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Because I am an insane lemming and it sounds like fun...
I've turned anonymous commenting on for a short while, and turned off IP tracking.
I want you to post anything that you want.


A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love, a hate - anything.
Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like.

Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.

Keep an eye on the comment page, as I might reply to what you have to say...
Far Too Jones
Nervous (Why Am I Shaking)

from the album SHAME AND HER SISTER
lyrics )

Current Mood: enthralled
Current Music: Take a wild guess, Einstein...

Fun with Haiku!
LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:jeepbear
Your haiku: mp3's are gone
gigs over artists all gone
gone. i want to cry
Created by Grahame

Other fun ones I got from this Utility:

want to buy this bloke
a pint.when parking fines and
wheel boots run amok

you believe in love
at first kiss even ever
call a number yes

it's their appointed
duty they keep trying to tell
me this is what being

are the worst job in
the best sense of humour more
quizes it's all kittyums

knew you'd wish that you
were a baby some what did
you have a secret

rich or love prefer
both but allowed only
one i'll take twue wove

this kicks so much ass
okay so i took the test
again people change

test i think i need
to find the actual test and
take it as a kid

said grief counselors
were on hand but that the fair
continued after

songs all played with the
thought of could be maybe not who
knows and why should i

Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: Bill Withers - Use Me

Trick-or-Treat !?!
ISTP - "Artisan". Impulsive action. Life should be of impulse rather than of purpose. Action is an end to itself. Fearless, craves excitement, master of tools. 5.4% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

This is the second of these I've taken in 4 days. The last one came out INTP. I think I need to find the actual test and take it as my results seem to fluctuate a bit too much to be accurate, IMO.

Current Mood: A drunk that wine can't give.
Current Music: Stevie Ray Vaughn - Pride And Joy

It's fairly accurate.

How evil are you?

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: HomeStar Runner - Malloween Commercial

Say baby do you wanna lay down with me? SAY BABY!?...
Primus sucks.
And their show at Celebrity Theatre last night was no exception. The last time I saw Primus live was right after the release of SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE, so the show last night seemed even more appropriate.

The show consisted of two sets. Set one was a good show in and of itself and if there had been an opening act, one could have left mostly satisfied (it was only an hour or so long.) Ten songs, all played with the free-flow, yet somehow exacting musicianship Primus is known so well for. All in all, a respectable show. The lighting was very good, considering the small venue and the limits of the revolving stage. The sound was good if not a little biting in the third row (I found myself using earplugs ten minutes in.) Then the Intermission (complete with a 50's-era propaganda film on the dangers of narcotics and how marijuana is a gateway drug to heroin) and onto the second set.

The second set consisted of the entire album SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE. Start to finish, it was fantastic. Les, Larry & Tim seemed much more energized by the set and it showed in every aspect of their performance. Tim indulged the audience in a ten minute long drum solo that was absolutely amazing. While most solos of this nature would leave the audience with the impression of grandstanding and/or boredom...this was quite the exception and had the crowd screaming for more every two to three minutes. Larry's playing, which seemed a bit loose and unfocussed in the first set tightened up to near perfection. And Les...well, Les Claypool is IMHO the greatest bass player alive and it certainly showed last night.

Anyone else care to add to the review?

Current Mood: hurried
Current Music: Primus - Fish On

Bill Withers
Use Me

lyrics )

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Louis Bacalov - The Grand Duel (Parte Prima)

I want a RECOUNT!!
So I took the test again. People change over time.

noelfigart 110%
jimmyhatt 98%
vianegativa 95%
saamun 91%
amazon_waryr 88%
teufelaffe 87%
kyieren 84%
kimberlyonline 80%
episcopus 80%
jadedunoir 79%
windearthrain 76%
kittyums 76%
grumpywitch 69%
kessa 69%
qorinda 61%
How compatible with me are YOU?

I'm not EVEN gonna post the results of the Sexual Compatibility Test. I think the calculation method is too strict, not allowing properly for variation of desire.
Say people...
Who's seen this so far?
Who has a crush on jeepbear?
The below numbers indicate what sorta crushes jeepbear's friends have on her, as taken from the results of the original LJ Secret Crush Meme.
Questions? Please read the FAQ.

2 people have a Secret Crush on jeepbear.
3 people have a Public Crush on jeepbear.
0 people have an Ex-Crush on jeepbear.

How many people have a crush on you?

Who remembers the LJ Slut Meme a couple months back? Same site. Don't be suprised when all that information about who you've seen naked or had sex with in LJ Land becomes public for a small fee.

Current Mood: amused

Stolen from userinfojadedunoir
1. Your name spelled backwards.

2. Where were your parents born?
Petosky, MI & Phoenix, AZ

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
MP3's that are now gone because my data store drives just died...AGAIN!

and it goes on, and on, and on... )

Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: Creed - Pity For A Dime

Days like today make me want to crawl into a hole and die.

I didn't sleep at all last night. Well, that's not entirely true. I did lay down for almost an hour and I'm sure I drifted off for at least a few minutes that I can't remember staring at the clock.

Oh well. The bright side: I'm still lucid and mobile. I just hope I can make it through the day. The shakes and naseua started a few minutes ago.

Current Mood: crappy
Current Music: Play That Funky Music stuck in my head from somone's phone

Happy Birthday userinfopoetbear!!

User: userinfojeepbear
Name: JeepBear
Back November 2003