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Below is user information for :: regarder of the cries of the world ::. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:xaotica (33498) Paid User xaotica
Name::: regarder of the cries of the world ::
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
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::stamp out the wack!!::::::::::::
::throw yourself into what you love.:::::
::we're not here for very long.::::::::::

i love the music cognoscenti.

a photo-only journal of images posted from my cellphone's camera is at [info]xaotica_fotos

:: more things that wouldn't fit on interests list ::

house music all night long, grokking people *, interesting conversations, 'you don't have to fuck people over to survive', air liquide, dr. octagon, morphine, suede, calyx, velvet underground,
johnny cash, the ethical slut, red bull & vodka, dubtribe, betalounge, dj krush, bebel gilberto, r.a.w., crepes, blonde redhead,, edgar allan poe, greencine, cut chemist, deee-lite, blackalicious, medeski, martin & wood, stars, ninja tune, lower case letters, panasonic, mc solaar, dead kennedys, x-ecutioners, sublime, land of the loops, rephlex, julie ruin, cult films, dj krush, ibooks, lamb,, jega, pi, paulo freire, aeon flux, ltj bukem, fireflies, cadallaca, weird hair, my adidas, tones on tail, big watches, procrastinating, sigur ros, bratmobile, lauryn hill, radiohead, the cure, terence mckenna, warp, jurassic 5, aveda, black eyed peas, memento, teebee, metamatics, kruder & dorfmeister, bahamadia, violent femmes, lee perry, groovetech, festivals, making espresso, stanley kubrick, seattle & olympia bands, soy almond lattes, machiattos, staying up all night listening to records, more when i have time to fill this in.

* - 'Grok' means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed - to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science - and it means as little to us [because we are from Earth] as color means to a blind man.' - robert heinlein

** - seattle things i love.. archie mcphee's, consolidated works, the little theatre, the grand illusion, the soundgarden, gasworks, uwajimaya, capitol hill, vivace, crossroads trading co, the globe cafe, scarecrow video, trader joe's, wall of sound, zion's gate, tone records (r.i.p.)

