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Sinn Or maybe RanYe

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[14 Feb 2002|05:54pm]
[ mood | groggy ]

Randddyyy where are you?? putting stuffs in your cock??--If I'm not here when you get on- wait for me

my teacher coach guy has the hots for mee... eewww BUST HIM

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CAta cata cata cata CAterpillar girl [12 Feb 2002|09:21am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | The Cure- Night like this ]

I've waited hours for this- I've made myself so sick- I wish I'd stayed asleep today- I never thought that this day would end I never thought that tonight could ever be- This close to me- Just try to see in the dark- Just try to make it work- To feel the fear before you're here---- I make the shapes come much too close- I pull my eyes out- Hold my breath- And wait until I shake- But if I had your face- Then I could make it safe and clean- If only I was sure That my head on the door was a dream

Raaaaa- I cunt wait until this afternoon- RANDY GETS-- CABLE MODEM _---- yay:) I get to talk to Randy on the NINERNET /// Man I'm tired it felt like last night lasted forever (sleeping) I'd wake up and it would still be dark and early.. I was all like.. yeah man.. i get lots of sleep-- but then when it was actually time to get up- it was all too early- I miss my Randy- I want him.. in my BUM hehe

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[07 Feb 2002|11:19pm]
grrrr- my randy leaved me- i was frozedid.. and.. you LEAVED ack - no sweet dreams for nana :\
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[07 Feb 2002|09:24am]
Just hold on to hope.. it's the last thing that's holding me
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[07 Feb 2002|08:11am]
[ mood | blank ]

Grr- I finally found ALicia- she stayed at AJs lastnight- I didn't see her car- but it was around the other side of their house instead of where she usually parks- I found out AJs mom is doing cocaine again- thats really bad- she has 5 kids to take care of and shes getting hooked on coke.. she even gave aj, alicia, brandon and montie some.. that is way messed up- and totally wrong..I could tell she was on it this morning because she was all happy.. shes never happy in the morning.. I'll update again later.. i have to do class work.

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[06 Feb 2002|08:31am]
[ mood | worried ]

I woke up this morning feeling totally sick-I had bad pressure in my head and everything felt swollen and i felt all like puking- i really shouldn't have come to school but i had a test this period- (i think i totally flunked it) we have a test probably every other day in every class if not a couple days in a row- that's crappy- I want my randy easy- he said something in his LJ about wanting to separate until things are worked out- (I don't want that) but he said once was enough-so I'm hoping that means it's not going to happen- even if we were separated.. i wouldn't be able to move on to another person- which is good. but i don't want him moving on either.. that makes me more sick to think about :siiiiggghh: I'm hoping things work out - I love him entirely too much to let him go - I've never felt like this and I don't want it to go away. I don't want to feel it for anyone else either. I don't think I could/ If i could.. I would probably 30 or 40 something by then - welp..teachers telling us to get offline.
I love you Randy

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[05 Feb 2002|07:19pm]
[ mood | blank ]

Raa- Ima eattin strawberries (yum) they aren't as good as they should be though, they are kind of plain and water-like.. they were rushed to grow or something- but yeah - aren't you supposed to be on here right now or something?? RaA-- I wanna talk to MY randy! yeah so HURRY- I'll wait

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[01 Feb 2002|08:14am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

RAAA RANDY!! hehe- I'm in a good mood today- it's pretty cool I'm hoping you will GET ONLINE SOOON umm... If you get on .. talk to me over this or yahoo or something- my SN is Al3aclcl0n666 ---- so yeah i need to change that. hmmm. okay
hart you

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[31 Jan 2002|08:11am]
[ mood | indescribable ]

BLAHHHHH- I dunno what to write in here but I look at it every morning, maybe thats why-

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hehe- ooohhhh yeahhh [30 Jan 2002|09:22am]
'cuz Im your sister haha
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[30 Jan 2002|09:22am]

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

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[30 Jan 2002|09:17am]
hehe- yeah .. GRRRR
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[30 Jan 2002|09:15am]
click to take it!

You're bad to the bone. Rules mean nothing to you, because you break them in every way possible. You're a rebel, and you mean business. You're strong and willing; people fear you. When someone pisses you off, you're not going to sit around and let them have their fun. You take revenge in the most dramatic way possible, therefore people know not to mess with you.
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[30 Jan 2002|09:03am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | I forgot all of my cds oh- but I have my cd player! BLAH ]

Grr- I am all sleepy tired- last night I had A LOT of homework and I got done at around 10:30 doing that .. So I went to sleep.. But yeah.. I never get enough sleep- This space bar is really messed up- all the words end up not spaced so you have to go back and enter the spaces in all slow like..and I keep making errors. Well===== Ill be on this afternoon so be here .. sorry about the last two nights

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[25 Jan 2002|05:40pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | meeeee ]

rar - I'm bored and Randy isn't online - i kinda gauged my tounge out a bit today i think its maybe a 10 or 12.. i want an 8 that would be coolie.
umm.. I don't know what else to write .. but yeah-

{I'm going out with my mom for a bit so be online later- i wanna talk to ya:) } <~~ little randy message here (hehe)

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wow [25 Jan 2002|08:33am]
[ mood | sick ]

This morning when I woke up, I completely forgot about everything I did like night.. well up until I talked to Randy. I didn't even remember painting my nails or going to the store, I forgot AJ was there too.. It was crazy. I think I'm developing Alzheimers. I look really drugged up today, I think ima gettin' sick :gag: welp gotta do work

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[25 Jan 2002|12:50am]
[ mood | crushed ]

I want my FUCKING Randy NOW!!!

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[23 Jan 2002|06:52pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | nothing yet ]

Okay MAster Randy I'm updating :P I am chewing on some yummi red gum - i was eatting some caramels.. they were better.. i think i cunt spell- wee randys here

Ta ta

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[21 Jan 2002|09:10pm]
[ mood | cold ]

RAAR where are you :P

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[19 Jan 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

I miss my Randy- I know I'll never be able to go to Chicago to see him. My mom will definately NOT let me go. I can see where she is coming from but this hurts and I miss him muches..I'm all teary/ I really hope everything works out right. There are just a lot of things my mom will not let me do, like going to Chicago.. but even when he's closer like VA// I'm not sure she will let me drive that far on my own to go visit.. I just don't know how it's all going to work out. My mind is going like 50 right now

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