december 2003
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tuesday, december 02, 2003
Jihad Watch points out a report at VOA that the two highest-ranking Bosnian Muslims will be facing trial at the war crimes tribunal in the Hague: Prosecutor Ekkehard Withopf told the tribunal Tuesday that this trial shows members of all sides in the conflict committed war crimes. He said among the war crimes were ritual beheadings by 'Mujahedin,' or Muslim holy warriors, who came from Islamic countries to fight in the war and were under the commanders' leadership.
Shawn Deats has a good analysis of an encouraging development in Iraq, where the Governing Council appears to be resisting pressure from an Iranian-backed cleric (the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani) to rush into elections that would be dominated by the Shi'ite majority—and probably result in yet another Islamic dictatorship.
Another glimpse into the bizarre, twisted thinking that increasingly dominates political discourse in Europe: EU envoy: Anti-Muslim sentiment on rise. European Union Ambassador Giancarlo Chevallard said Monday that while he can't say whether there has been an increase in European anti-Semitism, there has definitely been an increase in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab feeling.
Jimmy Carter, in an interview at the farce in Geneva, said that if he had been reelected to a second term, he would have done what no one else has been able to do: Informal Peace Plan for Mideast Is Unveiled in Geneva. (Hat tip: Best of the Web.) Mr. Carter, defeated in his quest for re-election by Ronald Reagan in 1980, speculated that "had I been elected to a second term, with the prestige and authority and influence and reputation I had in the region, we could have moved to a final solution."
Howard Dean was just loathsome last night on the Chris Matthews show; if anyone finds a transcript please post the link in the comments here. As he made an incredibly lame case that we need more international support for the War on Terror, the Washington Times this morning reports that 108 nations decline to pursue terrorists. NEW YORK — A U.N. monitoring committee complained yesterday that 108 nations have failed to file required reports on their actions in the war against terrorism, such as freezing assets and reporting the names of suspected terrorists.
...and neither am I. In the United States, a person who negotiates with a foreign government without authorization can be prosecuted under the Logan Act. So why the hell is Colin Powell showing approval of the same borderline treasonous behavior when it’s carried out by Yossi Beilin? The double standard has rarely been more glaring: Israel Raps U.S. for Planned Talks with Geneva Authors. Vice Premier Ehud Olmert sharply criticized Powell for praising the unofficial Geneva Accord, whose co-authors are trying to capitalize on broad international support following its launch on Monday at a gala ceremony in Switzerland. Of course, this wouldn’t be a Reuters release without an example of blatant anti-Israel bias, as they put all blame for the “stalled road map” on Israel—with no mention of the bus bombings, the murders of infants, or the failure of Palestinian Arabs to implement even one tiny sub-clause of the road map: U.S. officials say Powell is willing to meet the plan's co-authors in Washington later this week, a sign of growing impatience with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's foot-dragging on a stalled international peace "road map."
monday, december 01, 2003
In Geneva, the festival of clowns, buffoons, discredited politicians and lying terrorist enablers turned into a forum for bashing Israel. All in the name of peace, of course. "The road map's first basic phase has been substantially rejected as the Israeli government has ignored mild American objection and continued to colonize Gaza and the far-reaches of the West Bank and to build an enormous barrier wall on Palestinian land," Former American President Jimmy Carter said. The world has gone insane.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed his “deepest solidarity” with the Palestinian Arabs and their desire to annihilate the state of Israel: UN's Annan announces 'solidarity' with Palestinians. UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan delivered a message of support to the Palestinians, saying he felt the "deepest solidarity" with their "continued suffering." The complete and abject moral emptiness of this man is stunning.
LGF has been linked in a hidden topic at the infamous ClearGuidance forum for bloodthirsty Muslim kidz, also known as “Islam on crack.” Do any lizardoid minions have a ClearGuidance password? If so, here’s the link.
A Palestinian boy carries a toy gun as he marches at the front of a small demonstration against the Geneva Accord, in the Jabaliya refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 1, 2003. “A toy gun?” I don’t think so. Nice try, Associated Press. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) Notice the Che Guevara banner to the left.
