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Sunday, December 14, 2003
Which is it?

Jesse's on the latest bit of nonsense being peddled in the Telegraph.
The Capture

These are just some unorganized idle thoughts before I've had a cup of coffee. Capturing Saddam is a good thing - he was a bad guy. I'm really glad he was captured and not killed.

But, it really doesn't change much. Capturing Saddam isn't going to end the resistance to the US occupation in Iraq. It may improve things slightly, or it could even make it worse, but the net effect will probably be negligible. Saddam was a bad guy, but it isn't clear he's any worse of a guy than some of the folks who are a part of our "Coalition of the Willing," so this pretense of moral clarity, etc... is ridiculous.

Saddam wasn't a threat to us. This was a war of choice and we made a bad choice (and many more bad choices subsequently). Kosovo was also a war of choice. Whether or not that was a bad choice, consider the disparity in the media coverage of those wars.

And, cynical me just has to ask - who's the enemy now? The base needs one.

Did they really call it "operation Red Dawn?" oy
Open Letter to Kerry

Dear Senator Kerry,

We write this open letter as a group of bloggers whose audience you
respect enough that you advertise on our web sites.

We are deeply disturbed that former staff members of your campaign and
other Dean rivals now working at the so-called “Americans for Jobs,
Health Care and Progressive Values” have resorted to the Willie Horton
campaign tactic of linking Howard Dean to Osama Bin Laden. Vigorous
competition among Democrats is expected and welcome, but all
Democratic leaders should denounce these kinds of tactics.

Given your staff link to this attack through your former press
secretary, Robert Gibbs—the new group’s spokesman— we feel it is
incumbent on you and your campaign to make it clear that this kind of
attack is unacceptable. Otherwise, there will be the appearance of
covert cooperation by your campaign in supporting this effort.

If your campaign does not make clear that you have no link to this
scurrilous attack, all of us will have to reevaluate our willingness
to allow advertising by your campaign on our web sites.

We don’t expect to have to make that decision, since we have faith in
your integrity and expect you to quickly make clear your denunciation
of this destructive and anti-democratic operation.


Atrios- Eschaton
Jeralyn Merritt- Talk Left
Nathan Newman-
Oliver Willis- Oliver Willis
Jesse Taylor and Ezra Klein- Pandagon
Something Right

Captured, not killed.

Be on the look out for any media people who link this to 9/11 somehow.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Your tax dollars in action:

$725,000 for the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia;

$1.8 million for the Women's World Cup tournament;

$325,000 for the construction of a swimming pool in Salinas, Calif.;

$220,000 for the New Mexico Retail Association in Albuquerque;

$270,000 for "sustainable olive production";

$400,000 for the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Ky.;

$2 million for the First Tee golf program in St. Augustine, Fla.;

$315,000 for Formosan Subterranean Termite research;

$270,000 for potato storage in Madison, Wis.

Nedra Pickler Day!

I declare Monday, Dec. 15, to be Write Like Nedra Pickler Day! Everyone join me!

My gal Cho:

What is so wrong with that article that I didn't read, is that it divides a community that is already so divided it needs the division symbol. SHOW YOUR WORK!!!!! You need an extra sheet of paper fool????!!! This type of journalism and finger pointing is straight up cannibalism and is what is going to keep the right wing powerful. While we eat ourselves from the inside out and rot like a cancer, Bush is going to be preparing for his next term in office. Hasn't he done enough? Aren't we fucked up enough as it is now? Why are we asking for four more years of punishment? So that we can have the spokesperson for us be 'not too hot, not too cold, but just right?' Fuck that Goldilocks shit. And that is not a racist slur. It is this type of liberal need for 'specificity' and 'political correctness' that is going to turn this country into a totalitarian regime. That we offend each other so easily is the worst crime we commit against ourselves. Let it go. Let the bullshit go for now and we will fight over it later - AFTER we win the fucking election. What the fuck is wrong? Fuck it. There are parts of the conservative party that despise the other parts, fucking hate them more than we hate each other, yet they stand together, because they know it is the only way for them to win. The religious right is banded together with groups that sicken each other, believe everyone but them are going to hell, carry antibacterial gels with them whenever they have to shake hands, but they form a union because they know that the only chance they have to take over the government is if they play Red Rover. Doesn't it make you mad that they are fucking smarter than we are? Doesn't it make you hate so much that it turns into love?

(tip from Arthur Silber)
New Stuff!

I've expanded the "preznit giv me turkee" collection.

The merchandise is mostly for fun - the markup (what I get) is a buck fifty on most items.
Bold New Economic Plans

One guess... more tax cuts!

Dec. 12, 2003 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's budget for the coming election year will chart a course for cutting federal deficits in half within the next five years, a top White House budget official said Friday.


The president's economic growth policies will consist "primarily'' of proposing again that tax cuts first enacted in 2001 be made permanent, instead of expiring as this decade ends, Kaplan said. That could cost $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years, according to congressional budget analysts.

CBO projections make this promise "barely" possible, but hideously unlikely. Throw in the other inevitable changes and the budget is busted. But, it's brilliant politics - tax cuts during an election year.

Mr. Bodman Will Soon be Unemployed


A senior member of President Bush's economic team told manufacturers this summer that it is difficult for the balkanized federal government to develop vision on any policy issue and that, in particular, the Commerce Department has scant political or financial authority to influence government policy on behalf of the nation's ailing manufacturers.

