..And I'll Hang Like a Star... [entries|friends|calendar]

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[08 Oct 2003|03:32pm]
CLASS OF 2004:
1. Class colors: PINK AND NEON BROWN
2. Class flower: TIGER LILY
3. Class song: GOOD RIDDANCE (no, we don't care that it was used 2 years ago.)
4. Class motto: Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
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[03 Oct 2003|11:06pm]

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STOLEN FROM BRANDILYN [01 Oct 2003|10:47pm]
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. a new wardrobe
2. an idea as to what i'm going to do with my life
3. ambition
4. more time

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. cool water
2. blown out birthday candles
3. gasoline (YES FOR REAL)
4. boys. mmmmmmmmm

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear in Public:
1. one of those shirts that's secretly thisbig but EXPANDS when you put it on.
2. an "i'm with stupid" shirt
3. my nakedness. haha
4. a bra

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. that boy i met in pittsburgh
2. a boy i just talked to
3. my head hurts
4. i should be doing my homework

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. failed a test
2. went to practice
3. dropped calculus
4. ate soup

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. water
2. chips
3. subway
4. shoes

Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
1. 50 Cent
2. Radiohead
3. The Ataris kinda
4. Ryan Adams

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. water
......that's it

First Grade Teacher's Name?
Mrs. Massa

Last Words You Said:

Last Song You Sang?
some Bright Eyes song

Last Person You Hugged?
umm.. Heather Rulander?!

Last Thing You Laughed At?
the southern accent ;)

Last Time You Cried?
tuesday? i hurt my shoulder

What's In Your CD Player?
An old Ataris CD i just found on my floor, Bright Eyes, and a Floyd Comp.

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?

What's Under Your Bed?
i don't want to know

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
umm.. 6:50

Current Taste?

Current Hair?
natural color i think. ugly brown.

Current Clothes?
pj pants, brand new shirt, scarf (don't ask)

Current Annoyance?
my head hurts

Current Longing?
to figure out where to go to college

Current Desktop Picture
Brand New- Deja Entendu

Current Worry?
See above (longing)

Current Hate?
selfish people

Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?

Last CD You Bought?
oh shit.. umm........... Good Riddance? no. I didn't buy that.. umm..... River City Rebels

Favorite Place To Be?
in bed. sleeping.

Least Favorite Place?
outside in the cold

Time You Wake Up In The Morning?

If You Could Play An Instrument?

Favorite Color?

How Tall Are You?

Current Favorite Word/Saying?
Ohhh snap

Favorite Season?

One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
I don't know.

Favorite Day?

Where Would You Like To Go?

What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
I'm not sure. I'll probably end up in a lab

How Many Kids Do You Want?
two or three

Favorite Car?

A Random Lyric:
Dance and go Crazy
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[01 Oct 2003|06:06pm]
i got 4 superlatives! I RULE!

1. LOUDEST (obviously... with Grant)
2.Most Outgoing
3. Class Clown (wtf?)
4.Most Unforgettable (I got this with JAMES LUCAS. hahahaha I dont' know how to take this... good or bad?)

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[30 Sep 2003|09:00pm]
I think I got into Pitt, Hooray!
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[29 Sep 2003|03:50pm]
Hooray for homecoming!

I wasn't queen, so mom bought me a crown!!
Click for more! )
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[27 Sep 2003|09:10am]
Last night was fun. I dressed all pretty. Nicole and Chappy won. I'm excited for them. It's going to be funny tonight when they have to dance because they're cousins and she was being creeped out about that a few days ago.

Hoooooray for homecoming.
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[25 Sep 2003|03:29pm]
Today was the coolest thing ever.

I had all sorts of people coming up to me today and telling me they voted for me. I don't have my hopes up though. I don't want to do that. I mean, people did tell me, but it wasn't a TON, so who knows! :)

It's so nice though. It's an absolute honor that people think I should be on there. I LOVE EVERYONE.
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[24 Sep 2003|08:11pm]
Holy wow I'm on Homecoming Court. It's one of the weirdest ones ever.

1. Dusty Schwab
2. Keith Weigel
3. Brysten Jones
4. Andy Chapman
5. Jordy Beck

1. Stacey Clark
2. Beth Chapman
3. Nicole Parker
4. Me
5. Jessica Gardner
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[22 Sep 2003|03:44pm]
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[17 Sep 2003|05:56pm]
So I let myself go for another guy. Start falling for this said guy. And what happens? I get fucked over. Of course.

I give up.
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[14 Sep 2003|10:20pm]
Dear Ashley and Drew,
I Love You. That's all.

note to you all: if your friends ever want to set you up with someone, let them.
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:) [14 Sep 2003|12:15am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

My best friend Ashley and her boyfriend Drew are trying to set me up with someone.

They made a very very good choice.

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[07 Sep 2003|10:12pm]

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[03 Sep 2003|06:57pm]

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[02 Sep 2003|08:58pm]
Teenage angst.

I hate myself. I haven't been good at a god damn thing. Ever. I've gone through high school surrounded by friends who have something that makes them shine.

I, on the other hand...

College? I can't even bring my SAT score up. I barely passed the INTRODUCTORY course for my major. What the hell am I thinking?

First volleyball game a senior. He puts me in at 24 god damn points. Know what we go to? 25. Poor Jen didn't even get in. How am I supposed to prove myself to him when he never even gives me a chance?

Then I proceed to get yelled at for being upset. I'm not blaming it on you. That's the last thing I'd do.

This is so stupid. I hate everything that is me. I'm not good at anything, and I dont know what the hell I'm going to do with the rest of my life. I hate this.
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[26 Aug 2003|01:00pm]
1. Academic English 12
2. Study Hall (With coach.. mmmmmm)
3. AP Calc
4. Economics (Coach again.. mmmm)
5. Ap Chem
6. Anatomy
7. AP Bio
8. Foods

Independent Study: AP Psych

2nd semester changes:
2. Crafts/Sculpture
6. Speech (MUST DROP)
8. Big hole. No Class. Must Fix.
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[25 Aug 2003|01:35pm]
school in 2 days.

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[22 Aug 2003|03:32pm]
i want a paid account.
somebunny get me one.
haha <3
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[21 Aug 2003|07:13pm]

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies, Oakland Raider Fans
Circle I Limbo

Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Militant Vegans
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Bill Gates
Circle IV Rolling Weights

General asshats
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Bill Clinton
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Circle VII Burning Sands

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

George Bush
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

My LiveJournal Sitcom
Laura7715's Life (WB, 8:30): Laura7715 (Sharon Stone) and bornwithatail (Jason Priestley) go waterskiing. The next day, brother_boh (Vivian Hsu) accidentally throws away bubblewhore (Bonnie Hunt)'s hat. Also, last_lie_told (Rosie Perez) gets lost on the way to joellyurine (Patsy Kensit)'s house and spends the night in the junkyard. Afterwards, schmootz (Cate Blanchett) and promidgetmafia (Elisabeth Shue) kiss at a high school. Later, brandilyn (Roy Clark) cleans princebolee (Katie Holmes)'s apartment and ruins the pineapple. Everyone learns a valuable lesson.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)
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