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Jul 19, 2003
User's guide to chastity for tempted teens fresh from the church
Over coming death grip masturbation

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 19, 2003

How to finger a girl
I get some strange search engine requests in that they are severely off topic and some of them are would be on topic if this blog was intended to provide information. One search string that keeps recurring is "How to finger a girl". The bad news is that there isn't any rules for it set in stone but I can give you some tips. Buy a fingernail file. Keep your fingernails short and keep any sharp edges filed down. That will save you a lot of hassle. The only other general thing is to just plain pay attention to her. Most of the time you will just have to see how she reacts to what you are doing.
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 19, 2003


See thru skirt

See thru SkirtAt a schoolTeasing Slut

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 19, 2003

STORY # 94


It was two weeks into her freshman year and Marcie was finally getting the hang of college life. The difference between college and high school was stunning, and it took a little getting used to! There was no one there to tell you what to do, when to get up, what to eat, when to go to class, or whom you could associate with! Almost immediately, however, she discovered that if she let things slide for even a day, she would fall hopelessly behind in her studies and it seemed as if she spent most of her life in the library!!! Her room mate, was another matter! Her name was Jolie, and although she seemed nice enough, when ever Marcie was around, all she would be doing was listening to the stereo or watching the soaps on television! She had another habit that Marcie found if not annoying, at least disconcerting! Even though the girl had a closet full of expensive clothing, she always lolled around the dorm room either naked, or with just a pair of bikini panties making it difficult to have a conversation with her when she standing there in her birthday suit!!! It wasn't that she had an ugly body, far from it, although she was a little on the thin side, Jolie had cute perky boobs with up turned pink nipples that always seemed to be hard, a flat tummy, tight little bottom, and slender legs!!! She was only about five feet tall and Marcie guessed about one hundred pounds, but all in all a very sexy looking girl!!!More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 19, 2003

Stupid Bitch Tricks
I got an email from a friend of an ex. Part of my reply to her question: A few months before we broke up she got food poisoning and ended up spending a day or two in the hospital and she seemed to have just plain disappeared for several days after that. Two weeks later we had a date setup where she was supposed to come out to my place. I called during lunch that day and she tells me that she is still weak and that she didn’t want to come out because Greg’s place was completely trashed (except for my room). She tells me to call her after I got off work and we would still do something. That was cool with me. So I call her a few hours later and she had done gone with Keith. She had left a message with Dewy for me and to her that seemed to make what she did okay. I absolutely went off on her. I was so pissed. She kept making me madder by trying to tell me that she didn’t stand me up because she had left a message with her father. Anyway she wasn’t paying any attention to what I was saying and she took one thing I said completely out of context and told her parents that I had given her an ultimatum and she told other people that I had dumped her. Stupid Bitch Tricks

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 18, 2003



Gil sat down on the edge of the large king size bed and while pulling on his socks yelled out to his wife who was still in the bathroom, "Hey, babe, ya better step on it, we're due at the Martin's in twenty minutes!!!" He waited for a few seconds, listening for her response, but when none was forth coming, he got up and went in to check on her progress! "It was that damn hair dryer," he said to himself, as he pushed open the door! "Priscilla," he shouted over the din of the dryer, "step on it, we gotta get going!!!" She turned to face him, and just nodded, and then went back to drying her hair. "Shit," he said under his breath, "I never shoulda come in here," while staring at the cute figure of his naked wife!!! It never failed, he was so crazy in love with her, that when ever he saw her naked, he would get a hardon the size of the Sears Tower!!! She noticed him still standing behind her in the mirror, and while turning back around she said emphatically, "No, Gil, we don't have time for that nonsense, now you go finish dressing, right now!!!" "Baby," he sighed, "look at what you've done to me, are you gonna leave me hanging like this!?!"More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 17, 2003

A very nice blog
I was surfing the links over to the right (all good sites) and found Kimochi ii over at the wonderful ErosBlog. The pictures at Kimochi ii are fucking hot.

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 17, 2003


Princess Stephanie of Monaco has posed nude for photos that will be auctioned off to raise money for her new Aids foundation.

Opera dancers naked - for a bonus Story

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 17, 2003

A Cat Blog Entry
I've had my cat for 14 years. Today she stole a piece of cherry pie from me and ate it.

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 17, 2003

Porn Star

Barby Dare wearing clothes!

Sun DressSun DressSun Dress

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 17, 2003

STORY # 92


From her outward appearance you'd never guess that Valerie Hawkins was a predator! Standing five feet six inches tall and weighing in at 125 pounds, she looked a lot like any other pretty thirty year old you'd meet on the street. To many people the word predator brings to mind a ravenous killer, that stalks its prey, killing it with no remorse, no hatred, no greed, just the driving instinct to attack and kill, inbred, with no compunction. No, Valerie Hawkins doesn't fit he normal picture of a predator, but it her own way, she is just as deadly as a wolf, a lion, or a killer whale!More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 16, 2003

Brass Eagle Inc. of Bentonville, the world’s largest manufacturer of paintball guns and other extreme sports products, warned consumers late Tuesday that playing paintball in the nude “may result in significant bodily injury.” Story Here I'd comment on this but I can't stop laughing at the idea that someone needs to warned about this.
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 16, 2003