Speaking of awards, it’s time to open the nominations process for the 2003 Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year (Fiskie for short). Please post your nominations in the comments for this thread. Note that the Idiotarian of the Year Award is devoted to “honoring” the useful idiots of the world; the creatures who are so naive, willfully blind, or astoundingly Ivory Tower brilliant that they aid the causes of dictators, terrorists, communists, and/or the evil Presbyterian Conspiracy. Please don’t nominate outright murderers like Yasser Arafat or Osama bin Laden; these types of animals are not idiotarians so much as monsters, the type of monsters the idiotarians end up supporting and defending. Last year the contest came down to a last minute runoff vote between Michael Moore and Dhimmi Carter (Carter won), and it’s likely that these two will be strong contenders again this year. But there are many, many deserving idiotarians from which to choose, and a dark horse could still leap out of the pack. Let the nominations begin!
Wizbang has announced the 2003 Weblog Awards nominations, and yours truly is on the list of Best Overall Blogs: 2003 Weblog Award Nominees Archives.
Here are some pictures of the DHL cargo jet that was hit by a surface to air missile, while French journalists watched and took photos of the attackers: Eyeballing DHL Aircraft Hit by SAM. From the extent of the damage, it’s pretty amazing the jet didn’t crash. (Hat tip: reaganite.)
The Jerusalem Post has obtained a copy of the European Union report on antisemitism that was suppressed because it reached the (rather obvious) conclusion that Muslims and pro-Palestinian groups were responsible for most of the incidents it examined: Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union.
Abdurahman Khadr, recently released from Guantanamo Bay after being captured in Afghanistan, admits that he spent three months at an Al Qaeda training camp—but still insists that the only reason he was detained by the US is because he is an Arab. Abdurahman Khadr spent three months in 1998 learning to use Russian assault rifles at an Afghanistan training camp with links to al-Qaida, the former terror suspect admitted at a news conference.
Absolutely astounding moral bankruptcy and history-challenged ignorance from Jimmy Carter in Geneva, who is seemingly on an end of the year push to retain his title as Idiotarian of the Year: Carter slams Israel, Bush in Geneva speech. Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, blamed US These statements prove once again that Carter’s disastrous mishandling of the Iran hostage situation was no fluke; the man actually seems to believe that the way to deal with terrorism (and there’s some doubt that he even believes it exists) is to appease the terrorists. Another disgusting performance from a thoroughly disgusting man. Melanie Phillips takes apart Carter’s comments at her blog, asking, “Is this man Carter just terminally stupid, or evil?” Actually, I think the answer is ... neither. The key point about Jimmy Carter is that, rather than malevolent or even stupid, the man is simply ... very, very weak.
Iran says it is encouraged by the European Union’s willingness to look the other way while the Iranian Manhattan Project rushes toward its goal: Iran encouraged by EU's stance on its nukes. (Hat tip: Dr. Dweeble.) Of course they’re encouraged. The EU and the UN, whose main intent is to obstruct the United States even though Iran’s nukes will threaten Europe long before the US, have shown once again that Iran will get all the time they need. Tehran, Nov 30, IRANMANIA -- According to Iran's State News Agency (IRNA) Iran said Sunday that it is encouraged by Europe's stance regarding Tehran's nuclear program, including its refusal to submit to Washington's pressures to report Iran to the UN Security Council.
At the New York Post, a look at the bizarre, psychotic motions being filed by Zacarias Moussaoui in his terrorism trial: How Terrorists Think. (Hat tip: Michael S.) He labels Brinkema "little bitch" and "dirty joke" and "daughter of evil." He's furious that she's a woman in what he sees as a man's job. He mocks his Jewish lawyer with various anti-Semitic insults, refers to an Asian-American attorney as "Kamikaze" and calls others of his defense team "fat megalo pig" and "racist."
LGF reader “Deathberg” has a first person report from the anti-Israel hatefest held this weekend at the University of Toronto. Good work! Another reader emailed to let me know that the key organizer of this conference from Al Awda is Fayyub Sbaihat—an active member of the Palestinian terror gang PFLP, listed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government.
