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[29 Dec 2003|08:11pm]
anyone know of a good site for polyphonic ring tones for cingular/nokia?

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[29 Dec 2003|03:01am]
1.) Using band names, spell out your name :
Smiths, the
Depeche Mode


Church, the
Toy Dolls
Cure, the

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?

3) what song makes you cry?
lots of songs really get me going... I may not cry but it really does move stuff inside me.

Leonard Cohen, Chelsea Hotel
Jets to Brazil, Sweet Ave.
HUM, Stars
Cal Smith, Country Bumpkin
Any cure, depeche mode, or smiths... if the mood strikes me.

4) What song makes you happy?
Recently? Harvey Danger... hot hot heat... smiths, cure, & depeche mode... if the mood strikes me

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
HUM, Enigma, Dead Can Dance (only with smiffy), Jets, Leonard Cohen, weezer, mineral... tons of music!
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[28 Dec 2003|08:52pm]
Poll #225782:
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

I got a new cell phone and lost most of your numbers... please give me your number again. Don't worry... only I can see the numbers.

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[24 Dec 2003|01:10pm]
I was trying to boil eggs for deviled eggs tomorrow... and I forgot them. I can't even boils eggs today.

perky random song that none of you prolly know.

Becky was a beauty from South Alabama
Her Daddy had a heart like a nine pound hammer
Think He even did a little time in the slammer
What was I thinking?
She snuck out one night and met me by the front gate
Her daddy came out waving that twelve guage
We tore out the drive, he peppered my tailgate
What was I thinking?

Oh I knew there'd be Hell to pay,
But that crossed my mind a little too late!

Cuz' I was thinking 'bout a little white tank top sitting right there in the middle by me
I was thinking about a long kiss, man just gotta get goin' where the night might lead
Well I know what I was feeling But What was I thinking?
But What was I thinking?

By the county line the cops were nipping on our heels
Pulled off the road kicked it in 4 wheel
Shut off the lights, tore through a corn field
What was I thinking?
Out the other side she was hollerin' "Faster!"
Took the dirt road had the radio blastin'
Hit the Honky Tonk for a little close dancin'
What was I thinking?

Oh I knew there'd be Hell to pay,
But that crossed my mind a little too late!

What was I thinking?

When a mountain of a man with a "Born to Kill" tattoo
tried to cut in I knocked out his front tooth
We ran outside, hood sliding like Bo Duke
What was I thinking?
I finally got her home at half past too late
Her daddy's in a lawn chair sittin' in the driveway
Put it in park as he started my way,
What was I thinking?

And she gave a come and get me grin,
And like a bullet we were gone again!
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[24 Dec 2003|12:45pm]
1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
Changed my entire life in ways none of you will ever understand.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
i don't usually make any, but I *think* I may have one for this year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
yes, new babies rock!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
no one close to me, but I still mourned.

5. What countries did you visit?
my own =)

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?
More money, more time with Andy, and WLS heh.

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
June 3rd. or 4th. and also december 2nd

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Learning, growing, being more outgoing, being more social, more secure with who I am and where I'm going.

9. What was your biggest failure?
No failure, just chances to learn

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
I have no idea.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
my own

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
lisa, appalled... not depressed. People are who they are... they don't change.

14. Where did most of your money go?
bills, booze, shopping, and gas.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Andy's birthday, my little "get a ways" with andy, and my doctors appointments

16. What song will always remind you of 2003?
Hot hot heat, bandages.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier
ii. thinner or fatter? about the same
iii. richer or poorer? richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
save money

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
with my family and Andy

22. Did you fall in love in 2003?
I fall in love daily.

23. How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Rich Girls, will & grace, and everything on TLC

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don't hate anyone.

26. What was the best book you read?
Sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
finally letting leonard cohen into my heart.

28. What did you want and get?
peace, understanding, deeper love, amazing sex.

29. What did you want and not get?
I got everything I could ask for.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
No idea

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I got *really* drunk with Fink, Batty, Nick, and Andy. We sang karaoke, drank, and everyone almost died. No really. I then went to andy's house and passed out on the couch while trying to open my presents from him. I am 23.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
more money

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?
*stop buying new clothes* I keep shopping, forgetting that nothing will fit a year from now.

34. What kept you sane?

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
abortion laws

37. Who did you miss?
my *boys*

38. Who was the best new person you met?
my E&Ds; crew... or my booney bear.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003.
I learned that the people I was around were going no where... and were only holding me back. So I got away. I still love some of them... but for the most part they are a huge waste of space.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"I know what I was feeling... but what was I thinking?"
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[24 Dec 2003|12:31pm]
I know this is a VERY long shot, tabby is the only one who may be able to help me. I'm looking to borrow or buy a copy of sheet music for "O Magnum Mysterium"

Any SATB arrangement will do.

here's to hoping someone else is a choir dork.
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[22 Dec 2003|02:35am]
[ mood | drained ]

I've been busy, sorry.

Since my last post:

*I have spent well over $3000 on christmas gifts, drinking, and a(much needed) weekend getaway.

*I have taken my first (and last) xanex, and had more viagra sex.

*Shopped until I could carry no more bags

*Learned that my horrid grandmother (ha!) was thrown off one of her horses, and suffered some bad injuries (double ha!)

*Leaned my cousin had liver and bone marror cancer

*Spent an early christmas with Andy's famliy.

*Had much bithday fun with my sweet sweet Andy.

Happy birthday sweetie, I hope you had a ton of fun... and I hope my cake doesn't kill you. I love you with all that I am, and I am *so* happy that you were born.

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[11 Dec 2003|07:14pm]
Poll #219082: get one of sadie's cute cards
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

Please give me your name and addy so I can send you a card.

If you feel the need to send me a card or something pretty or at least funny, here is my addy.

Sadie 7064
pasadena tx 77508
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merry fucking christmas [11 Dec 2003|06:52pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

I love christmas. I love shopping. I love spending money on other people. I love cooking. I love to decorate a tree. I love it all.

My family ruins xmas every year.

As most of you know, In the next month or so I'm having surgery. I may die. I've come to deal with this.

But today, when talking to my mother about christmas and decorating I mentioned that I would rather not get a tree this year. There are a lot of reasons for this, mainly the simple fact that I'm very stressed and really don't feel like the extra stress that christmas will bring. Fights over everything. It's not even worth it.

My mother responds with "well, this may be your last christmas... wouldn't you at least like to have one last tree?"

:heart falls:

She can't understand how this hurt me. She can't understand how this may have upset me or hurt my feelings.

I'm totally crushed.

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[09 Dec 2003|11:35am]
First real memory of something: Easter, when I was 3 or so.
First car: 1990 Chevy stepside
First real kiss: Travis Taylor, I think I was 12 or 13
First break-up: Lots of little breakups, the first one to kill me was Gabe and I was 20
First job: Olan Mills portrait studio
First screen name: Same one I have now
First self-purchased album: NKOTB, though I don't remember which one.
First funeral: My boyfriend when I was 14
First pet: I had fish
First credit card: Visa
First true love: I thought I was in love with Gabe, I was wrong. So I'm gonna say Andy.
First enemy: None that stick out
First big trip: Vegas baby!
First music you remember hearing in your house: Lots of 80s rock and blues
First broken bone: None
First concert: again, New kids on the block
First serious illness: none


Last cigarette: last night
Last car ride: coming home from E&Ds; last night.
Last kiss: Andy, last night
Last good cry: Last week, with andy
Last book read: patricia cornwell, don't remember the name
Last movie seen: Angels in America
Last restaurant visited: Rosita's
Last dream: I had a dream about my ex boyfriend Robert fucking a crack whore... i woke up with a smile
Last curse word uttered: fuck
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: orange
Last show watched: jay leno
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: wingtips
Last outfit worn: black slacks and a black sweater
Last cd played: Do or Die - po pimp
Last wish: for cold weather
Last disappointment: not having cash
Last item bought: Dinner last night
Last annoyance: money
Last soda drank: I had a sip of Andy's soda last night
Last ice cream eaten: I can't remember
Last alcohol drunk: beer last night
Last webpage visited:
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[07 Dec 2003|07:56pm]
Poll #216691: sadie's silly poll
Open to: friends, results viewable to: none

Have I met you in "real life"

View Answers

12 (75.0%) 12 (75.0%)

3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

I stalk you from afar.
1 (6.2%) 1 (6.2%)

Have I hugged you?

View Answers

12 (75.0%) 12 (75.0%)

4 (25.0%) 4 (25.0%)

Have we kissed?

View Answers

Yes (goto question 4)
6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

No (goto question 5)
10 (62.5%) 10 (62.5%)

Was my boyfriend Pimping me out for smoke, or were we playing "beer"?

View Answers

3 (37.5%) 3 (37.5%)

5 (62.5%) 5 (62.5%)

Have I seen any of your body parts that should normally be covered?

View Answers

9 (56.2%) 9 (56.2%)

7 (43.8%) 7 (43.8%)

Have you seen my boobs?

View Answers

10 (62.5%) 10 (62.5%)

6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

Tell me something funny or personal. Don't worry, no one else can see it.

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[07 Dec 2003|07:46pm]
[ mood | horny ]

Heh, I fed my boyfriend viagra last night.

Mind you, he SO doesn't need it.

I paid for my horrid mistake. Girls, beware.

full moon is coming, tonight should be fun.

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a survey about my sweet andy [04 Dec 2003|11:46am]
[ mood | loved ]

Lurve survey

01. Full Name (f/m/l): Andrew Wayne
02. Nicknames : Smiffy
03. Age : 21
04. Birthday : 12/21
05. Height : 6'2"
06. Weight : 280 -/+
7. Hair Color : Brown
08. Eye color : brown
09. Distinguishing Marks : new scars on his hand
10. Glasses/contacts : yup
11. Freckles/dimples : none
12. Shoe size: 14, i think

++ Personal
01. Does he do drugs : nope
02. Does he have any piercings : not anymore
03. Or tattoos : No
04. Is he a virgin : no
05. Is he a trouble maker : never
06. Is he shy : he is actually
07. Is he affectionate : very
08. Does he play an instrument : guitar
09. Does he play any sports : he CAN play all sports
10. Boxers, briefs or commando : boxers

++ The Past
01. Where did you meet : Prague
02. What were your first impressions : I knew he was "the one"
03. Who asked out who : I gave him my number, and the bastard never called. A friend of our's passed away and we all went to dinner... since that day we've been attached at the hip (as friends at first)
04. Who made the first move : Depends on who you ask. He tried to kiss me at spy one night, and I turned my cheek to him. A week or so later he told me he was in love with me... and I kissed him first.
05. Where was your first kiss : heh, #'s...
a: What were you wearing?: corset, skirt, and a goofy grin
b: What was he wearing? Black shirt and slacks
06. When was the first time you did more than just kiss : we had sex about a month later
07. Where was the first place you had sex : at my house, in my bed
08. When did you first say I love you : after 30 mins of silence when he told me he loved me.
09. When was your first real fight : i dont know, we tend to just disagree on certain things. never have actual fights.
10. Out of the presents he's given you, your favorite : the ring he bought me

++ RATINGS (1-10, ten being the best)
01. Sense of Humor: 10
02. Looks : 10
03. Intelligence : 10+++
04. Kissing : 10
05. In the sack : 10
06. His exes : 9, never had a problem with him
07. His friends : 10 - always been nice to me
08. His attitude : 10

++ Does he Want To..?
01. Get married : yes
02. Have kids : Yes
03. Be his own boss : yes
04. Save the world : not that I know of, but Smiffy may lead a double life
05. Travel : yes

++ His Favorite
01. Color : red, maybe purple or black
02. Car : porche
03. Band : leonard cohen, dead can dance, ... shit I dont know
04. TV show: star trek NG
05. CD : pfft... we do records
06. Movie : no idea
07. Sport : I'd say baseball is his fav, but he loves them all
08. Game: beer!
09. Saying/Expression : he growls at me
10. Holiday : no idea, maybe xmas
11. Sexual position : girl on top
12. Nickname for you : he has quite a few
13. Subject : philosophy
14. Family members : his sister, or max
15. Inside joke : captain crappy pants

++ Just Random
01. Do you have a special song? yes, a few actually
02. Do you have a special movie? no
03. What is the age gap between both of you? a little more than a year
04. Do you like being older/younger? it doesn't bother me
05. Do you know his natural hair color? brown
06. Do you know where he was born? houston
07. Do they snore? yes
08. Do they hog the bed? yes
09. Do you have kids? no
10. If you did have kids, what do you think they'd look like? purdy!
11. Do you have similar tastes in music? kinda
12. Do you know what he's doing now? taking a nap
13. When did you last have a fight? a few days ago... we had a talk about surgery, emotions were just running high.
14. Where/When did you last kiss? last night, before I went home
15. When did you last hug? Same
16. Do you get along with his parents? yes
17. Do you know the name of his last girlfriend? I can't remember her name
18. Does he ever talk about them? yes
19. How does he feel about your last boyfriend? I'm sure he'd kill him if he ever met him
20. What is the best thing he has ever done for you? spent the last 3 years of his life loving me.
21. What is the best thing you have done for them? same
22. What is your favorite thing to do together? sleep, cuddle, play playstation, make out, cook, giggle.
23. If he is employed what does he do? nothing
24. What is his favorite food? mac n cheese
25. What was it about them that made you fall for them? I have no idea what made me fall for him at first... sure he was cute, smart, and smelled good. But he's just the one. Just something I knew. How could I not love him?

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[29 Nov 2003|05:55pm]
i need a good potato soup recipe.
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what's cooler than being cool? [29 Nov 2003|01:16pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

ice cold.

:sung to the tune of "santa baby":
Turkey Lurkey, I like you cause you're naked and round,
Turkey Lurkey, I'll like you even more when you're browned.
Turkey Lurkey, come and be my turkey tonight...
I wanna stuff my turkey tonight...
Let me stuff my turkey, to-night!!

Happy belated turkey day, I had big fun with Andy's family. And I've had the pleasure of holding 3 babies in the past 2 days. I think I'll be ok for awhile. I love me some babies.

I get my surgery date on tuesday, you have no idea how excited I am.


shake it like a polaroid picture.

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this is the way we ball. [24 Nov 2003|02:37am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

The Texans game today was like a dream. This was my first football game, and I can not even begin to tell you how overwhelming it is to walk into that place and see the field. Needless to say, I've never been in a room with 70,000+ people... it took my breath away. We had amazing seats and the players were super close... it was like a dream. I really had to stop and let it all soak in. It was something I've never felt before. An energy like nothing else. Everyone was so nice, and the boys all let me stand in front of them cause I'm so short. And huge black men hugged me and jumped with me when my texans did good. And they did do really well, sure we didn't win... but we held our own. I'm so proud of my boys!

Sure the walk to the place was hell on wheels, worse with a fucked up knee. And sure it was hotter than hell when we got there... and then freezing rain when we left. My andy was sweet enough to drop me off closer so my knee would not hurt so badly on the way there. It was a long day... and it was worth every bit of it. I'd hurt my knee and walk 10 miles to feel what I felt today.

Being able to share this with andy is really special to me, and I thank him with all of my heart for making this day so special for me. Thank you darlin, I love you.


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[20 Nov 2003|03:03pm]


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no cut tag for you =D [17 Nov 2003|02:21pm]
[ mood | loved ]

I had a horrid dream that Andy died. I woke up crying, feeling and emptiness like I never thought possible. In my dream I was driving and crying... and there he was, a ghost of him holding flowers. He told me he was safe and that he loved me. It was so real.

