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Convention Alley - the 2004 HP event

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Convention Alley Accommodations [02 Apr 2004|04:57pm]

We have reserved rooms in the residence at the University of Ottawa for the nights of Friday, July 30 and Saturday, July 31. The residence has rooms for sharing for $110.88 (Canadian*) per night plus 12% tax. The rooms have two double beds and can accommodate up to four people – each additional person is an extra $10 per night. There are also lower-cost residence options available. Please click the following link to the university website for photos of the rooms: The residence reservation form may be found at: Please note that the reservation form needs to be printed, filled out and mailed back directly to the University of Ottawa, and must be received by June 30, 2004.

We have also compiled a list of places to stay while attending Convention Alley if you would rather stay somewhere other than the residence (or if you are coming to Ottawa early, as the residence is fully booked the night of Thursday, July 29). The alternate accommodations list may be viewed at: Please note that this is an unofficial list, and is provided for informational purposes only - the accommodations listed are not endorsed by the Convention Alley organizers.

~Phyllis Morris
for the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

*Prices are quoted in Canadian dollars. While the currency conversion is subject to change, the $110.88 Canadian per night for the two-bedroom unit currently converts into approximately $83.60 in American dollars.
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Extension of Convention Alley Early Registration [27 Mar 2004|06:26pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

The Convention Alley Planning Committee is pleased to announce the extension of early registration from March 30, 2004 to April 30, 2004. Registering on or before April 30, 2004 costs $200.00 Canadian, while registering on or after May 1, 2004 costs $250.00 Canadian.

Please note that the cost figures are listed in Canadian dollars. While the conversion is subject to change depending on the value of the Canadian dollar, $200 Canadian currently equals approximately $151 in American dollars (for registrations before May 1, 2004), and $250 Canadian currently equals approximately $189 in American dollars
(for registrations between May 1, 2004 and July 1, 2004).

The registration fee provides admission to all of the daytime
programming sessions, light refreshments at Friday's meet and greet, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday (with guest speaker Judith Robertson at Sunday's luncheon), Saturday evening's birthday banquet (with keynote speaker Steve Vander Ark), admission to the Prisoner of Azkaban movie on Saturday evening and admission to such areas as the vendor marketplace and games room. In addition, the registration fee covers the cost of producing the conference proceedings (a compliation of the papers presented at the conference), a copy of which will be provided to each participant on Friday.

Convention Alley will be held at the University of Ottawa from
Friday, July 30 through Sunday, August 1, 2004. For more
information, or to register, please visit:

~Phyllis Morris
for the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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Preliminary Schedule of Events and Sponsorship Opportunities [10 Mar 2004|08:13pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

The Convention Alley Planning Committee is pleased to announce two additions to our website: the preliminary schedule of events and a list of available sponsorship opportunities.

The preliminary schedule of events may be found here:

and the list of available sponsorship opportunities may be found here:

~Phyllis Morris
2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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Convention Alley Message Boards [07 Mar 2004|04:51pm]

Just a reminder that the Convention Alley Planning Committee has set up message boards to discuss the conference, which may be found at: .

We look forward to hearing from you!

~Phyllis Morris
2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee
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Convention Alley Guest Speakers [03 Mar 2004|10:51am]

[ mood | happy ]

The Convention Alley Planning Committee is pleased to announce Steve Vander Ark and Dr. Judith Robertson as guest speakers for the 2004 Convention Alley conference.

Steve Vander Ark will provide the keynote address at Saturday's
birthday banquet, as well as serve as Master of Ceremonies throughout the event. Steve is the creator and editor of the Harry Potter Lexicon website, a comprehensive reference tool on the Potterverse extensively used by both fans and scholars. Steve is from Grand Rapids, Michigan (U.S.A.), where he works as a K-8 library media specialist. He is also a freelance writer and columnist, as well as the resident director for the Caledonia Community Players.

