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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
2:44 am - Jay?!

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
1:59 am - Hello world...
it is late and I don't have a lot of time... I gotta get to bed.
Just wanted to say how guilty I have been feeling for being absent from this practice for so long now. I haunts me day in and day out.
I just have been really busy with work and christmas and M. was down from WA. for almost 14 days and it was great! but I didn't have time for anything else. We spend most nites talking on the phone and needless to say my phone bill is astronomical.
It's official... we love each other. :) (happy happy joy joy!!)
Lots of important decisions to be made in the near future concerning place moves to the US or moves to Canada... we don;t know yet who will go where...
anyway... I will REALLY try to make an effort to come back in here on thursday and explain this melodrama a bit more.
I miss all of you guys more than you think!
see u soon,

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Monday, January 7th, 2002
3:16 am - Happy Birthday!!!
Happy day to you Oh Mistress of the Tufted Tit-mouses!!
All the best to you on this day and throughout the year Devevre!!
I will raise a glass of protein shake in your name! ;-)

take care, and be bad!

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Sunday, December 9th, 2001
2:42 am - EEEEEK! when was the last time I made an entry????!!!!
Sheesh! time does fly when you are... umm.... busy doing other routine, mundane, everyday, kindda things! .
No really, I have been so busy with crap lately that I have had no time to do anything. I barely have time to fit my workouts into my day. Blech!
I am approaching burn-out at bullet speed.

On a brighter note... Seattle was awesome... seeing M for 5 days was even better. We had a beautiful time. I met some of her friends, hang out at her work for a bit, went for walks, bought a car, ate out, cooked in and even got along with her cats!
It rained a lot, except for one day. I liked it there. Olympia is nice too.
She is coming up here on the 23rd and will stay until the 2nd! woot! Christmas and New Years!!! How amazing is that? I am picking her up at the airport on the 23rd at 8 pm. and I can't wait for that day! :)

Contemplating a career shift back to art/graphic design/illustration on a full time basis. I have a couple of leads that I have to take action on immediately... deadlines for submissions are coming up in literally a few days.

The other day I did something I have NEVER done before. Ever!. I forgot and appointment that I had with this woman to talk about a mural that she wanted me to paint in one of her office's walls. I said I would go last Tuesday before noon to check out the space in question. I realized yesterday at midnite that I completely forgot. DUH! I will call first thing Monday morning and apologize profusely.
Oi vei!

Anywho. My mac got a testosterone boost the other day. I salvaged some parts from another mac that a friend gave me cause it was just "sitting" there in his garage. Took a total of 48 megs of RAM and put it in my system, as well as the hard drive. So now I am running 2 HD's here (total 4 gigs!) not bad for a 1996 Power Mac. (not much by todays standards tho... but hey, it was free! )

alright. time for bed.
will try to post some picts. from WA. later.

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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
10:59 pm - gotta change my spending habits..
I have no food in my fridge... but these are the CDs I have purchased in the last couple of weeks...

New Order - "Get Ready"
New Order - "Crystal EP"
Tori Amos - "Strange Little Girls"
Manu Chao - "Proxima Estacion...Esperanza"
The Crystal Method - "Tweekend"
Maxwell - "Now"
The Charlatans UK - "Wonderland"
Garbage - "Beautifulgarbage"
Morcheeba - "Back to Mine"
and yes... I admit I somehow
forked out the bucks and got
the new Michael Jackson...
and the new Enrique Iglesias...
what is wrong with me? :)
Artful Dodger - "It's all about the Stragglers"

now if you could only slap one of these between
two slices of multigrain with a little mayo...

current mood: amused
current music: New Order - " Crystal"

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
1:53 am - Seattle, here I come!
Today I got my ticket to Seattle!
I fly out on Friday (the 16th) and I should
get there around 3:00 in the afternoon.
I may have a few hours to kill until M. arrives to pick me up. Looks like she won't be able to leave work until around 4:30 pm so she won't get there until around 6 or so, unless she cancels her last appointment. What is there to do at Seattle airport for 3 hours? Any suggestions? :)

Jetgirl... wanna drive up and meet me for that americano that I promised you? LOL

I decided not to drive there after all... I am saving myself 11 hours and money to boot. So, good choice.
(although with all the crap affecting the airline industry lately... have these people heard of enforcing maintenace standards??? How can the engine just "fall" off?????? This is a plane we are talking about people! It's not like driving away from the pump and forgeting to replace the gas cap on your ford focus! unbelievable... )

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2001
2:03 am - Update...
Hey! I'm still alive...

