The Voice of Reason
[Fresh Meat]
[Past Lives]
Below are the 14 latest lies and half-truths recorded in
Jado's LiveJournal:
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27.10.2003 | 09:21 |
I return to my one, true domain.
Last week was fairly insane. As most of you that know me are aware, I lead a fairly mundane life. Therefore, it's more or less a given that any week that involves my mother being hospitalized, running into people I haven't seen in years, and a road trip encompassing over 400 miles would be somewhat notable. I'll make an attempt to give details later, but for now: hibernation.
Current Mood: not alive Current Music: Hanzel & Gretyl - 9d Galactic Center | 12.09.2003 | 08:56 |
A mutated demon-spawn variation of the flu has sidelined me indefinitely. I am venturing online for the first time in a few days as I write this entry and check my e-mail. 174 messages, 98% of them garbage that causes me to curse humanity. If you should ever feel the need to contact me via e-mail, be sure that your message doesn't include "Viagra" in the subject line, because I won't receive it. I apologize to those I haven't talked to in awhile due to my absence, I'll try to be on late tonight or tomorrow. Johnny Cash, John Ritter, and Jewel's bassist are dead. They say that death among celebrities comes in groups of three, so I wonder if that unlikely grouping qualifies. And now, I return to my bed in an attempt to sleep through these feelings of my stomach imploding, my back being broken, and my head spinning. Take care, all. Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: ringing in my ears | 08.09.2003 | 03:00 |
Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!
I can't see myself getting used to LiveJournal's new layout anytime soon.
Also, I've suddenly noticed how damned expensive certain things have become over a relatively short span of time. Take comic books and magazines, for example. It wasn't that long ago that I could pick up a 32-page comic for just over a dollar, and the average magazine would run me $3 or so. Now, a comic book runs like $3 and a lot of magazines are in the $6.00-$7.50 range. Is there a mass ink and paper shortage of which I was unaware? Eh, it's probably becaues they print them on this ultra-slick paper now with super-enhanced glossy thick paper stock covers featuring holograms and what-not.
In the week ahead, I plan on beating Suikoden again (this time by keeping Pahn alive OMG SPOILER), and...that's it. I'm sure further hijinks shall ensue.
Current Music: Adam Ant - Stand and Deliver | 16.08.2003 | 09:46 |
I plan on writing this entry in as little detail as possible, in order to protect the innocent.
Once again, I am reminded of how disconcerting it is to have one's plans undergo a metamorphosis that transforms the night from a possible contender for "highlight of the week" into "aimless waste of time". I guess it couldn't have been helped, but I am still somewhat bummed out about the situation, not to mention the potential future ramifications. At any rate, though, I did happen to finally score the 2-tape set of IWA KOTDM 2003. Rock.
Performing a sequence of Akiyama-style jumping knees to certain people in the parking lot of restaurants is something I find quite amusing. I met some people for the first time yesterday, and some others I haven't seen in a couple of years or so. Even if one of the new acquaintances is something of a dirty hooker, I found their presence somewhat tolerable (which is always a plus). Everyone else seems to hate said hooker though, though I can't really see why. Ah well, interpersonal relations aren't exactly my forte.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, I need to stop giving a damn about dumb self-conscious things and just say things if I feel like saying them.
Did I mention that I've been awake for over 24 hours? Yes, it is true.
Current Mood: prone Current Music: Stan Bush - The Touch | 23.07.2003 | 23:24 |
I would just like to point out the fact that the women on the reality-dating show Cupid are good examples of why some men become misogynists. If you haven't seen it, I'll give you a synopsis: the woman for whose affections the hopeless dolts are competing seems to have had a lobotomy, so her two best friends must act as the two halves of her brain. One of her friends is incredibly obnoxious, rude, and annoying (but is apparently forgiven for these transgressions because she is blonde and supposedly hot); the other is mostly passive and seems to defer to the obnoxious blonde's judgement even when she disagrees. Lisa (I just found out that's the single girl subjecting the men to this humiliation for the "honor" of dating/possibly marrying her) has an icy, vacant gaze in her soulless blue eyes, and her mouth is seemingly fixed in a blindingly white smile. Oh, and her rejection speeches are pathetic and infuriating. Here's an example of one:
Lisa: [Pathetic sap vying for my love], you're a wonderful guy. You're funny, intelligent, and I wish we had more time to get to know each other. However, you're short and my blonde friend thinks I can do better. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. No sudden movements - just hurry up and give me a peck on the cheek while I stand unflinching with a fake look of compassion, and get the hell out of here.
The heartbroken loser slowly and reluctantly goes through the motions, then looks down at the ground as he walks away, knowing that his dignity has been shattered in front of millions of people.
I hope there is a happy twist ending on the final episode of the show that involves a sudden helicopter attack on all involved.
Current Music: Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe | 21.07.2003 | 19:15 |
You win again this time, nature *shakes fist*
My main problem with thunderstorms is their tendency to cause all the digital clocks in the house to go "12:00! 12:00! COME RESET ME, YOU IDIOT!". I was also in the middle of writing an award-winning entry that was sure to ensnare the hearts of all who would read it and be passed down for generations, but so much for that. I can't be bothered to reconstruct it, but let's just pretend it was really good and you would have left comments telling me how it changed your life. Ah well. "Caribbean Queen" is like, the exact same song as "Billie Jean"! How did this fact escape me for so many years? Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: DJ Darkzone - Infinity In Your Hands | 20.07.2003 | 13:01 |
Holy damn, Winamp3 sucks.