Dr. Judith Robertson will speak at the Sunday luncheon. Dr.
Robertson is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa
(Ontario, Canada), and was recently awarded the Faculty of Education Prize for Excellence in Teaching. She has published a best-selling book entitled "Teaching About Genocide and Intolerance," and has written over twenty articles and chapters that have appeared in peer-refereed sites in children's literature, English education, curriculum theory and teacher education.

Convention Alley will be held at the University of Ottawa from July 30 – August 1, 2004. In addition to presentations by guest speakers, the conference will feature programming sessions presented by fans from both the academic and the non-academic worlds, directed discussion groups and informal opportunities for participants to get to know one another and to enjoy the city of Ottawa. A highlight of the convention will be a dinner for all participants to celebrate
Harry's birthday on July 31st.

For more information or to register, please visit: .

~Phyllis Morris
for the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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Proposal Notifications Issued Today [20 Feb 2004|08:47pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

The Convention Alley team sent out e-mails today notifying
individuals who submitted a proposal for presentation at Convention Alley as to whether or not their proposal has been accepted for a formal presentation or for a small discussion group. If you submitted a proposal and did not receive an e-mail today, please let the Convention Alley team know as soon as possible by sending a message to:

Thank you!

~Phyllis Morris
2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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Programming submissions have been received and aknowledged [01 Feb 2004|11:36pm]

The Convention Alley Programming Committee wishes to let everyone know that we have acknowledged all of the programming submissions we have received to date.

Since we have begun our review of the proposals, if you sent in a submission and have not received an acknowledgement, we ask that you please contact the Programming Committee immediately by re-sending your submission via e-mail to

Many thanks!

Christian Stubø
for the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee
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Convention Alley website and registration now open! [31 Jan 2004|03:30pm]

[ mood | happy ]

The Convention Alley Planning Committee is pleased to announce the opening of the official website of Convention Alley 2004:

We are also pleased to announce the start of registration for Convention Alley. If you visit, you will find a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about registration. Here is a brief summary of the more important points to consider before registering:

Dates of Convention:
July 30-August 1, 2004

Location of Convention:
University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
Events/Meals Included in Registration:
  • Admission to all the daytime programming sessions
  • The meet and greet
  • Saturday breakfast and lunch
  • The birthday banquet (including a sit-down, three-course dinner)
  • Movie admission
  • Sunday breakfast and sit-down, three-course lunch
  • Admission to such areas as the vendor marketplace, games room, etc.

  • Registration does not include accommodations. We have reserved a block of rooms at the University of Ottawa residence, and will also provide a list of alternative accommodations.
CAD 200.00 between February 1, 2004 and March 30, 2004
CAD 250.00 between March 31, 2004 and July 1, 2004 (no registrations will be accepted after July 1, 2004 and no on-site registration will be available)
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars, not US dollars; at present CAD 200 equals approximately USD150, and CAD 250 equals approximately USD 190
Please note that current exchangerates for Canadian dollars can change, and the Planning Committee makes no guarantees concerning exchange-rates.

Age of Participants:
Participants must be age 16 or older to attend the conference. Participants between the ages of 16 and 18 years old must be accompanied by a chaperone.

Questions? Feel free to contact us at regarding registration questions and at for all other questions. Alternatively, you can visit our messageboards at ezBoard.

We hope to see you there!

Christian Stubø
for the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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Impending Convention Alley Proposal Deadlines [26 Dec 2003|09:19pm]

Just a reminder that the Convention Alley Call for Papers (CFP) set a postmark deadline for proposals submitted via regular mail of January 3, 2004. Proposals submitted electronically must be received by January 17, 2004.

Proposals may take the form of a 500 word abstract or a completed conference paper (approximately 5-7 pages). Any attachments must be in Microsoft Word to be readable.

Proposals should be sent via e-mail (preferred) or regular mail in advance of the submission deadline to the following:

E-Mail submission: convention_alley (without the spaces). Please use "Ottawa 2004 Programming Submission" in the subject line.

