.-. Well It Makes it Hard to Breathe .-. And After its Rains, There's a Rainbow, And All of the Colours are Black
And After its Rains, There's a Rainbow, And All of the Colours are Black [entries|friends|calendar]
Mighty Queen of Avondale

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The jokes on you suckers. [10 May 2003|09:39am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Alkaline Trio - Crawl ]

I'm officially friends only. This means if you want to read my posts and stuff you need to be on my friends list. Also, I don't randomly add people, which means that you can't expect me to add you back if I don't feel like it. :P But, I just feel this is better for me, so I'm sorry for the in convience.

So now the public posts are to be kissed good bye. So if you want to read my posts, make sure your on my list, and make sure you refresh, because often you might miss a post. :O

1 humour me I~I Can You Hear Me Now?

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