A Palestinian teacher tells children to wave Islamic Jihad flags and shout slogans against the Geneva Accord, during a gathering of groups who oppose to the agreement, in Gaza City, December 1, 2003. Palestinian kindergarten children carry Islamic Jihad flags during a protest against the Geneva Accord agreement, in Gaza City, December 1, 2003. (Hat tip: Robert Hinkley.) sunday, november 30, 2003
Arab News, the official English language voice of the House of Saud, mocks President Bush’s visit to Iraq: Imperial Majesty. I watched, as I am sure did most of you, the little skit set up for President Bush this Thanksgiving in Baghdad. The author, Amr Mohammed Al-Faisal, obviously thinks he’s being unbearably clever with the following passage: The conditions that must be met before we lift a finger to help the Americans get out of Iraq honorably are the following: And they call Americans “arrogant.” Just another poke in the eye from the people who gave us September 11. Remember this when the time comes for payback.
When Howard Dean left office as the governor of Vermont, he took the unusual step of putting a ten-year seal on his official papers: What’s in Howard Dean’s Secret Vermont Files? (Hat tip: Catbert.) DEAN—WHO HAS BLASTED the Bush administration for excessive secrecy—candidly acknowledged that politics was a major reason for locking up his own files when he left office last January. He told Vermont Public Radio he was putting a 10-year seal on many of his official papers—four years longer than previous Vermont governors—because of “future political considerations... We didn’t want anything embarrassing appearing in the papers at a critical time.” “Most of the records are open,” said Dean spokeswoman Tricia Enright, adding there is “absolutely not” a “smoking gun” in those for which Dean has claimed “executive privilege.” Still, Dean’s efforts to keep official papers secret appear unusually extensive. Late last year, NEWSWEEK has learned, Dean’s chief counsel sent a directive to all state agencies ordering them to cull their files and remove all correspondence that bore Dean’s name—and ship them to the governor’s office to be reviewed for “privilege” claims. This removed a “significant number of records” from state files, said Michael McShane, an assistant Vermont attorney general.
Palestinians gather around a car following an explosion in the Rafah Refugee Camp, southern Gaza Strip, Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003. A mysterious explosion ripped through the car, killing Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant Yusuf Matar, witnesses said. The witnesses had no explanation for the blast. No Israeli helicopters were seen in the area, apparently ruling out the possibility of an attempted Israeli targeted killing. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra) No Israeli helicopters, eh? I wonder what could have caused Yusuf’s car to explode like that? I’m stumped. Anyone have a guess? Maybe he got carried away seething about the Geneva delegates ... blood pressure soared ... started pounding the steering wheel ... chanting “No to treason” louder and louder ... Suddenly ... spontaneous combustion! It could happen. (Hat tip: belize042.)
This report at the Jerusalem Post describes one of the worst cases of Palestinian child abuse yet noted here at LGF: In one film clip released by the IDF, channel 10 news showed a group of terrorists escaping after having fired upon an IDF post. The group had abducted a small Palestinian child and were dragging him along with them, using him as a human shield against IDF soldiers who accordingly ceased firing. Another paragraph shows that making concessions to Palestinian terror gangs in a misguided hope for peace will only lead to more attacks, as the honor/shame dynamic kicks in and the gangs smell weakness. However, Army radio reports that the number of terror attacks in the Gaza district has doubled in the past 10 days since Israel declared its intention to unilaterally dismantle settlements in the Gaza Strip.
Here’s an interesting and somewhat encouraging story in the Straits Times about political Islam in Indonesia, that suggests the Islamist parties are having a hard time selling the 230 million people of Indonesia on shari'a law and an Islamic state—and that their cause is further undermined by their reluctance to renounce the thugs and killers in the “military wings” of their parties: Terror hurts Islamist parties in Indonesia. The growth of political Islam in a nation in a democratic transition has its downsides too. Political Islam comes not with one voice, but several.
