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[26 Jan 2004|05:57pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | put you down;; alice in chains ]

just made this one. i want to call her the warrior princess of doom.

a bit much?


[info]princesslola is about to come over. supposed to be taking pictures or something. and she's here.

so, is that guy and a friend of his, trying to tow away that car.

guess i'm going now then.

[26 Jan 2004|04:39pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | sunshine;; alice in chains ]

can't believe it was about four when i got to bed. don't know where the fuck the time went.

for some time now, i've been perfecting my scarification tactics. if you saw the picture of me in my *gasp* bra, you might or might not have noticed this funky discoloration on my left boob. not knowing what it is, looks funky.

it's a carving of a heart.

i'm not done with it, by no means. it is to be a symbol of my bleeding heart. the scar is fading, which means i should have another go at it, of course. and find my red ink. yes. it can't be a bleeding heart with out the red.

absence of love, bois, crushed and torn up. yeah, you get the picture. so, i guess it's time to start carving it up again.

on another note... i love her! she is my most wonderful creation thus far.

the owner of lost bois )

today was the first day of house sitting for a whole week. rushed to wake up and get over there. call some guy to get lady's car and fix tires. bring garbage can, paper and mail in.

we really only have to keep bringing the mail and paper in and sleeping over there. becca and i. i don't want to fucking sleep over there, but c'est la vie.

but i got to drive the truck today. gawd i fucking love that truck. it's the best ever. a red '71 international truck. nothing but fucking steel. *sigh* it makes me happy like 'home'. alex and hot guy at coffee house loved it as i drove up in it.

everyone will bow down and respect the truck of fucking doom!


i've been thinking. upper ear piercings and healed and fine. now it's time for another. low on cash. been thinking about getting my eyebrown pierced, but i'll still have to think about that one. no money for ink, and i need to sit on something awhile and feel it out and decide. so, i'm going with lobe piercings. then after that another upper ear piercing. then another lobe.

all the while thinking up a design i can't live with out. getting some money and then getting inked. this will take time because of design and money, but it's going to happen soon.

[25 Jan 2004|07:13am]
[ mood | tired ]

[info]princesslola and i hung out with bois. first one. then another. then a whole herd of three of them. then two again. then one at the end.

watched swat, underworld, and a tiny bit of se7en. and when i say tiny bit, that's what i mean. all we really did was talk. and then boi said, "i'm going to sleep."

we were more than welcome to keep hanging out, but i always feel akward hanging out at people's houses when they are asleep or not there. so we left.

i've had no sleep. but more importantly, i've had nothing to eat since yesterday. food is just about done. and i'll be eating.

even though they will deny it till the day they die.... i am the "trust no bitches princess". everybody must now bow down and worship me!

rarrrr!!! feel my tnb power! hahah.

i'm delerious. going to bed. going to stop typing. i can't do this. it's freaking me the fuck out. can't remember that i'm even typing. am i hitting the keys right? how many fucking typo's did i just have to fix. in one word alone.

yeah.... typing is so not for me right now. so why do i keep fucking typing.

bah!! nberisopsdokng. slkesilkdne. yes, those weoiejr supoose to bo;kie realds woeksd. i doidn't fi ccx anyto of that skjopt shit eithiawer.


sexy hand pr0n [24 Jan 2004|07:04pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | bleed the freak;; alice in chains ]

partial nude

Read more... )

[23 Jan 2004|07:57pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | nectar;; opeth ]

where oh where are you my little lesbian cupcake? you are working, i bet. gah! >_<

i'm dying over here. too many furniture. too many kettles of fish. too many people i should hate. not enough people that i want. i'm all crazystalk. no car at that place where it was that time when we were talking about fire and stuff. does it mean... not at that place. but at the place with the drinking. and maybe later at the place with candle wax? wouldn't that be grand!!!

good soul my auntie! geezusfuckingjosef. that would be grand...

end transmission. you will no self destruct.

