Stephen's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in -kast's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
    12:17 am
    Way too long.
    Anyhow.. done studying for the-test-that-wasted-5-days-of-my-life. I'm bitter. If you don't know the story behind my test tomorrow, feel free to ask.

    Mostly finished packing, too.

    Everything should go smoothly tomorrow. Hopefully I have enough gas to get me into georgia (where gas is about 15-30 cents cheaper).

    Now time to get well-rested for tomorrow. I should arrive in the Powder Springs area around 7 (that's my guess at least). I will be driving directly to Starbucks, as per usual. Then, if I can't find anything better to do, I'll head over and annoy Daniel during his D&D; game.


    Current Mood: Ready
    Current Music: Rage Against the Machine -- Born of a Broken Man
    Monday, November 24th, 2003
    7:16 pm
    Why'd I do it?
    I spent more money today. Bad, bad stephen.

    First, I bought a Dvd. Double Dragon. $5. Not bad for a dvd, though. Not the best movie, but I've always liked videogames-gone-movies (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, etc). That's really not so bad.

    Spent another $3 at Walmart on some fabric scraps.

    Then I brought it on myself to eat out again, as for some reason I was craving a milkshake. Not a good craving to have when driving by a Steak&Shake.; Oh well. It was good. Very good. Just not good on my wallet.

    Anyhow, off to watch my movie.

    Current Mood: irritated
    3:53 am
    Movie Review
    Here's what I get for watching a 2am movie on local tv.

    Well, I've yet to see the title of the movie. As far as I can tell, it's in the future in Russia. Russians are going around killing people over some new drug with guns that they forgot to take the orange tips off of.

    It's the kind of movie you can only watch in that state of semiconsciousness found at 2am.

    Wait.. here come the credits. Oh, no title there, either. I have no idea what it was called. Lame.

    During the past 2 hours, I've seen the new marines commercial about 50 times. It's every other commercial. Sometimes twice in a row. It's cool and all, very d&desque;, but I've seen it too much. I think there are only 4 or 5 commericals that've played the entire movie, come to think of it.

    Anyhow, I should've gone to bed hours ago.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Sunday, November 23rd, 2003
    11:32 am
    Erueka! (yes, another one)
    S You are very broad-minded.
    T You have an attitude, a big one.
    E You are a very exciting person.
    P You are very friendly and understanding.
    H You are not judgemental.
    E You are a very exciting person.
    N You like to work, but you always want a break.

    Anyhow, last night (as per usual), I woke up every 30 minutes or so. However, for some reason, each time, I just turned my head and fell back asleep. I ended up very well rested. I'm happy. I'm also hungry. But I actually have food, so that's easily solvable.

    Current Mood: hungry
    Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
    10:44 pm
    Eureka! (part deux)
    So yeah.. I got out.

    And since I hadn't eaten in 3 days(due to being sick and lack of household food), I treated myself to steak&shake.; Was very good.

    After that, went by the mall to look at movies, but nothing really caught my eye.

    Afterwards, I went and got some coffee. Because I hadn't had any recently. That's a good reason, isn't it? I mean.. a man's gotta have his caffeine. Right?

    Anyhow, started planning some stuff for nevia. Talked to Josh for a bit. Left after that to go buy groceries. Talked to Mika for a good bit on the way there. Hopefully planning a trip to WAR in January. Will be good.

    Anyways, got some groceries, then gave what money I had left into gas to get home.

    Now I'm home. Time to make dinner!

    Current Mood: hungry
    4:54 pm
    I do believe I've scrounged up enough to go somewhere. Off I go!

    Current Mood: happy
    4:36 pm
    I need to get out of the house.
    Hardcorelike, yo.

    Current Mood: sick
    11:40 am
    A memory
    I remember one night. It was warm out, and we were sitting around talking. We just had a great night togeather, and they started talking about our plans the next year.

    I sit back, thinking "next year? do they just assume nothing is going to change?"

    Maybe that thought is why things are the way they are now.

    Maybe it's all me. Was I so wrong in that thought? Should I be more accepting? If I were, would things be like they used to?

    Maybe it's because I've never had anything stable. I'm so against change, but I see everything as how it's going to change.

    Mike asked me the other day, "Do you view the world as a set of objects, or a set of rules?" And while he was talking about visual perception, perhaps it hits more close to home thinking about it as a mental perception of the world. If that's the case, I don't want to think anymore.

    A thought is a deadly thing. If so, then I should've been dead years ago.

