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"Snow Angel"

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December 30, 2003 • 9:18 pm

[info]burninggirl, you are in my thoughts tonight. My tears are for you. I love you and send to you all the well-wishes and good thoughts I can at a time like this. I'm lighting a candle for Iain and just thinking of you all night.

Scream From the Mountain Tops

December 29, 2003 • 8:59 pm

We spent some of our gift cards last night.

First we went to Old Navy with a $10 card. It was Aron's gift from my brother, but he couldn't find anything he wanted for himself. So, rather than spend it later he got Mia these ski pants. They are so friggin' cute! She's gonna be the hippest non-skier on the mountain.

I had $45 to spend at Circuit City. I couldn't find any video games I wanted or any DVDs I was interested in. So, for the first time in a LOT of years, I bought some cds:

  • Audioslave - Audioslave
  • Britney Spears - In the Zone
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Radio Sunnydale

    Aron's still got $85 to Best Buy to blow through, and I've got $40 to Mervyn's to spend at SOME time.

  • Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 27, 2003 • 11:05 am

    This is silly and not too entertaining, but might make you chuckle a little.

    Gollum Rap

    5 Echos | Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 27, 2003 • 8:51 am

    Firstly, WE GOT A SEMI-WHITE CHRISTMAS. And a really, really white day after and day after after Christmas. ;)


    Christmas Day Christmas Loot )

    Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 24, 2003 • 10:33 pm

    Christmas Loot, Part 2. From Christmas Eve w/Aron's folks.

    To spare the people who don't give a shit )

    Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 24, 2003 • 10:22 pm

    Oops, I'm a dumbass. I need to amend some scores for the "How well do you know me?" post I did yesterday. For some stupid, stupid reason I thought I saw Dave Gahan last, when ACTUALLY it was Lollapalooza. Dave Gahan was one week prior to Lolla, so some of your scores are different now.

    My husband actually gets a 70, rather than a 60.
    [info]bradfellows actually scored a 80, instead of a 70.
    [info]ashlee gets a 70 also, over her 60 from before.
    [info]burninggirl actually LOSES 10 for saying Dave Gahan like I did, so it's 50 instead of 60.
    And miss [info]shutupsara gets a 30, over her previous 20.

    So, yeah. That's all.

    Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 23, 2003 • 4:52 pm

    Bored, and idea stolen from [info]shutupsara:

    How well do you know me?

    9 Echos | Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 21, 2003 • 7:51 pm

    The Christmas loot has started early. We've already had 3 celebrations and there are still 2 to go. We first celebrated on the 14th with my folks before they left for Missouri. And then on the 19th we had the big Carlson family Christmas up in Samish. LAst night we had a very small gift exchange before Lena left for Kahzakstahn today.

    So, from those 3 celebrations here's what we've made out with so far. ;)

    What's under the tree for Aron, Jen and Mia? )

    2 Echos | Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 20, 2003 • 8:54 am

    2003 in 40 Questions )

    1 Echo | Scream From the Mountain Tops

    December 17, 2003 • 7:38 pm


    Scream From the Mountain Tops


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