Current Music: nothing since I'm uninstalling Winamp3 and reinstalling 2.91 | 09:15 |
Upon review, I've found that quite a few of the mp3s I've downloaded over the last year or so are songs I used to hear almost daily while working at Kohl's. On a daily basis I was able to listen to blocks of Duran Duran, Stevie Wonder, Men At Work, and other 80s tracks interspersed with some songs of today that usually didn't mind all that much, all was well in my world. Then one day the manager switched the store's radio station to some smooth jazz/easy listening crap, and consequently the days became very long and tedious. What really annoyed me about that scenario was the reason for the change - a customer complained about the music. Not because it was offensive or anything, just that they didn't like it. How much of an asshole does one have to be in order for them to do that? In retrospect, the change in music is probably one of the main reasons I ended up leaving that job. To the person responsible for that, I would like to say this: "Look, ANNOYING CUSTOMER - you only had to be in the store for what, an hour or so while you did your shopping? I had to be there for an average of eight to ten hours a day. So please, take your audacious bid to ruin my working environment and go to hell, thanks."
My next job will most definitely have tolerable music playing in the background. Unless it happens to pay exceptionally well, in which case I will gladly listen to Barbara Streisand singing "Jingle Bells" and smooth jazz instrumental versions of Avril Lavigne songs on a daily basis. Does that make me a whore?
I'm planning on buying a pair of rollerblades for my birthday this Saturday. It kind of sucks that no one in my family likes to guess what I'd like as a surprise gift, so I usually end up buying my own presents with money I'm given in lieu of a present. On the other hand, the last time someone tried that, I ended up with a Staind CD that never saw the inside of my CD player. Hm.
Current Music: BOA - Duvet (Lain Theme) | 18.07.2003 | 08:59 |
I anxiously await the day when interactive television has progressed to the point where it would allow me to kill certain especially-annoying reality show contestants from the comfort of my living room. I'd become momentarily less-stressed, a sorry individual's pathetic existence would be mercifully terminated, ratings would probably go up. Everybody wins.
Current Music: Iron Maiden - The Trooper | 13.07.2003 | 10:23 |
Disillusioned male contemplates his meager existence. Film at 11!
I've missed out on more things than I'd like to admit. Mostly as a result of my own free will, which is rather lame. Ehhhhhhhh. Watching Strange Brew was the highlight of my week. Current Mood: G'nortCurrent Music: The Cure - Disintegration | 07.07.2003 | 06:28 |
Ehhh. The recent run of 90ºF/32ºC temperatures makes me want to lie around in bed all day. It's too hot to play basketball, and our pool isn't ready yet, so there isn't much of anything to do. Nothing interesting or amusing, anyway. Summer isn't really my friend. My family never bought into the concept of taking a vacation during the summer, so I basically grew to view it as a tedious couple of months. Sure, it was nice to take a break from school, but by the end I was ready to return. Mainly because the end of school meant the end of 95% of my interaction with friends. In a way, during the three years since I graduated from high school (THERE IS NO WAY THAT FIGURE CAN BE ACCURATE) I've been locked in an endless summer vacation...much like an episode of the Twilight Zone, only far less interesting with no twist. Just me, gradually distancing myself from everyone again. Except this time, there's no magic first day of school to reunite everyone as though it were the season premiere of Degrassi! Well, I should be going to college soon, so perhaps that will end my funk. And by "funk", I mean "doldrums" - not what is commonly referred to as "my bad self". That funk will always be alive and kicking. I have to wonder, is reading my journal as embarrassing for others as it is for me? I'm sure this entry will go down as one of those I will regret writing in a couple of days, once I've regained my bearings. I only woke up about 20 minutes ago, but I think I'm going to return to my glorious world of sleep. Right. Current Mood: indifferentCurrent Music: Vendetta Red - Shatterday | 30.06.2003 | 19:26 |
I guess I have to reinstall AIM, because lately it has been crashing just as it looks like it's about to finish signing on. Wait, it just let me sign on without any difficulty just now. Odd. I think I'm going to have to schedule an appointment to have my eyes examined again. I've become totally dependent on the use of contacts, and I should get a pair of glasses to go along with them. I actually had glasses a long time ago, but I never wore them because I was too vain. Now that I don't have extreme anxiety about my appearance (or at least not as much as I used to), I want a break from contacts every once in awhile. This is a good time-killer. ( My results/other quizzes/survey ) Current Music: Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon | 22.06.2003 | 07:54 |
Food Poisoning Enjoyment On A Scale From 1-10: 1.5
I didn't really care for the vomiting or the dry heaves. On the other hand, the food obviously wasn't that good, so it was probably better that I purged it out of my system. Also, I ended up missing out on just about everything I'd planned for the rest of the day. I don't think I'll be dining out for awhile. In fact, I probably won't eat anything for a couple of months after this episode. This is kind of amusing. Current Mood: nauseatedCurrent Music: Laid Back - White Horse | 11.06.2003 | 06:16 |
In the event that my online presence was somehow missed over the last few weeks, I have good news: my impromptu sabaatical is over. A hard drive failure temporarily kicked my ass, forcing me to use the ever-so-cumbersome Dreamcast web browser to get my Internet fix, but I survived somehow. You know me, Mr. Resilient. What happened in the meantime really isn't interesting to anyone but me, and even I'm bored at the thought of recounting the events. So, I won't. I was semi-productive during the downtime, though, and I'm slightly worried that's going to change now that I'm free to waste seven hours at a time playing the arcade ROM of Space Harrier (if I so desire). We shall see if that turns out to be the case. ( LJ Match compatibility test results ) Current Music: Space Harrier - Main Theme |
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