Regular mail:
Convention Alley
Box 36058
1318 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 3A0

For all of the details, please see the full text of the CFP on this LiveJournal
or in the files section of the HPFGU-Convention list

We look forward to hearing from you!

~Phyllis Morris
on behalf of the 2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee
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Call for Papers for Convention Alley 2004 [19 Oct 2003|11:54pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]


Convention Alley
An International Harry Potter Convention
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
July 30-August 1, 2004

This international conference envisions bringing the Harry Potter fandom together in the beautiful city of Ottawa to discuss J.K. Rowling’s novels with one another and with literary scholars. In addition to a keynote speaker and programming sessions presented by fans and professionals, the convention will feature directed discussion groups as well as informal opportunities for fans and scholars to get to know one another and to enjoy the city of Ottawa. A highlight of the convention will be a party for all participants to celebrate Harry’s birthday on July 31st.

The Canadian Programming Committee seeks proposals for presentations, moderated panels and workshops on any topic relating to the Harry Potter novels and/or their fan community. We strongly encourage members of the fandom community to participate, and also welcome submissions by members of the professional and academic communities. While potential topics and suggested submissions are noted below to get your creative juices flowing, we are interested in any and all ideas - please do not feel limited by the potential topic areas or by the examples of potential submissions!

Presenters should be at least 18 years old, as the conference programming is intended for adults. However, participants are encouraged to bring their families and many of the informal events will be open to family members.

Programming Sessions

Potential programming session topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Characters in the Harry Potter series. Thanks to the myriad of characters dreamed up by Rowling, there are innumerable opportunities for presentations in this area. A submission might include two panelists presenting evidence in Rowling’s canon that Professor Severus Snape will turn out to be evil in the end, and two other panelists presenting canon evidence that Snape will turn out to be good. Another submission might propose a presentation comparing Draco Malfoy as he is portrayed in Rowling’s canon vs. Malfoy as he is known in fanfiction.

  • Mythology in the Harry Potter series. Rowling draws heavily from mythology in the series, from the three-headed dog Fluffy (based on Cerberus who guarded the Underworld in Greek mythology) to names such as "Argus" and "Narcissa". A submission might highlight the characters that are based on mythology, explain their mythological basis and provide a rationale for why Rowling chose to link those characters with these specific myths.

  • Education in the Harry Potter universe. We invite teachers (and administrators) in the fandom to compare their jobs to the ones held by their analogs in the Harry Potter novels. Possible topics include detailed analyses of Rowling’s views on the state’s role in education, and how the teachers in Rowling’s universe would fare in the "real world".

  • Symbolism in the Harry Potter series. Proposals might explore how Rowling uses symbols and metaphors to express her views and the goals of the series. For example, submissions might analyze metaphors of death ("beyond the veil") or symbols of Christ (the stag, the phoenix, Harry’s repeated resurrections).

  • Fandom Influences in the Harry Potter series. A proposal in this area might review Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to identify instances where Rowling may have responded to popular questions from the fandom (e.g., how to pronounce "Hermione").

  • Understanding and Exploring British Terms in the Harry Potter novels. For non-British readers, some of Rowling’s British expressions and terms are, well - foreign! A submission in this area might propose a roundtable discussion run by British fans that would entertain audience questions on dialects and British terms in the novels.

The Canadian Programming Committee cannot stress enough that these topic areas are merely suggestions. They should not, therefore, be interpreted in any way as limitations on the subject matter of potential proposals. Proposals on any and all facets of the Harry Potter fandom are welcome and encouraged. The Committee only requests that your proposal be respectful of the interests and views of others in the fandom.

Time Blocks

Proposals should specify the estimated amount of time needed for presentation and discussion.

Programming sessions will be held on Saturday, July 31 and Sunday, August 1. Our goal is to make all of the programming sessions as interactive as possible. Accordingly, for individual presentations, we suggest a planned presentation of between 30-45 minutes, followed by a 30-minute audience participation session. This is a guideline, however - presenters are welcome to propose other ideas for encouraging audience participation. Strictly lecture-based presentations are discouraged, however. Accordingly, proposals must include an outline for how audience participation will be solicited.

