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June 20, 2003

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Bloodbath in Colombia: The Army and the Death Squads

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June 21, 2003

Hogwarts Replaced by Hogwash

Fifty years of reason washing down the drain
as Ann Coulter strains the imagination to become
the J. K. Rowling of the Conservative set
in her revisionist defense of Senator Joe McCarthy
attacking Nobel Prize winner Jimmy Carter
as a "self-righteous, vengeful, back stabbing"
liberal humanitarian in a fabrication.con tome
where everything you think you know is a lie
listening to the FBI, the CIA, Bush and Ashcroft
as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Harvey J. Matusow,
Dalton Trumbo, and Dashiell Hammett to name a few
scream from their supposedly unpatriotic graves
that Joe McCarthy was a psychotic windmill of deceit
who couldn't have cared less about truth, justice
and the American way - all of which, along with Mother Goose,
were suspected of being communist plots.

The Bottom Line -

When we lie to ourselves (in print or otherwise),
even the truth becomes a false witness.

Hammond Guthrie is the author of AsEverWas: Memoirs of a Beat Survivor. He is the editor of the great online journal of art, poetry and politics: The 3rd Page. He can be reached at: writenow@spiritone.com

(C) 2003-- Hammond Guthrie


Travelers From The Sun

Desert brightness
can see everywhere
that ever was
its all the same to a Saguaro.
arms raised in shining worship
arms hanging down
from seeing too much.

Caves of stone driven by water
rising up
lowering down
reaching for itself
in unknown shapes
of totemic time
Creating beyond concepts
disguised as a simple hill.
It was recently discovered.

Desert mountain Catalinas
have unexpected forests and ferns
waiting at its furthest height
with shade
stones laid like statues
from Easter Island
bizarre faces of giant animals and something else
looking out over a million miles
not from the hand
of extraterrestrial space traveling Incas,
strange complex contradictory
images and shapes
created for no purpose or pleasure
exuberance for the hell of it
everything exists beyond imagination
good and evil.

Alaska Airlines
gives out Wall Street Journals
to returning mind travelers
from the sun
the sugary simple lies of Bush
written across its face
at last something
a Saguaro doesn't know.

Stew Albert manages the Yippie Reading Room. He can be reached at: stewa@aol.com


In the Quiet, the Nuances of the Day

In the quiet, the nuances of the day
Unwind, making their
Way through the crevices
Of our dalliances and thoughtfulness,
Aware once again
That our language is
Handicapped by its limitations
Of reason, of
Definition, of
Pattern, whereas love
Explodes beyond simple
Words, subsides, without
Language, but in
Its own
Breath, its own
And the thoughts of the day
Are awash with feelings, emotions
That expand outside
Our control, whether we
Like it or
Not, the world, and
Our lives
Carry on this way,
To what we want
Or want
To shape
Another way

Sam Hamod is a poet and scholar on Middle East affairs. He can be reached at: shamod@cox.net

Today's Features

Elaine Cassel
Bush Plays the Racial Profiling Card: It's a Smokescreen

Brian Cloughley
Punch-and-Judy in the West Wing: The Powell-Rice Show

David Lindorff
What's Next?

Mark Jacobs
A Serious Conversation: a Former Foreign Service Officer on Diplomacy in the Age of Bush

Alfredo Castro
Bloodbath in Colombia: The Army and the Death Squads

Saul Landau
Lying, Flag Waving and Redefining Conservative Values

Steve Perry
Bush's Wars Web Log, 6/19


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