Sunday, February 15th, 2004
10:07 pm
"Madam - I may be drunk, but you have an overly negative personality... and tomorrow, I'll do my best to think positive thoughts, and that will show you, won't it!!"
- Winston Churchill
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| Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
3:41 am - no sleep till...
| Thursday, January 29th, 2004
7:54 am - =tired
been up all night essentially..... had to take my cat sebastian in to the emergency vet, and left him there all night... between not being able to sleep as usual, and kuro (the other cat) meowing for sebastian all night, not much sleep was had... that and I had to go pick up mr. seb with lesley at 7am, and take him to the other vet at 8:30.
ok, so I want him to be better, but i'm officially going to be poor now....... oy vey the credit. Luckily it's nothing that is going to take *too* long to fix up... diet change, etc. Anyway, enough about that.
I'm going to check my email/boards for a bit. What jewels of glee does the internet hold for me today?
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| Monday, January 26th, 2004
2:02 am
| Friday, January 23rd, 2004
3:20 pm - ok, here ya go:
12:14 am
| Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
2:45 am - hey you BOMB BOMB... ACID ACID BOMB
ok, think I might have gotten some semblance of the sound I was trying to get while I was at work... I have a freaking headache from screwing around with 68Hz tones in headphones for half an hour. (throb).
if anyone has other suggestions, I'm still looking for a "perfect" answer (or if someone wants to just record the sound, and send a sample to me in redbook wav, I'll be more than happy to say "THANKYOU!" and mean it!).
er... yeah. so, worked on teh 00ntz today, thus my frustration regarding bass sounds.
sat in my studio, and twiddled knobs. Dreamed about an Access Virus with a visual interface built in.
ate some crackers, ate a calzone, did some teaching... all in all not a bad days work. Chinese new year is Thursday... have a busy day then! Lots of Lion Dances, and various things to go to around town.
I normally hate quizzes, but this was sorta interesting, I guess, or not... ( most likely not )
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| Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
3:45 am - sleep.
| Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
3:17 am - Official Announcement!
Alright, Everyone. I have a project under way for my own personal studies, and I'll be inviting each and every one to enjoy it once I have webspace. I guess I thought I should prepare everyone for it before actually putting it up online. So, here's the deal:
Domenico Scarlatti, the composer, at the age of 23 met Handel, also 23, born in the same year as Scarlatti, at a meeting place where the virtuoso composers and performers would go to socialize and perform with each other. They had a duel between themselves to see who was a better player... and they were judged to be of equal skill on the harpsichord.
In celebration of that age of music, and my own age as of this time, I am embarking on a sort of musical quest. For those of you who are familiar with Wendy Carlos/Switched on Bach, this concept will not be foreign. My goal is to release each of the 555 Sonata's by Domenico Scarlatti a few per week untill I run out. At that time, I'll probably pick up some Handel peices as well. I will be composing these entirely with synthesizers, and will be hopefully attaining webspace to post them as I finish. They are short sonata's (under 2 minutes for the most part), and should be entertaining. If you are interested in having access to these items, please let me know as I will probably have to start with only hosting them via ftp on my home system. If you have an interest in this, my AIM name is Energistboy.
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| Thursday, December 4th, 2003
3:42 am - just incase anyone was wondering...
the known universe ceases to exist between 3:30 am and 5:30 am.
for two hours there is nothing.
i know from experience.
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| Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
12:01 am - kind of sad.
sitting here listening to my mp3.com tracks. Tomorrow... actually, now... the site is going down, forever.
need to find a replacement... soonish. I'll find something... I'm sure.
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| Sunday, November 30th, 2003
1:17 am - undoubtedly the most entertaining little thingee in a while, so says DJTECHNOSPICE
| Wednesday, November 26th, 2003
12:50 am
oh yeah, just incase anyone was wondering.
I've been married for 6 months now. Still not divorced. That's pretty good for americans, from what I hear. Heh.
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| Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
10:47 pm
ding dong the ding is dong.
straight absinthe is interesting. It burns, don't get me wrong. But wow... after you're done recoiling from the burnination. Hmmm...
I never really described what it's like to drink the stuff before. I should expound. First of all, anything with 70% alcohol is deadly freaking intoxicating. There is no question there. ( thoughts on the 'green fairy' )
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| Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
3:29 am - a note.
On the positive side, and that's what I'm talking about. That's my aim. Sails set, last call for boarding. The future looks bright, whether or not it looks attainable. The up is the only place motion continues, and downhill looks so easy, but there is always a bottom, and seldom a top.
I'm finding myself with less and less time. Less and less time for the distribution. Less and less desire to placate. Less and less desire to wait, and sit, and not be in the hustle, bustle, one of those "guys" with "a project" or "two" and a longterm aspiration. I perspire because I push this cylindar, up hill, and non-stop. I will keep on pushing regardless of who falls by the wayside on the way, by the way, and I'm so sorry to those who can't keep up. If the sky is the limit, then I'm buying cloud real estate. The top of the world is only the beginning, and if I'm in the depths tomorrow, I can remember when I captured the sky, and made it mine, if only for 20 minutes in a fit of typing, because tomorrow may be another day, but today is still a day, and I refuse to wait till tomorrow, because the only thing I have to lose is hours, and today was a good day.
Tomorrow I will be a day older, and I refuse to wait untill that time comes, with a realization that I did not do what I wanted to in those hours I had.
Thin lines, but I mean every byte.
Push, those who can, who will... push untill you can no longer, and push one more time for good measure.
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| Monday, November 17th, 2003
12:54 pm - "YOU know customer service"
Taking my birthday present back to the store in a few minutes to trade it in for what will become my christmas present as well. Hehe. It's probably better that I'm upgrading something rather than buying something else, as in the long run, it'll save cash. Good. Whah. So I'm trading in my ozone for a firewire410 which is going to be about 100 over what i paid for the ozone. Yes, I know, i lose my precious midi controller... but, A.) It feels cheap, and I have YET to be able to get it to work correctly, and B.) The FW410 has a midi input, will work for more streams of audio, is smaller, and gahdahnit it's firewire. iEEE1394, people.
Plus, the stupid Ozone won't work for the midi learn function to control tempo in Ableton Live, and, I suspect, my KStation through the 410 WILL. TAKE THAT M AUDIO! I REPLACE YOU WITH ANOTHER PEICE OF GEAR THAT IS MORE EXPENSIVE AND MADE ALSO BY YOU! HAHAHA, THAT WILL TEACH YOU!!!!
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| Thursday, November 13th, 2003
7:24 pm - I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
| Tuesday, November 11th, 2003
2:52 pm - It's a crime to be relatively private.
| Sunday, November 2nd, 2003
1:44 am - poor danny.
| Monday, October 27th, 2003
4:18 pm