The suggested time period for moderated panels and workshops is between one hour and 30 minutes and two hours. As with the individual presentations, proposals for moderated panels should include a 30-minute audience participation session.

A volunteer staff member will be present at each session to introduce the presenter, assist with any technical difficulties and facilitate the audience participation component.

Proposal Submissions

Proposals submitted via regular mail must be postmarked no later than: January 3, 2004.
Proposals submitted electronically must be received by: January 17, 2004.
Proposals may take the form of a 500 word abstract or a completed conference paper (approximately 5-7 pages). Any attachments must be in Microsoft Word to be readable.
Proposals should be sent via e-mail (preferred) or regular mail in advance of the submission deadline to the following:
E-Mail submission: Please use "Ottawa 2004 Programming Submission" in the subject line.
Regular mail:
Convention Alley
Box 36058
1318 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 3A0

Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated based on an assessment of the level of interest conference participants will have in the topic area and the originality of the ideas presented, as well as the use of correct spelling and grammar.

Notification and Submission of Final Papers

We plan to notify presenters whose proposals are selected for presentation at the convention during the week of February 16, 2004. We regret that, in order to keep conference fees as low as possible, we are unable to fund presenters’ registration, hotel and/or travel costs, or provide any other form of remuneration. Presenters will need to register for the conference at their own expense when they confirm that they will present (confirmations must be postmarked or e-mailed by March 3, 2004).
Presenters must submit their final completed paper in an electronic format (either as a text file or in Word) to the above e-mail address by May 15, 2004 (preferred) or by regular mail to the above address by May 1, 2004. Completed papers sent by regular mail must be submitted on a disk. All submissions will be edited for consistency of style, acronym use, and correct punctuation and grammar. Guidelines to ensure uniform style in the published proceedings will be provided to each successful presenter when selection notifications are issued. No changes will be made to submitted text without the prior approval of the author.

Directed Discussion Groups

The only way to improve upon an on-line chat is to have an in-person chat! Directed discussion groups will be scheduled throughout the weekend to accomplish this. These sessions will not have formal presentations, but will be guided by a moderator to get topics started and to move the discussion along. Since it is an unfortunate inevitability that we will receive more submissions for presentations than we can accept, we will invite those individuals who submitted topics that are not chosen to serve as moderators for these panels.


This convention is an unofficial event, and is not endorsed or sanctioned by HP Education Fanon, Inc., Warner Bros., the Harry Potter book publishers or J.K. Rowling and her representatives.
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Volunteers, we need you! [23 Jul 2003|10:37am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Interested in volunteering? We need people for:

  • art
  • website help
  • finance
  • programme planning
  • business and administration
  • on-site production
  • publicity
  • legal advice
  • any skill you have!
Please drop us a line at, and please keep an eye on this journal for announcements and news as it happens!
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Welcome, one and all! [30 Jul 2004|06:00pm]

[ mood | jubilant ]

Welcome to Conventionalley, the official livejournal of Convention Alley 2004!

You are cordially invited to a celebration of Harry Potter, hosted by the Laurentian Normal School of Consolidated Magicks, to be held in Convention Alley from July 30 - August 1, 2004. This international conference at the University of Ottawa envisions bringing the Harry Potter fandom together to discuss J.K. Rowling's novels with one another and with literary scholars. In addition to a keynote speaker and programming sessions presented by fans and professionals, the convention will feature directed discussion groups as well as informal opportunities for fans and scholars to get to know one another and to enjoy the city of Ottawa. A highlight of the convention will be a party for all participants to celebrate Harry's birthday on July 31st.

Please keep an eye on this livejournal, as we update it with information about Convention Alley, and about the website, mailing-list, and other venues of information which are being set up.

We'll see you there!

Christian Stubø
for the Convention Alley 2004 planning committee.

(Text modified December 3rd 2003)

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