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zenslut.com v3

welcome to my home in the ether. i'm molly, and i live here. i'm a bisexual, polyamorous, radical feminist, red-haired geekgrrl.

this website is my contribution towards making this world the kind of place that i want to live in. i believe in breaking down cultural sterotypes and standards. i believe that that the government should stop trying to tell me what i can put in my body or do in my bedroom. i believe that i can change the world by living the way that i want to, so i want to live my life as loudly as i can. acceptance through visibility.

what you will find on this site:

the personal is still political, dammit, even if i don't mean it in the same bludgenonning way that is more common now than 40 years ago. in my journal, you'll find my thoughts about feminism, friendship, dotcom life, love, art, books, homophobia, sex, and other such hot topics. there's also a good bit of randomness from my personal life and photograpy.

these are more formal writings than the journal, on topics that i have strong opinions about.

This is the largest collection of my photographs online. Most of the galleries here fall into the "personal photographs" category, but some are more like my professional photography work.

because what's a personal website without angsty poetry? ;)

stuff i like that isn't mine.

the about-me extravaganza. (and other miscellaneous stuff that didn't seem to have a home anywhere else.)

this website contains small parts and may not be appropriate for people under the mental age of 18. decide for yourself if you are tall enough to ride this ride.

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if all else fails, you can blame it on me.
zenslut at zenslut dot com.

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