Been going thru a lot since I got back from mazatlan. Mostly thinking and re-evaluating my life. But also thinking a lot about M. the wonderful soul I had the inmense pleasure of getting to know while I was down there. I have been spending a lot of time on the phone with her. She is wonderful. I am planing a drive (or flight) down there (she lives in Olympia) as soon as the 16th of this month. Probably a weekend thing. She is talking of coming up here for Christmas, which would be totally amazing. So that is where my head's been at. Funny how the universe works... that trip to mexico was postponed be a a little more than a week from the original date that we planned on going...had we left on the original date M. and I would not have met. I knew as soon as i saw her that there was something unique and special between us. She reafirms this every time we talk. I am sounding really sappy right now and I am sure a lot of you are running to fetch the barf-bucket... sorry, but it is so cool!
Anywho... other than that everything is status quo... I have yet to find the energy to scan and upload some pics from the trip so i can post them here...
this morning I woke up to snow. Blech! ;oP

I have been watching Survivor Africa... I think they are going to mix up the two tribes to screw up the alliances that are already forming. Yes!!!! :)
I have also been enjoying the Amazing Race and LOST... that is all I have been watching on TV lately... Oh! and the Calgary Flames kicking major hockey ass on TV as well, of coourse!! (watch them start to lose now that I've said that) they are doing awesome this year... GO FLAMES GO!

(Banshee... wassup with those devils?? ;oP )

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Thursday, October 25th, 2001
1:17 am - I'm back
Hi there LJ
I am back from my mexican vacation.
I had a great time, the weather was awesome... sunny every single day... and hot and humid.
I met a beautiful girl from Washington State!
We are keeping in touch. (I think I'm in love)
Came back to SNOW and cold weather. Needless to say I am depressed. Not to mention I miss my new friend. She called me last nite and we were on the phone for almost 2 hours. The best thing about this is that it's mutual... not one sided as it always turns out to be with me. I feels like nothing before. More on her later.
I hate my job.
I want to move to Washington.

I have two weeks worth of friends journals to go thru....oy vei!

current mood: ecstatic
current music: tv noise

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Saturday, October 6th, 2001
2:19 am - It's finally here!
Later on today I get on a plane to Mazatlan!
The plane leaves at 5:30 I think, but we have to be there by 3 p.m.
I'm almost all packed up.
I am going to be gone for 2 weeks, so don't you go deleting me from your friends list due to lack of frequent updates 'kay??? :)
If anyone wants to join me down there I'm staying at The Inns of Mazatlan.... right on the beach!
Come say hi! *wouldn't that be cool?!*

anyway..... you guys be good,
I'm turning my computer off now and it won't come on again until the 21st.

PS: I'll take pictures!

current mood: excited
current music: Back to Mine/EBTG - Dubtribe Sound System "Do it now"

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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
3:04 am - interesting...
I was surfing around some more @ David Byrne's records website.... Luaka Bop, and found this link to this comic that a fan gave him when he was in Buenos Aires... It's in spanish but it's very cool and I think you should check it out.

clik here for Back in the Box

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1:04 am - Bluesiren
I have been listening to a new CD that I just bought this past weekend and it is really amazing... reminiscent of a lot of other sounds that I really love. They are on David Byrne's label, Luaka Bop. They are called "Si Se' ".
Every time I look at the CD cover I think of BlueSiren....
I don't know what Bluesiren looks like in real life, I've only seen her photos whenever she posts them in her Lj... but the girl on the cover totally looks like her (at least in my own humble opinion)
Bluesiren? Do you have a secret life as a frontwoman for a real cool new band?? LOL
They are from NYC too!

