How thems be durrrrrin?
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Ok...Up there...thats me just a few minutes ago... I just got back from this little bar here in Nashville called Larry's. I am surprised that I am not traumatized. Ok, the idea was that we all were going to go out and have some fun tonight...everyone on our team from work...well, ok...we go to this Karaoke bar which, as I said is called Larry's. Well...I have been there once before but from the moment I got there something didn't feel exactly right Couldn't figure out what but it wasn't just right on for some reason. Well, nothing really went WRONG really...but it was just kinda scary I suppose. Well, first off there was this guy up on stage who sang a horrid unchained melody...I made a video of it was quite comical to say the least. Well...thats nothing new for Karaoke right? Well...add in the following items: 1) The South -- (Which I have nothing against, I'm a Kentucky boy after all...) 2) Beer 3) Straight chicks with no bra's on 4) More Beer 5) Bad oral Hygene 6) Zero Class Mix well, (wake and) bake for 45 years and what you get is a really drunk chick who, for some unknown reason jumps up on stage while someone is singing and starts dancing and then proceeds to take off her shirt for the whole crowd. Mind you she was drunk, not wearing a bra, had nasty looking teeth and it appears her and soap aren't close friends. Every guy in the place went "Whoa!" at the same time and turned their head in disgust. She was thrown out moments later. Needless to say that was about all it took for me to nearly lose my dinner. Not only was it a girl...but a nasty one at that. *ugh* So that was my Anyway...its almost 11:30 and I gotta work in the morning. I'll write more later! ;-) ---Josh | ||||||||||
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Donald Rumsfeld: "It's not my business to do intelligent work." Yeah. Say no more. | ||||
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FUUUUUUCK. I feel like death. The abstract concept. Not the personification. And I'm not being goff or anything. I really feel vectors of entropy penetrating the marrow of my bones. Okay I am being goff. But I think that if we've learned anything from the Internet, it's that there are worse things than being a goff with a LiveJournal. I could be writing Jon Stewart/Tucker Carlson slash. Of course, I'm kidding. I actually think TDS slashfic writers may be the ones to lead us to a better place. We need to be more like them. I'm going to start a religion about smoking pot and the Internets. I will fit the Buddhism somewhere in there. Who wants to join? As the leader, I of course get first pick of the child-brides. | ||||||
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If you haven't heard about the Jeff Gannon story, go to or another link if the comedy central site doesn't work and watch that. Or for you people who prefer to read, check out or I've been watching the story develop at for a couple weeks. Basically, this Jeff Gannon is really named James Guckert. He worked under the name Jeff Gannon as a reporter at the White House for, which is a fake republican news site. He used to have some articles on there that were anti-gay too. Last week, bloggers found that he had registered as a domain name, and this week they found that he had an advertisement on a gay male escort site. I don't care that he's gay, but how did a fake reporter get access to the White House when he was denied access to Congress because he didn't have the right credentials to get in there. | ||||||
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6 of the 9 guys of slipknot went to the grammys this year. unfortunatly they didn't win either of the two awards they were up for. but they really deserved it. my friend sid is on the far left and my other friend shawn is second to the left. followed by paul, joey, 333 and chris. they start up their arena tour on march 4th. cant wait to see them again. | ||||||||||
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-work is going a bit better -still busy as hell, but not so clusterfuckesque -and I still love my job -I actually did 25 minutes on the elliptical machine today -you may not understand how incredible that is. -but I'm participating in the "M-Fit Charity Challenge", so it actually matters how much time I spend getting off my ass -I intend to do one minute more each day for the next 5 weeks, then sustain that level for at least another month -surely my team shall win. -the Senator doesn't walk or run; she slinks or gallops. -I'm watching "Diarios de Motocicleta". So good! -Argentinian Spanish sounds so different. -in Argentina, "che" is much like the Canadian "eh" - not in function so much as ubiquity. -Gael García Bernal is a special kind of sexy. -seeing him as Che, being all gently doctor-like in the way most doctors are not, makes me kind of hot. -they talk about Incas vs. Spaniards in terms of Reason vs. Force -it's reassuring and frustrating to remember how old that battle is (in case you don't recall, the Incas lost, and how.) -I want to visit Lima. -and I want to work in a leper colony on the Amazon | ||||||