[23 Jan 2004|06:16pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | sunshine;; alice in chains ]

while in wal-mart today, i'm browsing cheap dvd's and over the store intercom i hear, "furniture. please call the front desk. furniture. please call the front desk." i laughed soooo much. actually laughing wholeheartedly and saying they have furniture! wal-mart has furniture!!! *falls over*

in case you were wondering, it's a reference from soylent green. charlton heston says, "hello furniture. personal or building." as in furniture are whores. and wal-mart didn't say, "someone from furniture... " they said furniture. so i died laughing.

and guess who's calling out looksie around the neighborhood. yes, moi. mr. kitty loves his new name. which means turtle for those that don't know. but i bet i sure look stupid calling "looksie!! looksie where are you!! looksie come here!!" but he came to me. talking and everything. ran right up to me and was all like hey! he never does that buy the way. so yes, my cat likes being called turtle. *dies laughing again*

i'm hungry. i've been out all day. running errands with my sister and delivering stuff to runellstown again.

oh yes. not so joy. the honda is totalled. >_<

my dad. this pmt lady [yes carrying around old people] and another woman all had the go ahead. they were turning right and actually going. and some other pmt lady from across the highway decided to turn left infront of them. so in order for my dad not to hit her, he had to swerve into the other lane of traffic and smashed into the other pmt lady.

by the time my sister and i got there, we didn't see the van that caused the wreck. they were already gone. because she had an ivalid on a stretcher. >_< but the woman who was the witness and right in the middle of all of it was there. and my dad. all shaking and nervouse. he could have had a fucking heart attack right there. looked like he was about to at that.

and the pmt lady and three adorable elderly black people were being put on stretchers and into ambulances. i don't think they were hurt, like bleeding. but they are old and any little thing upsets old people and all.

craziness. and now we only have one car again. well, atleast my dad got the red truck to working again. but only me and dad and becca can drive it. literally, because we can reach the pedals and see over the stearing wheel and my mom can't. and because we're on the insurance for the truck and we have keys. i love that truck. the brakes are still fucked but they've always been kinda weird.

so, i guess that's what i'll be driving? maybe?

ai-ya. and i have a little hope permeating through. just a little. maybe, maybe, maybe...

[23 Jan 2004|12:15am]
[ mood | bored ]

can you tell i'm fucking bored? )

[21 Jan 2004|06:40pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | we die young;; alice in chains ]

patience. patience. i fucking hate patience. but i keep getting that from all corners of everywhere. >_<

i feel strange. like something is going to happen. that feeling of uneasiness and the feeling you knowing all wrapped into one. i just know somethings going to happen. bad or good i can't tell. but it's driving me nutso. and then all this patience bullshit. ai-ya!

i'm hungry.

Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

that was fun... i think.

[21 Jan 2004|01:31am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | love, hate, love;; alice in chains ]

i'm feeling something. something bad. disappointed. mad. sad. frustrated. upset. stupid. horrible. retardo. could it be that i could feel all of that at once?

i think i will just go to bed.

end today and all of it's stupidness.

[19 Jan 2004|07:18pm]
[ mood | cold ]

pyjama party and genghis khan says, "let's bake cookies!!!" hahahaha

wheeee!! how beautiful! click on the flower pictures...

ah. i'm cold.

[17 Jan 2004|12:32pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | advent;; opeth ]

i've only had three hours of sleep in the past two nights. i'm tired and want to sleep, but i have so much to do today, i'm afraid i'll wake up too late, ya know.

and of course, it's raining. that makes me even sleepier. but i have coffee. and things to do. i can't sleep. o_0

the mails probably here. i could go out and get it. might as well and all.

i'm really cold too. have been cold since about eight-ish this morning. oh well. maybe my body temperature will re-regulate itself and i won't be freezing cold anymore.

wearing my hoodie. we'll see if that helps. should... it's warm enough.

i need to do something to wake up. shouldn't go to sleep.

[16 Jan 2004|01:20pm]
[ mood | awake ]

Happy Birfday Princess Lola!!!!!!