Last Wednesday every news agency in the world carried a story that a 9-year old Palestinian boy had been shot in the head and killed by the IDF, quoting “Palestinian medical sources:” Palestinian boy shot dead by Israelis in Gaza. Today the Palestinian Authority has been forced to admit that the boy was killed by his own brother—and his father helped cover up the crime, hoping to get a martyr payoff from the terror gangs: Boy shot in Rafah by brother. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) Palestinian Authority has admitted that IDF troops were not responsible for Thursday's killing of a 9 year-old boy on Thursday in Rafah, accusing instead his brother. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Reuters, AP, and AFP to correct their scandalous willingness to believe and report the words of many-times-proven liars.
The launch of the “Geneva Agreement” between the Israeli hard left and Palestinian liars is now officially a complete farce: Key Palestinian Negotiators to Skip Summit. At the last minute, the four negotiators — all members of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement — said they were skipping Monday's ceremony in Geneva after Arafat refused to give written approval for the agreement. No reliable peace partner? Ya think? Maybe the likelihood of being tortured, shot, and strung up in a public square for a mob to desecrate had something to do with their withdrawal. The negotiators who backed out of the ceremony are: Cabinet ministers Qadoura Fares and Hisham Abdel Razek and lawmakers Mohammed Horani and Khatem Abdel Khader. On Saturday, the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a militant group with ties to Fatah, issued a leaflet branding the four as "collaborators." UPDATE: No ... wait ... this just in ... the liars will be attending after all! Whew. This will be a huge load off Richard Dreyfuss’s mind: Palestinian Negotiators Agree to Summit. Two Palestinian Cabinet ministers and two legislators at first said Sunday they would withdraw from the ceremony that is to take place in Geneva on Monday, but changed their minds by the end of the day.
saturday, november 29, 2003
We knew that France had financial and oil interests in Iraq, but Michael Gonzalez looks deeper and finds that France has been bankrolling America’s enemies for quite a long time. (Hat tip: ploome.) "Follow the money" is an old adage, and it means that economic interest will eventually explain much human behavior. That France opposed the removal of Saddam Hussein because he owed millions to French banks is proof of this. Less well known, but much more troubling, are key French financial links with other U.S. enemies. They raise the belief that the Franco-American conflict over Iraq was just one slice of the action. For France was not just Baathist Iraq's largest contributor of funds; French banks have financed other odious regimes. They are the No. 1 lenders to Iran and Cuba and past and present U.S. foes such as Somalia, Sudan and Vietnam.
A Saudi prince was ambushed and murdered by “suspected extremists” in Algeria yesterday while hunting rare gazelles in the desert: Saudi prince killed in Qaeda ambush. The reports said the prince, identified as Talal bin Abdelaziz Arrachid, was shot and killed during the night of Thursday-Friday in a confrontation in which nine people were killed and several injured.
Uh... if anyone cares, you might be interested to see what the Democratic Underground Morlocks are saying about LGF: Right-wing hate site discusses DU. An anger management therapist could make millions, if the raving nutbags at DU could be convinced they have a huge problem and need help. But first, they have to want to change. I won’t hold my breath.
Despite being surrounded by millions of sworn enemies doing their best, both openly and secretly, to destroy the relatively tiny Jewish state, Israel’s high-tech sector is becoming a powerhouse of innovation. (Hat tip: E. Nough.) On Tuesday, Eastman Kodak Co. said it was buying Israeli-based Scitex Corp.'s digital printing division for $250 million. The deal came days after Kodak picked up Algotech Systems Ltd., an Israeli developer of medical-imaging archiving systems, for $42.5 million.
