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The following communities are also interested in "patience".
62 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in patience. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
1667 - 1667
1in4wins - Steer to starboard, but keep her head larboard!
404error - 404 Error
_acid_kiss_ - epitome of inner beauty
_dom_ - Dominic Monaghan
_echolalia_ - Aphasia
_forever_yours_ - Crystal
_heretic - Frater Heretic
_sparks_ - Ebony Skinned Goddess
_wanderer_ - The Captain
abitofalright - abitofalright
aboynamedrae - Rae
acapnotic - Kevin
acidcrys - Crys
adagiobreeze - Gloria Star
aevumcaruivos - Filia Et Vae
agent32b - Statira DeVoid
aiwendel - radagast
akalucy - Katie
alacrity - Damien
alex_hoban - Scrattocks
aloycemarie - Alloy
amelitatwinstar - amy-pie
amrius - Brian Dean
angel_of_odd - an Angel of the Odd
angelguyrick - Dark Project
angelicanime - Angu
angelvomit - Kelly
anitgvalani - k o s h e e n
anniepants - Annie
antipatriotism - One Race - Human
anywhere - hipstertrash and caribou
apheliean - wonder woman
arcaneenigma - A Healer
arckunem - Arckunem
are_black_stars - Black Stars
ashasoul - ..she wears flowers in her hair..
ashersimeon - I am not prince Hamlet, nor was I meant to be
astrydia - astrydia
atangledweb - quandary
auroradreams198 - Trish
averyzero - Avery
axiomattic - Plus Ten
ayrsayle - Ayrsayle
b_flat - Tribal Wump
babyhugsbear - Baby hugs
baptist_babe_05 - Manda
basseykay - Basseykay
bcat_astrogrl - bsquishcat
becalmedheart - all of me
beetles - Tserisa
betamantis - B.J. Vankoughnett
bettygirl - Ren
bigt - bigT
binaryheart - laura
biteyoursmile - Tara
bittercupojoe - Bitter Cup O Joe
blake_mcgrath - Blake McGrath
blamelesculprit - blameless culprit
blaydtwo - Izzy
blondepsycochic - Brandy
blue_sky_miner - emotional-lab-rat
blueeyedmaiden - Talula
bluesolipsist - Jenn, simple
bobsfriends - bob
bohemiandaisie - Dulcinea
boimim - M!CK
breadbreak - Amanda
brennakate - Brenna Kate
briarrose_lj - Briar Rose, the Sleeping Beauty
brightdreamz - Staring at your photograph
brkvw - BRKVW
c_g - Fool
cailin_t - silent chaos
caitrocksmybum - Fuckin' Hippie
candidphoto - JR
careercrisis - Career Crisis
cayce - (¯`·.->*ApOsToLiC pRiNcEsS*<-.·´¯)
cazort - Alexander Cazort Zorach
cecilseaside - Cecil Seaside
charlottesmtms - My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels
cheap_magnet - Cheap Magnet
chocobeans - Fabiola
cielito - Laura
cityofsaints - City Of Saints
cogito666 - Debra Maire
coloredwind - Exodus
concretelephant - Heather
conscius - conscius
coolmotif20 - ぱたりく
corniecorn - Freya.
