Library Jezebel

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July 19th, 2004

10:13 am - What Words Rhyme With Buried Alive
The only thing I was excited about on the way to work this morning was the relatively short number of days left until I get my paycheck.

So we have this Computer Management System, which allows people to sign up for the Internet "all by themselves", but many patrons don't really know how self-service works. They continue to come ask me if they can use a PC, much like a child asks to go to the bathroom, and I constantly remind people that they can just scan their card, type in a password, and glance at the fancy flat panel queue screen to see which PC is reserved for them.

What would be really neat is if the City decided to give pay raises for the upcoming fiscal year.

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July 9th, 2004

12:57 am - FYI
This is my library-related outlet.  If you were added to this friends list it's because I figured you might want to read this.  The good parts are "friends-only" protected entries, so get a livejournal account if you don't already have one. 

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12:36 am
Dewey Browse

Browse a small collection of websites using the Dewey Decimal System.

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12:35 am
LIBWEB - Library Servers via WWW

A list of links to many library websites.

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June 8th, 2004

11:00 am
Wi-Fi: If Not Free, Then How

"Wi-Fi wants to be free,"

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10:48 am
Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services

"Librarians have had to learn how to do a lot with just a little in order to promote awareness of their programs and services. They have seized the opportunities to market libraries in the real world via traditional media: newspapers, corporate newsletters, radio, and TV. Many libraries produce brochures, pathfinders, and their own newsletters. So it is no surprise to see librarians stepping up to the plate and spreading the word online with blogs. Savvy librarians have identified blogs as another means to market libraries and their services."

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10:46 am
Nine Pillars of a Successful Webteam

Written by a member of one of the most successful webteams in real life.

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June 3rd, 2004

11:43 am
How Do People Evaluate a Web Site's Credibility?

(Psst... design counts for almost half!)

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May 12th, 2004

01:06 am - Library Instruction
"The Librarian's Weapon of Mass Instruction"

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May 11th, 2004

10:18 pm - Web Junction
A resource for libraries that cater to tech-hungry patrons, includes classes, articles, and more.

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10:02 pm - Tame the Web
10 Things a Library Can do to Boost Their Techie Stuff (without breaking the bank). A guide that is a no-brainer for people already immersed in modern technology.

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April 22nd, 2004

10:42 pm - Reversing Vandalism
San Fransisco Public Library decided to turn damaged materials into artwork. (via

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