I hate spam. I especially hate it when I kindly ask people who have me on a mailing list to remove me from it and they don't. I'm not talking about the kind of marketing stuff that is just taken from some list. I am talking about people picking my email address from this site or elsewhere and using it to send me stupid emails.
I know many of you out there are getting emails from some assholes at Excite and Myway.com which a bunch of left wing bullshit contained within. Helen-Curtis@excite.com, BenSyper87@myway.com and conrad0410@excite.com are a few of them. Others have told me they have seen the same. One of these scumbags has seen fit to take MY name and attach it to their nonsense.
Trying to complain to those companies is useless.
I want to get them back. If there is anybody out there who knows how to send a shitload of emails at one time to one address. If there's software that does it or a script that can do it with Outlook, I want to know. I won't reveal who did it, but I want to send so much junk to these idiots, that they won't know what hit them.
Email me or if you don't give a fuck, leave a comment.
Posted by Jay at September 07, 2003 07:50 PMI suggest you filter their e-mail and move on.
Posted by: Chris Wage on September 7, 2003 08:13 PMOh man. I hope this rant has nothing to to with the email I just sent you.
Posted by: John Little on September 7, 2003 08:29 PMJohn, not at all!
Chris, they don't deserve to be filtered.
I've asked several times for them to stop. They also use variations of the email addresses at time, so I just want a little payback.
Posted by: Jay Caruso on September 7, 2003 08:38 PMThere used to be something a friend of mine used back in the day. He called it an E-mail Bomb. I don't know what it is or how to find it, or even what it's real name is (if it was different). I just know that he'd set it for several thousand e-mails, the number depending on how muh you'd pissed him off, and let it go. It would then deluge the targets box with no more than 9999 e-mails, usually with an unkind message. I hope this can help.
Posted by: Cassidy on September 7, 2003 09:54 PMI had this done to me a while ago by a right-wing asshole.
Chances are they're fake names, sorry.
Posted by: jesse on September 7, 2003 10:10 PM"About your spamming article...The best and most effective way to combat spammers is to send them a few email bombs. Now the kind I am talking about is not the destructive type. Much like taking junk mail A and putting it in junk mail B envelope. Spammers hate to see thier email come back to them or worse...in a competitors mailbox with your name on it. My method for spammers and chainmailers is returning the mail back to the sender 50 fold. With a little note attached to remove me from your Spam list. Overload the mail server with a 5k text file attached sent 1000 times and people tend to get the message. It always works for me."
I found this with a google search for e-mail bomb. Can you tell I don't like spammers?
Most spam is relayed through open mail relays or misconfigured caching servers..
If you were savvy enough to isolate a valid account on the offending mail relay you'd only be spamming some poor schmuck's open mail relay, not the offending spammer.
Posted by: Chris Wage on September 7, 2003 11:00 PMMailWasher.
Posted by: Ricky on September 7, 2003 11:03 PMAhem, Mailwasher helps scan out the spam, not flood someone's box.
Posted by: Ricky on September 7, 2003 11:10 PMUse Spamcop.
Posted by: Jane on September 8, 2003 11:20 AMOr user ARIN Whois and complain directly to their IP providers.
Posted by: Jane on September 8, 2003 11:21 AMI hate spam almost as much as I hate liberalism. If you use Outlook then I suggest you try "disruptor ol" 4.5/5 stars on about.com and elsewhere. http://disruptor.de (I use this)
if you don't use outlook then try SpamPal: http://spampal.com
if you don't use windows: google for SpamAssassin
hope this helps
Posted by: sagacious himself on September 10, 2003 01:11 PMSTILL It would be interesting to know if there is a program out there which can send spam to one particular emailadress.
Posted by: Nico on September 25, 2003 09:37 AMUMUGUY BIKO IDEY HERE
Posted by: mUGU on October 5, 2003 09:15 AMWho gives a flip about who gets bombed. I'm going back to the old way and blow them out of the water. If they can't do any thing about the spammers who are trying to sell sex and dope over the Internet then what can they do to me. One thing for sure I will surly give them the chance.
Posted by: Hoyt on November 2, 2003 09:37 AMAll modern spammers have the advantage of email loop detect. Once upon a time it was amusing to flood marketing ilk with email to their autoresponder spoofed from their autoresponder. I had a great deal of fun with CyberPromotions. lol.
Now the new game is automatic form filling software to share your feedback with them since they are massive cowards not displaying an email address. As they seem not to have a problem repeating themselves why should I?
Lastly checkout this amusing article "torrent of spam"
Posted by: thatguy on December 2, 2003 10:45 PM