LJ Community Promotions' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in LJ Community Promotions' LiveJournal:

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    Monday, June 14th, 2004
    10:40 pm
    I'm starting a new LJ community for people who like making or viewing photoshops. [info]photoshop_fiend
    7:07 pm

                                    Prove Yourself.  

                                        Whoever said inner beauty counted

                                              most was ugly (and stupid).

                                  JOIN: userinfononuglygeniuses


    9:50 pm
    3 Best Communities!

    [info]_eastcoastlove - community for anybody who wants to feel accepted!

    [info]pinklip_gloss - rating community! People are friendly to a point... fun and gets lots of new applications everyday

    [info]_juststunning - desperate need for members! this is just a starting community and needs more applications!
    9:07 pm
    Are you one of those [info]disneyfreaks?

    Current Mood: crazy
    9:34 pm
    Dream with us in the grass...

    Are you a fairy? Are you rainbow? Are you psychedelic? Are you special?

    Find out at [info]rainbow_beauty

    12:18 pm

    Can't have that, can we? You'd better join.

    11:44 am
    okay, i JUST started a community called _calilezbos_ it's exciting, yes i know, and obviously by the name you can assume what is involved...just about anyone can join no matter what age and there really aren't any rules, so please come enjoy!
    12:58 pm
    Join a new slash community for Arthur/Lancelot, based on the upcoming Bruckheimer film "King Arthur".

    2:58 pm

    I’m a Hufflepuff. What are you? Be Sorted at HogwartsHouses!

    Current Mood: grumpy
    Current Music: Sharon osbourne
    4:30 pm

    erotica community.

    fun, fantastic, & fresh
    rating community.

    a rating community based
    on personality AND looks.

    are YOUR undies mad sexy?

    are you naturally beautiful?
    try & find out. :)

    'cause i KNOW you're
    beyond cool.
    1:25 pm
    join scum_fucks!
    first ten people get in automaticly (application still must be filled out)

    Current Music: CKY - Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild - 01 - Escape from Hellview
    9:52 pm



    2:06 pm
    New Communities!
    Hey everybody!

    I bring to you today two new communities that you may be interested in joining!

    The first is [info]atlus_usa; a community that is dedicated to games released by Atlus USA, Inc. Discussion for games such as Disgaea, Phantom Brave, River City Ransom, and any other Atlus games is encouraged here, as well as related website promotion and fanart.

    The second community is [info]gamer_love; a community made for people who are dating/in love with/married to/looking for a significant other who is into games. Discuss games you and your sig. other play together, how games affect your relationship, and cute/fun things to do while gaming.

    I co-maintain/moderate these communities with my boyfriend, [info]konami_whore. If you would like to join, feel free to, and if you have any questions/comment/suggestions or concerns, email me at suburbanskakid@aol.com.

    Thank you all, and I hope to see some of you there!

    Cross-posted to: [info]girl_gamers,[info]gamers, [info]phantombrave, [info]disgaea, [info]rpgamer, [info]community_promo and [info]ljcommunities.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: DDR, "Butterfly"
    2:33 pm
    Do you like Mini Movie Icons? Do you make them? Do you need a place to post them? Come Join: minimovieicons

    This is a Rating Community that rates you on your PERSONALITY, NOT your looks! You don't even have to post a picture of yourself, inless you want too! So Come Join: ur_personality_

    Do you play with Neopets? Well this is the Community for you! Under new management and needs LOTS AND LOTS of new members. You can claim anything Neopet Related & talk about anything Neopet related. So Come Join: x_neopets_x

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Silence
    11:07 pm
    and the sky lit up......
    we want to know a little bit about you for our files...


    this community is composed of the following elements:::

    beauty; decadence; LA; riot grrls; pretty boys; glitter sores; 'We Care'; excess to the max; 0-800s; anus waxing; 30s-icons; kids with cigarettes; 50s closets; film noir; industrial taping; beautiful freaks; junkie kisses; razorblades; candles; candle wax; carving; cutting; mutilation; losers; retards; freaks; Audrey Hepburn; stacking it; XfagXcoreX; riots; punks; heroin; ethereal sex; pottymouths; my boudoir; Detroit; cadillacs; dollys; skin flowers; flesh wounds; my disordered weight; drugs, vegas, rock and ruin; lazy ways; vaseline; the butterfly collection; my silent undoing; freakshows; magic; All-American Suburbia; wholesale meats; electroluxury and, of course, cock.

    throw a little glitter on your hunchback and come dancing, honey.
    7:57 pm
    What do you get when you mix [info]add_me with [info]community_promo?

    You get the new community [info]promos_lj! A new place to promote your personal journal and your communities.

    Please read the rules before posting!
    2:27 pm

    Open to all ages, genders, races and all forms of eating disorders.
    Support is welcomed, criticism is not.
    The new anagirlz
    10:32 am
    Leage of Extrodinary Bishounen
    If you like Hot anime boys then please vitist The Leage of Extrodinary Bishounen!! Where fan boys and girls can oggle, and post Hott Anime Boys!!! Go to http://www.livejournal.com/community/bishounenleague/ !!!!!
    Heres A Sample! )

    Current Mood: dorky
    9:28 am
    Hanoi Rocks!!!
    Come join this community as well!!!!!

    7:45 am
    Hey Republicans on LJ...
    Here is a new add me community for republicans. It's fairly new. We'd love to see you there!!


    Hope to see some more republicans there!
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