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Below is user information for Ike Krull. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:boscokhan (29783) boscokhan
Surreptitiously Intangible Dystopia... and other pretentious words
Reasons why I think you are a dick
Name:Ike Krull
Location:Port Washington, Wisconsin, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Bosco Khan (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status bosco_khan (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Hi, I'm Bosco.

One day I thought of something witty to put in the Bio section of my Livejournal. I forgot what it was an hour later.
Memories:38 entries
Interests:104: , 1000 homo dj's, alain jourgensen, aphex twin, apoptygma berzerk, army of darkness, atari teenage riot, big black, blatz beer, brandon dicamillo, calvin and hobbes, camp kill yourself, cevin key has herpes, cky, clairvoyance, dancing badly, daydreaming, death by stereo, depeche mode, donnie darko, drawing, drumming, ed temple, evolution, fight club, front 242, glen benton sucks balls, golgo 13, grandma lets jedediah in, green jelly, guns n' roses, hack divinity, hating lynyrd skynyrd, heroin bob, jail, jet grind radio, johnny the homicidal maniac, joke!, karaoke, king missile, kmfdm, ladytron, lard, learning, life, listening, looking shabby, lords of acid, lurking, mdfmk, milk and cheese, ministry, movies, music, never being wrong, nine inch nails, ninjas, ninjaville!, nintendo, nirvana, oddities, pee-wee herman, pensiveness, pig, praga khan, primus, puppet gun, ren and stimpy, revolting cocks, rictus grin, robocop, rose mcgowan, salisbury steak, sascha konietzko, schnapps, screaming, sifl and olly, skinny puppy, slacker comics, sleeping, smashing glass houses, snake plissken, someone-has-a-crush-on-me, speed racer, spongebob squarepants, static-x, tales of adventure, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the bitch toss, the faint, the letter Я, the simpsons, the young ones, thinking, thrill kill kult, using the restroom, vergüenza, vnv nation, wax trax, wesley willis, words, working, writing, wumpscut. [Modify yours]
People57:bleedingdaisy, bludgasm, bobbysexton, boscokhan, bubblebobble, burntbywords, cthulhu_luvs_u, cybercandle, cyborg_fumer, darknes, daydream_cutie, deadlines, deathto_noizy, decadenceoflove, devotiontoyou, djmindwarp, drunkenpixie, elseduceo, emendation, g4sm4sk, gibsonbites, heroinbobmyhero, intothedusk, j3rd, jaydenton7, jealousthendead, juicyrobb, kittyaupair, kompressor, kreibabe, l0stpenguin, ladyhelslyn, lordsid, makeupsex, mistressmcnasty, naive, noheavennohell, pharmeceutics, portishead13076, ravennoir, reflectingmiah, riagoose, rictusgrin, screamingvenus, seducedmind, sharptooth, slavetotheflesh, stormofevil, synthesizor, the_kat, tranceawake, tristamd, unholyroller9, vendercoupon, xxcooloutxx, xxkiddsandyxx, yogurtbelly
Communities7:childrenofacid, clubanything, kmfdmdotkom, lj_win32, lurkaholics, paidmembers, wax_trax
Friend of:46: bleedingdaisy, bludgasm, bobbysexton, boscokhan, bubblebobble, burntbywords, cthulhu_luvs_u, cybercandle, cyborg_fumer, darknes, daydream_cutie, decadenceoflove, devotiontoyou, djmindwarp, drunkenpixie, elseduceo, emendation, g4sm4sk, gibsonbites, j3rd, jaydenton7, jealousthendead, juicyrobb, kreibabe, l0stpenguin, ladyhelslyn, lordsid, mistressmcnasty, naive, noheavennohell, portishead13076, ravennoir, reflectingmiah, riagoose, rictusgrin, screamingvenus, seducedmind, sharptooth, slavetotheflesh, synthesizor, the_kat, tristamd, unholyroller9, vendercoupon, xxkiddsandyxx, yogurtbelly
Member of:2: lurkaholics, paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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