The comments by Deputy Commerce Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, revealed in a transcript of a day-long manufacturing symposium in June, offer a rare dose of candor about the way Washington works and the limits of the government's power. They also surfaced just as the administration is trying to boost the visibility of its manufacturing policies, and as Bodman awaits Senate confirmation to assume the No. 2 post at the Treasury Department.

Responding to a comment on the government's vision for manufacturing, Bodman told the gathering, "I will tell you, it is very hard for this government to have a vision on anything. We are totally stove-piped, and we live within these compartments. This is not by way of a complaint. This is not by way of an excuse. It is by way of a fact.

The Nedra Pickler version of this article contained the sentence:

Mr. Bodman failed to mention that as George Bush gets advice directly from Jesus Christ, he has no need for any from mere mortals.

Debunked Again

How many times is it going to take?

Czech government officials became much more skeptical that the meeting ever took place, particularly after it became clear that the initial intelligence report from the Czech domestic intelligence agency concerning the meeting had come from a single informant in the local Arab community.
The information was treated skeptically by Czech intelligence experts because it had been provided only after the Sept. 11 attacks, after Mr. Atta's picture had been broadcast on television and published in newspapers around the world, and after the Czech press reported that records showed that Mr. Atta had once traveled to Prague.

Czech officials have said that border police records showed that Mr. Atta, who was then living in Hamburg, Germany, did come to Prague in June 2000, after obtaining a visa in late May. Shortly after arriving in Prague on that occasion, Mr. Atta flew to Newark.

American records now indicate that Mr. Atta was in Virginia Beach, Va., in early April 2001, when he was supposedly in Prague to meet Mr. Ani.

People mock "conspiracy theories," and this one is believed by people at the highest levels of our government.
Nedra's #1 Fan

Big Pharma:

By the way, AP has a reporter named Nedra Pickler, and we're concerned about her job here at the EIB Network. We're going to be taking steps here to save the job of Nedra - maybe it's NEE-dra, I'm not sure how you pronounce it - Pickler. She's a reporter of the Associated Press. She's actually pointed out errors, mistakes and lies that the Democrats are uttering in their debates. Now, she hasn't gotten the message or she slipped by them in the interview process or something, but if we don't take action fast here to save her job she's going to be toast."

(thanks to cornfed)

Of course, Nedra's "mistakes" are always things like:

"When Wesley Clark said he objected to the war in Iraq, he failed to mention how our participation in World War II is considered by the vast majority of people to have been a success."


"When Dennis Kucinich says he objects to Bush's fiscal policy, he fails to mention that he's a commie-loving little elf."

Friday, December 12, 2003
Nit Picklering

Wow. This sentence by Nedra Pickler was actually printed in the WaPo:

But when he criticizes Bush's links to Lay, Dean never mentions that Enron's mismanagement was not the result of the president's tax-cut package.



Final paragraph:

After the defeat of his original proposal last Friday, Schwarzenegger softened his demands. This week he agreed to a compromise proposal very similar to what the Democrats originally offered.


Over at Kos they have the poll numbers of Dem insiders. The interesting thing isn't the poll itself - it's that the Dem insiders are known. Even though we don't know their individual votes, we know their names. So, when, say, Lieberman gets zero votes, you know his campaign manager doesn't think he can win (the primary).

Full info here at National Journal.

Gay Divorce!

In Iowa of all places.

Next time, I'm sure the judge will do the now mandatory crotch check before signing off.
Torture Lou!

If you vote yes he'll cry on live TV!

While you're there, check out the quote from Rice:

There's nothing I am worse at than long-term planning. I have never run my life that way. I believe that serendipity or fate or divine intervention has led me to a series of wholly implausible steps in my life. And I've been open to those twists and turns because I didn't have a long-term plan.

These folks wish you had a long term plan.
The Day the Music Died

3 years ago today Scalia and the gang took a dump on democracy. To remember that, go give some money to your favorite Dem candidate (pres, congress, whatever...)
George Carlin

HR 3687:

To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.


December 8, 2003

Mr. OSE (for himself and Mr. SMITH of Texas) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--

(1) by inserting `(a)' before `Whoever'; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

`(b) As used in this section, the term `profane', used with respect to language, includes the words `shit', `piss', `fuck', `cunt', `asshole', and the phrases `cock sucker', `mother fucker', and `ass hole', compound use (including hyphenated compounds) of such words and phrases with each other or with other words or phrases, and other grammatical forms of such words and phrases (including verb, adjective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).'.

Should be a fun debate.

...My firstborn child to the Senator or Rep who proposes an amendment adding "Santorum" to the list.

I agree with Mark Kleiman that, as a practical (and security) issue, finding some way to legalize the status of the 8 or 9 million immigrants that we are unlikely to be able to deport is a good thing, and I'm glad Tom Ridge spoke out about it. Of course, like many things in the Bush administration I would assume that this is mostly just an issue they're raising because it's the start of the election season. They're going to fuzzy up the issue so they can appeal to both the growing block of Mexican-American voters and their anti-immigrant base. I expect to see much good cop and bad cop to appeal to both sides. But, if my cynicism is misplaced, then good for the Bush administration!
If This Were Roger Clinton...

...trying to get a free drink from a bar by saying he's the president's brother we'd have more notice by the media than for this crap from Neilsie.

Okay, it's that season so when I say "primary free" I mean I'm going to try to stay out of the day to day catfighting.

But, every Dem should read this column by Bob Herbert. Print it and post it on the fridge.

I don't agree with him that any Dem is a longshot, because frankly, Bush is unelectable, but otherwise...