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Flast Fiction: Write in 20 minutes to present to an audience. I had an opportunity last Sunday evening, on the eve of Lupercalia, to see a comedy show. My friend Jonathan Cohen, published author of the book Bear Like Me, was the guest speaker for a Flash Fiction comedy show. The show starts with pieces the authors present, largely comedians including the Crispy Minis girl, that they had, presumably, written themselves in 20 minutes. My ability to enjoy the down right hilarious, well written and performed pieces was impeded greatly by my incredible need to piss. Notes for next time: don't drink ~750ml of water before any sort of captive audience affair. It's just good science. David (thickslab) and I were the token bears in an audience that was largely straight and metro. I'd never been, like, out'ted as a bear in a non-gay public space really. It was kinda neat, I wish I were still in love with the identity as much as I was when I was 19. I wish beards were something you could smell rather than see and have to explain to people all the time: "Why yes, we do have passionate lumberjack-on-lumberjack mansex. So, what do you do in the sack?"It was still cool to see such an open minded audience who seemed genuinely interested in the concept of alternate gay identities. At the intermission the MC calls for audience members and past speakers to come up and volunteer to write. It was during this juncture that I ran to the washroom to take the largest roaring rip-tide piss of my sober life. The resulting fiction was actually surprisingly good. Almost akin to people reading their blog entries aloud. Most of it personal and humorous straddling the space between fiction and non-fiction. Almost magically real and in many cases coming to abrupt segues and pausing for tangental riffs. Neat stuff. Next time I will moderate my Dansi® intake and perhaps participate. Afterwards we went for drinks with the cast. What a funny group of people to hang out with. Such talent. | ||||||||
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Hey, you know what... Naruto getting licensed is not the end of the fucking free world as we know it. You knew it was coming, you knew it would go to Toonami, don't act shocked. It'll be edited for content, it will be Americanized, it will be what happens to pretty much every anime series ever made. Get the hell over it. I think that no fanboys or girls would be satisfied by whoever got the rights. If ADV or Pioneer (I refuse to accept "Geneon") picked it up, we'd still be having this conversation. Well Viz has been around longer than ADV, Funimation, 4Kids, Pioneer etc, so I think it's in good hands. And even if it's not, then what? Are you just mad because it won't be speshul anymore? Are you just mad because eight-year-olds everywhere with snotty noses will fall in love with it. Are you mad because you know a few years from now, you're going to have to hate it because it'll be chic? People hate Dragonball Z, but I recall a time not too long ago when DBZ was the fucking SHIT if you were an anime fan. [/rant] | ||||||
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Morgan is being extremely affectionate right now. This is a rariety, usually she's a heinous bitch. Actually no, I lie, she's usually affectionate, but right now she's REALLY affectionate. Affectionate. I haven't said that word enough. She thinks my mouse cursor and the letters I'm typing are evil. She continues to try and get them through the screen, but ultimately fails, like everything in her life. As much as this is "Christian's Cat" I can't admit that I love her like my own. Except when she's naughty, then I do evil things to her. I remember when she was the size of a McNugget. Now I would say she's a sassy teenage cat, trying new things and rebelling against her parents who just mean well. This cat will soon be in heat and I have no idea how to deal with that. I shouldn't be alive, I stayed up until 8:00 AM. Insomnia is the absolute worst. | ||||||
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Alright, so, I am at work and its been a pretty dull day over all. Had a few good sales but other than that...nothing major going on. The people I work with are getting pretty tired of me winning every contest we have. We have had something in the neighborhood of 8 sales contests this month and I have won every one of them. This girl that sits next to me thought she had it won one day...but I came back in the last few minutes to beat her...and she was talking smack to me when she thought she had me beat! Bwa-hahahaha!!! So its looking like today is going to be an alright day...slow overall but not too awful. I like having some time between calls. Yes, I work in a call center for Dell. I am really glad that so many people have participated in my poll. I really do appreciate it. Although I just started my journal I hope to keep this thing going for a while. It seems to be fun and really cathartic to write all this stuff down and get it out of my head. Am I rampling? Maybe my thoughts don't seem to be seamless because I keep getting interupted by phone calls!! Don't they know I have to write in my LJ? :-P Well, alright...I guess I will get back to work and stop slacking. Have a good day everyone! :-D | ||||||||||
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When I was goofing around talking and smoking with Crazy Mike last night, I made some really insightful, or more likely slightly witty, and at least humorously ridiculous remarks about Buddhism and how meditation is really just what your brain starts doing when you're extremely bored. I think I said something else that was totally funny because I laughed at it like I laugh at all of my own jokes. ( Drama ) 'Great Satan' warned of burning hell The primary state sponsor of terror is America. There is no refuting this. If you don't get it yet, I suggest you go down to the book store and buy a copy of Chomsky. You don't have to agree with Chomsky. Even for such an internationally renowned intellectual, Chomsky can be a bit of a demagogue. But that's okay. He's probably the most academically and intellectually legitimate demagogue living right now. But you don't have to agree with him. You just have to read him. Whether or not you agree that we are the world's foremost terrorist state--and I emphasize that it's less a matter of agreeing and accepting the premise as knowing it, since it's fucking true--at least the appearance of this case is blatantly obvious. The truth of prevailing anti-American sentiment throughout the world should neither shock nor offend you. That this is the dominant opinion of the world means that it had might as well be accepted not as opinion but as fact as far as social reality is concerned. We are all terrorists, and we aren't even aware of it. But man, one thing they never ask on the news is "Why do the terrorists hate America so much?" Or