Omega Point Theory can be a solid foundation of support for all of the
great human religions" - "Science can now offer precisely the consolations
in facing death that religion once offered. Religion is now a part of
science" - Dr. Frank J. Tipler on Omega Point Theory 
 By its structure Omega, in its ultimate principle, can only be a distinct Center radiating at the core of a system of centers; a grouping in which the personalization of the All and personalizations of the elements reach their maximum, simultaneously and without merging,under the influence of a supremely autonomous focus of union. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Martin on the Omega Point  "Novelty Theory suggests that on December 21 of 2012 AD, at the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic center, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase." - Terence McKenna on Novelty Theory and 2012  "The omega point represents a convergence of all aspects of culture, science, spirituality and technology into a unified singularity, where simultaneous experience of the universal and the hyper-personal becomes a reality, a fusion of the local and the non-local into a coherent unity. By merely observing the mounting complexity of culture and the acceleration of science and technology against the backdrop of history, it becomes obvious we are moving headlong into a singularity, a paradigm shift like none have ever imagined." - Jonathan Bethel - Omega Point Institute   |