Another Blonde

Camel Toeteasing slutSilly Girl

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 16, 2003

STORY # 91


Myron Baker was in a funk, his wife of thirty nine years had just passed away a month ago, and he was still feeling her loss. They had always talked about moving to Arizona after they retired, but he could never go back there now, the memories of vacations with Lucille were just to painful to relive. No, he would move to Florida, they had a lot of nice retirement communities down there, and even though it was more humid than Arizona, it was still a lot warmer than his home state of Michigan! He also had made another decision, he was going to sell his tool and die business that he had run personally for over forty years. After the unexpected passing of his wife, he realized that time was a very precious commodity, and that from this day forward he wasn't going to waste even one minute of it!!!More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 15, 2003

Spam isn't from porn sites.

I found a story about research into types of unsolicited email. Despite hysterical claims that 80% of Spam is for porn it turns out to be only 22%. Most of the Spam I get is for hosting, search engine placement, other website services, mortgages, ebay, and software. Also Rx stuff.

I don't know what to say about this.

Hunting Naked Women I have mixed feelings about this.

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 15, 2003


This girl teases. She eventually gets naked but you still can't see anything!

Teasing SlutPerky Teen TitsSee her nipple

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 15, 2003

STORY # 90


"........and it my opponent wants to run on a platform of higher taxes, then the voters will have will have a clear choice in who they wish to represent them in Washington, because as you all know, I am categorically opposed to increasing the tax burden on the American people, so now if you'll all excuse me, it's very late and I have an early morning flight to catch," and so with a nod of her head, U.S. senate candidate Emily Howard stepped on to the elevator with her body guard and pushed the button for the twenty seventh floor! Slumping against the wall, Emily sighed tiredly and asked, "Well, Tommy, how do you think we did today?!?" "You were at the top of your game, ma'am," he replied, "I think you gained a lot of support!!!" She smile wanly, and as she exited the elevator and waited while Tommy unlocked her door to her suite and checking to make sure that no one was hiding inside! "It's okay, ma'am," he told her after checking the bath room and closets, "all clear, you lock up behind me, and I'll be next door if you need me!!!" He was about to leave when she asked, "Tommy, could you stay for awhile, we can have a drink and talk for a bit?!?" "Sure, Mrs. Howard," he replied, while walking over to the liquor cabinet, "what'll you have?!?"More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 14, 2003

Ha! I knew it!
The Journal of Sex Research is saying that " Women are serial liars when it comes to sex. Not only do they "forget" about certain partners, but they also add years to the age at which they lost their virginity, and refuse to tell the truth about masturbating or using pornography." Read it here

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 14, 2003

This is a slow moving set. It takes 60 pictures just to get to these 3. I love the look on her face in the middle picture.
Big Dick Do what! Sucks his dick through his underware

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 14, 2003



"Oh my, that feels good," Lauren moaned, while Alexandra buried her mouth into her white hot pussy, "you do that so well, I love you so much!!!" "Mmmmmmm," Alex replied, not wanting to take her mouth away from her lover's wet muffy!!! Lauren and Alexandra, lovers for a year and room mates for the past six months six months, both at age twenty two, in love for the first time in their lives and hungry for each other as only young lovers can be! Lauren arched her back while thrusting her crotch hard into her lover's mouth, reveling in the unbelievable sensation of having her vagina sucked by someone who truly meant something to her!!! "Alex," she gasped, "I-I'm cumming, oh sweet mary mother of god I'm cumming!!!" Again Alex groaned into Lauren's pussy, not only was Lauren smart and beautiful, the thing she loved most was giving her pussy up for oral servitude, and without a doubt, Alexandra was the best cunt lapper she had ever experienced!!!More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 13, 2003

Bored to Death

This past week has been difficult. It has stormed in the afternoon and then in the evening after the storm was gone for a couple of hours, my power would go out. My internet service is with BellSouth because they are the only provider available. I'll change ISPs as soon as one has a local number for here. BS sucks. It seems that it is blind to half the internet half the time and it really pisses me off when Google or Altavista can't be found. If I lived on the other side of the river I would have a choice between 2 different cable companies and the fucking broadband would be cheaper than the dialup service I have.

Anyway, a man was arrested in Connecticut for video taping people having sex in a public park.

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 13, 2003

The last of this Blonde
Teen Blonde

Posted by AWolf  Link Comments

Jul 13, 2003



"Vance, stop that," Jeanne admonished her husband, "the children will hear us!!!" "Stop what," he teased, while continuing to ram his index finger in and out of his wife's fat pussy!!! "That," she said in an exasperated voice, "you know that in another minute I'll be climbing the walls and begging you to fuck me!!!" He laughed an evil chuckle and replied, "That my dear, is just what I had in mind," while all the time twisting his finger harder and harder in her molten crack!!! "Ohhhhhhh," she sighed, "that feels so good, you know how much I love getting fingered!!!" "It's your own fault," he retorted, "if you wouldn't wear those low cut bras and bikini panties I could probably control myself!!!"More...
Posted by AWolf  Link Comments