I didn't do much today, I cut my first college class - Psychology of Stereotypes. It was not a big deal, I handed my paper in on the desk before class started and left. So I'm not going to lose any credit, either.
Tomorrow, Eric and I are going downtown. It will be fun and really neat. Now, let's just hope I don't get lost. I usually, inevitably, end up getting lost wherever I go. This week has been unexpectedly good. At least today, I did surprisingly well on my Philosophy paper and midterm. I got a 20/20 on the paper and an 88% on my test. Not bad considering I lived in fear of the class.
I watched High Fidelity today with Eric and Rob. I really love the film, I need to get the book. I've actually been thinking about it for a while. I am often haunted by books.
I stumbled around the Humanities Building on campus today with Eric, we were looking for a bus schedule. I found a green notebook, I was tempted to take it and just rip the used pages out, since I am usually always in a need of a notebook for something. Instead, I started to read it, I think the notebook belonged to an older woman. There were lists of hollidays (Yom Kippur and such), recipes, appointments, phone numbers and class notes. (There is a continuating education program at Purchase) I didn't take it since I felt weird, like someone's life was in that book.