Welcome to IMDb.com
The quote you see above is not us blowing our own horn. We're just trying to prepare you for what you're about to experience... the best movie site on the web. And not only that, with our latest redesign, we've become a lot more fun. Whether you're a casual movie fan or an info-junkie, we've got something for you. Who We AreThe Internet Movie Database (IMDb) was started in 1990 on the rec.arts.movies newsgroup by a group of movie fans. Before the first web browser was being widely distributed, it was a set of scripts and files that allowed you to build your own local copy of the database on your own Unix-based computer. Since then, the IMDb has grown exponentially and also gradually become easier to use. Our goal is to be the most fun and useful resource on the internet for movie fans around the world. With our improvements in the recent redesign, we've continued to move forward with that. In April 1998, the IMDb became a part of the Amazon.com family of companies. We are proud to be a part of Amazon.com, not because they're big or growing-fast, but because they live up to their goal of being the most customer-centered company on the internet and encourage our efforts to better serve our own visitors. What We HaveThe core of our site is our search capabilities. We catalog all sorts of information on over 250,000 movies made since the dawn of cinema plus even more on over 900,000 people who helped make them. That 900,000 includes over 500,000 actors and actresses, nearly 50,000 directors, over 70,000 writers and a wide variety of other folks from producers to gaffers and everything in between. Then we take all that information, organize it into a cool structure, and make it possible for you to easily search and browse through it... FOR FREE. We also have a growing collection of over 45,000 photos. Almost all services at the Internet Movie Database are free, be it searching the database, looking up movie showtimes, using our message boards, watching movie trailers or many of our other features. If you want, when you look up a movie, we'll even recommend others we and our users think you might like. On occasion we do require that you become a registered user of our site to use some features. Registering is free and allows us to set up certain personalized features of the site for you that we could not do otherwise. We know you value your privacy greatly and do all we can to ensure that it is protected. Check It OutWe encourage you to browse around our site and find out more about all we have to offer. We suggest checking out our guided tour and other links in the IMDb University Orientation Week section to help you find out more about all the fun and interesting stuff that's in store for you as you move around our site. Have fun! The IMDb Staff |