they do, but there's never been a satisfactory explanation. They hate freedom, it is said. They are jealous of our freedom. They want to destroy our freedom. What kind of bullshit is this? They care about what happens on our side of the planet about as we do about their's... until we get into one another's business. We start a campaign of neoimperialism and covert destabilization, and they get pissed and fly planes into us. Every effect has a cause. This is not at all a difficult concept to grasp. Unless you take one of those mental shortcuts. It's part of God's plan. Fuck you. That perfect being you conceive of? Yeah, the one whose image and worldly representative icons and institutions you've tainted with your egotism and human insecurity? He doesn't like what you think of Him, even if you honestly think you're just following orders. Woe be to anyone who thinks faith alone will save them. God wants us to be righteous. And to be righteous is to be set against the evil of ignorance above all other evils. If I'm wrong, then I'd like to think I'm against God for some pretty goddamn good reasons. Dogmatism is for people who lack the mental capacity to realize on their own that killing, stealing, and lying are irrational behaviors, and that if everyone acts this way we will live lives that are nasty, brutish, and short. Thus faith is insufficient for ethical conviction. Often I wonder... is anything I say or believe really worth recording or communicating? It feels good to get out, and I like the attention and respect it occasionally wins, but sometimes I get the sense that it's all been said before. A lot of people more intelligent than myself have probably said more or less the same things with better words long before I was even a potential human. | ||||||
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Re: the Bush administration blocking the lawsuit as mentioned in previous post. I've been trying to figure this out for awhile now, and I can't. What is the administration's motivation in blocking this? A few ideas were "it leaves that much less money for what we're doing in Iraq", or "maybe he doesn't want to set a precedent for high payouts to Iraqi torture victims 10 years down the road". But, Bush wipes his ass with billion-dollar bills, and doesn't seem to give a shit about 10 years down the road. So what is the motivation? I'm completely at a loss. Please, discuss. | ||||||
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Mr. Schrodt is an older man, regular patron, who is unknowingly pompous and prejudiced. He calls himself an author, after writing a couple of short monographs, and expects everyone to give him deferrence. I once heard him say to black co-worker of mine, after hearing her laugh, that "That's one of two qualities I admire about your people: A good sense of humor and the ability to dance." My co-worker thanked him "on behalf of her people" and let him go. I asked why she didn't jump down his throat, and she said, "Because he actually thought it was a compliment. He's ign'ant and not worth my emotions." ( my schrodting ) | ||||||
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I was photographed for the Weekly Dig this morning for a section they are doing on Health and Fitness, and i'll be in there regarding rugby. birddog interviewed me the other day for the piece. Apparently, they wanted some uncommon sports, and gay rugby players are a bit out of the norm i guess. Today was a beautiful morning with the sun shining, but at 32°F and me wearing just my rugby uniform, it was damn cold. I hope my goose bumps don't show up in the pictures, and I hope they pick photos with my eyes open because the sun was in my eyes for most of the shoot. | ||||||||
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Wow, this makes me livid. Such hypocrisy. (From richie73) And...when I got into the car this morning, I noticed that my hands were steaming. Like, a lot. It really freaked me out. I don't think that has ever happened before. I must be quite moist today. | ||||||
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February 10th, 2005 - Hour Weekly Not all queers lining up at the altar Queer hitch Meg Hewings ( Why the fight for gay marriage isn't simple, even among queers ) | ||||||||||
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Why is it that half the time when I use facebook it breaks my computer so that I can't see pictures on websites anymore? Better question: why am I still up at 6:30 AM? Also, why do I crave homemade bread. | ||||||
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I should be asleep. God knows my schedule of sleeping this past week has just been a mess. I'm gunna skip my civil right's class tommorow. That makes an official "I've skipped every single class at least once this week" week. Goddamn, there's just something about the second semester that makes me lazy, but this semester in particular, I'm dying. Next week I start anew, no more skipping, no more laziness, no more! I will be a model student starting monday. My recent journey back into the world of Chrono Trigger has me getting all insanely nostalgic. I'm downloading MP3s of songs that I used to love from that era. I'm listening to "Dimension of Love" from Tenchi Muyo right now. That song is SOOOOOOO 1996. It used to depress me because I wanted a boyfriend (well I guess at that time I couldn't 100% admit I wanted a BOYfriend) and I wanted that to be our song. Flashforward to nearly ten years later, it's still a little melancholic, but only for nostalgic reasons. They did a read-through of my script today. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. The prospect of people's grubby hands molesting my work, that's just frightening. I want to be a part of every aspect, I want to take over. I'm such a diva. Okay, I'm gunna go to bed for real now. | ||||||
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Spine of a Dog>Yodelitte>Buster Thats all I have to say for now. | ||||
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How thems be durrrrrin?