When I posted this entry last week, some readers drew an equivalence between the toy guns for sale in Gaza and the toy guns for sale in American toy stores. Then when I posted this entry, some readers said the game of “Arabs and Jews” was no worse than American kids playing “Cowboys and Indians.” But see, here’s the thing. When American kids play “Cowboys and Indians” with the toy guns they receive for Christmas, you don’t see real masked terrorists hanging around. A Palestinian boy stands with his toy gun next to a masked Palestinian gunman from the militant group Hamas in the area where an Israeli Army bulldozer was demolishing a structure near the border with Egypt, in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003. The “toy gun” this boy is brandishing is practically indistinguishable from a real handgun. What kind of parent lets their child go out and play with realistic toy guns in an area where the Israeli Defense Forces are carrying out an operation, and hang around with masked killers armed with real weapons? Silly me. A Palestinian parent does this. If the child is shot by the IDF, either in the mistaken belief the gun is real, or in an attempt to take out the Hamas murderer using these children as human shields, where’s the downside? The child is shaheed and goes immediately to heaven, and the Palestinians get another propaganda club with which to beat the Israelis when the international media screams about another Palestinian child killed by the IDF.
A Jordanian Muslim jihadi who’s in Iraq trying to kill Americans and other infidels talks to the San Francisco Chronicle about his motivation: Foreigners in Iraq say Koran requires fighting U.S. The well-dressed, slight-built mechanical engineering student from the University of Jordan said he was drawn to fight in Iraq purely by religious conviction -- not because of any link to al Qaeda or other terror organizations, and despite his intense dislike for Saddam Hussein's supporters. Would someone please tell Abu Zobayer that jihad means an inner struggle for self-improvement, and that a tiny minority of extremists have perverted his religion? He seems to have gotten the wrong idea somehow.
The University of Toronto is allowing the Toronto Palestinian Solidarity Conference to be held this weekend, despite the conference organizer’s (a Muslim student group called Al Awda) open support of Palestinian terrorism and denial of Israel’s right to exist: U. of T. allows pro-Palestinian meeting. The conference was originally cancelled because Al Awda planned to require attendees to sign an agreement they call the “Basis of Unity:” 1. We support the Palestinian right of return. It is non-negotiable. But when Al Awda changed this requirement, the University decided to allow the conference to proceed. UPDATE: At the Al Awda web site, Palestinian Solidarity Conference organizers boast that they have duped the University, and that attendees will still be forced to sign the “Basis of Unity” document supporting Palestinian terrorism and denying Israel’s right to exist: The original 6 point basis of unity is then listed on the form, and attendees of the conference are required to sign the form to attend the conference. (Hat tip: Diana M.) UPDATE: Also see Lee Kaplan’s report on the Palestinian Solidarity Hatefest at Ohio State University.
A fourth person has now been charged with violating security at the Guantanamo Bay prison: Guantanamo Officer Charged With Breach. U.S. Army Col. Jack Farr was charged Saturday with "wrongfully transporting classified material without the proper security container on or around Oct. 11, and making a false statement in the course of the investigation into his handling of classified material," said a statement from the U.S. Southern Command in Miami.
Hundreds of Iraqis demonstrated against terrorism and for democracy yesterday in Baghdad, but the world press reports it only as a footnote in their ongoing campaign of negativism: Hundreds protest violence in Baghdad as US soldier killed in mortar attack. AFP uses the word “violence” in their headline, even though the purpose of the march was explicitly to protest terrorism. Iraqi police and US forces closed off Baghdad's main commercial thoroughfare as hundreds marched through the city centre to demonstrate against terror amid persistent fears of attack by anti-US insurgents or Islamic militants.
Here’s a great column at the Guardian from Julie Burchill, who is leaving the paper because its open editorial antisemitism has finally gotten to be too much for her to stomach: Good, bad and ugly. (Hat tips to all who emailed this.) Not only do I admire the Guardian, I also find it fun to read, which in a way is more of a compliment. But if there is one issue that has made me feel less loyal to my newspaper over the past year, it has been what I, as a non-Jew, perceive to be a quite striking bias against the state of Israel. Which, for all its faults, is the only country in that barren region that you or I, or any feminist, atheist, homosexual or trade unionist, could bear to live under.