Read more... )

[16 Jan 2004|01:11pm]
[ mood | awake ]

the lady came and took pictures for the hattiesburg american. the paper is out today. i totally forgot about it, until maria said something.

but it has been a long night.

we pretty much closed up last night around ten. leaving gary and his friend playing d&d.; we were going to close up but we didn't want to kick them out.

but [info]unscathed and i went upstairs to play halo. after awhile [info]princesslola came by and watched us play. then we went and got krispy kreme. it's starting to be a bad tradition with us. three times in one week. heh.

then we watched the dvd i have about unexplained things.

then played more halo. lola left and courtney and i stayed up till seven in the morning playing. then we went to sleep and woke up around 11:3o.

i can see how i forgot. hah. only have like three hours of sleep or something.

it's funny too, because courtney was all like, "i'm not a gaming person really." and she couldn't stop playing. heh.

we got stuck on that level before the library. where lola and i got stuck before. only we never found our way out. so we kept wasting ammo and writing out names in the wall with the bullets. then i was chasing her and shooting at her feet and then spinning around and shooting. and then i was running and shooting around her. and then we were just shooting each other.

it got very boring. just being in the same three rooms. not seeing anyway out. and i wish i could have remembered how lola got us out before. but it was fun. all seven and a half hours of it. haha.

have to go grocery shopping today. should pick up a paper as well. and run some errands that i need to get done. i think the mail is here as well. should check that.

[15 Jan 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | say it again;; badly drawn boy ]

watched igby goes down. it was weird and odd, but yet i loved it so. yeah... so that is my synopsis of the movie. that's all you're getting. don't try tricking me into anything more.

supposedly will be eating nummy sushi tomorrow. and shopping. friday, my sister will be at work and i'll be cleaning and shopping and such.

actually this is more technically window shopping until i find something. i'm not rich enough to actually go on a shopping spree for two whole days or anything.

currently drinking strawberry banana orange juice. that stuff that dole makes. yeah. really, really good. ah..

o.k. this is puzzling me. who has seen igby goes down. come, on... raise your hands. i know somebody has. o.k. good.

now. there are people in it that i know i have seen from somewhere, but i can't place them. like... oh fuck what was his name. can't remember the movie name but jeff goldblumes wife and his mistress. i know them from other movies and such, but i can't place them. who are they? and gawd. you know i can't remember a single persons name in that movie except suki and igby. anyway.. umm... the actor. who sold drugs and was friends with jeff goldblumes mistress. yeah, that guy. and who is he?

o.k. other than that i knew everybody in it. what makes this really sad, is that it was not ten minutes ago that i finished watching that movie and i can't remember anybody's names. >_< ai-ya! how bad is that!

i'm getting kind of sleepy and nothing's hopping in internet land....

so, i'm going to go to bed i suppose.

[14 Jan 2004|08:00pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | sugar;; tori amos ]

the other day i bought some soy strawberry/banana smoothie in a carton.

i made some up a minute ago and let me tell you...

this shit is good!!!

[14 Jan 2004|05:10pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | maybe baby;; buddy holly ]

forgot to mention that i picked up my soylent green dvd yesterday. it finally came in. have yet to watch it though. just glad i have it.

i'm really bored. i can't think of a thing to do.

i think that since a car is now available to me, i should go driving around. that generally wastes some time and makes me feel better.

wonder when becca will be getting home.

if the car is available tomorrow, i should most deffinately go shopping. better now than friday or saturday. don't want to be rushed. want to have plenty of time to find something good.

yes, yes. think i will go driving around now then.

[14 Jan 2004|03:55pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

apparently i'm having pizza today.

was getting really hungry.

still stranded here without a car and no food in the house.

so i called pizza hut and ordered a meat lovers medium pizza without sauce.

oh great. mom just came home. looks like i have a car now after all.

oh well... still getting pizza. heh. about thirty minutes to go.


