Friday, December 12th, 2003
1:38 pm - Can you say "utter destruction", children?
The weekend is here. All hail Dionysus.....
This afternoon sees me trying in vain to make myself look slightly less like a fat, ugly tramp. Tonight I retire to Grimsby to possibly pass a quiet night out or a loud night at a friends. We'll see.
Tomorrow sees me get up insanely early to catch a train to Edinburgh to attend the Nightmare A'fore Christmas. Looking forward to it loads. Problem is, I have to be back for work on Sunday night at 10pm. This could mean I will have to hop on the first available train back home as soon as TNAC kicks out. Kip on train, arrive in Grimsby, chat with a few people and head to home and work.
Busy weekend, no?
Can't wait....
current mood: excited current music: crack baby - kat5can [deathboy black vodka remix]
Thursday, December 11th, 2003
6:50 pm - Erg.
Thank fuck it is a half-day at work tomorrow.
Might not be able to make it to Edinburgh til Saturday lunchtime, though. Still, so long as I make TNAC and get back in time for work on Sunday, I am sorted. TBH, I will go to TNAC and call in sick, if I have to. ;)
Ain't I a stinker?
current mood: mischevious current music: Bob Marley - Punky Reggae Party (Bonus Trac
(2 windmills |Charge!)
Wednesday, December 10th, 2003
9:00 pm - Rock and roll or what? :/
I think, boring as it may be, I need an early night tonight - my shifts are slowly killing me and I am down about 2 nights sleep already this week. I need to get some rest.
So, goodnight all! I am up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire....
current mood: groggy current music: David Bowie - Loving The Alien
8:16 pm - Love is blind....
My memory is failing me. I can't remember whether this is good or bad or what.
.....................Erm, what was I saying?
current mood: confused current music: My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
6:34 pm - You will no longer be Goat Boy. You will be Mr Non-Sex. You will be a Ken doll.
Brithday plans are changing in my mind from one minute to the next. Sometimes involving copious amounts of drugs and sometimes not.
In other news. I am practicing my guitar and I am writing. Being on a self-improvement kick of Nietzschean proportions [as my self-improvement fads always are] I am also exercising and reading *even more* philosophy than normal.
Sadly, this combined with work leaves fuck all time for stuff like sleep. Consequently, I am knackered.
current mood: superior current music: The Crüxshadows - Bloodline
Tuesday, December 9th, 2003
7:44 pm - I want to be the mayor of Tit-town.
Oh, dear. MY birthday next month is on a Friday.
This could spell doom for the entire universe. Or just a bit of a giggle.
I find, cos I have been thinking of what to do to mark my 30th birthday and I have been thinking big, that I cannot afford big. The solution? Think small.....
It is looking like I am gonna put on my hiking boots and go for a walk in the countryside in the middle of the night. go walkabout, so to speak. Search for myself. Maybe sit down in the middle of nowhere and just think, watch and chill. A thing anyone can do anytime they want, but no-one ever does. Simple.
Or I might just get trashed. I do *that* all the fucking time, though. I am getting bored of that. The countryside at night is quite appealing.
current mood: contemplative current music: Sade - The Sweetest Taboo
(8 windmills |Charge!)
6:03 pm - Be yourself, no matter what they say.
Driving home from work over the slightly-misty wolds at dusk, I was singing a selection of Mission hits of old, sans the usual accompaniment as the radio is bust. I knew all the words, too, oh dear.
I expect to be bollock naked in Brackenborough woods soon, anointing my los with wine or somesuch. ;P
current mood: weird
Monday, December 8th, 2003
6:40 pm - Thank Loki for small mercies......
If I had a really cool-looking sword right now, half of the residents of my cute little home town would be dead.
Much cleaving and hacking and slaying and slitting and piercing is sorely missed.
I will now go lie down in a darkened room for a bit.
current mood: lusting for blood current music: Manowar - Hand Of Doom
6:28 pm - Oh, btw, apparently.....
![Lobo]( You are Lobo. Lobo is an alien humanoid being from the planet Czarnia. Born in the Earth year 1599, Lobo is 6'4", 250 pounds, with red eyes and black hair. Lobo is the last surviving member of his race, because he killed almost every other Czarnian on a whim one day. Lobo's favorite color is Sepucher Black. He is a man of his word, who would rather kill the promisee than renege. He also loathes the following: square jaws, goody-goodies, democracy, flags, the philosophy that Good will always triumph over Evil, short hair, brown shoes, Equality for Women, Equality for Men, basic rights, and most everything else that is commonly considered decent.
What Gritty No Nonsense Comic Book Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Kinda fits, really. How do they know?
current mood: aggressive current music: Kate Bush - Rocket Man
(1 windmill |Charge!)
5:58 pm - Wish upon a star, if that might help......
Work is pissing me off. People are pissing me off. Life is pissing me off. Chirstmas is pissing me off. Stuff is pissing me off.
I need to break the tension and relax. I need to ground myself.
Maybe I should take up pottery?
current mood: vitriolic current music: Godsmack - I Fucking Hate You
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