corto - Mostly harmless
cptrandom - Zoltar the curiously delicious
cr00kedw0rm - Former self
cr1mson - Cr1mson
cryingbabyjebus - Al-faux Nyrd
crypticism - Elena
cspariah - the Stone Pariah
cubanheel - nikki darling
damienone - Damien onE
damned22 - That was Zen, This is Thao
damnitimlost - stanley
damnname - tryst
damsaeldaemon - Aime
damyx - damon amyx
dandiggity - Boisterous Vietnoise
danh669 - Dan E H
danielmurphy - rachel
dantherm - Daniel Arnold
delocon - T-Bear
demonbuttercup - Vanessa
demure_ - void
dervish7 - The Dream is Over
desertbloom - simple things
didaskalos - j. s. percy
dieprittykitty - ...//Dulcie
disillusionized - Kara
djjango - Breathing for the first time
dmbf4c - Dave Matthews Band Fans 4 Christ
doctracie2 - DocTracie2
dontpanic001 - don't panic
downtowntelaviv - milly
draven3 - Draven3
dream2kat - Rebekah
dreamlogic - min
drunkboyskissme - Tara
dstrbdbliss - dstrbdbliss
dudeitsme - like you care
dumbfool - Dumb Fool
dustnthewind - butterfly
dvs - dvs voodoo
dylanmonster - Mr. Hott Pants
e_lunchboxhands - Eulalie Lunchboxhands
ecchoes - Sullen riots
eck - Iain
educatedguess - Virginia
eeecho_42 - J0nathan Lawrence
eggiebert - Adrienne Descloux
egoremover - I'm Blank Nectar Brat
elance - E
elisa_day - elisa day
emopopsicleman - Mike Popsicle Glhawno
epitomei - epitomei
evaexnihilo - adam sebastian
evilhellokitty - liminalbeing
exknowswhy - The Number One Stunna
factory77 - rotten-nicole
falkenwings - lisa
ferol163 - ~*Ferol*~
flamechelsea - Flame
flamehaireddame - ₪ Andrasta ₪
flowingwater - ~ flowing water ~
flushing_eggs - Happy Thoughts
flyawayfree - Mommy to the best best kids
flyawayfromlife - ...*Cherish*...
flying_buttress - Penny (AbbeyPrudenceJuliaMichelleRitaMadonna) Lane
foraut - Lauren
frankie77 - carrie's life
freakgrrrl - Get your freak on!
freeflowingme - z o e
fudyum - Re vera
fyreflye - Fyreflye
galaxiepi - ...... still and aflame
galebird - Gutter Flower
gatdula - Caliban
gemlins - Lucianna
gen - Genevieve
gentilgarcon - gentilgarcon
geographygirl - Esther
girlvinyl - Cotton Candy Explosion!
glittermom - glittermom
glitterstargirl - glitterstargirl
gnr_icons - Guns n' Roses Icons
goddess_eir - Eir
goinginside - jilson
gomezticator - Steven Gomez
gothbargod - <{[G]}>
gottatellyou - Caitlin
graciana - Shirley Grace
gunslinger33 - watch the change
gwen_alarch - gwenn
gypsypoet83 - hippie-chickie
hannibalo - Hanni
hathor - Silver Keeper
hecate - Miki the O Mighty Centipede
hectomoo - that guy
hevb115 - Heather Burrage
heynotmyproblem - Scott Samuel Johnson
horizonline - horizonline
hranchrider - ErinAWall
humblingescape - Mandy
hurtnabused - secretsarehardtokeep
hurts_so_good - PiNk MaNgOeS
icingsugargirl - ..Auntie Sugar Bird--to someone who counts...
ignominious - Lucy Duncan
ihatethisbs - Mike
ikon - IKONic Phlo
ikonicphlo - IKON
ilubpepsi - iLubPepSi
imnotlisa - Lisa
imvoltronyesme - the king of jibberish
insomniac101 - beauty queen from mars
invincable - ×.allyson.×
isaiddread - Dana
itsjoy - Joy
ive_yanamari - Ive Yanamari
jade_coil - Martin
jadeswat - jadeswat
janelaneca - Jane
jangles - Jennifer
jaramin - Pascal
jcslittlekate - Kates
jelizabeth - I love lip gloss
jennruthryan - Jenn
jer21 - tired of being here
jeveux - vouloir
joelseph - Joelseph
jordithicus - J0rd
kalansai - Kalansai
kamber82 - Kamber82
karlaanne - hyperreality
karmachanic - a stick of gum, dental floss and an old sock
katerina77 - kat
kev_marklar - Hoya Kev
ki1ikina - ki1ikina
kindredspirite - Michele
kinetics - constellation
king_wolf - Mark B
kinkedriotfemme - ...the mystery of iniquity.
kitteekat - Lauren
knowingvii - Pranayama
kohmu - Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film
koyaanisqatsi0 - Jon
kpooh - Korrinne
ktbaby - katie
kydyke - Milena
kyrasis - Kyrasis
lady_solitaire - Lady Solitaire
ladyinwaiting - AJB
laechelnrisse - Laechelnrisse *Smiling Tears* Forever and Always
ldygwynedd - Jean
leahnyesu - leah 林麗亞
legacy - Virtuous David
legauche - lulla
lenarosie - Rosie
leo99blue - Gizmo's Disco
lhfeather - Hope Child
lightseeker - Seeker of Light
lihuahou - Qun Hua
lillah - my ego
litostlaughing - Jenn
littleteapot - Z o e
livingdarkness7 - Joe AKA Skornd
livingthisdream - *tracie*
loveisafisheye - justin
lovely_sbones - Susan Michelle Bones
lovely_tragedy - a priceless tale told...