[14 Jan 2004|02:12pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | mothersbaughs canon ]

had crazy dreams.

jobie arrived today. yeah, it was aleita last time that came and got my sister. but as you see, i'm not out with jobie and becca. jobie never even said hey to me. so... i was just a week ahead in my observations. blah... whatever.

nobody's here.

all the cats are outside and i have to go and get them in.

had to make a race of it, getting coffee and fags today, because my mom needed the car for an appointment.

but, luckily that was all taken care of, so i'm set for the rest of the day now.

need to go shopping tomorrow. finding what will [hopefully] be a perfect present for a someone's birthday coming up.

i'm always nervouse when shopping, because i want to get something that they will like. ya know. i don't want to get them something that is aweful and has no reflection of them what-so-ever. that's just wrong. so, hopefully i'll be walking around and it will scream lola. and then i'll know. and hopefull, then i'm right. and she will be happy when she opens it.

i have other things to do as well, since she's having a party at the coffee house on saturday night. ^_^

i'll have to make goody bags and hang up "put the cookie in cookie monsters mouth". o.k. no i won't. unless she actually seemed excited about it by reading this and replies yes. but haha. anyway, but there are things to do, i was just being silly.

my dad also needs to give me some money so i can go grocery shopping. we're out of important things. like my organic milk. butter. things like that.

wanting to find my recipe for grillads and figure out what kind of beef part that is, and buy that as well. i can't ever remember what the hell it is. i always just know my dad says, "no. we don't have that."

buy some other things so we can make real food. i'll have to look through recipes and figure out what i'll need. might make lasagna one night as well. that's really good. mmm.

and i keep having a craving for spinach salad with hot bacon dressing. yum. of course no hard boiled eggs though. i can't see how my mom and dad put that in the salad. blah. but anyway... yeah. should get some bacon and spinach. maybe enough and i can make a quiche as well.

o.k. i should stop. i'm making myself hungry and i'm not really hungry and therefor should not eat. ah.

[13 Jan 2004|06:48pm]
[ mood | groggy ]

i didn't wake up until five today. blah. but i had been up until five am. hanging out with [info]princesslola, [info]unscathed, and jeremy.

we hung out in the coffee house and talked about several different topics for quite a few hours. then we went out driving to see some place lola had been talking about.

we were pulled over by some cop in the middle of nowhere. ruining our adventure and making us turn around and go back. we acted all stoned and giddy at krispy creame and ate our weight in donuts while watching the tele at my house and making fun of everything we were watching.

and apparently while laughing at the ordering speaker, i laughed what sounded like an orgasm. they kept mocking me and trying to make me laugh again. good lord! lol.

it was one of the best times i've ever had though. too bad i had to get all sleepy last night.

quizzes and such )

[12 Jan 2004|12:17am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | pagoda's theme ]

ah! look what my sister found in the attic.

three carebear cousins. two regular carebears. a baby carebear, hugs. and a mini regular carebear.

the yellow duck in the center is dudi duck. he and b. bear, whom some old lady stole when i was a kid, were my most favorite.

there's also tweek the sprite. rainbow brites sprite. but i left him upstairs.

i went up to the attic with her and found tons of more great stuff. tons of strawberry shortcake little people. the little figures and not the big plastic dolls. although i did find two of them. i found this little house for them. i found a strawberry shortcake bag. i found a my little pony purse, where you put them in it and carry them around. i'm thinking ebay for that one. i found a really pretty my little pony bridal. pink velvet with flowers. i'm gonna have to find my favorite one and put that on her.

kids books i loved. just lots of random things from my childhood that i liked.

i found things i did not like from childhood, but none of that's important.

i'm just thinking... great. i found this stuff again, now how am i going to squeeze it into my room. haha. well, i'll do it.

oh, one of the books was a sesame street one. cookie monster orders cookies from the grocery store, but instead they send a big box of vegetables. he's never seen 'em and doesn't know what to do with them, so they have all these funny pictures of him with these vegetables. using them as a phone, a pencil, wearing them as hats. but then bert and earnie have to come over and tell him what vegetables are and tell him how to make vegetable soup.

oh! another great discovery has been made by becca.

peter rabbit and his mom. i wish i knew where his clothes were. o_0. hello kitty. a carebear cousin. two mini regular carebears. donald duck. ha. i don't know why, but i used to call him googy goo. lol.

a cookie monster book. and then random strawberry shortcake figures and sesame street finger puppets.

wow. this is actually pretty cool to me. i never want to lose this stuff again.

now i just need to find the one and only popple i had. and those fae and rainbow brite paperdolls. found one fae girl and one dress that went to her. and i found rainbow brites outfit. just wondering where the rest could be.

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