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Lurve survey
01. Full Name (f/m/l): Andrew Wayne 02. Nicknames : Smiffy 03. Age : 21 04. Birthday : 12/21 05. Height : 6'2" 06. Weight : 280 -/+ 7. Hair Color : Brown 08. Eye color : brown 09. Distinguishing Marks : new scars on his hand 10. Glasses/contacts : yup 11. Freckles/dimples : none 12. Shoe size: 14, i think
++ Personal 01. Does he do drugs : nope 02. Does he have any piercings : not anymore 03. Or tattoos : No 04. Is he a virgin : no 05. Is he a trouble maker : never 06. Is he shy : he is actually 07. Is he affectionate : very 08. Does he play an instrument : guitar 09. Does he play any sports : he CAN play all sports 10. Boxers, briefs or commando : boxers
++ The Past 01. Where did you meet : Prague 02. What were your first impressions : I knew he was "the one" 03. Who asked out who : I gave him my number, and the bastard never called. A friend of our's passed away and we all went to dinner... since that day we've been attached at the hip (as friends at first) 04. Who made the first move : Depends on who you ask. He tried to kiss me at spy one night, and I turned my cheek to him. A week or so later he told me he was in love with me... and I kissed him first. 05. Where was your first kiss : heh, #'s... a: What were you wearing?: corset, skirt, and a goofy grin b: What was he wearing? Black shirt and slacks 06. When was the first time you did more than just kiss : we had sex about a month later 07. Where was the first place you had sex : at my house, in my bed 08. When did you first say I love you : after 30 mins of silence when he told me he loved me. 09. When was your first real fight : i dont know, we tend to just disagree on certain things. never have actual fights. 10. Out of the presents he's given you, your favorite : the ring he bought me
++ RATINGS (1-10, ten being the best) 01. Sense of Humor: 10 02. Looks : 10 03. Intelligence : 10+++ 04. Kissing : 10 05. In the sack : 10 06. His exes : 9, never had a problem with him 07. His friends : 10 - always been nice to me 08. His attitude : 10
++ Does he Want To..? 01. Get married : yes 02. Have kids : Yes 03. Be his own boss : yes 04. Save the world : not that I know of, but Smiffy may lead a double life 05. Travel : yes
++ His Favorite 01. Color : red, maybe purple or black 02. Car : porche 03. Band : leonard cohen, dead can dance, ... shit I dont know 04. TV show: star trek NG 05. CD : pfft... we do records 06. Movie : no idea 07. Sport : I'd say baseball is his fav, but he loves them all 08. Game: beer! 09. Saying/Expression : he growls at me 10. Holiday : no idea, maybe xmas 11. Sexual position : girl on top 12. Nickname for you : he has quite a few 13. Subject : philosophy 14. Family members : his sister, or max 15. Inside joke : captain crappy pants
++ Just Random 01. Do you have a special song? yes, a few actually 02. Do you have a special movie? no 03. What is the age gap between both of you? a little more than a year 04. Do you like being older/younger? it doesn't bother me 05. Do you know his natural hair color? brown 06. Do you know where he was born? houston 07. Do they snore? yes 08. Do they hog the bed? yes 09. Do you have kids? no 10. If you did have kids, what do you think they'd look like? purdy! 11. Do you have similar tastes in music? kinda 12. Do you know what he's doing now? taking a nap 13. When did you last have a fight? a few days ago... we had a talk about surgery, emotions were just running high. 14. Where/When did you last kiss? last night, before I went home 15. When did you last hug? Same 16. Do you get along with his parents? yes 17. Do you know the name of his last girlfriend? I can't remember her name 18. Does he ever talk about them? yes 19. How does he feel about your last boyfriend? I'm sure he'd kill him if he ever met him 20. What is the best thing he has ever done for you? spent the last 3 years of his life loving me. 21. What is the best thing you have done for them? same 22. What is your favorite thing to do together? sleep, cuddle, play playstation, make out, cook, giggle. 23. If he is employed what does he do? nothing 24. What is his favorite food? mac n cheese 25. What was it about them that made you fall for them? I have no idea what made me fall for him at first... sure he was cute, smart, and smelled good. But he's just the one. Just something I knew. How could I not love him?