    Current Mood: sick
    Friday, November 21st, 2003
    10:03 pm
    an update:

    A ended up leaving halfway through geology, ready to vomit. Came home, got worse, went to bed around 3ish. Woke up at 11 this morning, feeling a little better. Been taking it easy. Haven't eaten since wednesday. Starting to get a tad hungry, but there isn't much around the house. Waiting for Daniel to get back with some groceries, too.

    Talked to daniel a bit today, as well, so I wasn't bored outta my mind. Thanks, dan.

    Stopped to read over my friends page. doesn't look happy. makes me sad. then again, might be reminents of the virus still in my system.

    plus it's starting to get cold. cold is not good. no. it isn't.

    it isn't.

    Current Mood: hungry
    Thursday, November 20th, 2003
    10:46 am
    Check that..
    Come to think of it, I believe my poor mood may be a side effect of me being physically ill.

    Can't leave, though. I got a meeting I can't miss. Don't have time to stop by Thagard, either. Not until after 2:30.

    On a side note, I got my last myth paper returned. 86. I'm happy with it. Should put my average somewhere around a 90. Just gotta make sure I don't slack off for the final.

    Anyhow, I'm off like a rock to my geology lecture.

    Current Mood: sick
    7:38 am
    Why is it that every night I need to wake up for class in the morning I have a restless night? Every other day I sleep like a baby. Damn the father of Grey/wife of Vadene/father-in-law of Ivy/grandfather of Melody, Harmony, and Rythem.

    I'm in a not-so-great mood. I dunno why.

    I have too much I wanna do next week. Way not enough time. I hate having to pick and choose like this.

    Actually, I'm in a fairly bad mood. Make that a rather.. no.. a very bad mood.

    Current Mood: angry
    Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
    9:36 pm
    Plank.. err.. board... err.. bored.


    Went out, deposited my paycheck, got some coffee, picked up jennifer, went to the church, went where I wasn't allowed, dropped jennifer off, got donuts, got an avalance bar, got costuming, got more coffee, got home, forgot to get dinner.

    There's my day for ya! Enjoy!

    Current Mood: accomplished
    10:54 am
    Money is good...
    ...especially when you don't have any.

    Anyways, gonna go deposit my paycheck, then pick up jennifer to work on that architecture paper. Gah.

    On the bright side, it's an excuse to stop at starbucks and get my much needed caffeine.

    Then I'll come back and work on warming up to the kittens. Yay, kittens!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Tuesday, November 18th, 2003
    10:43 pm
    Keyser Soze.. one badass mothafucka.

    Just got done watching The Usual Suspects. Still an excellent movie.

    That's about all I got.

    Well, I did watch the kittens some more today. Oh how I wish I could get close to them!

    Current Mood: complacent
    8:03 am
    Grah, class!
    ...don't make me go.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Monday, November 17th, 2003
    11:51 pm
    Today could not be any more simple or enjoyable.

    For, you see, there is this wild cat that lives around our new house (Jupiter). She is still too skittish to get near us, but we've been feeding her since we moved here. Jupiter recently had kittens (a month or so ago? maybe less?). Today, I had the front door open, and the screen door closed, so I could have some fresh air. Like this, I had a full fiew of the front steps.

    For, you see, all day I watched the three most adorable kittens I've ever seen play on our front steps.

    Current Mood: content
    Sunday, November 16th, 2003
    11:11 am
    Lost in Webs
    Yesterday was a tad dull, as to be expected of any given saturday. Today's not looking much better.

    Did some more stuff in preperation for N3V14. But my comp crashed in the middle, so I should probably see how much of it was saved.

    Nothin else to report.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Friday, November 14th, 2003
    4:18 pm

    Anyhow, it's gonna be a long weekend. I really need to get out of the house, but I have nowhere to go/nothing to do. Such is life, I suppose. Still banned from Nero North Georgia, so can't go there either.

    What to do?

    Oh well. I've been working on Nevia stuff all morning, so I guess I'll keep doing that. I guess.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Thursday, November 13th, 2003
    11:46 pm
    Work schmurk. Nevia still lives?
    Today was long and tiring. I did do a little shopping after class though. Well, first I went to Starbucks and finished Salvatore's The Lone Drow. Then I picked up a few supplies for Nevia. Got home, and started working things out for the nevia event.

    Looks like december 20th for the event at the moment, but that won't be confirmed quite yet. Gotta check with a few things. I might try to have a second one on the 30th or something. We'll see.

    It's gonna be good, though. Or at least, that's the plan.


    Current Mood: tired
    2:52 pm
    It's teh D-Dawg's B-day.

    Go D-Dawg! q00t!

    Anyways.. I'm very very tired. But I got that paper done. Not the best peice of literature I've produced, but oh well. Now I get to start on another one. Yippee! -not!

    Current Mood: tired
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