Region(s) : Amhearst Bridgewater Halifax Kentville Lawrencetown New Glasgow Sydney Windsor Yarmouth Truro Middleton
We have noticed that some clients in the Province of Nova Scotia are getting the following error message when trying to send email: "Error sending mail. The server did not reply in 60 seconds". To rectify this situation please use these alternate access numbers to connect to the Internet: Halifax - (902) 422-3447 or Sydney (902) 562-3609. If you are connecting to the Internet in a city other than the ones mentioned, and are experiencing the same problems, please feel free to contact our Customer Service department for further information.
We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience. Canada
***** Resolved Wednesday December 3 2003 at 20:21 *****
Posted Wednesday November 20 2003 at 18:36
Domain(s) : All (except
Region(s) : Calgary Edmonton Saskatoon Vancouver Victoria Winnipeg
We have noticed that some clients in the regions of Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton are getting the following error message when trying to send email: "Error 550 - Prohibited by Administrator". To rectify this situation please use these alternate access numbers to connect to the Internet: Vancouver: (604) 609-3300; Winnipeg: (204) 956-1440; Edmonton: (780) 423-5600; Calgary: (403) 781-5200; Victoria: (250) 361-9222; Saskatoon: (306) 933-4009. If you are connecting to the Internet in a city other than the ones mentioned, and are experiencing the same problems, please feel free to contact our Customer Service department for further information.
We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience. Canada
We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience.