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her divine shadow

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[01 Dec 2003|08:17am]
you are lightgoldenrodyellow

Your dominant hue is green. You're logical and steadfast, focused on figuring life out and doing what makes sense. You value being trusted because you know you're taking the time to figure things out and everyone should just follow you.

Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.

Enter your username to see your friends colors:

the spacefem.com html color quiz
1 demand|cut off my fingers

[28 Nov 2003|11:37pm]
[ mood | tired ]


The friend of my mum's who is 96 died this morning.

1 demand|cut off my fingers

[27 Nov 2003|11:44am]
My laptop is slightly screwed. I may be a bit quiet for a while
2 demands|cut off my fingers

[26 Nov 2003|05:53pm]
The noticeboards in tennis courts have been replaced with tasteful framed poster holders.


One of which contains a picture of Matt
3 demands|cut off my fingers

muahahahaha [24 Nov 2003|08:17pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | aqualung - good times gonna com ]

How evil are you?
3 demands|cut off my fingers

[23 Nov 2003|03:20pm]
2 demands|cut off my fingers

HMMM [23 Nov 2003|10:08am]
[ music | Björk - Play Dead ]

Of the 23 people on my contact list currently online:
3 are bots
9 are away
4 are idle
8 are actually online

of those that are online:
5 of them I actually know
3 I'm not entirely sure who they are
4 of them i doubt are actually awake and have probably forgotten to put up an away message.

cut off my fingers

[22 Nov 2003|07:30pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

My mum is talking on the phone about a friend of hers who is 96.

This 96 year old lady isn't well and my mum thinks that her daughters are sort of egging her on to die.

The result is that my mum gets upset and then talks to me on the phone about it.

3 demands|cut off my fingers

[22 Nov 2003|09:24am]
My flatmates are watching rugby.

As is Tando.

The only person not watching is Pete who is still asleep.

I... am cooking pasta.
2 demands|cut off my fingers

[21 Nov 2003|09:10pm]
[ music | Tori Amos - Losing My Religion ]

Actor Jonathan Brandis Dies at 27

4 demands|cut off my fingers

[21 Nov 2003|06:47pm]
especially for Yasmin! )
6 demands|cut off my fingers

[21 Nov 2003|05:44pm]
[ music | Alkaline Trio - Heaven (Demo) ]

Devil Ducky

|| Which Rubber Ducky Are You? ||
brought to you by Quizilla

I have 4 of these

cut off my fingers

[20 Nov 2003|04:45pm]
I'm not copying [info]_josh's tomfoolery at all.
1 demand|cut off my fingers

[20 Nov 2003|12:29am]
[ mood | tired ]

Figured out why I was so tired all day, while I was setting my alarm clock for tomorrow.

The alarm went off at sodding 5.30am AGAIN.

1 demand|cut off my fingers

[18 Nov 2003|05:56pm]

And this is why I'll never put my full name on my lj. Or any site that I have a hand in.
6 demands|cut off my fingers

the crowd starts to dance when you hit that chord [18 Nov 2003|01:36am]
[ mood | tiiiired liek omg ]
[ music | the capricorns - the new sound ]

this is a fantastic fantastic song.

in other news: I keep seeing words wrong. the number of tails a cat has does not correspond to its literacy.

edit: also, I need green dye. dammit.

cut off my fingers

[17 Nov 2003|08:32pm]
Tori Amos is on V Graham Norton tonight.
cut off my fingers

[17 Nov 2003|06:22pm]
[ music | radiohead - street spirit (fade out) ]

In other news, I have many many socks. I did not realise this until I decided to put them on the radiator instead of in the tumble dryer.

There is nearly 3 metres of socks.

cut off my fingers

has it come to this [17 Nov 2003|05:46pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | R1D3R - has it come to r1d3r ]

So what arrived in the post for Rachel today?

2 Black Velvet Magazine back issue
1 David Bowie CD
1 Christmas card
1 Silver Ankh


cut off my fingers

[16 Nov 2003|09:48am]
[ music | weezer-2002-05 george hartwig clip ]

my flatmates are watching rugby very loudly.


edit: and now they are squealing

3 demands|cut off my fingers

[15 Nov 2003|06:36pm]
[ music | thea gilmore ]

about an hour in to jonathan ross' interview with neil gaiman they start discussing david bowie's crotch.


18 demands|cut off my fingers

the only problem with sharpening your nails is that sometimes you do too good a job [15 Nov 2003|06:14pm]
[ mood | hmm ]
[ music | neil gaiman on radio 2 ]

it has come to my attention that when i type, my fingers no longer touch the keys.

i think this means that my nails can now be officially classified as lethal weapons.


4 demands|cut off my fingers

i won't be satisfied till I'm under your skin [14 Nov 2003|11:15pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | maroon 5 ]

I know far too many people.


It's more that far too many people know me.
There are potentially... 120 people that I see regularly that know who I am and what my name is.

Now. Many of them I do not recognise. I don't know the name of even more of them.

This is why stuff like what's just happened occurs.
The doorbell rang, so I went downstairs to answer the door. For people who'd got the wrong flat. This is not as bad as it seems. But anyway, some guy comes in through the other door and goes "You still live here?"

And I'm all "...yes......."

And then he says "I'm Jeremy."

I say "...hi..."

He says "Have you seen Laura* recently?"

I go "..um. yes..."

Luckily, the people who rang the wrong doorbell interrupted this thrilling almost-conversation and I escaped into my flat.

Now, obviously, this Jeremy knows me or at least recognises me/my hair. And I don't have the slightest idea where I met him. Other than possibly in my flat last year.

* Currently, I live with Laura the medical student. Last year, I lived with Laura the economics student. You can see why I was more confused than usual.

4 demands|cut off my fingers

[14 Nov 2003|09:44am]
Right. So, I have some plain tshirts and some transfer paper stuff.

I already know what I'm printing to go on the black tshirt, but have no idea what to put on the white tshirt.
This is where you come in.

Poll #204764: ahahaha
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Think of something amusing for me to put on my white t-shirt.

If I don't get anything amusing, I'm putting the Davey Havok as Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction picture on it because i know there are some people who it'll freak out. muahahahah
14 demands|cut off my fingers

[13 Nov 2003|06:10pm]
In other news:

All the new lj features look very kick-ass.
2 demands|cut off my fingers

I don't know if it'll ever be okay to show my face around here [13 Nov 2003|12:02pm]
[ music | maroon 5 ]

Things to remember #234:

Sewing your fingers together creeped people out three years ago.
Sewing your fingers together still creeps people out.

6 demands|cut off my fingers

[12 Nov 2003|11:55pm]

that was interesting
6 demands|cut off my fingers

[12 Nov 2003|01:04am]
For the last 3 days my alarm clock has been going off at 5.30am.

I didn't even notice.

Though I had been wondering why I was so deeply asleep when my second alarm went off.
7 demands|cut off my fingers

[11 Nov 2003|09:55am]
I suspect that I am getting sick. again.
1 demand|cut off my fingers

[11 Nov 2003|07:59am]
Taken from here:

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
1 demand|cut off my fingers

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