It made me realize, more than ever, that he is my destiny. Loving him and sharing life with him is the main reason I'm here. My reason for everything. I look at him and I want to be better... just for him. I want him to feel everything that he makes me feel, and it scares me that one day I may have to live without him.

And for the first time in my life, the realization of death and loss... is worth it. It is worth it to love him until he's no longer here to love. It's really peaceful.

I've been thinking of having babies, or rather thinking of not having babies. I thought I was too selfish of a person to be a mother. I didn't want to give up my alone time with andy... and I didn't think that I had the love and compassion that being a good mother requires.

But again, the thought of not sharing something like that with him just kills me. I know that a little dork of our own will complete a part of our lives like nothing else ever will. So, in the next 10 years you can expect a bebe from me =D

and on one last sweet note, a song... that has always reminded andy of me, from before we dated. It makes me cry, and I'm a girly girl like that. :sigh: yeah.

Leonard Cohen- Take this Longing

Many men have loved the bells
you fastened to the rein,
and everyone who wanted you
they found what they will always want again.
Your beauty lost to you yourself
just as it was lost to them.
Oh take this longing from my tongue,
whatever useless things these hands have done.
Let me see your beauty broken down
like you would do for one you love.

Your body like a searchlight
my poverty revealed,
I would like to try your charity
until you cry, "Now you must try my greed."
And everything depends upon
how near you sleep to me

Just take this longing from my tongue
all the lonely things my hands have done.
Let me see your beauty broken down
like you would do for one your love.

Hungry as an archway
through which the troops have passed,
I stand in ruins behind you,
with your winter clothes, your broken sandal straps.
I love to see you naked over there
especially from the back.

Oh take this longing from my tongue,
all the useless things my hands have done,
untie for me your hired blue gown,
like you would do for one that you love.

You're faithful to the better man,
I'm afraid that he left.
So let me judge your love affair
in this very room where I have sentenced
mine to death.
I'll even wear these old laurel leaves
that he's shaken from his head.

Just take this longing from my tongue,
all the useless things my hands have done,
let me see your beauty broken down,
like you would do for one you love.

Like you would do for one you love.

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[15 Nov 2003|01:20pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Did anyone else have a fucked up night last night?

I was having the BEST time at E&Ds; last night with my Andy, Nick, little John, Chirp, Leon and the rest of the normal crew. Drinking, singing, laughing... just lots of fun. Then this fuckwit comes up and hits me in the arm for no fucking reason. So I goto the bar to have a "talk" with him... and he pushes me and hits me again.

Then he decides that it's best if he goes and talks shit to Andy. And Andy, being the amazing calm man that he is... let it slide. He sat there and let him talk shit, and let him walk away.

I come back, Andy asks what happened at the bar... I tell him, and for the first time in 3 years I saw him completely lose it.

For those of you who don't know, Andy is a big strong guy. 6'3" 260+

Andy pushed me out of the way and then flew thru the air like a fucking tiger. Ever seen Dragonball Z? Well it was like he went super sayain.

It took 4+ men to get andy off this guy, and when they finally did pull andy off this guy takes ANOTHER swing at me. So my Chirp threw him out the back door by his head... and kicked him the rest of the way out.

My poor sweetie has a busted up hand. =(

the only good thing about it all was that I got to fall asleep next to my sweetie.

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she keeps on passing me by. [13 Nov 2003|11:59am]
[ mood | content ]

If yesterday could have possibly gotten any better I would have died.

I got AMAZING free texans tickets.
I got to play with my dork's new kitty.
I had an amazing time with Daniel, Tina, and my Andy.

I have not been to #'s in well over a hundred years, and I had a blast. I forgot how cheap (free) I drink there. Good times. There is nothing better than redneck fun mixed with booty music and 80s.

Davenport tonight. A good cigar is calling my name.

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