lovingservent - HisLovingServant
lucciola - Firefly
luckyxyboi - American Life Liam
lunachava - Luna
luva_aduial - aduial
lx - lx
magicguru19 - Jay's 2 cents
magnoid - tim
maidden - Andrea Coelho
maioniosk - Morgan & Kate
malecataclysm - Jason R. Bush
malloryk - MalloryK
mamahandle - a handle for a mama
marblemoutgnr - The Great Depression
martin_cock - Martin Cock
maryannimal - raggedy maryann
masterswrit - Daddy
mathminusme - Elliott Pallas
mattietilda - mattietilda
mayzie - jennifer
mazrim_says - Anthony
meanjunglist - necessary evil
meekassassin - Amy
meg58 - Meg
meisgood - cinderblock
melodiouschaos - Silent in the Dark
meribor - Silence...
metaltia - tia.
metta_butterfly - *~Angel.Eyes~*
mgnh85 - Meg
micaiah - Doulos_Yui
mikeysmonkay - Manda
mindgale - Mariah
minntc - minntc
miserablebeauty - Falling from Grace
miss_unnoticed - Andrea
missderinger - the lovely
missmagpie - Lil' Lisa
mmm_mmm_good - Campbell Soup
moduzoperandi - o0OElyziumO0o
monamariquita - caroline
mongonoodle - margaret
moonofmedea - ancienthoughts
mrdead - Wade the Toaster
munkybutt - Todd
murderofcrows - Dissolved Girl
myjoy828 - Sa
n_e_less - ~Rumztaeb~
nancynewt - Sr. Astraea
nanuka - IVORY
ndogg3377 - \Nathan/ Naethin\ Nathaniel/ Nathalie\
nennioz - Jenni
newparadigm - Jesse Frye
nic3455 - Nic
nic348 - Nic Van Allen
ninabeddina - Kristina
ninjana - The House-Ninja!
nogoodusernames - you can't explain to people this type of mindframe
noplease - No!
norwren - Noreen
nosugarsadded - Saccharine
novembersorchid - LlunaAgothae
nullitum - scott smith
number1crush - ♥
nurispark - Nurí
official_bitch - Theoretical Understatement
oh_kate - sunkeneyed girl
onemancrowd - Josh Bennett
oneserendipity - Jewls
onfusionism - on-fusion-c
onyxhalo - solitude and prayers
orig_mint_tea - Orig. Mint tea
overlapped - Rock Paper Scissors
p1nk0 - p!nK0
panoptican - Jason
paperbagprinces - i heard the heron cry
paralllel - Douglas Crown
patatonic - Patrick
patience_within - Sarah Ranae
peppypunk - Saira
perse - perse
perso - A Sliver of Life
phunkiejunkie - katherine
piecesofyouinme - The Truth Machine
pippihurst - Pippihurst
planningreality - The Achiever
polishq - those eyebrows
popsicles - Brynn
porchkitty - herbs and spices
professor_wolf - Remus Jarret Lupin
protokol_4 - S. Munzer
protopic - girl seeking stars
pseudo_reality - cathy
punk_in_drublic - Cait
purplebitch - brody
purpledaisy - Daisy
quah00 - Waveringly Stolid
quietthomas - Thomas Morison
quirky_me - Flying Grasshopper
quixotic_apathy - the phone's not ringing and I know why
rachelmichellek - rachel
raeofhope27 - »----»ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW
ragnaroknroll - Ragnarok 'n' Roll
rainbowfeathers - heather feather
rainbrot - Brain Rot
rakafkaven - Jesse
redhawke - Redhawke, The Bard of Snarkmonkeytown
redhotpookie - eYeZ of StOnE
redvelvetfish - alice
reverence1love - kristen williams
riskygrl - RiskyGrl
riverhasnoend - L I F E -thru- D E A T H
rocketdreams - andrea.
