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Community Information

Below is information about the "The Quest for Communities" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:community_quest (456617) Paid User  
Name:The Quest for Communities
About:This is a community where you can post to find communities that already exist!


This community is the baby brother of [info]community_promo. Check out the community info over there to answer any questions you might have. Check the memories to see if what you're looking for has already been posted. If you notice something's missing on any of those posts, add a comment!

Since the readership of both communities is meant to overlap, do not post promos in this community. Do not post requests in Do have fun, though. That's what communities are about!

Community Search via Interest is BACK!!
I'm going to leave this form up though as an easy way to enable PAID MEMBERS to search communities in the directory

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thanks [info]tbone for the code :D :D :D
Interests:26: advertisements, advertising, awareness, brainstorming, communities, community, fascism, finding communities, finding places, grammar, help, ideas, join, journalling, links, listings, livejournal, making friends, meeting people, no spam, promos, promotion, punctuation, search engines, spelling, spreading the love. [Modify yours]
Members:2455: View Members .
Watched by:603: 2tru, 4evernlovewithu, 90046, __ambrosia, __rachel__, _brwnxeyes, _gin_weasley_, _materialistic_, _tarien_, abercrombiedork, aberrations, absolutjag9, acidcrys, adaisychain, adameros, adulter, adultramblings, alicia666, all4him88, all_uncovered, all_wrapped_up, allygurl336, alocin, alpal456, ambernate, americanidolw, ames224, anaidea, anchita, andsilencefalls, angel_crazy, angelandhorns, anticlimatic_, asillyruca, atanvarneroquen, atayarani, audreyh, aurorabor, avriel, awesomofox, babihalez, babydotcom, babyjcoctober, bad_luck_bear, baisleac_2, barbaloot63, bassistgih, beautifuldork, being_angyl, bellaanne, bellacrow, bigflowerpillow, billy_hill, binnychan, bizzleburp, blackfyr, blackneongliter, blckmajik86, blondies_curse, blue_night, blue_swaan, bluefairyxx, bluemchenblatt, blueyeaddict, bogartnoir, bohemianglory, boltikov, borange, boxedtheatre, brainbrian, brandstetter, brat2631, breakmouth, brisingamen, bsnyder, bubbles128, bugschnitz, bullclaw, byekitty, byrdie, c2it, calaniana, camomiletea, candyvelvet, cantoneras, captain1obvious, carizma, carshowzguy, celebdur, cerulean, cess, chaosphaere, charisma, charliemc, chaudfeu, checkz, cheerchick214, cherbear77, cherripop212, chin0kyd, chloe_surrey, clue, coco1234, coco_dog, comatoastnjam, computergeek, cop8_wannabe, corporalchiron, coruscation, coyotegoth, craftyasparagus, craz4pineapples, crazyhottie, crazyredhead888, crystalballer37, crystel_dream, curiousdevil, cybercircle, cygnus7, cynikal, czarinapizda, daemonatrix, dance_of_misery, dani5248, daniel2002, danks_tha_snoke, darkcrayola, darkestfaerie, darkqueenakasha, darsjournal, decemberssummer, degrassifan, deliciousamami, devils_choice, diamond18, diconscious, dimeadozen_, dk2022, dmaster, dmbrapunzel, do_you_believe, doggbreath, dom52684, don_juan, donegoneawry, dontwakemeup, doritosandpepsi, dorothyk, dragon_lord, dragoncolors, ...
Member of:7: aberrantfilms, alittlecranky, boxobook, communitysearch, directory, diy_promo, tulsatime
Account type:Permanent Account

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