Welcome to Nuclear Information and Resource Service & World Information Service on Energy
NIRS/WISE  is the information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues. We're located at 1424 16th Street NW, #404, Washington, DC 20036; 202-328-0002; fax: 202-462-2183; e-mail nirsnet@nirs.org Our Amsterdam office is at P.O. Box 59636, 1040 LC Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 31-20-6126368; fax: 31-20-6892179; wiseamster@antenna.nl    Web: www.antenna.nl/wise . Our Southeast U.S. office is NIRS Southeast, P.O. Box 7586, Asheville, NC 28802; 828-251-2060, nirs.se@mindspring.com . Worldwide  NIRS/WISE relay offices .

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Important Actions, Info, & Alerts

STOP the Energy bill!
Senate vote could occur week of November 17
Press Release, November 17, 2003 : Energy Bill includes $7.5 Billion in tax incentives for new reactors
Analysis of energy bill's nuclear provisions , November 17, 2003, by Dan Hirsch

Updated energy bill info , October 17, 2003,
includes sample letter to the editor

Misguided Senate Passes Misguided Energy Bill , 8/1/2003 (includes vote list)
Sample letter to the Senate, download (pdf format),
add your name and address and return to NIRS, we'll deliver it to your Senators.


Comparison of House and Senate energy bills , from Public Citizen (takes you to Public Citizen website)

Power Politics: new Friends of the Earth publication linking Congress, campaign contributions and energy policy
Volume 1 (July 15, 2003) looks at energy industry subsidies. This link takes you to FoE website .

Letter from FoE, NIRS and others to Senate opposing tax breaks to polluting industries in Senate energy bill (7/25/03).
Wyden/Sununu effort to cut nuclear funding in S. 14 fails in Senate, 50-48.
  What to do now (Defeat the Energy Bill!) and vote list .
  Background info on Wyden/Sununu amendment.

Send a free fax to your Senators against the Energy Bill from Public Citizen's website.

View NIRS' ad in the June 23, 2003 Nation opposing the energy bill

 Letter from 50+ national/grassroots organizations
supporting Wyden/Sununu amendment

Letter from national organizations supporting Wyden/Sununu amendment .
Letter from national organizations supporting Bingaman amendment .
(note: these links will take you to Public Citizen website)

 Want to know you you can affect this and other critical nuclear issues? Join our e-mail alert list.
 Just send your name, e-mail address, and snail mail address to nirsnet@nirs.org


NRC Seeks to Weaken Environmental Justice Policy;
Process Seems Designed to Deter Public Participation

NIRS ALERT! November 14, 2003
NIRS letter to NRC requesting extension of comment period to July 4, 2004
NIRS press release , November 14, 2003
NRC draft policy statement on environmental justice , November 5, 2003
President Clinton's Executive Order on environmental justice , February 16, 1994

NIRS Files Contentions Against Use of MOX fuel in Duke Power reactor
Press Advisory, text of contentions and background on MOX

UCS says there is a 1 in 3 chance of a serious accident by 2006 at one of 68 U.S. reactors.
Get the UCS issue brief here, and act!
August 25, 2003 (Requires Adobe Acrobat)

 Read NIRS' comments against Nuclear Regulatory Commission radioactive "recycling" proposal!
Read the comments here!

More on release and "recycling" of radioactive materials

  Louisiana Energy Services and Uranium Enrichment
Louisiana Energy Services (LES) wants to build a new uranium enrichment plant in eastern New Mexico.
Here is some background information on the company and the process for those concerned about this proposal (updated October 1, 2003).

NRC letter to LES on Agency's conclusions on "White Paper" requests , March 24, 2003
NIRS/Public Citizen Seek Release of Secret NRC Document on LES licensing policy; Press release, March 13, 2003
View NIRS' Comments here. Comments of Institute for Energy & Environmental Research .
Background on LES "White Paper" requests
NIRS PRESS RELEASE, September 12, 2002: LES Seeks to Circumvent NRC Public Hearing Process
Letter from NIRS to NRC about LES requests , September 11, 2002

photo of Davis Besse reactor vessel, 2000

Davis Besse reactor vessel head, 2000

Send A Message to the NRC: Stop the Restart of Davis-Besse!
NRC Office of Inspector General Report on NRC/First Energy deficiences at Davis-Besse , December 30, 2002 (pdf file)

NIRS/UCS Report Update
, October 2002
August 2002- NIRS/UCS Report- Davis-Besse: NRC has a Brain, But No Spine
important background info: NRC memo # 1, 11/29/01
NRC memo #2 11/29/01


Background information on Yucca Mountain and high-level radioactive waste
Background information on Radioactive Roads and Rails tours

DonateNow The Bush Administration and the nuclear power industry have been emboldened by the 2002 elections. The Senate energy bill would use billions of your taxpayer dollars to build new commercial nuclear reactors--and then require the government to buy electricity from them at above-market rates! The Bush-Cheney Administration is actively supporting this effort. But with your help, we can stop them! Your support will enable us to keep fighting the proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump and a new generation of nuclear power construction, and help build a sustainable energy future. Foundation funding for anti-nuclear/safe energy activities has slowed to a trickle. Your support is more important than ever! Please click on the box above and make your donation to NIRS through Groundspring.org. As always, your online transaction is fast, secure, easy and tax-deductible. Or, you can mail or telephone your donation to NIRS, 1424 16th Street NW, #404, Washington, DC 20036 (checks, Visa, Mastercard and Discovercard are accepted; call 202-328-0002 for more information). Thank you for your generous support!



Fighting the Bush-Cheney Energy plan and the Relapse of Nuclear Power
Radioactive Wastes Being Released and "Recycled" into the Market-Place
Nuclear Power and Global Climate Change, including COP 6 information
Radioactive Roads and Rails Tour:  Read the Diary here!
Licensed To Kill. NIRS/SECC/Humane Society of US/STAR Foundation joint project on nuclear power and marine life.
Don't Waste America
NIX MOX Campaign
Reactor Watchdog Project
The Assault on Radiation Protection
The Globalization of the Nuclear Power Industry
No Nukes On Native Lands!
Nuclear Free Northeast Campaign
Nuclear Free Great Lakes Action Camp i nternational conference and action camp held near Chicago, Illinois, August 18-24, 2001.




Nuclear Monitor Online. Includes selected articles from NIRS' unique newsletter, The Nuclear Monitor. The Nuclear Monitor is now available in a Spanish language edition and a Ukrainian edition!


The NIRS' Toolbox.  Hundreds of articles, reports, testimony and other material gathered by NIRS on everything from decommissioning to wind energy, from Chernobyl to radioactive waste. Also lists numerous other sources of information on nuclear power and energy issues.

Search the NIRS' Website for articles, documents, etc. Unfortunately, it cannot find .pdf files.


Link to hundreds of U.S.and international websites


Chernobyl+10: No More Chernobyls. This area includes information on the10th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and resources on Chernobyl-related issues.

For more information about NIRS or to comment on this website,send e-mail to: nirsnet@nirs.org

Note: NIRS survives on contributions from people who use and/or appreciate our services. We thank you for your support.  Please send your tax-deductible contributions to NIRS, 1424 16th Street NW, #404, Washington, DC 20036.You may also contribute with Visa, Mastercard and Discover card. If you have any questions about NIRS or our activities, please feel free to call 202-328-0002, fax to 202-462-2183 or e-mail to nirsnet@nirs.org .  THANKS!

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