Check it out:

current mood: geeky
current music: Artful Dodger - "Woman Trouble"

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Monday, October 1st, 2001
3:13 am - Obrigado!
That was my poor attempt at portuguese.
Just thanking all of you wonderful people that
sent warm Birthday wishes my way....
they meant a lot to me, and I thank u.

have an awesome week everyone!


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Sunday, September 30th, 2001
3:28 am - Aack!
Back from the soiree!
It was fun!
After Cilantro's we decided to go to Ducky's, just a redneck bar with some pool tables and killer karaeoki. L made a fool of herself on the stage singing ACDC's Thunderstruck... we all laughed like idiots! SHe was actually pretty good! I guess the fact that she has a raspy-demi-moore-voice to begin with was of considerable help in reaching those high ACDC notes. LOL
A. kept going up trying to switch the order of the song requests so ours would come up before the others but he was found out so it didn't work.
After that a few of us went to Metropolitan Grill for some ass-shakin'. They were in retro 80's mode tonite... but we still had fun being fools on the dance floor.
We left there and we felt like getting a bite so we stopped for a slice of pizza at the Wicked Wedge... it was lined up to the door! Those guys make a killing in that place, they get really busy after hours when people are leaving the clubs and get the munchies.
Tomorrow is Birthday sushi dinner night! Me and 4 or 5 close friends around 6 pm or so... probably down at Kyoto 17... good sushi there! Now I'm going to see if I can stop hacking up a lung ( I don;t respond very well to smokey bars anymore... it makes me cough for days afterwards, blech!) and then off to bed.
I can't believe by this time next saturday I will be looking out a hotel balcony onto a vast blue sea... it still hasn't registered that I am going. And I don't know if I'm being stoopid, but it feels wrong to be getting ready to go to Mazatlan when the USA and the world are getting ready to go to war. Am I overreacting? Should I just go and enjoy myself? Why can't I allow myself that? Maybe I'll feel better once I'm on the plane. One of my friends asked me if I didn't feel leary of flying now.. I told her that now is probably the safest time to board a plane.
Anyway... don't know why I'm mulling this over... but i did, so there!
Gotta go brush the wine off of my teethies.......

G'nite mates!

current mood: sore
current music: Artful Doger - "Please don't turn me on"

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Saturday, September 29th, 2001
8:27 pm - ZoOoOoOoOMmmmmmmmmm!!!
Just zooming by!
Got home from work, quick change of clothes
and I'm out the door to meet L. and some
friends at Cilantro's! It's L.'s B-day today
and mine is tomorrow so we are doing both I guess.
After some martinis and some wood-fired thin crust pizzettas we will probably go shake our asses down at Crazy Horse! Sounds like fun!! Eeep Eeeep!!!

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Thursday, September 27th, 2001
7:08 pm - Two thoughts on music
There are 2 cd. that have been melting inside my cd player for the last couple o' weeks///

a) The Cocteau Twins "Four Calendar Cafe"... i never get tired of this album... each song more beautiful than the next... it is the most amazing piece of...ummmm... plastic? I own. And without doubt their best realease out of their latest.

b) Ever since I got the new Maxwell cd where he does a cover of Kate Bush's "This woman's work" I have been playing Kate's version non-stop.... I love that song.

that is all.

current mood: nostalgic
current music: Cocteau Twins - "Bluebeard"

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2:36 pm - Fall-ing
It is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l fall day today...
the wind feels lazy on my skin...
it's warmth indecisively so, the sky is blue
although a different hue than it was in August...
the shadows even look different.
Gold is everywhere.
I like fall, when it is sunny, winter is another story altogether.
I have the day off today so I got up early to run some errands. I am going to Mazatlan on Oct. 6th so I have to get my documents in order. I had to take my passport application to my dentist, so he could sign it. Then I went and lined up at the Passport Office for about 45 minutes. It went fairly fast. They are a lot more organized now than they were 5 years ago.
I met C. at Beano for a double soy capuccino, then had to boost his car 'cause his battery died, and on the way back home I stopped over at Aida's Mediterranean Cafe for a Herbed Chicken Wrap, with tahini and banana peppers!! YUmmIest! I also got a tabouleh salad.... lots of chlorophyl... LOL

Now I am deciding what to do with my day... I think I am going to go meet up with an ex co-worker at Kelsey's for a couple of brewskies around 3:30.

