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Below is information about the "Sexy Goth Girls" community on LiveJournal. This an open-membership community. To join, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sexy_goth_girls (317518)  
Name:Sexy Goth Girls
Location:Massachusetts, United States
Interests:132: abstractions, akira, alien sex fiend, and one, android lust, anime, anti-racism, aphex twin, apoptygma berzerk, art, artwork, assemblage 23, bauhaus, beborn beton, bella morte, birmingham 6, bjork, black, black cats, blutengel, body modification, boots, cemetaries, cities, cloves, club, clubs, concerts, convergence, corsets, covenant, culture, culture club, dance, dark poetry, darkwave, das ich, david bowie, delerium, depeche mode, din fiv, duran duran, ebm, edgar allan poe, electro-goth, fashion, fictional, film noir, fraggle rock, front 242, front line assembly, funker vogt, gargoyles, goth, goth culture, goth girls, goth guys, goth make-up, goth people, gothic, gothic music, goths, hair dye, hardcore, haujobb, hocico, icon of coil, industrial music, invader zim, jim henson, johnen vasquez, johnny depp, johnny the homicidal maniac, jthm, kevin smith, kmfdm, l'ame immortelle, lace, leaether strip, leather, london after midnight, lunchboxes, manga, mdfmk, medieval, metropolis records, ministry, movies, muppets, music, noisex, nosferatu, ogre, oh my goth, ohgr, open minded people, orgy, peter murphy, photography, piercings, poetry, pre-raphaelite, project pitchfork, projekt, promoting bands, pvc, rammstein, ravenous, razed in black, red wine, richard sceary, robin finck, sean brennan, shoes, sisters of mercy, skinny puppy, skold, special effects dye, squee, switchblade symphony, synthpop, techno, the cruxshadows, the cure, the last goodbye, tim burton, type o negative, underworld, vinyl, vnv nation, wumpscut, yendri
Members:167: 6cherry6, alcina, aliceisdead, amzer, angelwylde, apandria, beloved_imzadi, bloody_halo, blumankuma, bobothedevil, bondagedolly, boys_hurt_me85, caelliope, caf_fiend, calistrisa, caterpillargirl, caterpillargrl, chainmaile, cornflake_grrl, curemadgirl, cuteliljenny, cyber_wh0re, dasbruce, dead_bytch, dead_guy_walkin, deaths_gate, decayingheart, deepdarkmonkey, demon_angel, divine_beauty, docsigma, docwebster, dodgeball, dolldelerium, donnaricci, dpchmd, drkangel150, duchesswebb, duchess_webb, dv, ebony_wings84, exoticfreak, fairresparkle, fallenreliquary, fallenrhapsody, fatalperception, fneh, fragile_sin, glasslove, glossypout, goth_vamp, gregmasley, gwar, gypzfire, ikonoklast, ilovememri4ever, impurebrat, imsogothicpunk, intersection, irdorkita, jezzi, jredbaby, jr_surfer, justin615, kaltesterne, kitschbitch, kittyof9tails, krazikate, kreepygrly, lessthangoth, lilbloodluster, lorgar, love_no_evil, lucifera, machinagenocide, marcassa, megalomaniacal, melania, metaline, missvanity7sins, mistresskitty69, moenniv, music_is_life, nancie, necroangel666, necrophilia, nnnslogan, nsidious, opalstar, opettaa, orgys, overstim, passionately, peachgirldb, pendragon93, perfect_krystle, peskynymph, pigeonfarm, pixiechix, platnummstarz, pleistoscene, pollox, precogpunk, prettybluemana, prettylikeyou, prettypunkpixie, pshychobat, psychokira, punish_yourself, pyro_goddess, queadluun_rau, ragnar666, rebelliouseyes, rebelmoonbeam, remia, revbones, rivetbitch, rotten_mushroom, ruinedorchid, samhaindreams, sappho_, scarletta, schwartzenmensh, screamsfromvoid, sephirroth, seraphimskiss, shavebola, sinaminika, sinasster, sinisterpaloma, sk8rchick14, sloppykisses, snatch0la, southrnfreak69, spaceboysp, spiritofsalem, spyre, suductiv10dency, sufferingplague, sweethel, syndication, taintedangel, tainted_vanity, tatyana_z, tearsfalldry, tessarah, toasted_kitten, tremere, trextobes, twiggy666, veganelfgirl, vesperjade, viciouschick, viciouskittens, vxshatteredxv, wastedspace, whitefox77, wicked_wish, william526, wislop, wonka_vision, xgothgoddessx, xhugwhorex, xruinedx, your1andonlyrei, zayden, zzyzx_gurl
Watched by:105: alcina, ancienne, ancillary, apandria, blautsauger, bloody_halo, bobothedevil, bookittycathy, brokeherwings, caterpillargirl, chainmaile, claynferno, curemadgirl, cuteliljenny, cyber_wh0re, dasbruce, dead_bytch, deathbybroknhrt, deepdarkmonkey, demon_angel, deviant_one, docsigma, docwebster, dodgeball, duchesswebb, duchess_webb, dv, edyeddie, exoticfreak, fairresparkle, fallenreliquary, fallenrhapsody, fantasticprizes, fneh, fragile_sin, frizzanz, glasslove, goth_vamp, gregmasley, gypzfire, hellonwheels, ilovememri4ever, imsogothicpunk, intersection, jr_surfer, kaltesterne, kitschbitch, krazikate, kreepygrly, lessthangoth, lorgar, madmexican, melania, mistressdeath, mistresskitty69, mopedronin, necroangel666, necrophilia, nervanakitten, nnnslogan, nsidious, orgys, overstim, p2ppp02, pendragon93, peskynymph, pigeonfarm, pshychobat, pyro_goddess, queadluun_rau, ragnar666, rebelliouseyes, remia, revbones, samhaindreams, scarletta, schwartzenmensh, seraphimskiss, shavebola, sinasster, sinisterpaloma, slowmow, snatch0la, spaceboysp, spiritofsalem, spyre, suductiv10dency, tearsfalldry, tessarah, tr0n, tremere, trextobes, tsk138, twiggy666, unitedsknhead, unsociable, vxshatteredxv, wastedspace, william526, wislop, wonka_vision, wreckard, xruinedx, xxxmusexxx, zayden
Member of:4: annslanders, free_mp3, synthpop_music, transgoth
Account type:Free User

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