When Coptic Christians in Egypt began putting fish bumper stickers on their cars as a symbol of their faith, Muslims responded in their well-known peaceful way—with fish-hungry sharks: Stickers Produce Unique Battle in Egypt. (Hat tip: newscaper.) The AP headline is incorrect; there’s nothing unique about this battle. It’s simply another manifestation of the violent, supremacist nature of the Religion of Peace, and as the quote below illustrates, it’s intended to intimidate Egyptian Christians. "All I wanted to say is that I am a Christian, kind of expressing my Coptic identity," said 25-year-old Miriam Greiss, who has a fish sticker on her car. "I think choosing a shark doesn't make sense, as if someone is saying, `I am a violent, bloody creature, look at me.'"
friday, november 28, 2003
Here’s the enemy’s take on President Bush’s visit to Iraq, at the World Socialist Web Site—otherwise known as the last well-funded bastion of the failed genocidal doctrines of Communism: Bush's PR stunt in Baghdad underscores US crisis.
It’s almost funny to watch the Nine Dwarves stumble over their feet as they try to dance the dance of defeatism around President Bush’s visit to Iraq, clumsy and falling out, even with the determined coaching of the New York Times: Democrats Temper Praise for Bush Visit With Criticism. The surprise visit stunned and confused his rivals, who struggled in the midst of Thanksgiving dinner to balance praise for the president's gesture with renewed criticism of his Iraq policy, which they said would be among his greatest vulnerabilities in next year's election. The latest duplicitous Democratic mantra: “More! They/we need more! FEED ME!”
Reuters and the Associated Press and the rest of the anti-American world media are doing their best to portray President Bush’s Iraq visit as a tiny blip on their radar screen of negativism, but an Iraqi blogger named Alaa has an eloquent post that refutes them all with the simple logic of the heart: Ahalan Wa Sahlan; GWB. IN THE NAME OF GOD THE COMPASSIONATE; THE MERCIFUL
Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali, the infamous Iranian “hanging judge” who desecrated the bodies of US soldiers killed in Jimmy Carter’s failed hostage rescue attempt, has finally died at the age of 77. The tales of his atrocities hold a chilling vision of the birth of the Islamic Republic of Iran—a state conceived and born in torture, murder, and Islamic terror: Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali. Khalkhali, known as "the butcher" to his compatriots, brought to his job as Chief Justice of the revolutionary courts a relish for summary execution that would have made Judge Jeffries seem like a member of the Howard League for Penal Reform.
Part two of Larry Elder’s interview with Robert Spencer has been posted at Town Hall: Islam: A religion of peace? -- Part II. If you missed part one of the interview, it’s here: Islam: a religion of peace?
Anti-Terror Raids Target Islamists Across Europe. MILAN/BERLIN (Reuters) - Police hunting Islamic militants across Europe capped a dramatic series of anti-terror raids in three countries with the arrest of a suspected Algerian extremist in the German port of Hamburg on Friday.
David Reinhard has a good opinion piece on the trial of the Portland Seven, the jihad group that included Intel software engineer Maher “Mike” Hawash: The Squad of Death: What lies beneath. (Hat tip: Morgan.) The defendants complained that the prosecution trafficked in "distortions and half-truths" but did not dispute any of the central facts in the government's sentencing memo. In sum, Ford and Battle were ready to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan or fight violent jihad somewhere else in the world (Chechnya, Kashmir) prior to 9/11. That explains why our "Portland Seven" had their own name for their little outfit: "Katibat Al-Mawt." Loose translation: "The Squad of Death." As horrifying as the attitudes of the Portland Seven—no, scratch that, more horrifying—is what Reinhard reveals about the reaction of spectators in the courtroom, when the judge uttered a PC comment about the Religion of Peace: But something equally chilling -- and perhaps equally instructive -- happened in Jones' courtroom Monday, and the two Squad of Death members were not the culprits. Having listened to Ford and Battle use Islam to justify their crimes, Jones had a bellyful. He told Ford, "You are an insult to the Muslim religion." This does raise a question: is it the spectators who hold a “contorted view of Islam” ...or is it Judge Jones and David Reinhard?