romeodemon - Romeo Demon
romperoo - ROMPEROO-Y
rooof - tumbleweed
rosamystica - Cher
roses4violet - the twist that turns your key
rosetintedwhim - traci
roxybaby03 - JuLeS
rumztaeb - ~Rumztaeb~
rybopup - steve
sadbuthappy - Dede
sanctaelisabeth - her head, on fire & coming unglued
sarisflame - forgottenWords
scandyw - Suz
scapegoatwhore - Chopped Up In The Manger.
scearley - Hugh Jardon
selenapoet - Liz
selenden - La Caduta Dei Sicari; Onda Della Rappresaglia
seraphimnoir - Artchick
serpentkaa - Monique
sex_magick - His Sex Goddess
shadedgrey88 - Subconscious
shami - Shami
shanie_girl - Shy-Chey
shannon06 - shannon
shaomai - shaomai
she_is_trying - transfixed
she_slices - random gray
shira_seskai - Shira
shoeful_of_rice - Myself
shpydamunki - Yiro
sickoftraveling - Dirty ole' man
silece - the angel: Sojourner
silver_luminary - Ethereal
silverseagull - SilverSeagull
sirine - giant chaos
skinn - aquarius ♥
sleepysachi - SaChErZ
slim_hazard - his ugly is beauty
slip_me_a_tool - SLiP mE a TooL
smj030682 - Sean
snip_snip_snip - x-clichecore-x
song_laced_wind - A Very Sexy Tiger
sonic_celt - Resa, Queen Of Melba
sonoftomorrow - Nick S
sonorandreamer - Leslie
sorah - sorah
spamshrubber - Jeff the God of Biscuits
speedpiss - factory girl
springsjournal - Rita aka Spring
spydielives - SpydieLives, now living, loving, and learning anew
stardust653 - reluctant misanthrope
sugarbaby_ - restless
sundkat - Clint
super_green - Lana
swandive - the sleepless sailor
swoop_logg - Lucas
sxejulz - Julie
syntheticxsmile - plastic hearts
taerf - Taerf
tailypo - Andi
taische - Taische Lingus
tanjent - Tanjent
taraholenmyhart - tara holen
tearyrose - Ellie
tellibelli - <comfortably numb>
telltale - milagra
thatdirtyblonde - miss behave
the_zapper9060 - zach in the box
theamaranth - Quiet Amaranth
thebadguy - Stevo
thecomrade - David
thelass - Sara
thelovelymrs - Carolina Davis
theone1 - Sweet CatastrophE
thereshegoes - Caitylin
thetiredorbit - if and when we dim the lights
thewearygentlem - badname111
threemilesdown - andy
thygatria - Daddy and daughter
tigra121 - Waiting To Exhale
timsushi - Tim
tinjuko - Phillip
tinted - Jessica
touchingcracker - ants in my pants
tower312005 - Sean
tr67 - tropicana67
trayc - Tracy
trettie - Tierra....Bliznittle fo sheezey
trulyhis - Rachels
trying_it_again - Just a girl...
ttx - Maitotoxin
turkey2083 - Jaime
uberdyke - duffy moon
ukifune - Callie sticks her tongue out at you
ulikethatdontu - just like this
ullakuru - Dymphna Pacem
unemotion - enEMOTION
ureverything - Marisa
vasa - [ vasa ]
violentgreen - stealthy snowy owl
vispilio - Reuben
vsegall - Vicky
w0rds_can_kill - your.temporary.gash
waitforgreen - carpe diem
wakingdreams113 - angela
walkedawaybynow - Andy
wanderland - Lulu
warm_socks - Albus Dumbledore
watchful_eye - Glendon Guttenfelder
watchingsitcoms - AFAIK
watterflowing - unworthy follower of the way
whompers - Paul
wildthistle - ~butterfly~
wingedraver - Cassidy
wolfmind - shadow
wolvesonata - Shannon Kleiner
wondermuffin - Audrey
word_as_therapy - crappy poetry
x_atzimba_o - BuTTeR PeCaN
xanda_k - Alex
xliquid_dreamsx - Just A Girl
xonetearofhopex - Only happy when you say so
yaleelee - Yale E. Lee
yet - YET
you_killing_me - so this is what the tide brought in
yougotaproblem - Amanda
ytterbius - Plainbellied sneech
zaoenjehovah - 7ïB3Rıë_±ë_3x_ ïNƒ3RNº
zenrocket - R.
zevy - Frix