about two and half hour later, Popup Linkthis guy passed the finish line and won the gold medal. More to come a bit later.

I need tips.

I need some tips for taking halloween pictures. First, how do I get a nice clear picture of someone wearing all black, so that you can see some of the detailing of the outfit, and the background doesn't come out all bright or blends right in with the outfit? Second, I'd like to take pictures of my halloween party, and it's going to be pretty much lit only by black lights and candlelight. Which could be really cool looking in photo, but I've no idea how to do it right, since it's such low light. I've got a knack for composition, but I'm clueless when it comes to the technical part of photography. ;) So I'd appreciate any help!


Duck Popup LinkDuck , with autumn reflections.


Sail Away Popup Link1 Popup Link2 Popup Link3 Popup Link4 Popup Link5


Texture9 Popup LinkTexture9 Textures study

Clouds Over Superior

Clouds Over Superior 2 This is my first entry so I apologize if things are larger than they should be or contain broken links and all of that fun type of stuff. I'll try to make good use out of the 'preview' button. :)

I took these pictures over the summer. The clouds were looking quite majestic that day and I was intrigued by them.

Lake Erie and Ohio

Popup Linkseagulls polaroid, Popup Linktwilight drive, Popup Linktwilight drive (2), Popup Linktree branches.


Ok, here is the deal. There is a *lot* i'd like to do with this site. I get a lot of email complaining about how much parts of the interface on this site suck. I agree - a lot of it is rather confusing.

however, I seriously lack the time to actually sit down and write the code & HTML required to improve this site. I've got school, work and more work. I can draw out wireframes, do the interaction design, but I just dont have the time to actually turn that paper into the code and HTML required.

if you know of skilled perl nerd who has a bit of time and wants to improve a site (and get some kind of compensation.. dont know what), please email me... (coryking -at-



Pearls Popup LinkPearls Tones study

Rome at Night

colosseum At night Rome is beautiful. The lights of the city combined with the feeling that you are almost alone make it magical.

The Popup LinkColosseum is lit like a birthday cake, a nearly full moon rises above the Popup LinkForum, and even the Popup LinkMetro seems different.

Just have a good look !!!!!!!!!!!!

dead mans rock Popup Link


Popup Link number one

Popup Link number two

There's a boy under there somewhere...

There's a boy under there somewhere... You can order Popup Linklittle kids custom made with umbrellas now.

West Pond Shadows

wp_shadows_04 Some shadows made in West Pond, China. I found I lost a lot image quality after I uploaded them. Does the system automatically compress the images? Cory, austinspace, any idea?

Stained Glass

Stained Glass This was taken at a cemetary at sundown! Reflections are awsome.

Revelstoke Mountain Top

Revelstoke Mountain Top This picture was taken in the early morning of a fall day from my friends balconey.
Popup LinkRevelstoke Mountain Top

Fall Colors Progression

fall3 These are pictures of one tree outside my workplace as it progressed in color this fall.

Gallery Fall Colors

Or individual:
Popup Link1
Popup Link2
Popup Link3
Popup Link4

this and that

I've been taking pictures of random stuff old Popup Link business signs and my old standby, the Popup Link dahlias at Manito Park. I've messed around with borrowed Popup Link lenses and today I discovered that despite our warm weather, Popup Link Fall has indeed begun.

Another from Calgary

Sunset Canoe and Birds I was surprised at how many birds were sharing the resevoir with this  Popup LinkCanoe at Sunset the other evening.

Angel of Hope

Angel of Hope A shot that will be used in a video at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA.


glassblack Popup Linktookthispict


Tones3 Popup LinkTones3 light/shadows/tones study

Rice Scarecrow

Scarecrow Popup LinkScarecrow in rice field just before harvest.

Big Gull

Big Gull sunset Just had to one goodPopup Linksunset photo this year

Site News

Not much to say. I've been busy with a new job, a part time job, and the last year of school. This leaves very little time for play. There is a *lot* of work I'd like to do to this site, but I just dont have the time to code it all. If any of you guys are really good with perl and have some spare time, please contact me.

I'd like to take the time to sincerly thank the editors, KwsNI, austinspace, brassbear, tyd, and windwardskies. Without them, who knows what state of disrepair this site would have fallen into. Thanks guys.

I hope to post at least some pictures soon. I have been playing around with a film camera, and just have to get some slides developed and scanned. Course, I first have to find where I seem to have misplaced my camera.

Anyway - thats about the only news I have.

flowers flowers flowers

pink fuzzy flower Some exotic flowers at the Cleveland Zoo.

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by onebigswede

by onebigswede

Clouds Over Superior 2
by b4refo0tmu5ic

Sail Away
by wenzday01

Sun Through the Trees
by wenzday01

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Photographica, an online photo based community, is owned operated and designed by by Cory R. King · Hosted By

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