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Thursday, December 04, 2003
I hate to distract you from the media's 24/7 saturation coverage of the latest Michael Jackson saga, but have you noticed that the corporate crime spree – bilking us of billions of dollars – continues to roar like an out-of-control wildfire, devouring industry after industry?

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klep·to·crat  na·tion

(klep´te krat  na´ shen), n. 1. a body of people ruled by thieves. 2. a government characterized by the practice of transferring money and power from the many to the few. 3. a ruling class of moneyed elites that usurps liberty, justice, sovereignty, and other democratic rights from the people. 4. the USA in 2003.

The Kleptocrats have taken over. Look at America's leadership today – not just political, but corporate, too. Tell me you wouldn't trade the whole mess of them for one good kindergarten teacher.

Yet, they're in charge! Here we are, living in the wealthiest country in history, a country of boundless possibilities, a country made up of a people deeply committed to democratic ideals, a country with the potential for spectacular human achievement – but we find ourselves ruled (politically, economically, culturally, and ethically) by a confederacy of kleptocrats.

They have collected up our democratic powers piece by piece, hoarding them in the privacy of their own fiefdoms. These elites (fully abetted by the governmental elites they have bought), now effectively control the decisions that affect We the People – everything from public spending priorities to environmental degradation, wages to war, what's on the "news" to who gets elected.

This would be terribly depressing except for one thing, which is that one basic has definitely NOT changed in our land: The people (you rascals!) still have that instinctive and tenacious belief in our historic democratic principles. The antidote to kleptocracy is the age old medicine of democratic struggle, agitation, and organization – and all across our country, the rebellion is on!

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"Where's Tom Paine when we need him? Right here -- wearing a cowboy hat, roaring out of Bush's own state, making all kinds of Common Sense, and pointing the way out of our national embarrassment of a government occupied by thieves and lunatics. Halliburton and John Ashcroft will hate this book, which is why you'll love it. Don't just read it -- take Hightower's message to heart, take action on it, and take your country back!"

-- Michael Moore, author of "Stupid White Men"



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Jim Hightower
Hightower & Associates
1802 W. 6th Street
Austin, TX 78703