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Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War

Looking for a copy of the documentary that MoveOn.org Voter Fund helped to launch? Go to www.truthuncovered.com.

On December 7th, MoveOn.org Voter Fund is bringing together thousands of MoveOn members in a national day of house parties to screen Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War. Host a party, or find one in your area.

Bush in 30 Seconds

MoveOn.org Voter Fund has launched Bush in 30 Seconds, a political TV ad contest to help us find the most creative, clear and memorable ideas for ads that tell the truth about George Bush's policies. You don't have to be trained in the art of filmaking to participate, you just need to be ready, willing, and able to turn your clever ideas into a real 30 second ad. We want to run ads that are of the people, for the people, and by the people. Joining us in this effort is a great panel of celebrity judges, including Jack Black, Michael Moore, Donna Brazile, Gus Van Sant, Michael Stipe, Margaret Cho, and Moby. For the full scoop and guidelines on how to participate, check out bushin30seconds.org.

Fire Rumsfeld and Change Course

The US occupation in Iraq has left American soldiers unprepared and vulnerable, the country degenerating into chaos, and the Iraqi people embittered and hostile. Now the President is asking Congress for a staggering $87 billion blank check to fund more of the same. Until he takes strong steps to correct this failure, Congress shouldn't give him a cent. President Bush needs to fire the team responsible -- starting with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- and transfer authority to the United Nations. Join us and call on Congress to demand a change in course.

Investigate the White House

According to the Washington Post, "two top White House officials" committed a high crime in the first weeks of July. They handed over the identity of an American secret agent to journalists. Republicans contend that an investigation by the Justice Department will reveal any wrongdoing. But Justice Department chief John Ashcroft -- who was appointed by President Bush and who employed key Bush advisor Karl Rove -- is hardly neutral. If we don't speak up now, the investigation could be left in John Ashcroft's hands, and the perpetrators and the crime could be swept under the rug. Tell Attorney General John Ashcroft to appoint a special prosecutor now.

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News from MoveOn

Watch or read Al Gore's November 9 policy speech before MoveOn members. Click here for pictures.

Reject Bush's giant budget giveaways
December 8, 2003
Congress is now considering President Bush's gigantic, 820 billion dollar spending bill. The bill is full of giveaways to giant corporations, including many that would never pass if they were considered on their own, in areas like overtime protection and media consolidation. Please call your Representative and Senators now.

HUGE Victory on energy, thanks to you!
November 21, 2003
This morning, the Senate resoundingly rejected the Bush-Cheney energy bill, with 40 courageous Senators voting to sustain a filibuster. This victory would not have been possible without your phone calls, which were among 22,000 made by MoveOn members this week on this issue. It's a huge victory. Congratulations!!

Call Today to Stop the FCC
October 14, 2003
They said it wasn't possible. But with tens of thousands of phone calls and hundreds of thousands of emails, we won a critical vote in the fight to roll back new FCC rules allowing a few big outlets to control our country's media. Now the campaign to block the FCC's disastrous rule change has reached a make-or-break moment.

MoveOn Peace, formerly 9-11Peace
Contacting the Congress


Conservative radio host deceives Fox viewers

Conservative talk radio host Bill Cunningham appeared on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" Monday night to speak about the death of African-American Nathaniel Jones after four white police officers beat him Sunday. Sean Hannity introduced him as "a great American with a full report from the great station, WLW," Cincinnati's Clear Channel station.

Cunningham deceived viewers about the facts of the case, repeatedly claiming Jones had died due to his obesity though the coroner's report has not been released. Urge other networks not to follow Fox News' lead by inviting Cunningham as a "local expert" on the incident.

Click to read the alert.

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The MoveOn family of organizations consists of three entities. MoveOn.org, a 501(c)(4) organization, primarily focuses on education and advocacy on important national issues. MoveOn.org PAC, a federal PAC, primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values. And MoveOn.org Voter Fund, a 527 organization, primarily runs ads exposing President Bush's failed policies in key "battleground" states.