After that I'll play it by ear.

current mood: peaceful
current music: Maxwell - "Changed"

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Wednesday, September 26th, 2001
2:25 am - laughing out loud!
Finally! after all this craziness,
something on TV makes me laugh out loud!

I was just sitting here with the ol'Mac when the new Mitsubishi commercial comes on... this is the one with the Barenaked Ladies song...."It's been.. 5 days since you looked at me...."
I dunno, maybe I needed to laugh so badly that I wanted to find it amusing...

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Friday, September 21st, 2001
3:57 am - Relieved and confused
Today I got thru the pile of dishes in my sink (they were begining to smell like swamp)
Today I finally vacuumed the living room rug with my parents vacuum cleaner. My dustbuster busted and I threw it out over a month ago... there was so much cat hair and shtuff on that rug that I almost threw it out and bought a new one.
Today I swept the floors.
Today I cleaned my washroom mirrors of all the floss-splatter.
Today I put away the laundry that I left on my bedroom floor almost two weeks ago.
Today I dusted everything.
Now I feel normal.
Now I feel sane.
Now I feel like I have some control of my life again.
Why does that sound like lyrics to a song???
Anyway... I have been listening to the news for what seems like weeks on end. I am confused by the overwhelming amounts of public opinion urging the goverment to not retaliate, to think this over, that we do NOT want a war, we do not want more casualties, we do not want to risk our PLANET in the name of revenge, kids are saying it (with tears in their eyes and a tremble in their voices) grown-ups are saying it, people of all backgrounds and nationalities are saying it... yet all I hear from Bush is war, and hate, and payback, and planes at the ready, and troops deploying, and operation infinite justice and blah blah blah....
Does he not see what is going on?
Does public opinion not count in a democracy?
Do his informers and advisors make the consequences know to him if he was to carry out a military response??
He is in a position to set a universal example as to how to deal with terrorism in the 21st century... I wonder if knows how HUGE this is...

I need to turn off the tv and go to bed. It is 4:00 am again

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Wednesday, September 19th, 2001
2:40 am - An interesting point of view.
The events of the last week have really made me think about a lot of things. Mainly where i put my energy from day to day. Also about how little and trivial my "previous" problems were in retrospect.
The fear of an all-out war in the name of revenge, or justice, or freedom.
The real motives behind the terrorist acts. Was it really Osama Bin Laden or is he so wanted by the US that no matter what they find they are going to go after him anyway? How do we know what the FBI is really uncovering?
The senseless hate crimes now being commited against anyone wearing a turban in the US or Canada, or looking like they are from the middle east is target for verbal or physical abuse. Or in the case of the gas station attendant from Arizona, even death. Any person viewing these acts from abroad would be quick to assume that this is the general feeling in the USA (or Canada) towards Islam, or muslims or anyone from the middle east. Clearly a shot in the foot. If this was the case, and I know it isn't, it would be devastating. All the simpathy expressed for america throughout the world would quickly be erased or worst yet, replaced by a different emotion. By the same token, we (and I speak in very general terms when I say "we") have taken Bin Laden and his band of maniacal psychopaths as sole representatives of an entire nation, or religious faith, when clearly, by thinking this we would be making the same mistake as those who would take the actions of those racists thugs to be indicative of the entire USA's beliefs.
This letter has been circulating through email the last few days, and it sheds new light on what I am talking about...
___(Copied form a forwarded email message sent to me yesterday)____________

Linda Nummela of The Gold Group sent me the following article by Tamim
Ansary. Tamim is an Afghani-American writer. I have been avoiding sending
on the daily pile of material that I have been getting on this situation -
but this seems useful and clear-headed. I apologise if I am contributing
to any clutter on your e-file.