Palestinian children play a game called 'Arabs and Jews' in the Rafah refugee camp, south of the Gaza Strip, on the third day of Eid al-Fitr. (AFP/Mohammed Abed)
The Bush-hatred is overflowing at Democratic Underground, where they’ve been driven into a frothing nightmare frenzy over the President’s visit to Iraq, even suggesting that it was an impersonator who made the trip: F_ckin A Bush is a paranoid narcissitic _sshole. He wouldn't even get out of his bullet proof caddy in London. (Hat tip: Jheka.)
Here’s the explanation for why LGF has recently been seeing an increasing number of attempted hack attacks from Arab countries—a fatwa approving cyber terrorism against sites “hostile to Islam,” issued by the highest official cleric of Saudi Arabia. (Hat tip: Thom.) WASHINGTON DC, December 2, 2002 -- The Saudi Information Agency has obtained a fatwa approving cyber terrorism issued by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al-Alshaikh, the highest official cleric in the country.
Speaking, appropriately enough, in Belgium, former UN weapons inspector Hans Blix says he hopes the US learned a lesson in Iraq. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Hans Blix, the former chief U.N. weapons inspector, was quoted on Friday as saying he hoped Washington had learned its lesson in Iraq about the need for multinational cooperation. That’s true; the US has almost no experience in rebuilding countries. It isn’t common knowledge, but that old Marshall Plan thing that rebuilt most of Europe after World War II was actually planned, funded, and implemented by Belgium, with help from Sweden.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has issued a demand that Israel immediately cease all attempts to defend its citizens, and allow Palestinian suicide bombers easier access to buses and restaurants: UN Says Israel Fails to Meet Demand to Halt Wall.
Evil warmonger Mark Steyn lists the five regimes that must go, urging President Bush to stop listening to Tony Blair’s advice to slow down. Profound changes in the above countries would not necessarily mean the end of the war on terror, but it would be pretty close. It would remove terrorism’s most brazen patron (Syria), its ideological inspiration (the prototype Islamic Republic of Iran), its principal paymaster (Saudi Arabia), a critical source of manpower (Sudan) and its most potentially dangerous weapons supplier (North Korea). They’re the fronts on which the battle has to be fought: it’s not just terror groups, it’s the state actors who provide them with infrastructure and extend their global reach. Right now, America — and Britain, Australia and Italy — are fighting defensively, reacting to this or that well-timed atrocity as it occurs.
Ariel Sharon warned Palestinian Arabs yesterday that unless they begin making honest steps toward peace, they risk losing more land. Palestinians reacted with rage and duplicitous whining, counting on the world press to ignore that Palestinians have not fulfilled even the very first condition of the “road map:” Palestinians Angry With Sharon Warning. "You do not have unlimited time," Sharon told a news conference on Thursday, addressing the Palestinians. This article contains another sighting of the much-used Palestinian lie about a “mentally retarded man.” The “retarded man/boy/girl” is a recurring theme in Palestinian dissembling, and the press eats it up every time, reporting it as if it were fact and only occasionally mentioning the Israeli version of events. Also Friday, a Palestinian intelligence officer was shot and killed by Israeli troops after he approached the fence of the Gaza Strip settlement of Nissanit, witnesses and hospital officials said. Witnesses said the officer was trying to rescue a mentally retarded man who had wandered into the area.
A rare sighting of a possible liberal Muslim in today’s New York Times, with an op-ed that puts the blame for the spread of jihad ideology in the Islamic world squarely where it belongs—on the hatred and incitement that passes for education in Saudi Arabia: Telling the Truth, Facing the Whip. (Hat tip: Ben F.) The author, Mansour al-Nogaidan, has been sentenced to 75 lashes for writing articles like this one. The most recent government crackdown on terrorism suspects, in response to this month's car-bombing of a compound housing foreigners and Arabs in Riyadh, is missing the real target. The real problem is that Saudi Arabia is bogged down by deep-rooted Islamic extremism in most schools and mosques, which have become breeding grounds for terrorists. We cannot solve the terrorism problem as long as it is endemic to our educational and religious institutions.
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Israel Raps U.S. on Planned Talks with Geneva Authors (Reuters)
Workers Demolish Landmark Saddam Busts (AP)
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