*** - portland things i love.. powell's books, ozone records (phase 3), b complex (r.i.p.), delta cafe

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Memories:41 entries
Interests:150: activism, adbusters, air, alternative education, american beauty, anais nin, ani difranco, ansel adams, art cars, atmosphere, ayn rand, b-movies, barcelona, beastie boys, bicycling, bikini kill, billie holiday, bisexuality, bjork, bogdan raczynski, buddhism, burning man, capitol hill, cat power, chai, community, compassion, dancing all night, db, dead kennedys, death to spammers, deltron 3030, demf, depeche mode, detroit techno, digable planets, digital photography, dilated peoples, diy, dj shadow, djing, djs, dntel, donna regina, downtempo, drum and bass, dubtribe, e.e. cummings, ebay, electro, electronic music, erotica, everything but the girl, experimenting, ez rollers, feminism, figure skating, foreign legion, freaks, fucking shit up, funkstorung, future shock, garage sales, grrls, hair extensions, harm reduction, herbert, hip hop, hoodies, house,, independent media, independent politics, indie film, indie rock, iron and wine, james baldwin, japanese food, jungle, kafka, kompakt, ladytron, lain, le tigre, life is beautiful, low, luomo, magnetic fields, massive attack, matt groening, mirah, mixtapes, mouse on mars, moving shadow, mum, nick cave, nietzsche, noam chomsky, nwtekno, omni trio, operation ivy, organic, philosophy, pocky, polyamory, portishead, push button objects, raves, road trips, roald dahl, rocking your ass, run lola run, san francisco, sanrio, sarte, saul williams, sentridoh, seth tobocman, sex toys, shel silverstein, sleater kinney, soulseek, spanish, spontaneity, stickers, suba, subgenius, tech house, techno, the ocean, the onion, the roots, the simpsons, the stranger, thrift stores, tosca, travelling, tribe called quest, tristeza, turntablism, underground, underground resistance, underworld, urb, ursula rucker, vegetarian, victoria's secret, web design, yo la tengo, zines. [Modify yours]
Friends:273: 303, _callisto_, _girl_friday_, accozzaglia, ahtei_eneogei, aimeeg, aliviadora, alterednate, alterity, amindadrift, andytrance, arielmeadow, awe1235, b0rked, badpioneer, bastet, battleangel, bbkahuna, beastinpiglatin, belle_the_tiger, betzle, biffah, blackmagic, boydmain, brad, brennx0r, brianinspace, brigid, butterflytwish, cascademiles, cherryredvixen, chilipimp, chris, citybug, conformer, cosmicray, cosmicserpent, crankmagnet76, craytive, critical_d, custokicks, dajahlicious, dapirate, deadflowers, deadman, deafeuphoria, decklin, demf, devilsfate, dirtyfacade, disolvent, dizfactor, diztraktcid, dj_calamari, djdavejumpers, djdrue, djnancygirl, djwrangla, dnonwoo, dorkcore, dstep, dub_sessions, eaterofhands, eckogirl, edotdj, endquote, enkidupdx, ephemeral_ether, esquemeauxpi, eugenius, evan, fairietard, fallenphoenix, fei_hong, fetisharose, finkeljautobahn, fksche, flowerman, foible, fonem, forrest303, freakneedle, freemyheart, freshbakedpi, fuerve, fumblingwisdom, fwee, gabbernaut, gblake, geeezer, goamaki, goldfischegirl, grinchyjen, hakuin, halcyonstyn, harry711, heatmiser, heckzotica, herbaliser, hienergy, hotcrab, humanpathos, hype, i_dread, iamdonte, imasage, imonk, innershe, interimlover, intuitivemotion, invasive, is_strange, j2thel, jaclyn, jamzjamz, jeffroex, jette, jizosh, jmichiko, johnofarc, joshdee, judas, juusan, k8tey, kaaaty, katyloop, kelleliz, kosmicdog, krhn, laptopbattle, leisurebeing, lele, lickypants, life_of_biffah, lisa, lolarennt, lotusluna, loverain, lucyfurr, lunarbull, luragi, mabellongetti, madame_antibody, mahatmaplucky, majestik6, mattereaterlad, mattholland, mauck, mcpupil, metaphorge, michiru, microchaotic, mikebee, mindme, missannethropik, missevilkat, mobley, mofo_x, moog55, moonpix7, moozeekfan, mousebad, moz57, mrhyde, mychopsticks, mzwayne, n_o_m_i_c, ndr, nefarious, neko_robotique, nera, nerdjunkie, nero, noisetank, nonstatic, numeric, nuyoricanwiz, nyclife, oger, optic, pazix, piccolo, pindown_girl, piscescrisis, pixievixen, pounce, puerilitygeek, purestylee, rachelkb, reality, recrea33, redgrrrl, reeeuh, rekonstruction, rhombus, ribbonmic, riniishuuma, robotrash, rockstarbob, rosehips, rrrawr, saint_libertine, sarahbliss, sase, satoreye, savonarola, seattle, seattle_dining, seattlescene, seattlevegans, seep, sellabr8, seratonein, seviana, shirt71, signde, silverlove, simstim, sirwilhelm1, sixtwentysix, skymob, smushy, sonarfestival, space_mike, sparklecheek, spitfirehussy, sporkly, spudmoney, star_dancer, starfuker, stclair, strippedscrew, strukcher, subtext, supamisty, swarthyvixen, sweetdelirium, syntheticfix, tateness, techn0colour, televiser, terso, tertyl, tgpeanut, the_revolution, thesalivasurfer, thetathrees, thirdreel, torque, trainwrek, trinitydub, triscuits, trisloth, trypnotik, tterb, twinphish, tyrven, unadulter8ed, vaysha, veganguy, victoriabug, vinny222, vocalcity, warrend, wevah, who_me, wordoftheday, x09, xaotica_fotos, xgrrrl009, xiayu, yarden, zer0sleep
Friend of:361: 13fingers, 303, _callisto_, _fire_, _girl_friday_, accozzaglia, acidgeisha, adamdaedalus, aggelio, ahtei_eneogei, aimeeg, aliviadora, altair99, altamont, alterednate, alterity, amindadrift, amorettil, andytrance, arielmeadow, arthurfranz, atokon, atonal, audiguy, awe1235, ayin, b0rked, badpioneer, baollis, bastet, battleangel, bbkahuna, beastinpiglatin, belle_the_tiger, betzle, biffah, bizwank, blackmagic, bodhicephus, boydmain, brad, brennx0r, brianinspace, brigid, brim, butterflytwish, cascademiles, cellophane01, cherryredvixen, chilipimp, chris, citybug, coji, collin, conformer, cosmic_debris, cosmicray, cosmicserpent, crankmagnet76, craytive, crayzieman, critical_d, cubanvalkyrie, dadadiscentra, dajahlicious, dapirate, ddetroit, deadflowers, deadman, deafeuphoria, decklin, devhead, devilsfate, dirtyfacade, disconscious, disolvent, dizfactor, diztraktcid, dj_calamari, djdavejumpers, djdrue, djnancygirl, dnonwoo, dorkcore, dstep, dub_sessions, eaterofhands, echoboom, eckogirl, edotdj, endquote, enhance333, enkidupdx, ephemeral_ether, esquemeauxpi, eternalinternal, eugenius, ev0lchuck, evan, faerieviolet, fairietard, fallenphoenix, faunia, feckalyn, fei_hong, fetisharose, finkeljautobahn, fksche, flowerman, foible, folkie, fonem, forrest303, freakneedle, freemyheart, freshbakedpi, fuerve, fumblingwisdom, fwee, gabbernaut, gblake, geeezer, goamaki, goldfischegirl, grinchyjen, grump_e, hachibambatar, hakuin, halcyonstyn, harbinjer, harry711, heatmiser, heckzotica, herbaliser, herong, hienergy, hotcrab, humanpathos, hype, i_dread, i_was_god, iamdonte, iblis_kukl, ice_age, icefacade, imasage, imonk, inner_i, innershe, interimlover, ...
Member of:37: 206underground, album_reviews, brandnewdrag, burning_man, cereal_robots, channel_8, crate_digging, custokicks, dancesafe, deephouse, demf, ebayfashionista, fakehair, housesnobs, idm, ilovetechno, indie_films, infojunkies, jungle_dnb, lain_fans, laptopbattle, mutek, nwpartykids, nwtekno, paidmembers, robotrash, seattle, seattle_dining, seattlescene, seattlevegans, shoe_fetish, sneaker_pimps, sonarfestival, soulseek, techhouse, vinyljunkie, wordoftheday
Account type:Paid Account

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