I've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone Age." Ronn Owens, on KGO Talk Radio today, allowed that this would mean killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this atrocity, but "we're at war, we have to accept collateral damage. What else can we do?" Minutes later I heard some TV pundit discussing whether we "have the belly to do what must be done."

And I thought about the issues being raised especially hard because I am from Afghanistan, and even though I've lived here for 35 years I've never lost track of what's going on there. So I want to tell anyone who will listen how it all looks from
where I'm standing.

I speak as one who hates the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. There is no doubt in my mind that these people were responsible for the atrocity in New York.

I agree that something must be done about those monsters.

But the Taliban and Ben Laden are not Afghanistan. They're not even the government of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who took over Afghanistan in 1997. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a plan. When you think Taliban,
think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden, think Hitler. And when you think "the people of Afghanistan" think "the Jews in the concentration camps." It's not only that the Afghan people had
nothing to do with this atrocity. They were the first victims of the perpetrators.

They would exult if someone would come in there, take out the Taliban and clear out the rats nest of international thugs holed up in their country.

Some say, why don't the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban? The answer is, they're starved, exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering. A few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000 disabled orphans in Afghanistan--a country with no economy, no food. There are millions of widows. And the Taliban has been burying these widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered with land mines, the farms were all destroyed by the Soviets. These are a few of the reasons why the Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban.

We come now to the question of bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone Age.

Trouble is, that's been done. The Soviets took care of it already. Make the Afghans suffer? They're already suffering. Level their houses? Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble? Done. Eradicate their hospitals? Done. Destroy their infrastructure? Cut them off from medicine and health care? Too late. Someone already did all that.

New bombs would only stir the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at least get the Taliban? Not likely. In today's Afghanistan, only the Taliban eat, only they have the means to move around. They'd slip away and hide. Maybe the bombs would
get some of those disabled orphans, they don't move too fast, they don't even have wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul and dropping bombs wouldn't really be a strike against the criminals
who did this horrific thing.

Actually it would only be making common cause with the Taliban--by raping once again the people they've been raping all this time. So what else is there? What can be done, then? Let me now speak with true fear and trembling. The only way to get Bin Laden is to go in there with ground troops. When people speak of "having the belly to do what needs to be done." They're thinking in terms of having the belly to kill as many as needed.

Having the belly to overcome any moral qualms about killing innocent people. Let's pull our heads out of the sand. What's actually on the table is americans dying. And not just because some Americans would die fighting their way through Afghanistan to Bin Laden's hideout. It's much bigger than that folks. Because to get any troops to Afghanistan, we'd have to go through Pakistan. Would they let us? Not likely. The conquest of
Pakistan would have to be first. Will other Muslim nations just stand by?

You see where I'm going. We're flirting with a world war between Islam and the West.

And guess what: that's Bin Laden's program. That's exactly what he wants.

That's why he did this. Read his speeches and statements. It's all right there. He really believes Islam would beat the west. It might seem ridiculous, but he figures if he can polarize the
world into Islam and the West, he's got a billion soldiers. If the west wreaks a holocaust in those lands, that's a billion people with nothing left to lose, that's even better from Bin Laden's point of view. He's probably wrong, in the end the west
would win, whatever that would mean, but the war would last for years and millions would die, not just theirs but ours. Who has the belly for that?

Bin Laden does. Anyone else?

Tamim Ansary

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Friday, September 14th, 2001
11:15 pm - Soothing words
This is in hopes that love & peace will heal the horrors that we've witnessed - either directly or through the television - this week & in the
weeks that will follow.
Words too, can be a form of solace. They can heal, soothe the soul & provide guidance in times of uncertainty.
So, I reach out with these words of wisdom.


On the day when the weight deadens on your shoulders & you stumble, may the clay dance to balance you.

And when your eyes freeze behind the gray window & the ghost of loss gets in to you, may a flock of colors, indigo, red, green & azure blue come to awaken in you in a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays in the curach of thought
& a stain of ocean blackens beneath you, may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow wind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life.

- John O' Donohue, Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Take good care,
In Love & Light,

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